Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ Nightmares: Part I of the Guardian Saga ❯ Kiyone's Life ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Nightmares: Part I of the Guardian Saga

Chapter Five:

Kiyone's Life.

* * *

Kiyone walked across the stage. The lights flashed, brilliant showers of white and yellow, blinding the GP Officer for a few seconds. She never broke her solid stride, just kept it up until she met the commisioner on the other side of the stage.

"Congratulations, Kiyone." The elder man shook her hand while handing her a medallion. The bright bursts of light exploded again, and Kiyone turned her uncertain face toward them and smiled.

* * * *

Kiyone threw the silver medallion down on her bed. She yanked at the collar of her formal uniform, slipping off the jacket, shirt and pants, hanging it all up neatly as she always did. She walked over to her nightstand, and opened it, reaching for a comfortable nightgown. She pulled it over her teal colored head, reveling in the softness.

The GP officer sat down on the edge of her bed, reaching for a brush to comb out her hair. As the bristles massaged her head, Kiyone thought of the awards and graduation ceremony and what it meant.

'I am a Galaxy Police Officer. First-class detective right out of the academy. Head Cadet,' Kiyone thought, 'the list goes on and on. Leader of commencement exercizes, first in my class...'

At that thought, Kiyone reached over and touched the cool circular object next to her that was inscribed with her name and the GP insignia.

'What use have I for things such as these?'

Kiyone rolled over, turned off the light, and crawled under the covers. She was still thinking of the answer to her own question.


* * * *

Kiyone looked out her majestic view of space. A corner office with a view in GP HQ after only five years of exemplary service in the field. The list of criminals she had apprehended had grown in prestige and size with every day of those years passing.

Not to mention her new title...
"Deputy Commisioner?" A faint voice interrupted Kiyone's thoughts.
"Yes?" Kiyone turned around in the large swivel chair, not bothering to stand up. She didn't have to. The only people that were higher in the chain of command than Kiyone herself were the Commisioner and Captain of Forces. She only stood for them.
A slight cat looking creature met her sight. They were known as Cataeis, and had been working in the GP longer than human beings. This one was her personal secretary, and his name was Llaer. "Here are your messages, there's a call for you on line one and a package for you in delivery. It will be here in less than a hour-"
Kiyone's eyes hardened as she took the papers from the young Cataeis. "Have it here in less than five minutes. Thank you for the messages, Llaer."
"But, Deputy-"Llaer started to protest.
"I said five minutes, Secretary."Kiyone looked through her messages, not bothering to look up and meet eyes with her employee.
"Yes ma'am." Llaer did a smart salute and exited the room.
Kiyone sighed. 'I am deputy commisioner. After only five years. Who knows what I'll be in ten?'
A smile spread across her face as she reached for the phone.
"Deputy Commisioner here."

* * * *

She sighed and stretched. Today was her day. She was being promoted. After only six years as Deputy Commisioner she was being promoted to Commisioner. A very large promotion indeed.
Kiyone got out of bed, and walked to the bath. As she passed by the mirror, she caught a glimpse of a ghost.

The teal haired woman stopped short. What, or rather, Who, was that?

Then Kiyone realized: She had only seen herself.

She stopped and looked into her own eyes in the mirror. Her bright teal hair had faded now, years of GP service and stress had seen it to a duller green color. Her body was still as fit as it always had been, but there was a vivacity missing from her lean frame.

Kiyone's eyes searched for and found a picture of herself, one taken the night she had graduated from the academy.

The girl that looked back at Kiyone was not the same woman that looked back at herself in the mirror. Kiyone felt the sadness overcome her again. She had never really had a personal life. It had always been forsaken for work.

'Work. Is that all I've ever known?' Kiyone wondered. She had had a few passing lovers, some friends...but no one close. Kiyone was never there, after all. She was always working.
'But I'm getting promoted today. To Commisioner.'

Suddenly, Kiyone took a breath, and the weak, helpless woman was gone.

'Yes, thats all that matters,' she thought. 'I am going to be Commisioner.'

* * * *

The light green bun at the nape of her neck was held with one of her many pens, and the glasses were perched on the end of her nose. She scanned the report, eyes taking in information while her mind struggled painfully to keep up.
"How could they allow it?" Kiyone muttered to herself. "How could that damn space pirate Ryoko get away again!?"

Kiyone shook her head and found herself thinking, 'In my day this would have never..'
Her mind caught onto the phrase. 'In my day? Am I so old as to have the " in my day" discussions?'

The Commisioner of the GP shook her head. 'Surely not. It was as if I just graduated from the academy just days ago...'
"Commisioner? I think its time you go home. It is terribly late." Her secretary, Llaseah, suggested. Llaer had died years ago, this was his son.
"Llaseah, you are just like your father." Kiyone looked up smiling at the young Cataeis, making eye contact with him. "Always making suggestions where it is not your place."
The young Cataeis drew in a quick breath, clearly offended by Kiyone's words. Still, he did not say-or do-anything. He gave her a salute and left the spacious office.
Kiyone pursed her lips. She threw the file down on her desk, and turned in her chair to the breathtaking view that was behind her.

She felt so small, here in her office. This view reminded her of her place in the galaxy. 'Will they remember me? Of course they will. I've had the best run as Commish in GP history.
Then why do I feel so lonely? So sad? Like I'm missing something...' Kiyone looked at the time. It was nearing two in the morning, GP time, but she didn't feel the need for sleep.

Not like a 80 year old should. She shook her now silver-green head, unbelieving. She had outlived all her friends. What few friends she had had in the first place...

Kiyone would walk through HQ every morning, and it seemed that every time, more new faces popped up than old ones. The fact disconcerted her.
'So many years of service. Fifty-six to be exact.' Kiyone turned in her chair again, back to her desk. 'Yes, I have outlived all my colleagues. Who would have ever thought...' Kiyone sighed, and rose from her desk, determined not to pursue such a sad turn of thought. She was alone enough as it was.

Not that she wasn't invited to dinner with other, younger colleagues, not that she wasn't as sharp as she used to be, or as beautiful...

She just didn't seek others company.

'Has that been my undoing?' Kiyone wondered, rising from her desk and putting away the file automatically. She stepped from her office to her personal elevator that would take her to her own quarters. 'Have I been this solitary all my life?'
The ding of the little chime broke Kiyone's thoughts. 'Better to think of this when I have a clearer head. In the morning, tomorrow.'

At that, the Commisioner of the Galaxy Police went to bed, already planning out what she would do the next day.

* * * *

The next morning, all the major newspapers had this story:

GP Commish found dead in sleep.

Llaseah sighed, and let the paper drop onto his desk in his study. He was looking forward to the new commisioner, but he would miss Kiyone. She had been damn good at her job. The GP hadn't been run that smoothly in...well, ever. Her numerous acidic remarks hadn't bothered him too much. After all, towards the end, she was just a lonely old lady.
But, today, he was to do two very important things: attend Kiyone's funeral, and meet the new Commisioner.
Llaseah sighed. Her funeral was bound to be a big affair, her being the greatest Commish the GP had ever known.
So, the Cataeis got up, walked from his study to his bedroom on tip toes, and continued to quietly creep towards his closet. He didn't want to disturb Selikina, his girlfriend, who was still asleep in their bed.
Llaseah got out his formal uniform, and began to slip it on. Shirt, jacket, slacks, boots, tie, badge. The outfit was complete, and Llaseah slipped out of the closet to see how he looked in the mirror.
He was creeping past the bed towards the bathroom mirror, when a sultry voice stopped them.
"Damn. My baby looks good in his uniform." The voice emanated from the bed, and Llaseah stopped in midcreep, smiling in the dimness.
"Thank you Sel." Llaseah was glad for the dimness, it hid his blushing cheeks.
"Whats the occasion? I mean, full uniform and all must merit something big." The female Cataeis sat up in the bed, pulling the sheet up around her naked feline form. "Wait, let me guess. Someone died!" Selikina laughed at her own joke, and only stopped when she noticed the colorlessness of her lover's face. "Oh, tell me that someone didn't die."
Llaseah nodded first and then went on to explain. " The Commisioner-"
"Oh, you mean Drake? Well, he was an ass anyways." The catwoman just fell back into the bed, reveling in the softness, an occasional mewl escaping her mouth.
"No, not Drake. Although, he may be promoted to it." Llaseah sat down on the bed beside her, gently touching her shoulder to get her attention. "It was the Commissioner Kiyone-."
"Kiyone?! I thought she had died years ago! Why, there were rumors going around that she had died years ago. You mean she just died now? Well, I'll be damned." Selikina's lack of sadness-or even remorse that a life had passed- amazed Llaseah.
"Aren't you sad? Do you even have remorse? Whats..whats wrong with you?!" Llaseah stood up, his arms spread beseechingly. 'How could she not even care...'
"For the love of....Llaseah," Selikina stood up, and hugged her boyfriend warmly,"Kiyone hadn't been seen in years. This sudden physical death after her social one will barely be acknowledged. Some will be suprised, like me, that she died just now. Others, won't care. Some, like you," At this she gently prodded him with her silken pawhand,"Will be saddened and grief-stricken. Hell Llaseah, you were probably the only person to see her face to face in 5 years. Thats the only reason you care. You knew her. Others did not."
Llaseah couldn't believe what he was hearing..she was a loner, but he had never thought that it had gotten that bad...
The young Cataeis' eyes grew wide, and he tore himself from his lover's embrace. 'Yes, it had gotten that bad.' He thought. 'But how...'
Llaseah straightened, turned on one heel, and walked from his quarters. 'The amount of people at the funeral will prove them wrong. She will be remembered.'

* * * *

Llaseah stood at the entrance to the chapel, glancing at his watch as it ticked off the minutes until the service. So far, the only people to show up had been himself and the priest. Not that Kiyone was-'had been.' Llaseah corrected himself-religous. But a service was not complete without a priest, and Llaseah had seen that one was prepared.
The minutes went by, and the candles near the altar flickered in the dark wood of Kiyone's casket. Still, no one came.
Llaseah grew impatient. Surely, someone would come.

The minutes passed.

Time stretched slowly away, and Llaseah felt he might stand at the doors forever, had the priest not eventually spoken up.
"Son, we better get started if you want to have a service. I have a wedding to do in an hour." The grave old man stated.
"No, Minister...just...just go. There will be no service." Llaseah answered, his voice cold and heavy with sadness.
The priest stepped closer to Llaseah, and put an old, cold hand on his shoulder."Are you sure? It will provide you with closu-"
"I don't need closure." Llaseah snarled, baring his forefangs. "Just leave, Minister."
The priest, clearly insulted by Llaseah's outburst, left, his spindly legs carrying him away from the chapel quickly.

Llaseah turned and walked up the aisle. Kiyone lay out in a dark casket, the candles that burned over it waved in his wake, as if acknowledging his presence, the sole mourner.

Kiyone herself looked peaceful. It was a change from the Commisioner he had seen in his seven years of service. She was always mad, joyous, angered, sullen, happy. But never peaceful. Llaseah found himself thinking, 'She found in death what she could not in life-peace.'
Llaseah gently closed the casket. He turned and walked out of the chapel.

* * * *

Llaseah had come directly from the chapel to the Commisioner's office. He had let himself in, awaiting the new Commisioner uneasily. 'If it is Drake...' Llaseah didn't pursue that line of thought. That would be even more depressing after what had happened...with....with Kiyone in the chapel.
He looked around, and noted all the personal articles had been removed. Not that there had been a lot, but still, the office pervaded of an emptiness, a hollowness even though Llaseah was there. He rocked back and forth on his heels nervously, before he finally decided to take a seat at one of the chairs that sat before the empty desk. 'Who knows how long I'll have to wait? I was supposed to meet the Commish about five minutes ago.'
He swallowed and looked over his shoulder at the door. 'Did I just hear?...No. Must be me.' Llaseah waited, impatient to get this meeting over with. Then, he heard it again, an almost thuderous sound. Like lots of people coming in his direction...
Then, the doors opened and a flood of people commenced to fill the office.
"That there. New system, installed? Good. Oh, the painting, over the couch. Yes. New desk? Yes, right over there. No, facing the view. Yes, sideways. Just like that. Where is my secretary?!" A tall woman with her back to Llaseah bellowed directions.
"Um..Ma'am?" Llaseah stood, and gently touched the women's shoulder. She turned, and he was with a bright smile. Quiet a change from Kiyone.
"Yes? Oh, you must be Llaseah, my secretary. Don't worry, I don't intend on firing you, after all, you put up with that Kiyone for how long? You must be good at your job to keep up with her demands, eh? Anyways, don't mind the few changes I'm making, just trying to make my new office more homey. By the way, I didn't see you at my promotion ceremony. I expected you there. Where were you?" The woman chittered on, and left Llaseah's poor, stressed mind in shambles. Only every other phrase caught on, but he noticed the "few" changes she was making. How could he miss? She was completely redoing the office. She added furniture, paintings, a new computer on a new desk. Kiyone's old desk was being carried out the door, workers scrambling to get the office in order. Everything Kiyone had been, was still-even in death-had been completely erased in minutes. Llaseah could only gawk.
"Llaseah? Llaseah? Are you quite all right? Well, I suppose you have had quiet a shock, your former employer dying, and me just whisking in here and chaninging it all up. But, its for the best, really it is. Believe you me, everything will be alright. Now, that I have your attention, I do, don't I?" The endless pratter stopped for a second, as Llaseah's eyes met his new Commisioner's. "Good. Where were you this morning?"
Llaseah paused before answering. "I was at the Commissioner's funeral."
"Oh, that was this morning? I hadn't realized. I wish I could have been there. I bet it was packed. Kiyone was the best Commish GP's ever seen..well, until me, that is." Her light laugh echoed off the walls. The workers were gone now, and the new Commissioner took a seat at her new desk. "So, Llaseah, I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Kuramitsu Mihoshi. Your new Commisioner."
Llaseah shook the hand that was reaching out towards him, silently nodding.
"Well, we have lots to accomplish." Mihoshi smiled at him, and Llaseah took a seat, to begin his work.

* * * *

Llaseah fell back on his bed, the paper resting on his tired chest. The headline read:

New Commish whips GP into shape!!!

The headline was preposterous, Llaseah knew. There was no need to "whip" the GP into shape. It already was, from Kiyone.
Llaseah turned on his side, sighing. 'Only a week, a single week since she died, and they have forgotten everything she's done. What has happened?'
Everywhere he went now, people asked about the Commisioner Mihoshi. 'Is she as funny as they say she is? Is she laid back? Uptight? Is she nice, is she a bitch?' Everywhere, they asked about everything. They had forgotten so quickly. So quickly, and...so easily. How could they forget her?


* * *

Woo! Talk about a long chapter. Reviews, por favor. Pweeze? I have a quid pro quo policy....*as in, you read and review me, I read and review you.* Makes for more reviews all around! You know what they say: A reviewed author, is a happy author!

Anywho, disclaimer time:

Don't own Tenchi Muyo! Although, that doesn't stop us all from wishin we did, now does it?
But this fic, however, is MINE! So all you helpless vultures out there, back OFF!

*Compopses herself* Really, to all who review, I'll....uh.....uh.....love you forever?

Didn't think that would work, anyways. But thank you all.

All C&C goes to me,