Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Phase one ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

Phase one -

It was a very nice morning at the Masaki residence. Ayeka, Washu, Mihoshi, and Ryoko were in the onsen taking their morning baths. Sasami was cooking brunch and also preparing Mayuka's travel bag for the upcoming event. She finished the food preparations then started with the medical supplies. The typical resupplying of the 1st aid kit, Iv's, and the like.


9:30am Onsen

Ryoko 'I wonder why he wants me to be ready to fight at noon?'

Washu "Well your not the only one that has to be there at noon, you know."

"What?!" both Ryoko and Ayeka screamed

"Oh yeah thats true. I'll be there and also gram pa. But Washu why are you going to be there?" Mihoshi asked.

"Tenchi said that I had to be there also. Ayeka how about you, are you suppose to be there too?" Washu asked with a sly smile

"Yes, lord Tenchi had ask me to be there and to be ready to fight for... Never mind." she said

"Fight for what princess? for Tenchi's love and trust? Because if it is for that I'm the one that's going to get it princess."

"well if you have to know demon yes, that is what I'm going to fight for."

"Hmm, you two are fighting for his love and trust. I'm fighting for that last sample and Mihoshi is fighting cause he asked her to." explained Washu

"It looks like we get to have our final fight for Tenchi princess." Ryoko said while cracking her knuckles.

"Yes it does, And know this demon, I will not be holding back this time."

"Neither will I Princess."
Ryoko and Ayeka were in a stare down with sparks flying between them when Sasami came in. "Thats a no; no you two, If you fight before noon it is an automatic disqualification. Now get out of the bath and come down and eat all of you." with that she left.


11:00 Living room

"I wander were Tenchi is. He wasn't here to eat?" asked Ryoko

"He is preparing the shrine for the fight." says Sasami

"How do you know this?" asked Ryoko.

"Easy, he told me this morning and he also gave me some instructions that I'm suppose to give you all once we get to the shrine so let's go."


11:30 Shrine

"Ok, now that everyone is here let's get started." Sasami says once the group makes it to the practice spot. "First off is the rules of this exercise. Anything goes kicking, punching, missiles, etc.. The only no no's are no hitting an unconscious person and no killing. Second there have been a few changes to the line up. Ayeka you are to call Azaka and Kamidake they are to participate in this also."

"Azaka, Kamidake." the two guardians appear next to Ayeka. "It looks like lord Tenchi wants you two to join this exercise with the rest of us."

"As you wish mam"

Sasami walked in front of Mihoshi "Mihoshi let me see your cube." Mihoshi handed it over. Sasami spun it a few times and Mihoshi's power armor appeared. "Mihoshi due to the power difference you will use this so it will be fair." after saying that; she walked away from her towards Tenchi's grandfather.

"What power difference?" Asked Mihoshi. Everyone except for Sasami's face faulted only because she knew she was going to say something like that.

"And this is for you gram pa." Sasami handed him Tenchi-ken "Little Washu I have a few requests."

"Hmm?" Washu said. "What is it, Sasami?"

"First I need you to activate all you monitoring systems. Second I need you to set up a system so I can transport the injured off the field when needed. Third and most important is that you have to deactivate your ability to use your halo-pad during this. You can reactivate your halo-pad after this is over and yes you get to keep a copy of all data collected as long as Tenchi gets a copy as well."

"That shouldn't be a problem." Washu tells Sasami. Her halo-pad appears and she types a few commands "Done."

"Thank you." Sasami started to go through a mental checklist 'Washu check, Mihoshi check, Gram pa check, Ayeka check, Tenchi...' "Oh yeah forgot one thing. Your opponent isn't each other its Tenchi." everyone had a surprised look on their faces. "It's all of you vs. Tenchi. If you guys win you get what you want if you lose...." she just shrugged her shoulders then looked at her watch. Everyone watched Sasami walk over to the side and sit in a floating chair next to Ryo-ohki and Mayuka who was in a car-seat. They all watched as she hit a button and a bubble shield formed over them and they rose in the air to clear the field of play. As they were rising in the air Sasami's watch beeped 12:00 noon.


12:00 Shrine

As if on cue Tenchi exploded out of the trees. He was wearing his light-hawk armor with his light-hawk sword in his left hand. Before anyone could react to him he fired five bolts from his right hand. Then he engaged his gram pa. First two hit Azaka and Kamidake sending both flying back into the trees 40 ft away. The third landed at the feet of Washu and Ryoko tossing them 15ft in different directions. The fourth hit Ayeka's shield and propelled her into Azaka. The last shot went at Mihoshi, She dodged the shot by jumping up and doing a back flip. While in mid-air she let loose 3 missiles at Tenchi. When she landed she rushed forward.

Tenchi was engaged with his gram pa, parrying, slashing, dodging, and blocking. He felt the missiles coming and teleported behind them. Yosho knocked down two of them but the last one did a terminal attack when it lost its target. It hit the ground 2ft in front of him which tossed him 5ft. Mihoshi engaged Tenchi and was holding her own when Washu and Ryoko finally got up and both fired almost at the same time. Almost being the key, there was a 0.25 second time difference just enough time for Tenchi. As the shots came in one light hawk wing formed and deflected the shots up; then the other formed and redirected the shots back at them. (Washu's arriving first was redirected at Ryoko and then Ryoko's was redirected at Washu) Hitting them and sending them both 50ft back into the trees.

Ayeka had seen this and saw that Tenchi moved to fast for her blocks to form up to hold him. She decided on a plan. "Azaka Kamidake" the guardians appeared "Azaka team up with Washu and Kamidake you team up with Ryoko support and defend. Work in groups of two don't separate from your partner. We need to drag this fight out as long as we can to wear Him down then Ryoko can finish it. She is the key to victory for us. We need to buy her about 4 hours 37 minutes no less. Now go." after saying that she went to Yosho's side to do the same as the guardians.

"Yes your highness." at that,they did as told. With this new configuration they were able to hold their own with Tenchi for 3 hours 40 minutes before the first from their side fell. The only problem was it was Ayeka and Yosho that fell. Tenchi had redirected some shots from Mihoshi at Yosho which pushed him back just enough to leave an opening for Tenchi to take a shot at Ayeka. Tenchi rushed forward, and used one of his light-hawk-wings to keep Yosho off him and used the other two to open a hole in her defense so he could shoulder block her in the mid section. As she started to fly off he grabbed her leg and swung her at Yosho. Tenchi hit him with her and then he let go of her. The two flew into a tree knocking both out.

"Sasami" said Tenchi as he picked up Tenchi-ken from the ground.

"Yes?" asked Sasami

"Transport my gram pa and Ayeka please."

"You got it." she hit a button and Yosho and Ayeka teleported to Washu's lab for treatment from the waiting med robots.

Without Ayeka's command and control their organization and coordination slipped. Because of this; the next casualty happen five minutes later. Those casualties just happen to be Asake, Washu and Kamidake. The plan was for Ryoko and Washu to fire bolts at Tenchi but spaced far enough apart that would force him to use his lh-wings to defend their shots. Then have Asaka and Kamidake fire their shots from a different angle about one second after they fired theirs. There was only one flaw in Washu's plan. As planed Mihoshi engaged Tenchi and distracted him. Ryoko, Washu, Azaka, and Kamidake fired their shots as planned. Just as planned Tenchi defended the first two shots deflecting them at Azaka and Kamidake. As Asaka's and Kamidake's shots came in Washu realized something 'there is something wrong, I don't know, what it is but there is something wrong.' Then that's when she finally noticed the blue blade in Tenchi's hand but how could that be? When it was Yosho who was suppose to have it. When did he manage to get Tenchi-ken? That means. "Oh god no!" She couldn't turn her eyes from where the shots where to hit Tenchi. When the shots appeared to be one foot away the third and final light-hawk-wing appeared to her shame. *I'm suppose to be the greatest scientist in the galaxy how can this be? How did I miss that, how come somebody like me miss something so simple as the color change in his sword. Knowing it signified that he had use of the third wing once again.* As she was thinking that the shots reflected right at her. *I hope using all my energy and all my reserve I can put up a shield to stop this* *You know you only have enough to stop one but there are two. And you are suppose to be the greatest scientist in the whole galaxy!* Washu's world went black. The next thing Washu saw was the roof of her lab and Sasami's face hanging above her.

Ryoko after firing her shot rushed at Tenchi and he had also started to come her way. Then it happened, here link with Washu just disappeared. With alarm she spun to look were Washu was to see what happened. Bad tactical mistake. It was the opening Tenchi needed to end this fight. He slashed in like a bat out of hell and deactivated his blade. While Ryoko was distracted he slammed Tenchi-ken into her stomach which caused her to lose her breath and then it shocked her making her blackout for ten seconds. She slammed into the ground with Tenchi standing over her ready to knock her out of the exercise. But Mihoshi was able to get there in time to get him off her.

Tenchi knew that if he didn't end this soon he was going to pass out do to fatigue. So he broke contact with Mihoshi. As she tried to come back in he grabbed one of the wings and threw it at her just as he did when he fought Kagato. It hit her in the mid-section causing her to fold over. He had the other two strike her in the sides as he came forward and delivered a devastating attack. 'That attack looked like a 32 hit ultra combo Tenchi dropped on me when he used Jago the last time we played. I know Mihoshi is going to feel that one in the morning.' thought Sasami. Mihoshi slammed into a tree and her power armor came apart.

Ryoko was dizzy her vision was blurred and her energy level was really low. She barely knew where she was until she saw Mihoshi getting worked. She rushed to get to her aid but was too late. She was mad at herself because she didn't get there in time to help Mihoshi like Mihoshi was there for her. She saw Mihoshi's face just before she was transported away and saw her mouth moving trying to say "I'm sorry I failed..." Mihoshi passed out before finishing what she was saying.

Ryoko was enraged and attacked. Tenchi went on the defensive to weather the storm. He knew that it was now or never. So when she went for a overhead slash he deactivated his blade and dodged to her left. While doing that he grabbed her waist and he spun around to her back. With this accomplished he placed Tenchi-ken at the base of her skull to shock her unconscious. He held on to her as she went out. "Ok Sasami transport Ryoko and go and make sure everyone is doing ok. Go ahead and wake Washu so she can tell you what you need to do. I'll be in once I clean up around here." Once Ryoko was transported to the lab, Tenchi left to go clean up the mess that had been caused.

"You got it Tenchi." Sasami said.


Washu's lab

"Little Washu?" Washu opened her eyes to Sasami's voice. "I need your help." she pointed to the rest of the group. Everyone of them on a table just like she was except Mihoshi who was in a regenerating chamber.

"Oh ok" said Washu. It took five minutes to clear her head enough to think straight but once she did; the two got to work fixing up everyone.


Dinner Table

Dinner only had four members ( the rest were recovering in the lab ). Tenchi, Ryo-ohki, Sasami, and baby Mayuka were all eating.

"Did Washu have any problems with anyone's injuries?" Tenchi asked Sasami.

"Hmm? Oh no, just minor sprains, bruises, concussions and cuts on everyone except Mihoshi."

Afraid of what the answer would be, he still asked Sasami. "How bad is Mihoshi?"

"Four broken ribs, sprained knee, pulled muscles in her back, and a broken arm. Washu says she will be fine by tomorrow at dinner time. She just won't be able to anything for at least two weeks with that arm." Tenchi winced at the damage he had caused Mihoshi.

"I'm going to have to apologize to her for that. Any way Sasami."


"Thank you for your help in this."

"Ohhh, it's ok." she said blushing

"Sasami there is going to be a meeting after dinner tomorrow. there is something I want you to wear in a brown bag in your room, change into it after we have dinner tomorrow. You're to wear that and only that during that time. You will understand why at that time. Please."

'Sure thing Tenchi." the rest of the day and most of the next day was relativity quiet. Tenchi managed the shine for his grandpa. The rest of the group slowly emerged from the lab throughout the day.



Tenchi was in the main office when his grandpa showed up.

"Tenchi." Kasuhito said.

"Yes grandpa?"

"That was a interesting training that you had set up. I was just wondering did you get all your questions answered?"

"Actually I did. W-what h-how did you know?"

Kasuhito smiled "Just as I thought you did have a reason for your actions. So what did you find?" he asked with a smirk.

"Respect and trust is what I found. There were more things but I will reveal those things after Dinner tonight."

"Oh I see, So it looks like there is going to be a lot of fireworks tonight."

"I say there will be some but I need a favor from you if I can ask?"

"Let me hear it and I can tell you if I can do as you ask."

"Well I'm going on a trip for a couple of days. During that time there will be some things happening to the girls and I need you to keep a close eye on them. Especially after the third day I'm gone. Nerves will be very thin around here and I was hoping you could try to Keep them straight till I can get back. To settle things back down."

"I see, and how goes your decision?"

"I have made my decision and that is why I'm taking this trip. To set things straight and for the girls to make their decision. I want to give them that time to make the right one. One with the heart not the mind. The mind might say yes but the heart may have doubts."

"You have grown to be a wise man Tenchi. Sometimes Thickheaded but wise now and then."

"Thank you grandpa." Tenchi turned to leave "I would like it if you were there. So can I expect you to be there then?"

"Yes you may."

"One last thing."


"I would like to show Ayeka the truth about you. It's the only way I can get a true answer from her."

"So how did you find out about me?"


"Then yes you may. It's about time I was going to put this old man to rest once again, soon anyway."

"Thank you grandpa." Tenchi left the shrine to go to where he was to meet Tsunami.



Every member of the house was present. Tenchi's dad had come home for the weekend. Kyone had come back from a class that she had been taking at the galaxy police HQ. And everyone else was finally out of Washu's lab even Mihoshi who still had a cast on her arm. Tenchi had apologized to every one for hurting and injuring them.

"Girls I'm sorry for what I've done and to make it up I have something for all of you. After dinner I'll give it to you."


30 minutes later

Everyone had gathered to see what Tenchi was going to give them. Sasami had went upstairs to change as Tenchi had asked earlier. Everyone was in waiting with anticipation. Tenchi came in the room with two boxes one black and a smaller blue box.

"Kyone and Mihoshi, the two of you have been good friends to me and my family. To us you have even become part of this family. Your gifts are in this Blue box it is something I thought the two of you deserved a long time ago, so here." Tenchi opened the box and handed the two a badge and a patch each. "As of today you have been officially permanently assigned to this sector of space to be headquartered here on earth. Also you both are promoted to the rank of Captain to which you'll be co-post commanders of this sector. You will receive your first subordinates in two weeks time." everyone was in shock. They both looked at the badges and the patches and then each other and promptly passed out.

"Tenchi how did you do that this is a Jurai protected zone?" asked Ayeka

"That it is but all it takes is a Jurain royal family member to demand that GP set a permanent station to keep the likes of Kagato, Dr. Clay, and others like that from coming to the area again. Then drop some well placed names..." he shrugged his shoulders. There were some laughs. "Now tho the rest of you. What I have here in this box is something that the rest of you want and don't want. It holds your dreams. That means your fantasies and your nightmares. Your heart will determine which it holds. There is one for each of you, Ayeka, Ryoko, Sasami, Washu, and also Ryo-ohki. Ayeka you first, will you step forward please." she does "Ayeka two days ago you showed me that in a pressure situation you could keep your calm and your head. You also showed that you had a great command presence and an ability to get the most out of those who have decided to follow you. You were able to trust those around you with no question and you showed them that they could trust you too. For that I give you my trust and this." he opens the box to reveal five smaller boxes each with the name of each of the girls on it. He handed her the one with her name on it.

"Thank you, lord Tenchi" then she sat down

"Little Washu your up next. You have proven to be a trusting person when you want to be and a un-trust worthy person at other times but as with Ayeka you have proven the ability to get others to trust you and also you trusting them. So this is yours." Washu stepped up and grabbed hers then it happened. As she touched hers she went from her normal 12 year old look to about the look of a 21 year old. "As I said before miss Washu, I think it is about time for you to grow-up and take the responsibility of your actions. Tsunami has assure me that the memories that you have lost or have forgotten on purpose will return to you over the next 7 days."

"So that's how you did that Tsunami help you do this." she sat down also

Ryo-ohki was next; hers went just like Washu's did she also grew. She now looked like a 17 year old. "Washu I was wondering if you could help Ryo-ohki be able to talk like the rest of us.

"That shouldn't be that hard. I'll get to it in the morning."

"Thank you. Ryoko you have shown us all that you trust us and that we can trust you. You have even shown the ability to respect and follow others even if you and the other don't like each other much. You have also tried your best to fit in even if it was strange to you. You have been a big sister to some, a daughter to other, and even like a sister even if neither of you want to admit it. So this is for you." Ryoko touched her's and something started to glow on her wrist and neck. She felt both places and was shocked to find the other two gems. "I trust you so I have returned to you what belongs to you."

She jumped him "Thank you" Kiss "Thank you" kiss "You don't know how much this means to me." kiss

"Ryoko stop this instant don't..." Ayeka was fuming

"What, you could have done this to him you know" she said as she got off Tenchi and went to sit back down.

Sasami stepped forward wearing shorts that were three sizes to big and a black button up shirt that looked like it could have fit Tenchi. "Sasami what are you wearing? asked Ayeka

"She is wearing what I had asked her to wear for this event." Tenchi answered for her

"Oh, and why have you asked her to wear something like that?"

"In due time, in due time. Sasami yours is given to you because of your kind heart and you devotion to what you know is right. Here." Sasami touched it and like Washu and Ryo-ohki she grew. She went from a lovable 10 year old to a 5 ft 9 inch goddess 40 28 36 with an ass to go with them ta ta's. SHe had that perfect s curve look from the side. Nice toned look to the legs. Those big shorts now were dassie dukes and the shirt barely could hold her. 'Daaaaaammmmmn' All the fellahs had nose bleeds. Both Tenchi's dad and grandfather were getting weak from blood lost. Tenchi was just starting to have one. "Y-Yo-you and Tsunami have now joined on all levels but mentally that will take about seven days for that to happen. Once it has finish you will be one with her but separate from her. You will still be who you are but you will also be her as well." All was fine with Tenchi until she spoke.

"Oh god I've finally got breasts. Thank you Tenchi." She had said that with a voice that could make a straight woman think about it. She then proceed to sit on Tenchi's lap and give him a deep kiss then went back to her seat. There were no complaints from the other girls because they themselves had nose bleeds and became to weak to do anything because of her voice.

It took 20 minutes before Tenchi could regain any control of himself before he was able to talk again. "Now that is over here is the reason for these gifts. I have made my decision where it comes to the five of you in those boxes is my answer. I'm going on a trip with Mayuka, we will be gone for about six to seven days. During this time I hope that all of you will be able to come up with the answer to this question I have."

"What is this question that you have Tenchi?" asked Ryoko

"Do you really love me? Is the Question. Before you say anything I have to say something." All the girls closed their mouths. "I don't want to hear the answer now I'll see and hear it and feel it when I get back. An answer now will be one from the mind not from the heart. I want you to spend the next seven days thinking about that question and also this. My wife will have to respect, treat and love the other wives as a sister. You will always put this family first. Meaning if let's say for instance; if it was this family or Jurai, it is us then Jurai. I want you all to think about this over this time. One last thing, please don't open the boxes till I come back. Any questions?

"How come your leaving?" asked Sasami

"Mayuka and my self have to take care of some unfinished business. That is all the info I can give you at this time. And before you ask no you can't come it will be unsafe for anyone other than the two of us."

"when do you leave Tenchi?" asked Ryoko who was pouting

"In ten minutes."

"Naaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!????????" they all said

"Yes that is correct." Tsunami said as she appeared next to Tenchi

"What do you have to do with this Tsunami?" asked Sasami

"Tenchi had asked if I would take him to where he is going so I'm taking him." Tenchi then said his goodbye's and kissed each of them before going upstairs to get his and Mayuka's things for the trip.



"I'll be back in seven days, and when I do I'll be ready to marry you all." Thats when the spaceship tree Tsunami came out of subspace. You won't be able to follow us so don't try please. This needs to be done with no distractions or this could be bad for us all. If you ever need to talk to me and it better be very important have Sasami contact Tsunami." As he was being transport to the ship "Ayeka that is the other part of my gift." Tenchi pointed. Everyone looked at where Tenchi was pointing and instead of the old man that they where use to it was a young Yosho. Ayeka spun around to Tenchi and there was nothing. No ship no nothing. Ayeka's heart hurt bad she has finally heard Tenchi say he loved her and now she sees the face of the man she has love for most of her life.