Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Kotetsu verite ❯ Phase two - 2 ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tenchi and all associated characters are the property of AIC and Pioneer LDC. I don't own any rights to them at all. Any other characters are property of their respective copyright holders, not me.


"My lord, Reports show that Tsunami has came out off subspace and is headed to the palace under guard from the battleships that were stationed on the far side of Juri."

"Good, have we been able to raise it yet?"

"Yes my lord, Lord Tenchi is aboard it and is visiting some sights on Juri with his daughter."

*What is that boy up to.* "Did he say anything else?"

"Yes my lord, he said he was sorry for not informing us ahead of time that he was going to be doing this and he'll be leaving in a few minutes."

"Tell him that is ok, and to have a nice trip back." *That boy is up to something and I know it*

"Yes my lord."

On board Tsunami

Tenchi "I don't think he believes it."

Tsunami "I don't see why not."

"That man doesn't like me he wouldn't let something like that go that easy."


The tree ship Tsunami folded out of orbit.

Experimental docking slip Alpha-Delta-343

"Yo Rensi"

"Yeah Genoni, what do you want?"

"What did you think you were doing making that ship?" Genoni said pointing to the undersized battleship (oversized battle cruiser).

"Oh that, well I keep remembering about that the dreadnought constructions were coming. So...."

"So what?"

"So I made a scaled down model of one and gave it the firepower of a super dreadnought." He put up a screen that had a layout of the weapon systems. 4 x light, 1 x med, 2 x heavy torpedoes, 48 x med, 8 x heavy lasers, 2 x grazers, and to top it all off one heavy Plasma canon.

"Nnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!? You gave that little ship that much firepower?"

"Yes but there was a problem with space so I had to cut all of its defenses and most armor to get it to fit in."

"So what your saying is that it has a monster punch but it has a glass jaw?"

"Kind of."


"Hey it sounded like a good idea at first. Hell if you could get it some kind of defense it would be almost unstoppable. No problems with power supply either."

"Yeah right, well lets look at what it can d......" at that moment alarms when off everywhere. Before they could do anything all power except life support went out. All communication was jammed and what made it worse is that they were the only ones at that docking slip scheduled to be there for the next 2 years. They didn't see who it was that took the ship but one thing they did see scared them. 8 guardian logs and they were dark not light in color. The ship left the slip and was getting ready to fold when the power came back up. They tried to fire on the ship with torpedoes but each were picked off as they were launched. The ship banked up to show its top.

"Oh goddess help us." sad Rensi


"That ship can fire all its weapons directly above and below it." as he spoke every weapon fired ( all but the 4 light torpedoes only because they have a minimum firing range of 2 light seconds for controlled flight under that its ballistic. Straight ahead of the ship.) All of the docking slip except the living quarters, mess, sick bay, and rec room was destroyed.

"And to think."

"What surprises do you have for me now?"

"That was with training rounds and energy settings at low"

"Oh god what did you do."


"Get me the commander of the task group 647-Alpha!" Screamed Azusa.

"My lord, you wanted me?"

"Yes, I want you down on that planet Earth and bring my daughters back now!!!!!"

"Yes my lord."

"If anyone tries to stop you arrest them. Also bring that son of mine too."

"As you wish my lord"