Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Tenchi Girls Fantasys ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello there, Chaos here on another chapter. read the first chapter for intros, because im lazy.
(ship waiting/holding room)
Chaos> Has anyone seen my shotgun?
Kiyone> Where was it last?
Chaos> I had it when I was yelling at Kazuya. Oh well, I have another one.
Kiyone> Then whats the big deal?
Chaos> I left it pumped. If someone stepped on it it might go off.
Gene> Well, isnt THAT just foreshadowing future events.
Chaos> What do you mean?
Gene> Nevermind.
Trowa> (walks in) Hey Chaos, you given any thought on who to put in the 5th MST chair?
Chaos> *thinks* Now I have!
Trowa> And..?
Chaos> And my mind is blank! ^_^ *does victory sign with hand*
Others> -_-;
Kiyone> Tell us something we dont know.
Gene> Speaking of missing things, Ill be right back. I left something in the theater. (walks into theater)
Trowa> So, any ideas Chaos?
Chaos> Well, I was thinking we let-
All> (looks at theater door)
Chaos> I think I just found my shotgun.
All> (runs to theater)
Gene is laying on the floor
Kiyone> Gene, are you ok?
Gene> (weakly) Wheres... Chaos?
Chaos> (kneels down) Im right here. Are you- URK!
Gene> (strangling Chaos) YOU MORON!
Trowa> (stifling laugh) Well, that certainly was a fast recovery.
Kazuya> Why do I get that feeling I dont want to ask?
Chaos> (gasping for breath) Hello? Being strangled here!
Gene> (Throws Chaos at Kazuya) Ah, always good to relieve a little stress.
Chaos> x_x Shit, Genes a psychopath. Hey, I didnt say "Hat".
Kazuya> Whoops, forgot to turn it back on. (flips some switches).
Chaos> GodHatit. You die now!
Kazuya> (Goes into fighter stance) Try it.
Gene> Fight! Fight! Figh-*whack*
Kiyone> Shut up and watch.
Trowa> (Sits in chair with a bag of popcorn) Sit down, both of you. Your blocking my view.
Kazuya> Your just going to stand there? Wheres your fighting stance?
Chaos> Heh. (presses remote button)
Kazuya> What is that going to do?
An explosion is heard, but none is seen
(Alarm starts sounding)
Kazuya> What have you done?!
Chaos> Uh... Detonated the wrong thing?
All but Trowa> NO SHIT SHERLOCK!!
Chaos> Hey, I think I broke that fucking word censor. Whoo hoo!
Computer voice> Warning: Hull breach. Sealing block 1a.
Kazuya> No!!
Chaos> Guess youll have to cancel that meeting of Perverts Annonymous, huh?
Kazuya> We're in block 1a!!
Chaos> Oops.
(Elsewhere, on a shimmering blue planet)
Woman> (singing) Do a little dance! Make a little love! Get down tonight! Get down tonight!
(Back on the ship)
Gene> *looks at above sequence* What the hell was that all about?
Kazuya> Damnit, weve wasted enough time. Lets just run the fic.
Crew> (grins deviously) Oh Kazuyaaa...
Kazuya> What?
Kiyone> We need a fifth crew member,
Gene> And since you're the only one here,
Trowa> We want you to join the crew for this chapter.
Kazuya> Damnit...
Chaos> Thats what you get for fucking with ME!
Trowa> -_-; In case you forgot,
All> Youre the reason were stuck here!!!
Chaos> ¬_¬ Lets just do the damn fic.
I am a fan of the Tenchi Muyo series. I do not own any of the characters. I write only for fun. This has adult terms and ideas. This is NC-17 for multiple sex acts.

Gene> I bet theres only one.

There is no Sakuya.

Chaos> Hell ya!

Tenchi Girls' Fantasies

Kazuya> So thats what this fic is called...
Kiyone> You mean you just picked a random fic!?

Chapter 2: Ayeka's Dream World

POV: Kiyone

Kiyone> Oh god...

Hello, I am Kiyone Makibi.

Kiyone> No, I am.

I am the royal knight of Ayeka Jurai.

Kiyone> Im always a damned guard! IM BETTER THAN THAT!!

My partner is still Mihoshi Kuramitsu.

Kiyone> More damned cliches!

But now she is smarter and more skilled. But she is still a moron.

Chaos> (imitates alarm sound) Danger, danger, paradox alert!

She guards the Princess of Earth: Sasami. I knew Sasami when she was 6. She was the sweetest thing on two legs.

Gene> Mmm, candy!

Of course that's in looks. In bed, the cutest is Mihoshi.

Kiyone> Oh god, he even made me a lesbian.

I am not gay.

Chaos> Now dont you feel better Kiyone?

I am a bisexual.

Kiyone> -_-* I think Im gonna be sick.

Anyway, about 10 or 12 days ago, I went off with Mihoshi and my King to the lair of the evil criminals: Ryoko and Washu

Chaos> -to get pizza. (Authors clarification. a - before a sentence like that symbolizes the MiSter finishing a sentence by adding something to the original -T.C.)

Washu is a specified nutcase. She is loonier than all the asylums on Hake-Hake 5, 6, and 8.

Trowa> (Kiyone) 7 was just too loony to be added to the average.

Believe me, with about 2,000 people in each asylum and 55 asylums on each planet, that's very crazy. And Ryoko…

Gene> Dramatic pause!

and Ryoko…

Gene> Heres another one!

I hate that slut with all my heart and soul. I will remember the name Ryoko Hakubi for all my days. She has Washu's last name. But she is nothing but Washu's Creation. She is also my Satan.

Chaos> (thinking) Nows my chance! (punches kazuya in the crotch) What the?
Kiyone/Chaos> (Looks down)
Chaos> ^_^; Uh, heh! Sorry Kiyone!
Kiyone> Want a running start?
Chaos> Thank you. (runs like a bat outta hell)

You see… I was orphan since I was 5. That was before…

Gene> Dramatic pause numero tres!
Kazuya> Running gag?
Trowa> Good guess...

Ryoko. Before then I had a mother, father, and an older bother. On my home world, I was playing with my bother and with some dolls. It was heaven. Pure and simple heaven. But heaven soon turned to hell when Ryoko appeared. She came and destroyed the forests first. She moved to the great cities, and then to the small towns like the one I lived. When she appeared, she destroyed my town, home by home, person by person. I hid from her. But now I think I hid too well. I looked from the hidden cave I used to hide in when I played Hide and Seek. I saw Ryoko with my family. With an energy sword… she… she…

Chaos> (from off screen) Spread peace and love!
Kiyone> You better hide well!!
Chaos> Eep!
Trowa> Are you ever going to chase him?
Kiyone> Nah, Id rather have him hide in fear than just take the punishment.

she slaughtered my family. The sight burned a picture into my memory. I passed out and I can too

Gene> - And you can too when you buy three bottles of my fabulous OxiClean!

on an Orphan Saver Ship. A woman told me I was the last from my planet. That everyone from my world is dead. That memory remained with me for 20 long years.

Kiyone> "I" remembered all of this from when I was three?
Chaos> (back in seat) Jeez, I cant remember stuff from when I was 10.
Kiyone> Where did you come from?
Chaos> (Points up) Rafters.

Now I have the power to get that bitch for the evil she did… for my family

Trowa> Ryoko did evil for Kiyones family? Wouldnt that make them the Yakuza, or the Mafia or something?

she killed…

At the outside of her Kat McMountain Headquarters. It was a run down, crappy, and with the odor of death and decay. Ryoko is here.

"Damn, this place smiles like shit." Mihoshi said.

Gene> I didnt think shit could smile.

"It is the smell of the death. It is possibly from all Ryoko's victims and Washu's experiments." King Tenchi said.

Chaos> (Tenchi) Or from the kegger I had here last week.

He looked at me from under that helmet. Then he looked back.

"Do you think we should…?"

I didn't wait for him to finish.

"Kiyone, STOP!"

I didn't listen. As rode my steed around the building to the back. I demounted and blasted my way in. I drew my energy blade and slashed my way into the upper level.

Kazuya> This woman knows how to do buisness.

My communicator called to me.

"Kiyone, Kiyone, Kiyone

Chaos> Mihoshi Mihosi Mihoshi!

answer me you egotistic bitch," the voice said.

I picked it up.

"Kiyone answer me now."

"Hello, Mihoshi."

"Kiyone, I'm the dumb one.

Chaos> At least she knows it. Wait, is it possible to know you are dumb? Wouldnt that make you smart? Agh! @.o

So why are you going in their alone."

"It's something I have to do. The blood of home world is on that demon's scaly hands."

Chaos> Ryoko is a lizard! AAHHHHHHH!
Kazuya> Is he always like this?
Trowa> Yeah, pretty much.
Kazuya> Im so sorry.

"As you King I must ask one thing?" King Tenchi asked.
"What is it?" I said a little too rudely to my king.
"Are you on the upper half?"
"Ryoko is three doors down."
"Thank you, sir."
"The King and I will look for Washu and Mecha-Washu." Mihoshi said.
"I love the King and I." I blurted out.

Gene> What is it with this author and bad references?

"Not funny." King Tenchi said.

All> Our thoughts exactly!

"Sorry King Tenchi." I said.

"Just get Ryoko."

"At once my King."

I turned the communicator off and changed down the hall. The stink of Ryoko worsened as I neared.

`Ryoko, revenge is mine.' I thought.

The door that Ryoko coward behind of damaged and old, but I knew Ryoko has a force field up. A powerful at that. But I was hell-bent to stop her. I spend years trying to make a weapon to break through. Hopefully, with this gun, I can. I blasted the door and the force field. The smoke cleared and I saw the next room.

Chaos> I wonder where I can obtain this gun...
Gene> You dont need more guns! Its dangerous to my health.

I walked into the room completely on guard. I saw no one here but I knew she was here.

"Ryoko? Ryoko?" I repeated.

I didn't know where she was. I know she has the power to pass through walls. She could be anywhere. Something fell and I stopped. I wanted to turn but I stood still. I opened my senses to the world. I sensed her coming… behind me. I turned and started shooting. But she dodged all shots. She flew through the ceiling as I continued shooting. I heard her manic laughing.

"You cannot get me." Ryoko cackled.

"You slut. Face me." I yelled.

"Okay. I will," Ryoko said.

I knew she was hiding something.


Gene> Hold it!.......................... Ok, continue!

I saw Ryoko in front of me. But someone hit me in the back. I was sent into the fist of Ryoko. She hit me in the gut. I coughed up some blood as I saw the sneak attacker.

"But we never say it was going to be a fair fight." Said…

Gene> Shock upon shock!

another Ryoko.

I saw two Ryokos but was not scared. They laughed at me.

"You double bitches." I yelled.

Kiyone> When youre yelling, you should add a "!" to your sentences.

They looked at each other.

"We're bitches?" Ryoko 1 said.

Kiyone> Yes! Weve gottent that point across!

"You'll pay for that." Ryoko 2 said.

They charged at me. They slashed with their nails. The nails cut through my armor and deep into my skin. I scared in pain with every hit. Each slash also destroyed me armor and the pieces fell off. Ryokos loved it. I did not. Soon I was naked and with gashes al over my body. The pain was almost numbing. But I still felt it. The two Ryokos laughed at my pain. I glared at them.

"What do you say? Gouge out her eyes? Rip out her tongue and make her swallow it?" Ryoko 2 asked Ryoko 1.

"Not yet. I think I have a better idea." Ryoko 1 said.

She floated to me. I was barely able to move. Ryoko 1 got in close and…

Gene> Here comes the kill!
Chaos> (looks at scroll bar) I doubt it.

started to lick my wounds. Her tongue was as rough as sandpaper and her saliva was like acid. I was in pain but I held in it. Ryoko 2 did the same. Her tongue felt the same only her saliva was like venom. I was in pain like no other. I tried to hold it in. But the pain was too much. I scared in pain as the Ryokos licked harder. One moved up, the other down. Ryoko 1 moved to my nipples. She licked both of them. Ryoko 2 licked my cunt. I think she wanted my cum. Too bad. I used some effort to piss on her face.

`Take that bitch.' I thought.

Ryoko 2 was wet but continued licking. After a minute, Ryoko 2 started to bite me. My legs, my thighs, she even bit off that ball thing on my pussy.
Kiyone> Good god, just the thought makes me hurt.
Gene> *coughauthorsavirgincough*

Ryoko 1 was doing the same. She was biting my tits in different places. My breasts were full of bite marks. Her teeth sunk all the way in. She moved to my nipples and slowly clamped on one. She started to bite hard and pull. Ryoko 2 moved with bites and did the same with the other nipple. Soon my tits were being pulled in two directions. I would beg them to stop, that I didn't want them to get the pleasure. They pulled hard and fast until… they ripped them off. I was in a lot of pain.

Kiyone> (eyes shut tight) Its just a fic, its just a fic, its just a fic...
Kazuya> Whats with her?
Chaos> Dunno, she goes through that every time shes depicted in a lemon scene.

The Ryokos swallowed my nipples as they laughed.

"She no longer sexy." Ryoko 2 said.

"You are." Ryoko 1 said.

Ryoko 2 looked into Ryoko 1's eyes. They flew into each other and started to do it in front of me.

Chaos/Gene> Whoohoo!

As if it mattered. I was barely moving. I was losing blood all over my body. I was going to die within the minute. I hope they have foreplay and fuck long.

Gene> Me too! (gaurds) Hey, I didnt get hit.
Chaos> Yeah, what up Kiyone?
Kiyone> Im too busy trying to not get my mind warped by this fic to hit Gene.

Destroying Jurai armor sends a massage to everyone about my last position. King Tenchi and Mihoshi will come soon…

Chaos> Let hope thats not suggesting what they might be doing with each other...

hopefully. They were rolling naked in front of me. It was like watching two wild animals in heat. I moved my eyes. I saw my gun.

Chaos> Go for the gun! Go for the gun!

It was not destroyed. With the last bit of strength, I did one last thing. I slowly moved and weakly grabbed my gun. I tried to rise and I was gushing blood as I rose. But I was too determined. I stood with very weak legs.

"Hey… sluts." I said.

They stopped to look at me.

"You're still alive?" Ryoko 1 said.

Trowa> (rolls eyes) Well, shes standing there and talking to you...
Chaos> \_/ Shes a zombie!!! I loathe the undead!

"Yes," I said rising my gun.

The Ryokos were confused.

"But you're not."

I fired my gun at the Ryokos. They were too shocked to dodge. All my shots hit. They fell and I almost fell too. But I slid my feet to move. I got splitters but that was nothing to the real pain I had. I slid over Ryoko 2.

"What? What are you doing?"

I pointed my gun at her head.

"If you kill me… you won't be better than me."

"I… don't… care…" I said.

I squeezed the trigger and blasted a shot into her skull. The blast destroyed her head. The recoil knocked me onto the other Ryoko. As I passed out into death, I saw Ryoko could not move. Not unless she wanted me to shoot her in the head too.

Kazuya> Please explain how a dead woman can pull a trigger.

`You see… I win…"

I passed out…

Computer voice> leak sealed successfully! All blocks reopened.
All> YES! (runs out of theater)
Trowa> Ah, feels good to be out of there.
Chaos> So I guess were cutting the fic into two parts.
Kazuya> And Im not going back in there.
Gene> Get a replacement then.
Kazuya> Fine *sigh* (snaps fingers)
Chaos> Duck and cover!
Woman> Ahhh! *thud*
Kiyone> You could have landed her a little closer to the ground, you know.
Kazuya> Sorry.
Woman> Uh, where am I?
Chaos> Hey, youre Akane Tendo!
Akane> Thats right, now WHERE AM I!?
Gene> Me and Kiyone will explain it to you.
Chaos> Well, I guess its a good time to close up for the night.
Trowa> Actually, based on the galactic standard time, its a little after noon. In fact, we ate lunch about 2 hours ago, remember?
Chaos> Oh yeah.
(fade out)
Chaos here. This particular chapter was very long, so ive broken it into two parts. Id like to take this moment to recognize our loyal sponsers, Liquid Bread! "When youre half dead, and need to be fed, Liquid Bread!" and the Maibatsu Monstrosity, "Mines bigger!". Wed also like to thank Febreeze, for keeping our place smelling nice. Do you need a kitten? Have one delivered, directly to your door! petsovernight.com. "A little bundle of love, in a box. Directly to your door." -T.C. out