Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ The Setup ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"So thats how I want it to work and what I want it to look like." Tenchi finished after the last hour and a half of negotiations with Tsunami.

"Hmmmm, it will take a little time to get all the pieces needed." Tsunami explained

"How long?"

"At least 24 hours no more than 36"

"Thats cool. It will allow me time to set things up on my side. I should be able to collect what i need by then. Lets just say two days from now before dinner I'll meet you here to pick them up."

"Agreed, anything else on your mind?"

"Now that you mention it yes there is. I'll need the use of the spaceship tree Tsunami for a trip."

"Can I ask why, being you could always use Ryo-ohki or your powers?"

"Well one is the fact that Washu and Ryoko are linked to her. And the other is that I will need to talk to you about some things on the way. Plus it will give them time to be tested. The trip shouldn't take more than a week at the most. If every thing goes right it should only take three days."

"Is there any thing that i should have prepared ahead of time?"

"Yep tell the Jurai ship builders to build a copy of Tsunami but leave the command component and tree left out. Also have them prep a spot for Mayuka's tree next to mine. I'll be placing her tree during this trip."

"They have been informed. The ship tree will be completed in six days. Anything else?"

"Not as of yet, but there will be some once we get to Jurai. Small ones, One big one but small ones."

"I see. well I'm of to get the pieces" she starts to fade out

"Wait I forgot something." Tenchi said just before she was gone.

She faded back in "Hmmm?" Tenchi walked over to her and put his hand on the side of her face. She froze.

Tenchi kissed her lightly on the lips then walked the rest of the way back to the house saying over his shoulder "Thank you for your help. Remember Sasami is not to have your memories too, tell after this is over."

It was ten minutes later that Tsunami finally was able to move or even think straight. 'Yep that's one guy I won't be able to say no to. To bad he's my son. Then again I'll be able to have him if....' She said to herself with a smile. 'But only if....'

Tenchi stepped into the house laughing to himself 'this is going to be good, how come I never thought of this earlier?' he walked up to his room so he could change and take a quick bath before dinner. At dinner the gang was all there, talking about their day. As always a fight broke out but Tenchi stepped in this time. "Stop it now!"

"But..." Ryoko and Ayeka said together.

"But nothing! This has gone to far, both of you go to your rooms now!" Everyone froze as they saw two of Tenchi's light-hawk wings. One pointing at each girl "And stay there till I come and talk to you. Is that clear?!" They both nodded in fear "I can't hear you."

"Yeah its clear." said Ryoko as she faded away

"It is very clear lord Tenchi." as Ayeka walked to her room.

'Perfect, now I will have time with each one alone with out any interruptions.' "Gram pa, I have a request."

"Yes Tenchi?"

"Tomorrow's training can we start it at noon?"

"I don't see why not. Is there a reason for it to be that early?"

"Yes because the training that will go down is one I have been looking for for a long time and I feel ready for it. Mihoshi I would like it very much if you were there. Bring your cube with you, when you come please."

"Sure." said Mihoshi

"Little Washu can I talk to you in your lab after dinner?"


"Sasami can you make a plate for Ryoko and Ayeka so I can take to them when I go to talk to them Please."

"Sure coming right up" Sasami got up and went in the kitchen to fix the plates.


Washu's lab

"so what did you want to talk about Tenchi?" still scared from what happened at dinner.

"I've decided to give you that final sample, miss Washu." Tenchi stated.

"Little Washu!"

"Miss Washu"


"Miss or you don't ever get it." explained Tenchi

"Ok ok ok miss it is. So I can have it now?"


"But you said I could have it one minute ago." she said with a few sniffs "Your so mean."

"I said 'I've decided to give it to you' not 'you can have it now'. Anyway if you want that sample your going to have to earn it."

"What do you mean earn it? What do I have to do to 'earn it'"

"Come to the shrine tomorrow at noon and be prepared to earn your sample." Tenchi turned to go out of the lab. After opening the door to leave "You may have to fight for that sample so I suggest you get plenty of sleep." with that he stepped out of the lab and closed the door.

"I'm finally going to get that sample. Yes yes yes yes, wait a minute what did he mean fight for that sample? Well who cares my experiments will finally be completed once I get that sample." she said as she went to her room to get that sleep that Tenchi said she will need.


Ayeka's room

After collecting the plates for the girls and checking on Mayuka, Tenchi decided to go to Ayeka's room first thinking Ryoko will be the hardest to work on so he will need more time on her. Knocking at her door "Ayeka it's me Tenchi can I come in?"

"A-ah y" sniff "yes lord Tenchi" Ayeka said. Tenchi went in the room and wasn't to shocked at what he saw. She was in the middle of the room on her hands and knees bowed as low as she could with her forehead on her hands "Tenchi please forgive me I'm sorry for fighting. I'll do any thing that I have to do to have your forgiveness."

'Oh, sweeeet didn't have to do anything and got what I want. But I think I'll make her sweat some.' "Ayeka I may never forgive the two of you for it; this time. I've told you two too many times to stop the fighting but you keep doing it. How am I suppose to trust you if you will not do what I ask? Tell me,is that how you show your love for someone. If that person can't trust you, how do you expect that person to love you?" with that last statement Ayeka started to cry her heart out. She Knew that he was saying the truth. 'Gotcha' "You know Ayeka there is a way for you to earn some of my trust back." Ayeka slowly stop crying.

"There is?

"Yep, do you want to know."

"Yes please, I'll do anything. Anything to earn your love."

"Good, first you will learn to respect everyone in this house. Don't worry she will be told this as well. Second, tomorrow at noon you will be at the shrine in full battle gear ready to fight for that trust and love you want."

"Yes lord Tenchi. As you wish lord Tenchi"

"Good, now here is your dinner after finishing this get your sleep you will need it." he places the food in front of her and turns for the door. "Good night sweet Ayeka." with that he left before she could say a word.


Ryoko's room

'This is going to be rough' "Can I come in?" Tenchi said as he knocked on her door.

"Sure" she said with a few sniffs. Tenchi walked in her room and closed and locked the door. Ryoko was in the fetal position on her bed so he sat at the end of the bed and handed her the food.

"Here, I had Sasami put a plate together for you and Ayeka." She took it and started to eat slowly "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that but ..." he started to say.

"No, we deserved it." She stopped him shaking her head. "If we would just listen to you and stop fighting you wouldn't have had to. I love you so much Tenchi, it hurts me to know that I keep breaking your trust but I will try as hard as I can not to break your trust and win your love."

"Really, you really mean that. That your going to put everything you have in trying to earn back my trust and my love?" 'Damn this is way to easy.'

"Yes that is the truth. If that is what I have to do. That is what I must do."

"Good." with that he got up and put his hand on the side of her face and kissed her on the lips and went to the door. "There is a lot more where that came from but you have to earn it to get it, so finish eating and get your sleep my angel. Oh yeah, be at the shrine tomorrow at noon ready to fight for that love and trust you want." he said while closing the door. Five minutes later Ryoko finally was able to move so she could finish her food.

Tenchi walked downstairs and saw Sasami reading on the couch. "Sasami I have a favor for you ...."