Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmares: Part I of the Guardian Saga ❯ Mihoshi...friendless? ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Ye-gads, Batman! How do write a sad part of this fic on one of the brightest rays of sunshine in the Tenchiverse?
Yup, this section is on everyones favorite GP officer, Mihoshi. **ducks as Kiyone fans throw rotting vegetables** Ok, ok, OK! *Stands up, and brushes off nasty vegatable matter* Maybe not everyone's favorite, but you have to admit, this is ONE lucky girl. And FYI~This part will try to go by OVA Mihoshi.

Chapter One-Part IV

Mihoshi, friendless?

* * *

The gray sky hovered over the bright blond curls, as if trying to leach the color out of them. 'Like it would matter anyway', the usual cheery, bright blond thought. 'There may be color, but life? Now, thats another story...' Mihoshi was suprised at her own pessimism. 'Why am I so, angry? So tired?'

The GP Officer looked down at her uniform, noting the wrinkles, and the stench of gunfire on them. 'What happened?' Mihoshi's brow wrinkled in thought. 'I better go find the others.'

She realized that she was behind one of many snow covered banks, near the shore of the lake that bordered the Masaki house. The banks kept her from seeing into the yard, or much anywhere else. An uneasy, disconcerted feeling crept into the officer's mind.

Mihoshi trudged through the snow, her mind ahead of her body, planning what to do. Find the others. That was her main objective now. Later, she would find out what else had happened. Mihoshi didn't like the feeling of foreboding she had. Bad, evil things had taken place, and Mihoshi had not been here to combat it.

Her body was weak, exhaustion pulling at her tirelessly, but her mind was determinedly sharper than her body, wanting...needing to find out what was wrong. She took another step, and fell in the slippery liquid slush the snow had become. It was helf melted, and was dyed a reddish color.

She immediately gasped and pulled back, her arms and legs deep in this mixed slush. Her GP uniform was stained with it on her arms, legs and torso.
'What?' Mihoshi's eyes filled with onconscious tears. 'Blood? This close to the house? But, that could only mean...'

The Galaxy Police officer pushed her body up the small hill of red snow in frantic, jerking motions, finally making it over the bank and into the main yard of the Misaki household. She was now shaking in her urgency to find the others.

She found Washu first.

Mihoshi found herself on her knees, felled by the mortality in front of her.

"Miss Washu..." Sky colored eyes shed tears equal in measure as to that of a neverending river.

'What...no, WHO had done this?' Rage, anger, and sadness all combined in Mihoshi's heart. She couldn't see straight from the anger, but at the same time the despair of losing one of her close friends drug her down and made her heart ache with an almost unconsolable grief.

Mihoshi forced herself up again. 'If there is anyone left-stop that, Mihoshi!' The woman scolded herself. 'WHEN you find the others, and WHEN you get them to safety, that is the time for finding whoever did this and arresting them. Now, just find them!'

Mihoshi, now going on pure adrenaline and the intense feelings she bore, started to look everywhere for the rest of her family. She cast blue eyes towards the house, and an overhwhelming emptiness swept over her. Clearly, no one was there.

She ranged out behind the house, where there were the markings of a huge fight.

They lay side by side within a friendly distance of each other, the Royal Prince and Princess of Jurai, Tenchi and Aeka. Around both there was a blast zone of about thirty feet. All the snow was either melted or blown back.

Tenchi was nearest, his body spread out in the snow with his limbs in the stance of a fallen warrior.

Mihoshi's heart dropped. 'Not Tenchi! Oh please...not Tenchi!'

His face was not twisted into a death-grimace, and he was free of any markings she could see. He looked oddly serene and angelic, lying there in the snow. His hair glowed with a raven sheen, and his skin seemed even brighter in death than in life. It was as if death's hands has passed over him, as if he were just sleeping. The beauty all the girls had found within Tenchi chose now to shine out of him, when no one but Mihoshi could see. All he had to do was open those eyes they all knew so well...

Mihoshi sat back on her feet, the tears continuing their sad waltz down her browned cheeks. She felt that she had been given a gift-to see Tenchi as he truly was-but at the same time, felt that something that had been so important to her had been torn away. This thing-whatever it was, Tenchi's friendship, or his caring, tender way of changing people for the better-was never to be filled or replaced ever again.

The First Princess of Jurai was only on the other side of Tenchi, and Mihoshi's attention was drawn to her.

Aeka was so close to Tenchi, and they had probably protected each other...that had created the banks of snow in this otherwise semi-flat valley. This realization of their mutual protection wrought more pain from Mihoshi's already broken heart. 'I should have been here.'

The crown Aeka customarily wore was broken in two, but the shards were still in place on top of her normally neat violet hair. Mihoshi drew in a ragged, gasping breath. She reached out gently and brushed a few strands from Aeka's face.

Mihoshi tried to swallow her tears, but found it impossible. How can you swallow a grief that will know no bounds? There was an odd, choking feeling in the back of her throat as her mind was reeling, her heart breaking. Already, a third of her family was gone.

Mihoshi's lips trembled, and the tears that hadn't stopped since Washu came on stronger, and she felt like she was kneeling there, crying her life out over people she could not save.

Still, she went on.

Sasami was just on the next bank over. Her bright blue hair was fanned out all behind her, half undone from her neat tails. Mihoshi couldn't help but think of a sleeping snow fairy-as Sasami was wearing a light blue dress, with fur trim. She had probably been playing outside with Ryo-Okhi. She had loved the snow. Sasami looked so young. Her innocence had endeared her to Mihoshi ever since the instance of their meeting.

And now, that innocence was no more.

Mihoshi shivered next to Sasami, the grief taking a toll on her she felt she could not pay.

Now. at least Sasami was far, far from this place of raw mortality and hurt. She was in a place where she could play in the snows for as long as she liked with Ryo-okhi as her trusted companion. Mihoshi thought of this-hoping it would ease the rend in her heart. She was still concentrating on this thought when she found them.

Ryo-okhi and Ryoko were side by side. Ryoko was in her skin-tight red and black battle suit. Instead of intimidating Mihoshi, as it had been designed to do, it just made her sobs come harder. She had died fighting, just the way Ryoko would have been expected to. She would never give in. The thought brought a bitter and remorse-filled smile to Mihoshi's lips.

Ryoko's cyan hair blended in with the snow and the sky. Mihoshi blinked away the tears, hoping to see the famous space pirate more clearly. 'She always teased me,' Mihoshi thought, 'but was always there to share my smile...'

The GP Officer collapsed in the cold snow. She just fell to the earth. She couldn't take anymore. She couldn't look for anyone else. She just couldn't face the fresh, new pain that overcame her everytime she came across another member of her family.

And then, she remembered.

The one person she had known for the longest time was nowhere to be found.

Mihoshi crawled over the snow, heading aimlessly in any direction. She just had to find Kiyone. Kiyone was all she had left of her family. Kiyone...all that mattered. Kiyone...Kiyone...Kiyone...
Mihoshi chanted her partner's name over and over. It ran through her head, calling fond memories to the surface of her mind...

"Mihoshi! Get up! How much do you have to sleep anyway?!?"
"Mihoshi! Did you eat my rice balls?"
"Mihoshi!No, don't touch tha-" *KA-BOOM*...

Mihoshi was overwhelmed. She stopped, the sobs wrenching any breath from her tired, flagging body. For the first time in her life, she felt more dead than alive.

Mihoshi had never felt so alone.

She stopped to lay down on the cold snow, and she tried to think through the haze of burning woe that besieged what little piece of her heart and soul that was left.
All Mihoshi could see were the faces of her friends in her mind, smiling, laughing, playing...
Tenchi running from Ryoko, Aeka running after both, calling Ryoko a demon, and worse.
Sasami and Ryo-okhi fixing carrot stew.
Kiyone and herself, working together...

And she hadn't been here. What ever had happened, had taken her friend's lives, she had not been here. She had not been here for her partner, someone who depended on her especially. To back her up. To be there. To have her back. And she couldn't even find her.

Mihoshi hadn't been there.

She had let them down. All of them.

And now, she was alone. Terribly, horribly, alone.

Mihoshi curled up on the snow, and let her tears flow.

* * *

Why must I be so morbid?!?! Huh? Can you tell me? Well, let it be known, I don't like this part too much. Is it just me, or do all these parts end up with the worst thing possible happening to them, and then they die? *cough.depressing.much.?.cough*

Man, I need prozac.

Anywho, the reason for all this will be explained very soon. So, until then, please read on through the rough spots. I know I'm not a perfect writer..but...anyways. Please, bear with me.
