Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ MST of Tenchi Girls Fantasys ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello! Welcome back to the STS Pantyhose! (What a dumb name...)
Kazuya> I heard that!!
Well, I assume you read the first chapter, so you dont want to read this again. If you didnt, shame on you! And too bad, because Im not typing it again.
(Inside ship holding area)
Kiyone> Chest shot!
Trowa> Arm, leg, chest, and headshot.
Gene> Look at that hole!
Chaos> Damn, I only blew up 3 of them... Friggin 'nade launcher.
Kazuya> Damnit all, quit playing with Chaos's guns. We have a fic to do!
Gene> You realize you are ordering around 4 people with enough firepower to blow up the state of Texas, right?
Kazuya> Yes. Now go before I have you all thrown out into space.
Chaos> Fuck you, goddamned cock sucking pervert.
Kazuya> Thats it, Ill make you pay for these insults!
Chaos> Bring it on! *pulls out two Uzi's*
Kazuya> My revenge will be known later... I suggest you go now.
Kiyone> Yeah, its only fun laughing at him for so long.
All> (goes to theater)
>The crew sits down in order of Trowa, Chaos, Kiyone, Gene

I am a fan of the Tenchi Muyo series. I do not own any of the characters. I write only for fun. This has adult terms and ideas. This is NC-17 for multiple sex acts.
There is no Sakuya.

Chaos> Preach on, brother!

Tenchi Girls' Fantasies

Chapter 1: Ayeka's Dream World

POV: Ayeka

Trowa> Waste of time: Yes.

I am Ayeka Jurai.

Gene> And Im not!

In real life I was bothered with other woman for space, sanity, and even for Tenchi. Now in my Dream World, I have made my kingdom.

Chaos> I'd make a sandwich in my dream world.

Washu or the Washu in the Real World was right.

Gene> DM seems to have difficulty making up his mind.

The others are here too. I am no longer a princess.

Kiyone> A dream come true, I see.

I am now queen.

Kiyone> Damn. I bet Im some lousy bodygaurd.

But not just of my home world Jurai but of Earth too. I am Queen of Earth because my husband is human.

Trowa> So if I married a Jurain, would that make me the king of Jurai?

As you can guess, he is Tenchi.

Chaos> (sarcastic) Naw, I thought it was Ozzy Ozbourne.

He and I love each other with all our hearts.

Gene> (Ayeka) And part of the spleen.

And three times a week.

Chaos> Thanks for sharing. Please die now and save us all the bandwith.

My princess is my little sister, Princess Sasami. She rules Earth as I rule Jurai.

Chaos> And how is that? Badly?

I had to wrestle her for that.

Chaos> I cant picture Ayeka wrestling.
Trowa> You dont have to comment on every sentence, you know.
Chaos> Oh, but I do *evil grin*.
Trowa> Im not gonna ask.

Sasami is not too happy about her body. Se wishes she was as developed as me. Who doesn't?

Gene> Mihoshi comes to mind.

She is still a virgin and has a sick obsession with having a person as a pet.

Chaos> And isnt that the dream of every little girl?

Every time I tell her it is wrong, she cries and wines that I'm being mean. Mihoshi and Kiyone are guard of me and Sasami.

Kiyone> Who called that one? ^_-

Kiyone is always with me and Mihoshi is with Sasami all the time. Which may be the reason Sasami is so self concern about her body. Last and definably least, the pair of evils: Ryoko and Washu. Ryoko is a space pirate with a brain the brain the size of a pea. She is nothing but temper and tits, or at least to me. Washu however is a midget scientist psycho

Chaos> Go Washu! Woo!

that killed more people in her experiments than on all the planets Ryoko blew up. She thinks she's the smartest of us all, but honestly, she has an unusually big ego for someone as small as her. I mean she gets the discounts everywhere if they have the phase: 12 and under. Do you think that stops her from having sex, going to strip clubs and doing stuff like drinking, smoking and doing drugs?

Kiyone> Yes.

You're wrong.

Kiyone> No Im not.

She morphs into an adult form for most of the stuff. But there is times when she morph back to her child form for greater pleasure and sometimes sues the guy for child rape.

Trowa> Evil. Pure evil.

Evil… pure evil…

Chaos> o_O Ok, thats kinda creepy.

That was the description. Here is the story from me. I have been in my castle on Jurai for five days and six nights. I haven't seen my beloved Tenchi since the day we took Mihoshi and my guard Kiyone to find Ryoko and Washu. They were rumored to be hiding in the old Kat McMountain bar on the east coast.

Chaos> (Ayeka) Wherever they were, it was definately NOT that cave labeled "Ryoko and Washu's Secret hideout"!

I live on the West. Tenchi set off on horse. Mihoshi and Kiyone also rode horses. For once, Mihoshi was over the horse not under it as I saw several times before.

Gene> Thats...just...wrong...

Please don't ask.

Kiyone> We wont ask if you dont tell.

He was gone for 12 days.

Gene> (Tenchi) It woulda been 11, but we stopped for pizza on the way back!

I waited out the castle for seven days and six nights.

Chaos> (biblical voice) And on the seventh night, she rested.
Trowa> The numbers dont seem to add up here...

But one night, my heart saddened and I walked into the castle. I was alone and sad.

Kiyone> And this fic is redundantly redundant!

With every minute I looked at where my beloved would have been. But he wasn't there. Sasami came three days ago. She was always good for a brief laugh. She also had an odd fuzz ball with her. She is an animal called a Cabbit. She was a brown and semi cat like. Sasami found her in a pound. She was going to be put to sleep 5 minute before Sasami entered. Sasami thought it was very cute. I think it's nothing but a hairball. She named her Ryo-Ohki. Why? I don't have a fucking clue. As I looked and waited, Princess Sasami played with Ryo-Ohki in front of me. They hoped to make me smile. But when I didn't, the young princess got annoyed.

Kazuya> The preceding section was not riffed because the crew left for snacks.
Chaos> Were back now.
Gene> With pie!

"Queen Ayeka, why won't you smile?" Princess Sasami whined.

"Nothing Sasami, I'm just depressed." I said sadly.

"You're thinking of King Tenchi again." Princess Sasami said.

Chaos> No shit sherlock!

I nodded.

"Well, can I take his place? I need any experience in sex. And I love seeing you naked." Princess Sasami said.

Trowa> That is one sick and twisted little girl.

"You are one sick and twisted young Princess." I said with a combo glare and leer.


Kiyone> The authors idea of funny!
Gene> The effects of television!
Trowa> A joke. Like this fic.
Others> o_O;

an Earth thing." Princess Sasami said scratching her head.

I smiled. Princess Sasami was pleased to see that. Sasami picked up Ryo-Ohki. Holding her in the air, Princess Sasami has this weird smile she had many times before.

"I guess I can always experiment on you." Sasami said.

Chaos> Isnt that Washu's job?

"Miya?" Ryo-Ohki said.
"I'll give you all the carrots you want." Sasami bribed.

Ryo-Ohki thought and meowed wildly. Sasami was insanely happy.

Trowa> Or maybe just insane.

I guess the reason is because in the wrestling match, I hit Sasami a little too much. Plus I used a super power bomb her and she landed up her head.

Gene> Yup, that could cause a few head problems.

The doctor I took her too after I defeated her told me she has some brain damage. But I didn't care.

Trowa> Neither did we. Lets get the plot moving again, shall we?

By the time I did, it was too late to fix it. Ryo-Ohki's ears perked up. She wiggled out of Sasami's hands.
"Ryo-Ohki. Bad girl." Sasami yelled.

Chaos> AHH! Sasami has been replaced with a evil robot that speaks in monotone!

Ryo-Ohki ran to the silver door in the front of the thrown room. She meowed a little then ran to me. I put up a force field before me. Sasami may let her royal gown get covered with fur, but I for one will not allow mine to get ruined with Ryo-Ohki's fur.

Kiyone> More redundancy...

Princess Sasami and I started to hear what the cabbit heard: four sets of foot steps. May hopes were stretched to the limits. If it was my king and husband, my heart will sing to the heavens. If it was not, my heart will wither and I will die.

All> Let it be the second one!

The doors opened as my breath stopped. I saw with unimaginable hope that this is King Tenchi. The first person I saw the in a suit of gold and silver armor. He was carrying a light sword in one hand and a platinum shield in the other.

Chaos> (Armored man) Pizza delivery!

He was wearing a helmet, but I could see right through it.
"King… Tenchi?" I asked with hope beyond hope.

The man that I accused as my husband laughed. He dropped his sword and shield. He reached for his helmet and…

Gene> (Ayeka) Hold on, let me pause for dramatic purposes.

I was right. It was my husband. It was King Tenchi.

"King Tenchi." Sasami said running to him.

Chaos> Evil robot Sasami!!

"Princess Sasami." Tenchi said with open arms.

Chaos> Evil robot Tenchi, too!

He knelled and hugged Sasami. Sasami hugged back. My heart is full of joy. But I wonder.

"How did the search go? Huh, huh? Did anyone die? Was it gory? I love gory."
Princess Sasami spouted.
King Tenchi looked at me.
"Did you power bomb Sasami again?" my husband asked.
"Not lately." I said honestly.
He smiled with a semi suspicious smile. That got a slight laugh from me.
"Anyway, anyway," I said. "How was your journey, King Tenchi?"
"It was not easy," King Tenchi said. "I had to cross valleys, forests, passing villages and cities. Then I found what I wanted. I found Ryoko and Washu."

Kiyone> (singing) Over the river and through the woods, to Washus hideout we go.
Trowa> You have a very nice voice Kiyone.
Kiyone> ^-^ (embarrassed) Thanks Trowa!

"Did you kill them? Did you did them?" Princess Sasami squealed.
King Tenchi patted her on the head. Not too hard because it did take a lot of hard blows to it.
"See for your self."
King Tenchi clapped.

All> *clap*

We all waited with pride. But a few seconds passed and nothing happened. King Tenchi clapped again.

All> *clap*

This time he got a response.

"Now?" a woman said.

In an anime style as you would so boldly put it, we… fainted.

Chaos> Ah, the action with a disputable name, the face-fault.

I must attempt that is not royal behavior.

Gene> (DarkMorphmon) I r know ing gud at enlgis gramar!

"Yes you moron." King Tenchi shouted.

"I'm right here. You don't need to shout." Said… Princess Sasami.

All> *sweatdrop*

An anime sweat drop appeared on my husband's head. You forget. This is only my fantasy.

Trowa> I didnt forget. Who forgot?
Gene> Not me.
Chaos> I remembered.
Kiyone> It was me. Mihoshi is being dumb again, and it tricked me. Sorry! ^_^;

From the doorway walked four women. Two were in royal armor and two in rags. You can guess who is who I don't need to say every detail I'm a queen for God's sake. Sorry, I got a little hyped because I saw…

Gene> Another dramatic pause!

them. The one is ruby colored armor is my royal protector: Kiyone Makibi. The other is in jade armor is Sasami's royal protector: Mihoshi Kuramitsu.I know what you're thinking… and that's just sick.

Gene> *wham* Hey! What was that for!?
Kiyone> You know what you did.

Sorry, obvious joke.

Chaos> I didnt get it.

The real thing is what happened to Azaka and Kamidake. They sacrificed themselves to protect me and my little sister from the hands of Ryoko, Washu and Nagi. There final battle of on Ken-Ohki. There final words: Take care now… our Queen. In my royal ship Ryu-Oh I watched with sadness as the sent the ship charging out of control.

Chaos> (high pitched) Kamikaze!

I saw Ryoko and Washu escape but Nagi was well restrained. She was screaming and yelling profanities that I would never repeat. Unless if it is in the heat of lovemaking. Soon the ship flew out of sight. Sasami was there too, with all her brain cells.

Gene> Well, that was an important detal, wasnt it?

She and I watched the last noble deed the Guardians will do. The ship exploded with fiery fury. Sasami and I fell to our knee and started to prey.

Trowa> Its just too easy.
Kiyone> What is?
Trowa> The entire fic.

Those two were the noblest warriors I knew. Anyway, the two behind them were Ryoko and Washu. They looked like they fought me when I just found a split hair.

Chaos> Why would that be a bad thing?

The guards walked forward with the two criminals in tow. They were bonded with chains and a leather collar.

Gene> Whoa, leather. Thats going to restrain Ryoko, isnt it?

Washu passed Princess Sasami. If I didn't know it, I would swear she felt sorry for her.

Chaos> Id be sorry for anyone who was Ayekas sister.
Trowa> He meant Sasami was sorry for Washu.
Chaos> This looks like a job for *cheesy lensflare effect* Grammar man!
Kiyone> *sigh* Didnt you already do that?

The royal guards took the prisoner in front of me. I looked into Ryoko's cold and glazed over eyes.

"Bitch." Ryoko said weakly.

"Silence." Kiyone said backhanding Ryoko.

Ryoko feel to the ground in a gasp of pain. Just the way I always wanted. Mihoshi did the same to Washu.

Chaos> Im getting sleepy...I take nap now... zzzZZzz

"What was that for?" I asked.

"I don't know. Washu just pisses me off." Mihoshi said.

I smiled as Sasami ran to Washu. She looked at the shackled arms and legs of the midget psycho. Sasami is also not too sane as you know. She looked at Washu's face with a smile.

"Now," I said. "Before I sentence both of you to be executed, is there anything you want to say?"

Gene> (Ryoko) My life is a lie!
Kiyone> (Ryoko) Kiyone kicked my ass!
Trowa> (Ryoko) Im a shemale!
Others> o_o;
Trowa> Note to self. Shemale jokes: not funny.

"You can kiss me ass and go to hell." Ryoko said darkly.
"Shut up slut." Kiyone said hitting Ryoko over the head.
"You're the slut." Washu said.
Mihoshi hit Washu in the head too. Princess Sasami winced.

Gene> In the words of that famous cook,
All> BAM!

"All of you. Watch your langue. Not only are we in the presence of two Princesses. But there are also two young girls here."

Everyone looked at her.

Kiyone> Shes 20000 years old!

"I'm over 20,000 years old." Washu said bitterly.

Kiyone> See?

Sasami giggled. I don't know why but she then started to cry.


Gene> Chaos is asleep, so I'll say it: EVIL ROBOT SASAMI!!

She grabbed Washu scared.

"The hell are you doing?" Washu snapped.

"That's my question." I asked.

"Please, please don't put her to sleep. I… I…"

"You're insane." Ryoko said.

All> No shit.
Chaos> zzzzz...

"No duh." Mihoshi said out loud.

"Please don't. Please… I want to keep her."
"Hey, what am I a dog?" Washu said.
"You're a bitch." Ryoko joked.

Kiyone laughed at that. Sasami cried as she hugged Washu tighter. I was mad. And by what I could see of Washu, she was confused.

"Listen. You've wanted to keep a sentient being ever since I super power bombed you."

Gene> Kaboom!

Sasami looked at me with puppy dog eyes the like I've never seen before.

"Oh Ayeka," Ryoko said oddly. "Can we make a deal?"

Trowa> Lets make a deal!
Kiyone> Shut up before I break your skull.

"Shut up before I break you skull." Kiyone said forcefully.

Gene> Kiyone, are you sure you're not-
Kiyone> Im sure!

"Please, let the whore talk." I said.

"Thanks," Ryoko lied. "I know I don't want to die. Washu is expendable thought."

Chaos> ZzZ...grrr...ZzZ (Chaos's head slides onto Kiyones shouler)
Kiyone> Will someone get "Sleeping Beauty" here off of me?

Washu growled.

"NOOO! SHE'S NOT EXPENDABLE!" my psycho sister yelled.

I laughed under my hand.

"Now I am thinking that if Sasami wants something, so should you." The space slut said.

"Oh?" I said raising an eyebrow.

"Sasami can have pet and you can have… me… as anything you want." Ryoko said.

I rubbed my chin. With a smiled I nodded.

Trowa> (sarcastically) Yes, rubbing the chin always helps when thinking.

"Very well, as of today, Washu is the royal pet of the Princess of Earth. And you Ryoko," I said with a little laugh. "Are my new…

Gene> Ladies and gentlemen, its the dramatic pause!

sex slave."

Gene> I thought she was going to say Hat!
Trowa> Hat?
Gene> I didnt say hat, I said Hat! What the Hat?
Kiyone> Very strange. We should ask Kazuya about that later.

"Mine too?" King Tenchi asked.

"Yes my King. She is now a sex slave. So she is on the lowest level of power in our castle."

Kiyone> (Annoyed) Chaos is still laying on my shoulder.
Chaos> You smell good! *KA-POW*
Kiyone> YOU JACKHat!
Trowa> Jackhat?
Kiyone> God Hat it.
Chaos> (from across room) If anyones wondering, Im ok!

Ryoko looked at me with fear. Washu looked at Sasami. Sasami seemed very happy. Of course I was looking at the back of her head.

Trowa> That was very useless information.

Mihoshi gave the chain to Sasami.

"Look Ryo-Ohki. We got a new playmate." Princess Sasami said.
Meow, meow." Ryo-Ohki said.

Chaos> More evil robots!

Sasami petted Washu.

"Washu, follow me." Sasami said in a genteel tone.

She walked a little followed by Ryo-Ohki, Mihoshi and not that far behind was Washu on all fours. Washu was mad. But too me, it was nothing. You see, King Tenchi, Kiyone and I were going to do something wrong for royalty. But that slut deserves it. I walked to Ryoko as did King Tenchi. Ryoko was getting edgy. Trying to break free I waved my middle finger at her.

"No, no, no, my little sex slave. You cannot break these chains. But I will break your spirit."

I walked to her with a smile that scared Ryoko badly. I moved in and kissed her on the lips. Ryoko mumbled something but I didn't know what.

Trowa> More than likely it was Hat you.

I slowly parted trying with play with our tongues as we did. Ryoko looked like she was going to throw up. I loved that looked.

"I think she is not ready." I said.

"Too bad," King Tenchi said. "She'll be hard to make a sex slave."

"I think she'll need a little more incentive." Kiyone said removing her armor.

Ryoko wasn't looking but I moved her head to look. She and I also saw Tenchi removing his armor. Soon all the armor was on the ground as Ryoko breathed heavily.

"Getting horny?" I asked.

Ryoko nodded.

"Is it from the sight of Tenchi's cock?" I asked.

Kiyone> *cough*baby-Hat*cough*

Ryoko nodded again.

"Good. Now," I said picking her up. "You will not mind if I rip your clothes off."

Gene> I wont mind! *whack*
Kiyone> Pervert.

Ryoko glared at me.

"Now, now," I said. "First, you are my sex slave. You will not be wearing clothes ever again. Two, you said you'll be anything I want. And I want a sex slave. Three, I bet you prefer getting head more than losing yours."

Ryoko looked sad for a sec. Then she stopped struggling. I grabbed Ryoko's ragged shirt and ripped it off. I ripped off her skirt too.

"My God, don't you wear any undergarments?"

"I use them to wipe my ass." Ryoko said rudely.

I slapped her in the face. Tenchi walked behind Ryoko as Kiyone walked near to me.

"What are you going to do?" Ryoko asked weakly.

Gene> I think she already knows the answer to that...

"We're going to train you be a good sex slave." Tenchi said.

Before Ryoko would react, Tenchi rammed his cock straight up her ass. I know because Ryoko let of a scream of pain.

"Please, please, oh god no. I never been taken there. Please no, it hurts."

Chaos> EVIL ROBOTS!! *pumps shotgun*

Tenchi slid in and out. I was very pleased and horny. But I wasn't ready to do Ryoko…

Gene> Dramatic pause!

yet. Kiyone how ever was. She grabbed the Ryoko's head and put her tit in it.

"Suck it now." Kiyone ordered.

My guess is that Ryoko was in too much pain to do otherwise. She sucked and licked the tit. Kiyone felt good because she moaned loud. It barely had any control. I felt love juice flow down my legs. I massaged my boobs as I watch.

"Now slave," King Tenchi said. "I'm going to come in you know. But this is only the tip of a sword that'll keep on hurting you… and you'll never die."

He came into her. From her asshole came semen and blood. Ryoko fainted. Kiyone looked disappointed. I relaxed too.

All> (looks at Kiyone)
Kiyone> What?

"Okay… Okay…" I said panting. "Take this filth to the dungeon. The rack will make a perfect bed for her."

Kiyone bowed and dragged Ryoko off.

"Oh and Kiyone,"

"Yes my Queen?" Kiyone asked.

"Please don't stretch her limbs off like you did the last prisoner." I said with a sick smile.

Chaos> Now thats cruel.

"I'm making no promises my Queen." Kiyone said before heading to the dungeon.

This is perfect. All I need to do is wait…

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, please send them to DarkMorphmon@aol.com

All> No.

Gene> So, what did you all think?
Chaos> Hey, thats MY line!
Kiyone> The fic was disturbing, but why were some of the things we said changed into hat?
Trowa> (leans onto wall and crosses arms) Remember how Kazuya said he was going to get his revenge?
Chaos> Yeah, what about it?
Trowa> I think hes having it right now.
Chaos> Like Hat he is!
Gene> I'd say its entirely possible.
Chaos> Hat that, hes Hating wussing out of our godHated fight. Stupid Hat.
Kiyone> Its a swear filter!
Kazuya> (quietly) Heh heh heh heh (loudly) BWAHAHAHAHAH!
Chaos> YOU HatING Hat!! ILL HatING KILL YOUR Hat HatHating Hat'd Hat Hat in your moms Hating HatHat Hat!!! Hat YOU!!!
Kazuya> Holy shit, thats alot of cursing.
Gene> Well, uh, since Chaos is incapacitated at the moment-
Chaos> Hat YOU TO HELL! Hey, I can say hell!
Gene> I guess we'll see you next chapter...