Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Tenchi Girls Fantasys ❯ Chapter 2

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Gene> Ah, that was a good break. And best of all, no lemon sequences yet! :)
Kazuya> And even better, I dont have to sit through the rest.
Akane> And I do. Hooray.
Chaos> Its not that bad. Or maybe it is. Maybe Im just used to it.
Trowa> Great pep talk there.
Kiyone> (whispering to Akane) Watch out for Gene.
Akane> (whispering) I can handle him. Heh heh heh.
Chaos> I wonder what those two were talking about?
Gene> Lets go, I want to see the end of this fic!
All> (files into theater)(sits down in order of Trowa, Kiyone, Chaos, Gene, Akane)
A few minutes later I slowly opened my eyes. I saw King Tenchi and Mihoshi. I got up and looked around. I was okay. I was wearing my armor. How?

"What… what happen?" I asked.

Chaos> Someone set us up the bomb.
Akane> What you say??

"You died." Mihoshi said sadly.

"What?" I said.

Gene> You died, stupid.

"You are a clone now." Mihoshi said.

Chaos> (singing) I think Im a clone now! Theres always two of me, just a-hangin' around!

"A… a… a clone?"

Trowa> I think its been nailed into the ground that she is, in fact, a clone.

"It was the only way to save you," King Tenchi said.

Kiyone> (Fic Kiyone) Or you could have let me die with honor while in action, but this works too.
Chaos> Stupid uncaring bastard.

I looked at my hands. I knew he was right.

Chaos> Last I checked, a clone was a perfect genetic copy. Memories and many personality traits would not be carried on to the new copy.
Others> O_o
Gene> I hate it when he acts smart. It scares the shit outta me. *whack*
Akane> Watch the language.
Chaos> Oh god, this might be worse than saying Hat for everything...

"Please don't cry," King Tenchi said. "You caught Ryoko and you killed her duplicate."

I nodded. I looked and saw Ryoko and Washu enchained.

Chaos> *growls quietly*
Trowa> Did you say something, Chaos?
Chaos> This author has insulted the honor of Washu. He will pay.

"Cool. Let's go home." I said.

Akane> Boy, she sure is taking this near-death thing pretty well.

I walked to my steed and Mihoshi, King Tenchi and I rode off, with Ryoko and Washu walking behind.

Trowa> Boy, was THAT ever a run on.

All the way back. About halfway, Ryoko started to mouth off.

Kiyone> (Ryoko) Oh god, my mouth fell off!!
Gene> You know thats not what he meant.
Kiyone> Shut up.

"Listen, bitch," Ryoko said. "My feet hurt."

"Well then I'll lighten the burning coals when we stop next." I said with a laugh.

"I still say she stuff them full of ice up their asses." Mihoshi said.

Chaos> Theyre all insane I tell you!

"I keep on telling you," King Tenchi said.

Trowa> Ah, someone with some sense.

"We do not have ice."

All> *face faults*

"Try Kiyone's cooking. But that may be too cruel. Even for the likes of them." Mihoshi joked.

Chaos> Akane's is worse. *WHAMMO* Agh! The mallet hurts badly!
Akane> Baka.
Trowa> And while the rest of the fic is in engli-
Chaos> Dont say it!
Trowa> Too embarrassing for you?
Chaos> Shut up!
Trowa> (Aisha) Dont tell me to shut up!
Chaos> (Gene) Shut up!!

"I know." I said bluntly.

Everyone looked at me.

Chaos, Gene, Trowa, Akane> (Looks at Kiyone)
Kiyone> (confused) What?

"Are you that bad of a cook?" Washu asked.

"You'll find out if Queen Ayeka lets you live. If you do, you'll wish you weren't." I said.

Trowa> This sentence implies that queen Ayeka is going to make them wish they werent live, which is bad grammer.
Others> ...
Chaos> Can we start being funny again?

The two quitted down.

Kiyone> Thats not a word.

After five minutes, Ryoko started to talk again.

"Who are you?" she asked.

Gene> (Kiyone) My name is
Chaos> (Washu) What?
Gene> (Kiyone) My name is
Chaos> (Washu) What?
Gene> (try to guess)My name is
Chaos> (Do i need to say it?) What?
Gene> (ditto) Chickachickachicka Kiyone!
Akane> -_-* Urge..to kill..rising

"My name is Kiyone Makibi." I said coldly.

"Makibi… Makibi…" Ryoko mumbled. "You won't believe how hard it is to remember all the innocent people I've killed and all the planets I destroyed."

"I do." Washu said proudly.

Chaos> Not a comma to be found.

Mihoshi whipped her chain. Ryoko smiled.

Chaos/Gene> Whip it! *imitates whip crack* Whip it good! *THUNK*
Chaos> Ow!
Gene> Damnit!

"Oh I remember you," Ryoko said.

Chaos> Ooh! I found a comma! Oh, wait, nevermind. Just a tumbleweed. (tumbleweed rolls past)

I semi looked back.

Kiyone> Is that possible?

"You were on that planet… Lemae… Lenra… Leo-Canea?"

"Leomnea." I said.

"I remember. I blew it up. But I kill a lot before than."

Akane> Ryoko is Shampoo in this fic?
Chaos> Not to my knowledge.

"You murdered my family. I survived."

"I let you survive."

I looked at Ryoko.

"You heard me. I let you to survive. I always let one survive. Then the blood line will die slowly as it gets mixed with other blood. Or it will die slowly if I decided to kill the last one."

"You are a whore."

"And you are a lesbian."

Trowa> What a delightful conversation.
Akane> (to Chaos) Is he being sarcastic or not?
Chaos> Its hard to tell with him sometimes...

"I'm a bisexual."

Gene> Thanks for sharing, and go to hell!

Ryoko stopped but I forced her forward.

"Well you passed out as I remember."


"You missed the best part."

I looked at her.

"I didn't kill them at once. Your mother, your father, your bother were all my favorite."

"Your favorite what?"

Chaos> Headshots!
Kiyone> Targets!
Akane> Cracker-Jack prize!
Trowa> .....pass.
Others> Moron.
Gene> Just kill me now.
Chaos> And lose our punching bag? Nah.


Chaos> x_x Eww, cannibal.
Gene> Aw, what the hell. SHE ATE OUT KIYONES MOM!
Kiyone> V_V***
All except Gene> You jackass.
Trowa> You ok Gene?
Gene> (Beetle-Bailyed) Am I alive?
Trowa> Yes.
Gene> Then Im not Ok. Can someone take my leg outta my face?

I used my horse to drag Ryoko in to a patch a cactuses.

"Meal?" Washu asked. "Did you?"

Kiyone> (Ryoko) No.

Ryoko got up as she licked her chops.

"Believe me. They were all succulent. And I didn't waste a bit." Ryoko said in a deep dark voice.

My heart stopped and grew cold. Tears steamed down my face. With pure anger I charged to the castle. Ryoko was dragged all the way.

Trowa> But the rope snapped, Ryoko broke loose, and everyone died. The end.

King Tenchi and Mihoshi rode after me with Washu in tow.

Chaos> Grr....
Akane> Get over it, its just a fic.
Kiyone> (To Akane) Careful, hes easily pissed off and is well armed. My advice: Stay low and cover your head.
Akane> Eep.

I swear. I will be the one to kill her for good.

Gene> (Fic Kiyone) Stupid respawning bitch...
Others> O_O How are you alive and well after that!?
Chaos> Please tell me! it might be useful someday.
Gene> Allright, but just you. (leans near Chaos)
Chaos> Aight, Im listening.
Gene> It is a secret! ^_^
Chaos> (falls over)

At the castle, I walked with the others into the thrown room.

"I'll go in first. You do come when I call."

"Yes my King." Mihoshi and I said.

We waited for the calling. We heard a clap. I didn't know what that mean.

Gene> (fic Kiyone) We get signal.
Chaos> (Mihoshi) What you say? *Thwack*
Kiyone> We did this one already!

"I think that's the signal." Mihoshi said.

"Are you sure?"

Washu and Ryoko rolled their eyes. The person clapped again. I looked at the others.

"Now?" I said.

The others fainted anime style.

"That's something I would say." Mihoshi said.

"Yes you moron." I heard the man said.

Trowa> What he meant was:
Gene> (Tenchi) Do I have to yell "Heel"!? Get in here!

All of us walked into the room. We walked passed Princess Sasami. She looked at Washu oddly. Ryoko looked at my queen with cold and glazed over eyes.

Chaos> (to Ayeka) Youre eyes look glazed, have you been eating donuts?
(small floating logs appear) *KRRRZZZAAAAAAP*
All> (burnt) *cough*
Akane> Remind me to kill you Chaos.
Chaos> Will do.
All> (falls forward)

"Bitch." Ryoko said weakly.

"Silence." I said backhanding the slut.

Ryoko feel to the ground in a gasp of pain.

`Just the beginning, you bitch.'

Gene> They like that word.

Mihoshi did the same to Washu.

Chaos> *louder growl than last time*
Gene> Methinks Chaos doesnt like seeing Washu get hit.

"What was that for?" my Queen asked.

"I don't know. Washu just pisses me off." Mihoshi said.

Chaos> This just makes me want to kill Mihoshi all the more.
Kiyone> (dry sarcasm) Honey, is there anyone you DONT want to kill?
Chaos> You called me honey! (nuzzles up to Kiyones arm)
Gene> *sniff* You smell that?
Akane> *sniff* No, what is it?
Gene> That ist the scent of a ripoff.
(sorry to whoever it was i just ripped off -T.C.)

Queen Ayeka smiled as Sasami ran to Washu. She looked at the shackled arms and legs of Washu.

Trowa> Please let this be important to the plot.

`What's that all about?' I thought.

Gene> Thats...
All> Exactly what the hell we'd like to know!

She looked at Washu's face with a smile.

"Now," Queen Ayeka said. "Before I sentence both of you to be executed, is there anything you want to say?"

"You can kiss me ass and go to hell." Ryoko said darkly.

Chaos> Scottish Ryoko!!

"Shut up slut." I said hitting the whore lord over the head.

"You're the slut." Washu said.

Mihoshi hit Washu in the head too.

Chaos> (pulls out guns)
Kiyone> HIT THE DECK!!
All except Chaos> (ducks behind seats)
Chaos> (Harry McDougal) Die die die die!!! *opens fire*
---10 minutes later-----
Chaos> (sweating) Phew, I feel better!
Kiyone> Run outta ammo?
Chaos> Hm? Nah, I still have about 50%
All except chaos> O_O

Princess Sasami winced.

"All of you. Watch your langue. Not only are we in the presence of two Princesses. But there are also two young girls here."

Gene> I only see one.

Everyone looked at her.

All except Gene> (looks at Gene)
Gene> Thats not funny!!

"I'm over 20,000 years old." Washu said bitterly.

Trowa> Oooh, now I understand.

Sasami giggled. I don't know why or cared but she then started to cry.



She grabbed Washu scared.

Akane> What the hell is she doing?

"The hell are you doing?" Washu snapped.

"That's my question." Queen Ayeka asked harmlessly.

Akane> I asked first, its my question!

"Please, please don't put her to sleep. I… I…"

Gene> Und pauseh dramtica!
Chaos> Is that gibberish?
Others> Yes!

"You're insane." Ryoko said.

Chaos> No shit. *whack*
Akane> What did I tell you earlier?
Chaos> Well, it beats the Hat filter. I guess.

"No duh." Mihoshi said out loud.

"Please don't. Please… I want to keep her."

"Hey, what am I a dog?" Washu said.

"You're a bitch." Ryoko joked.

I laughed at that. Sasami cried as she hugged Washu tighter.

"Listen. You've wanted to keep a sentient being ever since I super power bombed you." Queen Ayeka asked.

Akane> What the hell!?
Trowa> Dont worry about it, its just a plot device.

Sasami looked at me with puppy dog eyes the like I've never seen before.

"Oh Ayeka," Ryoko said oddly. "Can we make a deal?"

"Shut up before I break you skull." I said forcefully.

All> DO IT! DO IT!

"Please, let the whore talk." I said.

"Thanks," Ryoko lied. "I know I don't want to die. Washu is expendable thought."

Chaos> Grrrrrrr

Washu growled.

"NOOO! SHE'S NOT EXPENDABLE!" my psycho Princess yelled.

I covered my ears. I didn't hear all of it. But I did see Washu, Mihoshi and Sasami leave.

Kiyone> Translation: The author didnt want to type that part over again.

Queen Ayeka walked to her with a smile that scared Ryoko badly. She moved in and kissed her on the lips. Ryoko mumbled something but I didn't care what. Ryoko looked like she was going to throw up. I loved that looked.

"I think she is not ready." Queen Ayeka said.

"Too bad," King Tenchi said. "She'll be hard to make a sex slave."

Akane> Again, I must ask. What the hell!?
Trowa> You might as well just get used to it.

"I think she'll need a little more incentive." I said removing her armor.

Chaos> I didnt know Ryoko was wearing armor.

Ryoko wasn't looking but my Queen moved her head to look at me. She and my Queen also saw Tenchi removing his armor. Soon all the armor was on the ground as Ryoko breathed heavily.

"Getting horny?" my Queen asked.

Ryoko nodded.

"Is it from the sight of Tenchi's cock?"

Ryoko nodded again.

"Good. Now," my Queen said picking her up. "You will not mind if I rip your clothes off."

Gene> I still dont mind! *WHACK*
Chaos> Wow, deja vu.

Ryoko glared at me.

"Now, now," Ryoko's mistress said. "First, you are my sex slave. You will not be wearing clothes ever again. Two, you said you'll be anything I want. And I want a sex slave. Three, I bet you prefer getting head more than losing yours."

Gene> (sarcastically) Boy, isnt she lucky.
Lucky 7> No, I AM!
Chaos> AHH! (falls backwards in chair) Where the hell did you come from?!
Lucky 7> Oh, around. I bring news!
Chaos> Tell me later, were kinda busy right now.
Lucky 7> But its.. All right. Can I join ya?
Chaos> Sure.
Akane> Who is that?
Kiyone> I dont know, and I dont care.
Chaos> Ladies and Gene, this is a fellow MST'er, and friend of mine. Why hes not working right now, Im not sure.
Lucky 7> Well thats what-
Trowa> Can we get back to the fic?
Lucky 7> (Boston accent) I just get no respect.

Ryoko looked sad for a sec.

Chaos> Ah, internet shorthand has made its way into fanfiction.
Lucky 7> Didnt SomeAsshole already do that?
Chaos> Dont remind me.

Then she stopped struggling. Queen Ayeka grabbed Ryoko's ragged shirt and ripped it off. I ripped off her skirt too.

"My God, don't you wear any undergarments?"

Akane> (Ryoko) No.

"I use them to wipe my ass." Ryoko said rudely.

Queen Ayeka slapped her in the face. I wanted to do that. Tenchi walked behind Ryoko as I walked near to the front.

"What are you going to do?" Ryoko asked weakly.

"We're going to train you be a good sex slave." Tenchi said.

Gene> Yay ^_^ *whack* Who did that?!
Kiyone> (is reaching under seat to get something)
Chaos> (is cleaning a gun)
Akane> (is replaced by a sign saying "back in 5 minutes")
Trowa> *whistles*
Gene> (glares at Trowa)
Trowa> What did I do?

Before Ryoko would react, Tenchi rammed his cock straight up her ass. I know because Ryoko let of a scream of pain.

Chaos> Whoa! That lemon scene kinda snuck up on me!
Lucky 7> (latin guy) I think you are underestimating the sneakiness.

"Please, please, oh god no. I've never been taken there. Please no, it hurts."

Chaos> Holy shit! EVIL ROBOT RYOKO!!!
Akane swings her mallet at Chaos. Chaos has a gun to her throat before she hits him.
Chaos> Nice try.
Gene> Theres that scent of a ripoff again.
Lucky 7> Nah, that was me.
Others> o_O

Tenchi slid in and out. My Queen seemed very pleased and horny. But I was the one masturbating. I grabbed the Ryoko's head and put her tit in it.

Gene> Ryoko is sucking her own tit! *WHACK*
Lucky 7> Masochist?
Chaos> Maybe.

"Suck it now." I ordered.

Gene> Isnt that a guys line? *KERWHACK*
Chaos> Oh yeah, hes a masochist.

My guess is that Ryoko was in too much pain to do otherwise. She sucked and licked the tit. I felt good because she was sucking in my toxic milk.

Kiyone> (fic Kiyone) As opposed to my explosive milk.

`Suck this. Not only will you shit and piss like mad. But you'll have the worst stomachache in you sluty life.' I thought.

Trowa> Wow, thats evil.
Chaos> (old man) Evil!!

"Now slave," King Tenchi said. "I'm going to come in you know. But this is only the tip of a sword that'll keep on hurting you… and you'll never die."

He came into her. From her asshole came semen and blood. Ryoko fainted. I was disappointed. Queen Ayeka relaxed too.

"Okay… Okay…" my Queen said panting. "Take this filth to the dungeon. The rack will make a perfect bed for her."

I bowed and dragged Ryoko off.

"Oh and Kiyone,"

"Yes my Queen?" I asked.

"Please don't stretch her limbs off like you did the last prisoner." Queen Ayeka said with a sick smile.

Akane> (Kiyone) Im afraid I must!

"I'm making no promises my Queen." I said before heading to the dungeon.

I dragged Ryoko into the dungeon. She hit every step. I was doing this to hurt her but she was out cold. I dragged her to the rack and clamped her in as tight as I could without slicing her hands and feet off. I elbowed her in the gut to awake her. She spat out blood. She looked at me with a glare.

"The hell am I?" she asked.

All> HELL!

"The dungeon," I said childishly.

I walked to a control panel.

"You are now a sex slave."

Lucky 7> I think that was already confirmed earlier.

"Go to hell."

I slid a finger on the control panel.

"Uh-ha. I know you want me to. But I have something you don't want."

"Fuck you."

Gene> Gladly! *wham*
Chaos> Get it through your skull, damnit!
Gene> Just let me die, Ill be off this damn ship!

"Not yet. After all, I am a clone."

Lucky 7> And that has what do do with anything?
Trowa> How many times does it have to be beaten into our skulls that she is a CLONE! WE GET THE IDEA! QUIT TELLING US!! ONE DAMN TIME IS ENOUGH! God, I need a drink.
Chaos> Hey Trowa, I just have one thing to say after all that.
Trowa> Yeah?
Chaos> Youre outta character!
Others> ~_~;

Ryoko glared at me. I flipped her off. Then I started the machine. Ryoko started to glare as her limbs started to stretch. Ryoko screamed. I wasn't patient enough to make her suffer. Okay that's a lie. I set it to slowly stretch Ryokos arms and legs to the max. Ryoko whined, cried and shook her head. I was hungry

Chaos> Me too, lets get this over with.

so I finished it now. I took an energy blade and burned something into her abdomen. Ryoko cried in pain. What I wrote will scar her for life. Queen Ayeka's Sex Slave. Irony, I loved it.

Chaos> Ah, its over. And now: the afterthoughts.
Gene> Why am I not dead!?
Kiyone> Ive lost all faith in humanity after that.
Akane> Thanks alot Gene, I hurt my wrist when I hit you back there.
Gene> And whos fault is that?
Akane> (punches gene) Ow!
Chaos> Uh.. yeah. Anyway, you said you had news for me?
Lucky 7> Oh yeah, I almost forgot. DarkMorphmon has cancelled the Tenchi Girls Fantasys fic.
All except Lucky 7> WHAT!?
Lucky 7> Hey, dont kill the messenger. Remember, this means Im outta work too.
Crew> (Sits around in a stunned silence)
Kiyone> Now what will we do?
Chaos> I guess we wait for Kazuya to find another fic.
Lucky 7> I have places to be, so Ill be seeing you, Chaos. (disappears)
You saw it, readers. DM has cancelled this series. I am now out of work. If you find a fanfic that needs MST'ing, or would like your fic MST'ed, please contact me at splatster64@hotmail.com
Ill do almost any original works, Ranma, Outlaw Star, Tenchi, DBZ, Gundam Wing, or Cowboy Bebop fics.