Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Phase two - 1 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.

Phase two - 1

"Ayeka" called Tenchi. "There is the other part of your gift"

She looked to where he was pointing, what she saw instead of the old brother she was accustomed to see, since she came to the Masaki house, she sees the young man that she had loved for most of her life. *Why? I thought he was old, he told me he was old and couldn't marry me. That is why he pushed me towards Tenchi, how could he lie to me why, why, why,* she then looked back to where Tenchi was to find nothing; neither Tenchi or Tsunami the ship tree where there. She began to cry she couldn't understand what was going on, looking at her brother Yosho "Why brother?" was all she could say.

Everyone except Washu and Sasami were shocked at the way he looked."Ayeka....I" Yosho started to say, but Ayeka on hearing his voice which sounded just like the way she remembered she started to go in shock and run to the house and up the stairs to her room. In the meantime Yosho tried to explained to everyone why he had been in disguise before and why he had stop using it now.

2 hours later

Sasami was knocking at Ryoko's door. "Ryoko"
"Yes, Sasami." answer Ryoko
"Can I sleep here tonight? I think Ayeka needs to be alone for a while"
"Sure, kiddo oops sorry, about that you are no longer a little kid" She said while opening the door.
"You can still call me that if you want, I'm still younger than you are Ryoko and I still see you as a big sister."
"Sure thing, kid" they both got ready for bed when Ryoko asked Sasami "Hey kid, doesn't it bother you that you will no longer have a childhood now that you have merged with Tsunami?"
Sasami responded "Yes, but then again I 've been merged with her ever since Kagato; but you all treated me like I was still a little girl and I thank you all for that."
"So, how come you have decided to grow up now?" asked Ryoko
"I didn't the gift Tenchi gave me did it, the same thing happen to Washu and to Ryo-ohki also, remember?"
"That is true but, I wonder what is in it. It must be something very important. I want to open it but...Tenchi asked us not to open it."
"That is true, they way I see it I'll get to find out what is in it once Tenchi gets back in a week I can wait" said Sasami.
"True, but why did Tenchi say for us not to follow him? And that the boxes hold our dreams?"
"Oh well, we can talk to Washu tomorrow to find out what she thinks, good night Ryoko"
"Good night, kid"

Next morning...

Washu. "Are you ready to be able to talk like the rest of us Ryo-ohki?"
"miya, miya" she said
"Good, it is going to take some time though. So let's get to work, lay down."

In the meantime someplace else.....

Tenchi calls to "Tsunami"
"Yes, Tenchi"
"I have a request"
"What is it?"
Tenchi tells Tsunami his request. "Everything you see, hear, and do for the next seven days; needs to stay here, no one else needs to know. can you please do that?"
"Alright, Tenchi"
"That also means,Sasami as well is not to know till after this is over please!"
"you got it Tenchi"

5 minutes later....

On the far side of Jurai (opposite from the palace) Tsunami came out of the fold. The ship landed in a large lake. There was nothing but a large forest in all directions. very few Jurian's ever came to this side of the planet. Most that have had never come back.


"Yes" the emperor questions.
"My lord reports say that the Ship Tsunami is back on Jurai."
"It's back?" * but why, it has never come back here unless...* "Where is it?"
"That is the thing my lord its on the far side of Jurai"
"That's right my lord, we picked it up once it came out of fold. The ship has landed on the far side it's been there for the last 1/2 hour. But there hasn't been any activity since it landed"
"have we been able to make contact?"
"No we have not, I've got some units heading that way as we speak"
"Good, the last thing we need is that ship to be lost to us. Send three battleships as well to provide cover for those units"
"As you wish, my lord"

On the far side...

"Tenchi" Tsunami calls. "It looks like the emperor is sending some units over her to check out why this ship is here"
"Hmm, How long and how many?"
"There are 3 battleships, 15 minutes from here, before they fly over and position themselves and 6 hours before the ground units reach us."
"Alright, after I get off I want you to take Tsunami's ship back in subspace. I'll call you as soon as am done here."
*would have preferred to have the ship here but I don't need the Jurians ships snooping around while I'm here.*
"I will also need those things I had asked for earlier"
She hands Tenchi the things he had requested.
"Thank you Tsunami, if every thing goes well I will only take 1 hour if not, no more than 4 hours."
"Ok, Tenchi" *be careful*

Meanwhile at the palace.....

"There has been some changes"
"What do you mean"
"The battleships were so close and all of the sudden Tsunami lifted off then disappeared into subspace"
"Hmm.. have those ships stay there and get those ground units over there now! I want a search & scan done now!"
"At once, My lord"

Tenchi and Mayuka appeared in a dark cave there was a little light. The light was from one source none other than from a tree on the far side of the cave.
"Look Mayuka, that is your mother's tree and soon, you will have yours" Tenchi whispers slowly to Mayuka.

5 minutes later....

"Well, hello again"

The trees' light beams came from its leaves.
"No, I'm not here to destroy you, at least not yet"
"I have a proposition for you"
"I know you are going to die without a master"
" And I know your master has to be one from the dark side so my proposition is: that you bond with my daughter Mayuka
since she is part of your old master"

The tree declined Tenchi's proposition.

"What do you mean no! You don't have a choice and time is running out for you soon you will loose your powers"

still the tree refused...

"Let's negotiate so, we both get what we want will you do that? Yes, good. This is what I want out of this"

3 hours later....

"AHHH! This is going nowhere!"
"I tried to be nice, but you wouldn't go with my plans so.."
Tenchi reached into his bag and pulled out some things, he put on an apron, two cooking mittens and a tool belt. Then he pulled out a can of lighter fluid and a box of matches, he then turn around to where Mayuka was and ask her.

"Hey Mayuka, how about some B.B.Q. ribs for lunch?" Mayuka started to laugh and clap her tiny hands. Tenchi began to check his list for the ribs. "let's see, rib's check, B.B.Q. supplies check, wood for the fire....both Tenchi and little Mayuka looked at each other and then turned to look at the tree of darkness and smiled "check"
A big sweat drop formed on the tree beams came from every branch. The tree had decided to change it's mind and told Tenchi that it will cooperate with him.

"Oh, is that right. Well, there has been some changes to the deal..."