Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ The Masato Saga ❯ Prime Directive ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: As much as I would love to take credit for the characters in
this story, I cannot. Tenchi Muyo and its characters are property of AIC
and Pioneer. Excerpt from "If We Must Die" by Claude McKay reprinted
from the Norton Anthology of American Literature, Fifth Edition, Volume
2, copyright 1998 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. "Prime Directive,"
though based on pre-existing characters, is the property of the author and
may not be reprinted without permission. Ditto for all original characters
found therein. Now that that's out of the way, enjoy the story!

Note to reader: As always, I have omitted a few minor characters for
simplicity's sake, because their appearances would not have contributed
further to content. This is kind of a side story, so you don't HAVE to read
it if you don't want. But I hope you do, anyway. And I also hope you e-
mail your comments and suggestions to me. If you love my story so far,
tell me. If you think I'm the worst author in the world and should do
everyone a favor by never writing again, tell me. All, and I do mean all,
comments are welcome.

Prime Directive

Chapter 1: Home Again

When the light dissipated, Prime rapidly blinked his eyes to flush
the spots from his field of vision. He looked around him hurriedly. His
quarters on the docking station were exactly how he had left them. It
looked like no one had been inside the room since he had been gone.
Prime's crewmates knew that he often spent hours on end alone in his
quarters, so they must have thought it only natural that he not emerge for a
whole day. If they only knew what he had been through, what he had seen.
And now, he was where he belonged. More dejectedly than
enthusiastically, Prime said, "I'm home."
He brisked out of the door and swiftly made his way down the hall,
trying to think of how exactly he would explain his absence to Yosho. Not
that it really mattered that he knew the details of the past day; they were
still on leave until the next afternoon. However, considering the
circumstances, he deserved an explanation. He rapped firmly on Yosho's
cabin door, praying that he was inside.
Yosho was disturbed from meditation. He always had a lot on his
mind, especially lately, and spent almost all his free time in meditation.
He arose from his sitting position and opened the door. "Masato," he
addressed his subordinate officer, "what is it?"
Prime thought for a moment before he spoke. "Yosho," he finally
began, "I have something to tell you that I'm not sure you're going to
"Try me," Yosho replied. "I've seen many unbelievable things in
my day."
"Nothing like this," Prime assured him.
Prime spent nearly an hour explaining what had transpired in the
alternate dimension he was brought to. He explained how the Masato of
that world was on capital terms with everyone in the household, and all its
inhabitants were alive and well, even Yosho's beloved grandson and half
sister. From when he first met his parallel self in Washu's lab to his
goodbye kiss to Ayeka, Prime explained all that happened in great detail.
At the end of Prime's discourse, Yosho leaned back and closed his
eyes, seemingly lost in thought. At length he said, "This is a sign. This
vision you had is an indication that a turning point in this great war is
"It wasn't a vision, Yosho!" Prime shouted desperately. "I know I
can't prove it, but I was there. It was really the lake I was staring into. It
was really Ryo-ohki who slept in my lap. It was really Ayeka's lips that I
kissed. Don't ask me to explain how I know. I just do."
"Masato, if you say it's true, then I have no choice but to believe
you," Yosho said. "Still, I believe that this is the sign for the beginning of
the end, whatever that will be."
"I think you're right," Prime said. "I know you're right. Because I
know now what must be done."
"Oh?" Yosho asked quizzically.
"Yes," Prime confirmed. "I could clearly see again the bonds that
once held us all together. In the world I visited, by banding together
selflessly, they all defeated Kazuhiro, among others. I know it seems like
we have lost these bonds, but I believe that we can renew some, and forge
new ones. We must band together and unite our resources. That is the
only way we can defeat Hotaro."
"I agree with you, Masato," Yosho said. "But none of the family
factions want to comply. Working together is impossible."
"Maybe not," Prime mused. "I think that if I really try I can get us
all on the right track."
"How do you propose to do that?" Yosho asked dryly.
"By visiting an old friend," Prime said. "Yosho, you and I have to
cut our leave short. Tell the engineers to ready a shuttle craft for us."
"Where are we going?" Yosho asked. Never had he seen Prime
take control like this before.
Prime replied, "I'm going to meet with Sasami."

Sasami's stronghold was one of the few places left on Jurai that
was still controlled by the royal family. Most of the other members of the
family were forced to move their bases of operation to space stations, or to
neighboring planets. However, since Sasami's faction controlled a large
portion of the Jurai military, they had enough man-power and resources to
defend themselves against anything short of an all-out attack. However,
with Hotaro's scouts actively patrolling nonstop, it would not be long
before the compound was discovered. The royal family's foothold on
Jurai was hanging by a thread, and that thread was rapidly fraying.
All of the shuttles under Yosho's and Prime's control were
equipped with jamming devices that prevented the craft from being
detected on Hotaro's radar. As the craft approached the landing bay, the
"white flag" beacon was activated. This beacon was basically an
encrypted code broadcast over a channel used only by the royal family
signifying a vessel as a bearer of messages. The docking bays to the
compound were opened, and the shuttle docked inside.
Upon exiting the shuttle, Prime and Yosho were greeted by one of
Sasami's advisors. "What is the purpose of your visit?" he asked curtly.
"We wish to speak with Princess Sasami in regards to an urgent
matter," Prime said, trying to sound as official as possible.
"Really?" the advisor asked contemptuously. "And who might I
ask is requesting?"
"Tell her that Prince Yosho is here to see her," Yosho said.
"I see," the advisor responded, recognizing the name. "I will speak
to the princess." The advisor turned on his heels and adjourned to the
royal chamber. He emerged several moments later. "The princess will see
you," he said.
Yosho and Prime began to move forward. However, the advisor
placed his hand firmly on Prime's chest, halting him. "Only Prince Yosho
may enter," the advisor said curtly.
"This man is my most trusted officer," Yosho cut in. "I insist that
he be allowed to accompany me."
The advisor thought for a few moments. "Very well," he said,
stepping aside. "You may both enter." Yosho swiftly breezed by the
advisor, but Prime swallowed hard and stepped uneasily forward as he
made his way to the chamber. He was not looking forward to what Sasami
might say to him.
Sasami sat in the main chair of the chamber, flanked by a pair of
guards and numerous other advisors. It appeared as though Prime and
Yosho had come calling in the middle of a discussion. There was a cold
countenance on Sasami's face, a far cry form her former sunny disposition
that could instantly infect everyone in the Masaki household. Her eyes fell
on Yosho, and her mouth seemed to twist into a half smile. But then her
gaze shifted to Prime, and her expression once again iced over. "What is
he doing here?" she asked hotly, nodding at Prime.
"He is here at my insistence," Yosho assured her. "Please allow
him to remain."
"Oh, very well," she said with an exasperated sigh. "You may
leave us," she said to her advisors, who promptly exited the room. She
turned back to her two visitors and asked curtly, "What is your business
"Actually, Sasami, if I may," Prime began cautiously, "I have come
to make a request of you."
"A request?" asked Sasami. "What makes you think you can get
anything from me?"
"Because I know it will put an end to this war for good," Prime
said matter-of-factly.
"I seriously doubt that," Sasami replied with a wave of her hand.
"After all, our faction controls the lion's share of the military, and even we
don't stand a chance."
"Exactly," Prime said. "You have a lot, but it's not enough. We
can't win unless we get everyone to work together on this."
"Work together?" Sasami asked with a mockish chuckle. "That's
an interesting proposition coming from the man who let my sister die."
Prime winced. Every chance she got, Sasami would sting him with
a remark to that effect. "I didn't let her die, Sasami," Prime again insisted.
"You know I loved her. I would gladly have died in her place."
"Easier said than done," Sasami responded coldly. "Masato, your
proposition has no hope for success."
"It has more hope than we do separately," Prime said. "Think for a
moment. Our faction is the most directly opposite yours. If we were to
combine our forces, we may be able to spark other alliances through
example. Then we would be unstoppable, and we could take back the
whole planet."
"Your plan is sketchy at best," Sasami replied flippantly. "It's too
"Maybe," Prime said. "But it's the best we've got. And it sure as
hell is a lot better than just sitting here and waiting for Hotaro to pick us
off, one by one. All I know is that this plan definitely will not succeed
without your help."
"What makes you think I'll help you?" Sasami inquired.
"Because," Prime began, staring directly into Sasami's eyes,
"somewhere in there is the sweet, sensible little girl I used to wash dishes
with. And she knows that it's the right thing to do. And we will attack
Hotaro soon, with or without your help.
"Masato, don't be foolish!" interjected Yosho, who had been
standing quietly. "You know we only have two gunships and a cruiser,
and under two dozen men at our disposal. If we try to attack Hotaro head-
on, it's suicide."
"Yes, it is," said Prime. "But better a quick death in battle than a
slow one as Hotaro squeezes the life out of the last of us. He's already got
us right where he wants us. It's just a matter of time now."
"So you would waste your life fighting a hopeless battle?" Sasami
"It's what I've been doing for quite some time," Prime said.
"Sasami, if you help us, I know we can pull this off. If not, well, then I
guess this is goodbye." Prime spun around and swiftly marched out of the
chamber, a bewildered Yosho following close behind. Sasami sat stunned
in her chair as the pair left.
Once out of the chamber, Yosho asked, "Do you really plan to go
through with this?"
"I certainly hope so, yes," Prime said. "But you are the leader of
the faction. If you don't want to go through with this, then say the word."
Yosho closed his eyes and turned his head to the ceiling. He
thought for many moments. "Let's do it," he said finally.
"Thank you, Yosho," Prime said, placing a hand on his shoulder.
"Tomorrow we round up the men, and tell them what's going on. Then,
we'll take whatever we've got left and cram it down Hotaro's throat."

Chapter 2: Prepare for Battle

As he so often did, Prime spent the evening alone in his chamber
on the station, thinking about how he came to be in his situation. Losing
Kiyone and Mihoshi was tough; probably the toughest thing he had ever
had to deal with. Until Ayeka was killed. Her loss was unbearable. Not
just to him, but the whole Jurai royal family erupted in civil conflict upon
her death. To make matters worse, Tenchi was killed in a direct resulting
conflict with Hotaro's forces. He couldn't believe how things had spiraled
out of control. Now the only one who hadn't abandoned him was Yosho.
It appeared that he was the only one left with a sense of justice, and he
thanked his lucky stars that he was not forced to go through this terrible
ordeal alone.
Because of his standing with the royal family, Yosho became the
leader of Prime's faction. Theirs was the smallest of the factions, but it
was the only one that fought an active campaign against Hotaro. The rest
of the factions merely planned in secret, or were too busy fighting amongst
themselves to do much else. To aid in the fight to reestablish the royal
family on Jurai, Yosho appointed Prime and Tenchi as his chief military
officers. Originally, Prime and Tenchi commanded several hundred
soldiers and a fleet of twelve ships. But nine ships and almost all hands
were lost in a battle against Hotaro's two lieutenants, Gaijin and Shokai.
One of those hands was Tenchi. His own ship disabled, Prime was only
able to watch helplessly as Hotaro's forces riddled Tenchi's ship with
Though he escaped with his life, and achieved revenge by taking
out Gaijin shortly thereafter, Prime felt that any chance of defeating
Hotaro vanished after that battle. Especially after Ryoko and Washu both
deserted, no longer loyal to the cause after Tenchi's death. With the loss
of those powerful allies, the formidable force under Yosho's command
was reduced to a shambles, left to be systematically eradicated by Hotaro's
superior numbers. He had hoped that Sasami would cooperate, especially
since, with her father disgraced in exile for Ayeka's death, she would
inherit the throne should the royal family once again take control of Jurai.
But, it seemed as though Prime and Yosho were on their own. It was this
reason that Prime used to justify his decision to mount one last, all-out
offensive. If he was going to go down , he would make it as difficult on
Hotaro as possible.
He slept uneasily that night, knowing with growing certainty that it
would be his last night alive. He awoke to find that Yosho had already
assembled all the men, and that the three ships were being prepared for
"I've already told them what we intend to do," Yosho said,
referring to the twenty-odd men that stood at attention before the pair. "Is
there anything you would like to say to them before we launch?"
"Yes, there is," Prime said. He turned to face the men. "Men, you
represent the last of what was once a great fighting force. I would like to
thank you all for your loyalty and courage. You are an inspiration to all of
Jurai. Now, we prepare to undertake our final mission together. There
will not be a next time; this one is all or nothing. Unfortunately, I realize
that we are greatly outnumbered, and the chance of success is very slim.
In fact, there is more than a good chance that those who fight will not be
coming back. I realize that some of you may be scared, so I offer you the
choice now. If you feel you cannot go through with this, there is no shame
in backing down. After this, there is no turning back. So, if you do not
wish to continue, please, for your own sake, step forward."
Prime stood motionless, roving his eyes back and forth to see who
would be the first to decline participation. He stood that way for several
moments. During that time, each of Prime's men, who had overwhelming
respect for and faith in their commanding officer, stood just as motionless.
"I hoped for as much," Prime said with a grin. "Over the course of
our many battles, we have watched our comrades and dear friends fall.
Now is our chance to avenge them. We must fight with everything we've
got left, and more. That is the only way we can hope to succeed. 'Like
men we'll face the murderous, cowardly pack / Pressed to the wall, dying,
but fighting back!' Now let's kick ass!"
Prime's plea was answered with a rousing chorus of exited yells as
the men boarded their respective vessels, more than willing to sacrifice
their own lives for the greater cause. Prime smiled as he watched his men
scramble to the ships. "God bless each and every one of them," he said
out loud.
"Ready?" Yosho asked.
Prime gave a sigh. "Yosho," he began, "I know I shouldn't be
saying this, but, if we don't make it, I just want to let you know that it has
been an honor fighting at your side."
"Likewise," Yosho said. "Now, we should go."
"Yes," Prime said. "I've got promises to keep."

Chapter 3: Ties

"We've reached Jurai airspace," one of Prime's crewmen called to
"Maintain current course," Prime instructed him.
Prime stood on the bridge, looking down at the planet. It was hard
to believe that such a beautiful place could be torn apart by war. Yet, here
they were. Yosho stood beside him, thinking similar thoughts. "Had I
known this would have happened, I never would have left," he said.
"You couldn't have known," Prime said. "You did what you had
to do at the time. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn't
stayed on Earth?"
Yosho nodded his head in agreement. Earth had been good to him.
It had given him a wife and a grandson, and a quiet life. Despite the hellish
state of his home planet, he would not have traded his time on Earth for
"Man, what a view," Prime continued, still gazing at Jurai through
the window. "You know, we never just look anymore. But it really is
"Yes, it is," Yosho responded. "Definitely worth saving."
Suddenly, the proximity radar activated, and a ship came into view.
"Enemy ship ahead," a crewman said.
"Maintain our course," Prime instructed.
"We're being hailed," the crewman said.
"On screen," commanded Prime.
The view screen was activated, and Prime found himself staring
down one of Hotaro's officers. "You are in restricted airspace," the officer
said firmly. "Turn your vessels around immediately or we will be forced
to open fire."
"Give me a moment to confer with my superior," Prime said,
intending to have a little fun with the lone vessel. "Prince Yosho, what is
your command?"
"Lieutenant Kiriyama," Yosho responded in a mock official tone,
"I order you to make them feel pain."
"The Prince has spoken!" Prime said, raising his hands in the air.
"Open fire!"
On his command, Prime's cruiser and the two gunships that
flanked it delivered a barrage of gunfire that engulfed the smaller
enemy vessel. By the time the first wave of shots was over, little remained
of the enemy craft, and the stern face on the view screen was replaced with
"I think it's safe to assume that Hotaro knows we're here now,"
Prime said.
"Sir, I'm reading six enemy ships on radar," a crewman shouted.
"Shields up!" Prime commanded. "Ready all weapons!"
By the time the enemy ships had come into view, they had already
begun to open fire. Prime's three ships returned fire, and began to
maneuver so that they might be able to surround the oncoming vessels,
who were all flying in tight formation. However, before the gunships
could get into position, the enemy vessels broke formation, leaving two of
them for each of Prime's ships. The gunships and the cruiser were taking
hits from both sides, and the shields began to weaken. As opposed to
rerouting power to the shields, Prime commanded all available power for
the weapons. Prime's ships tried desperately to fire at both attackers at
once, but Hotaro's smaller, more maneuverable ships were successful in
dodging most of the gunfire. All of Prime's ships were running out of
ammunition, and not much damage was being inflicted on the enemy. All
the while, Hotaro's ships continued to mercilessly pound them with
gunfire. At the present rate, Prime feared that it was only a matter of a few
minutes before all the shields failed completely.
Prime's attention was suddenly drawn to a ship that blurred past
his field of vision and opened fire, completely destroying two enemy
vessels. When the explosions cleared, the mysterious ship slowed its
speed, and Prime was able to get a good look at it.
"It can't be," he said, his jaw dropping. "Ryo-ohki?"

"We're being hailed," a crewman said.
"On screen!" Prime shouted excitedly.
The view screen was activated, revealing the faces of Ryoko and
Washu. "You started the party without us?" Ryoko asked with a grin.
"Am I glad to see you two," Prime replied enthusiastically. "What
are you doing here?"
"We thought you could use a hand," Washu said. "Looks like we
got here in the nick of time."
"I thought you had given up on us," Yosho said.
"Well, we've had a lot of time to think," Ryoko said. "We decided
that Tenchi would have wanted it this way. I guess we've got a stake in
this, too."
"Well, we're glad to have the help," Prime said. "Can you keep
these guys off of us?"
"No problem!" Ryoko said. "Ryo-ohki, open fire!"
Ryo-ohki meowed in acknowledgement as she began to pepper the
other enemy ships with gunfire, joining the cruiser and the gunships in
their attack. Before they could get a chance to break from their attack on
Prime's vessels, Ryo-ohki already had the enemy ships pinned. It was not
long before all the enemy ships were destroyed or disabled.
"Sir, I'm picking up seventeen more enemy vessels approaching,"
a crewman said.
"Damn," Ryoko said through the view screen. "I don't think we
can handle that many."
"We have to try," Prime said. "Ready all weapons."
"Sir, we've got ships behind us," a crewman revealed.
"Just great," Prime said sarcastically, "they're trapping us."
"It's twenty vessels, sir," the crewman went on. "They're ours!"
"What?" Prime asked, shocked. "Open a channel!"
The channel to Ryo-ohki was cut off so that Prime could address
the new ships. When the lead ship's commander came on screen, Prime
gasped. "Sasami?" he stammered.
"You look like you've got problems," Sasami said. "If you want,
maybe we could help."
"Absolutely!" Prime said without hesitation. "Can you take care of
Hotaro's ships while we get to the planet's surface?"
"We'll try," Sasami assured him. "These are all the ships we have
left. If Hotaro sends more up, we'll have more than we can handle."
"What else is new?" Prime asked rhetorically. "Sasami, thank
"I've been holding this grudge long enough," Sasami said. "It's
time I focus on more important matters."
Prime smiled. "I won't let you down," he said. "I'll leave my two
gunships here with you. Ryo-ohki will escort us to the planet's surface."
"Got it," Sasami said. "Good luck, Masato."
"Thanks," he said as he cut the channel. He hailed Ryo-ohki again.
"Ryoko, we need you to get us to the planet's surface," Prime said.
"We've got your back," Ryoko said.

As the two ships made their way closer to their destination, Prime
couldn't help but ask a question that was bothering him since Ryoko and
Washu had showed up. "Why did you two come and help me?" he asked.
"I thought you two would want nothing to do with me after what
Ryoko and Washu sat silent for a moment. "It was the right thing
to do," Washu said finally.
"I couldn't go on blaming you for what happened," Ryoko
interjected. "It was Tenchi's choice to fight. As hard as that is to accept,
it's the truth."
"Besides, we couldn't let his grandfather down, too," Washu said.
"Or his friend for that matter."
"This really means a lot to me," Prime said.
"To both of us," Yosho interjected.
"No sweat!" Washu said enthusiastically.
"Enemy ship approaching," a crewman said before the former
housemates could continue their conversation.
"Just one?" Prime asked.
"Aye, sir," the crewman confirmed. Prime could see the ship
coming into view. His heart dropped as he recognized it. Every time he
saw that ship, his life was turned upside-down. "He's hailing us," the
crewman said.
"On screen," Prime said. Prime scowled as the face of the pilot
came up.
"A little far from home, aren't you?" Kazuhiro asked.
"I wasn't expecting to see you," Prime returned coldly. "You must
think I'm pretty important to crawl out from under that rock you've been
hiding under."
"I wouldn't miss this for the world," Kazuhiro said calmly. "I
derive my greatest pleasure from making your life a living hell."
"Well, I'd really like to return the favor today," Prime replied.
"What do you say? Up for a little payback?"
"You say that as if it would be a challenge to me," Kazuhiro said.
"But, if you really want to end it all now, I'd be more than happy to
"Well, strap yourself in, then," Prime replied, "because this is it!"
Prime cut off transmission and reopened the channel to Ryo-ohki.
"Washu, please tell me you have your teleporter with you," he pleaded.
"Are you kidding?" Washu exclaimed. "I never leave home
without it."
"Good," Prime said. "I have a plan."
Prime briefly explained his plan to Washu, Ryoko, and Yosho. It
was a variation of the plan that the Masato of the alternate universe had
used to defeat Kazuhiro. Everyone agreed that, because of the failing
shields of the cruiser and the massive firepower of Kazuhiro's ship,
Prime's plan was a best bet. He instructed his navigator to lay in a course
directly in line with Kazuhiro's ship, Ryo-ohki in formation right beside
them. The engines of the cruiser were brought up to full power, and both
ships began their collision course.
Prime opened a channel to Kazuhiro. "I suggest you get out of our
way," he said calmly.
"Not a chance," Kazuhiro said. "I never back down."
"I should warn you," Prime began, "that I have nothing left to lose.
And that makes me very dangerous."
"If that's the only thing that makes you dangerous," Kazuhiro
replied, "then I have nothing to worry about." Kazuhiro began to fire upon
Prime's ship. The shields were not able to hold up against the offensive,
and Kazuhiro's shots began to penetrate. In very little time, Prime's ship
suffered severe damage to its engines. The cruiser was merely coasting
when Prime yelled, "Now!"
The navigator slammed on the brakes hard, and the ship began to
grind to a halt. Ryo-ohki followed suit, making sure to stay very close to
the cruiser. Eventually, Prime's ship stopped entirely, a scant few meters
from Kazuhiro's ship, as did Ryo-ohki.
"I knew you'd chicken out!" Kazuhiro shouted. "You're not worth
my time, anymore. Get ready to eat it!"
Before Kazuhiro could discharge any weapons, his bridge controls
cut out. "What's going on here?" he demanded.
"Yoo-hoo!" a voice called behind him.
Over the view screen, Prime could see Kazuhiro whip around to
see Washu halfway through the teleporter, waving a mockish goodbye at
him. As she disappeared completely through the gateway, Kazuhiro
turned around. "What did you do?" he demanded harshly.
"Simple," Prime said as Ryo-ohki set docking clamps into his ship
and began to tow it to a safe distance. "I had Washu slip in behind you
and plant a computer virus in your ship's systems."
"A virus?" yelled Kazuhiro.
"Not just any virus, though," Prime continued as his ship and Ryo-
ohki continued to widen their distance from Kazuhiro's vessel. "It's an
exact replica of the virus you used on my Galaxy Police ship years ago.
Do you remember what that virus does?"
Kazuhiro's face turned a ghostly white.
"Payback's a bitch," Prime said with a fiendish smile.
Before Kazuhiro could respond, the ship became engulfed in a
tremendous ball of flame. The last thing Prime ever saw of Kazuhiro was
the look of horror on his face as the flames swept through the bridge,
swallowing him in a white hot fire of vengeance as he screamed in agony.
Then, the image was replaced by static. Kiyone and Mihoshi were
"Alright!" Ryoko shouted over the view screen. "Nice work on the
poetic justice!"
"I've always been a big fan of poetry," Prime responded. "But
don't celebrate just yet. We've still got work to do."
"The ship has taken heavy damage," Yosho said. "We can't
"Washu, use the teleporter to get all of my men on board Ryo-
ohki," Prime said. "Yosho and I will take a shuttle craft down to the
planet's surface. Once we make it there, head back and help Sasami."
"Right," Washu said.
Prime breathed deeply. In truth, he had expected to be dead by
now. Instead, he found himself poised for victory.

Chapter 4: Answered Prayers

Sasami's forces were taking a heavy beating at the hands of
Hotaro's forces. Prime's two gunships had already been destroyed, and
seven of her own ships were either destroyed or incapacitated. Just as
quickly as one of Sasami's ships destroyed one of Hotaro's vessel, another
would join in to attack. After starting the battle with the definite edge as
far as numbers were concerned, the odds were beginning to tip out of her
favor. By now, her fleet was outnumbered nearly two to one. She
desperately hoped that her prior pleas would come to be answered, and
that help would arrive. She knew that, at the current pace, victory was
impossible without reinforcements. As a result, she was particularly glad
to see the arrival of Ryo-ohki.
Sasami opened a channel. "Did Masato and Yosho make it to the
planet?" she asked.
"They touched down just outside the palace," Washu said.
"They're on their way now."
"Thank goodness," Sasami said with a heavy exhale. "Our ships
can't stand much more of this. We need your help."
"No problem, Sasami," Ryoko said. "Ryo-ohki, open fire!"
Ryo-ohki meowed as she began to pelt the nearest enemy ship with
ammunition. Since Ryo-ohki had the same power as a handful of her own
vessels, Sasami felt that the odds were once again in her favor.
Despite the furious efforts of all the ships involved in the skirmish,
Hotaro's fleet was just too great in number. With ships continually being
launched from the planet's surface, Sasami's forces were not able to gain
any ground. Little by little, she watched as her own ships were destroyed,
and the advantage once again shifted to Hotaro.
Deep into the battle, she assessed the situation of her fleet. The
number of ships in her command had shrunk from twenty to seven, plus
Ryo-ohki. However, Hotaro's fleet now numbered twenty two vessels.
She feared it was only a matter of time before they would be completely
overtaken. Despite her growing lack of faith, however, she knew that
Prime was right. Better to make one last stand than wait to be
exterminated. She ordered all available power to weapons, and instructed
her ships to continue the attack, no matter what the cost.
"Princess Sasami, a fleet of ships is approaching from behind us,"
one of her crewmen said.
Sasami glanced at the radar screen in front of her, and checked the
identification beacons of the ships, thirty three in all. The beacons
represented the full extent of the combined power of each rival faction of
the Jurai royal family. At last, the family was again fighting as one.
One of the arriving ships hailed Sasami's vessel, and she opened a
channel. The face of one of the commanders appeared on the view screen.
"Princess Sasami, we've been instructed to support your forces by the
leaders of all the factions," he said. "We are at your command."
Sasami smiled. The pleas she had made to all the rival factions
had all been answered. After she had committed in her own mind to help
Prime and Yosho, she informed the other factions of her intent. She had
hoped that by setting a precedent in allying with an opposing faction, she
could get all the others to do the same. Despite the icy reception that her
proposal initially received, it appeared that all the other factions agreed
that the best way to reclaim their home planet was to combine forces and
attack head-on. So, here they were, all thirty three remaining vessels,
pledging allegiance not to individual divisions, but the whole of the royal
"Good," Sasami said through her wide smile. "All available
vessels are to attack Hotaro's ships."
"Understood," the commander acknowledged. He disappeared
form the view screen, and all arriving ships began to assemble in attack
"Princess Sasami, our scanners don't read any more ships on the
planet's surface," her crewman said. "I believe that this is the remainder
of Hotaro's fleet."
"Then it looks like we're going to win," Sasami said, knowing that
Hotaro's diminishing forces were now outnumbered two to one. She
opened a channel to Ryo-ohki. "You two need to get down to the palace,"
she said. "Make sure Yosho and Masato are okay."
"You sure you can handle these guys?" Ryoko asked.
"Yes," answered Sasami. "Now please, go."
"Alright," Ryoko responded. "Good luck, Sasami. Ryo-ohki, full
speed to the Jurai royal palace!"

Chapter 5: Yosho's Turn

The palace was surprisingly empty. There were four guards at the
main gate, but Prime and Yosho overtook them easily. Now, walking
down the main corridor to the royal chamber, their footsteps echoed off the
walls, only to be swallowed up by the eerie silence. "Someone should be
here," Yosho remarked in a whisper.
"Maybe everyone's up fighting Sasami's ships," Prime whispered
"No," Yosho replied. "Not everyone."
Almost as if on cue, a figure stepped from the shadow of a pillar
and faced the two men, energy sword flickering in his grasp. As he
stepped closer, the cloak of shadow was lifted, and his face was clearly
visible. His demonic eyes burning like embers, the face of Shokai
returned the contemptuous stares of Prime and Yosho.
"Well, well, you've managed to get this far," Shokai said. "Very
impressive. However, I'm afraid that your little crusade ends here and
"We've come too far to be stopped by the likes of you, Shokai,"
returned Yosho icily.
"Why can't you just accept defeat, old man?" Shokai asked. "You
should know when you're beaten. If you don't then you'll just wind up
like poor Tenchi."
Yosho clenched his fist. He remembered all too well who was
responsible for the death of his grandson.
"If you surrender now, I promise you both a painless death,"
Shokai continued. "I'd hate to have to draw this out and make it overly
painful for you."
"I'll show you pain, you twisted--" Prime began as he advanced
forward. However, his words were cut off as Yosho held him back.
"I'll handle Shokai," Yosho said with determination. "Hotaro is in
the royal chamber, which is just ahead. Get to him now."
"But, Yosho, are you sure you can handle this guy?" Prime asked.
"Go, now!" Yosho shouted firmly.
"But..." Prime stammered, concerned for the well-being of his
commanding officer and friend.
"Ayeka is counting on you!" Yosho yelled forcefully. "Now go!"
Knowing full well that he would not be able to talk Yosho out of
fighting Shokai, Prime obeyed and dashed towards the royal chamber.
"My, how kind of you," Shokai said as he watched Prime run off.
"You didn't want me to kill both of you, so you sent him ahead to get
hacked by Lord Hotaro. How generous."
"Masato is more than a match for Hotaro," Yosho replied. "Just as
I am more than a match for you."
"Hardly," Shokai responded. "Don't forget, I was trained by Jurai
knights. My skills are second only to theirs in the universe. I am faster,
stronger, and more powerful than you are."
"You seem confident," said Yosho. "Let's see how confident you
are when I show you what true power is."
Yosho reached behind him and, from his belt, pulled an all too
familiar looking sword. With anger flaring in his features, Yosho
activated the blade of Tenchi-ken.
"Ah, the young boy's sword," remarked Shokai with a flourish. "I
am not impressed by your ancient weaponry, Yosho. Tenchi had it, and he
was defeated easily enough. Now it's your turn."
"Your arrogance will be your downfall, Shokai," Yosho said.
"That's why you never could have been a Jurai knight."
"Knight or not," Shokai responded, "I've still got more than
enough to defeat you. I'm sending you to hell, old man!"
Shokai rushed forward, his sword poised for the attack. With
blazing speed and a flurry of advanced attacks, the blade of Shokai's
energy sword blurred the air around the two combatants. Despite his
dizzying array of blows, Shokai was unable to land a single hit, as Yosho's
blade was always there to meet his own. Nevertheless, Shokai continued
to attack, his anger growing with each blocked strike.
"You don't have a chance, old man!" Shokai shouted over the din
of the clashing blades. "Give up now!"
"I shall not yield until you have paid for the death of my
grandson!" Yosho shouted.
The fight continued at a blazing pace. Shokai plugged away with
every attack he knew, but Yosho always found a way to block. Shokai's
attacks grew more determined, because he knew that Yosho's luck could
not last forever. Sooner or later, he would land a hit.
Yosho was having a difficult time in defending Shokai's blows.
The attacks themselves he knew very well, but Shokai was indeed a strong
opponent, amplifying the effectiveness of each attack. Only by shear will
and determination had Yosho managed to stay on his feet and continue the
"Blast you, old man!" shouted Shokai, growing all the more
frustrated with his inability to inflict damage upon his opponent. "Why
won't you die?"
"You first!" screamed Yosho as he began an offensive strike of his
Shokai could not believe what he was experiencing. Here he was,
an elite disciple of Jurai knights, being bested in battle by a man who
looked as though he had one foot in the grave. Overcome with anger, he
shouted, "No! You cannot defeat me! This is not happening! I cannot
believe this!"
"Believe it!" Yosho replied as he continued to attack. Ever
watchful of Shokai's weaknesses, Yosho finally picked up an opening in
his defenses; the chance he had been waiting for. With a movement
quicker than Shokai could see, Yosho thrust the blade forward.
Shokai stood stunned, unable to move. He tried to speak, but
where normally his voice would emanate a shower of blood spat past his
lips and rained down on the floor. His mouth made a sickening choking
sound as he marveled in disbelief at his own defeat. He could not move
his arms or legs. In fact, it seemed as though the only thing supporting his
weight was the blade of Tenchi-ken, which had punched cleanly through
his neck.
Yosho quickly withdrew the blade, and sent the limp, bleeding
body of Shokai clattering to the floor. Shokai gave a few last twitches of
his head, a pool of blood growing ever larger around the gaping hole in his
neck. Eventually, the spasms ceased, and Shokai's lifeless corpse lay still
on the cold floor.
Yosho deactivated the blade of Tenchi-ken and knelt down, utterly
exhausted. He exhaled the breath that it seemed he was holding ever since
he watched Tenchi die. "Your death has been avenged, my grandson," he
said aloud. "Masato, I hope you fare as well in your quest."

Chapter 6: The Fallen

Prime couldn't worry about Yosho too much; he knew that he
could handle himself no matter what the situation. Besides, he had more
important things to deal with at the moment. With help from everyone he
thought had abandoned him, Prime had managed to fight past impossible
odds and find himself approaching the final roadblock in his quest for
vengeance, and the reestablishment of just rule on Jurai.
As he dashed to the royal chamber to face his final demon, Prime
checked all his weapons. Strapped to his belt were an energy sword and a
dagger, the only defense he had left. His blaster had long ago been
damaged beyond repair. With this meager arsenal, he burst noisily
through the chamber doors.
He didn't need to look around long to find Hotaro. He sat upon the
throne at the top of the steps, seeming very out of place in a room reserved
for deserving rulers. As the doors slammed behind him, Prime stared at
Hotaro, his face filled with loathing. He could feel his face growing red
with anger. His muscles tensed, and all the warmth that radiated from his
normally passive countenance vanished in a flash, replaced with an
overpowering desire to kill. His eyes burned with pure hatred, and his
teeth clenched together so tightly he felt as though his molars would
shatter. He spoke not a word, but communicated his intentions by drawing
the hilt of his energy sword and activating the blade, the light of which
cast ominous shadows across his already unearthly expression.
Hotaro stood and grinned. "Well, this is a surprise," he said
mockingly. "I expected you to be dead by now. I'm impressed that
you've managed to get this far, Masato. Ultimately, however, you are
destined to fail."
"Not this time," Prime returned in a low growl. "I've failed too
many people already. This time I will succeed. This time you die."
Hotaro began to laugh. "You are priceless, Masato," he said in
between chuckles. "I've never met anyone quite so noble before.
However, I've always felt that there is a fine line between nobility and
stupidity. I'd say it's safe to say that you have crossed that line."
Prime continued to stare at him intensely. "Shove it," he said icily.
Hotaro continued to chuckle. "Yes, perhaps you're right," he said
lightly. "The time for talk has passed. Let's put an end to this little
game." With that, Hotaro activated an energy sword and swiftly closed the
distance between he and Prime.
Prime was cautiously confident. He had trained with Yosho many
times, and became a formidable swordsman in his own right. Despite
never being able to come close to Yosho in terms of power and
coordination, he was sure that he could handle just about any attack. So,
when Hotaro charged, Prime maintained his composure and began to
systematically block Hotaro's strikes.
Hotaro attacked fiercely, determined to put an end to the biggest
thorn that currently stuck in his side. If not for Prime, Gaijin would still
be alive, he would not have lost Kazuhiro, and his fleet of ships would not
currently be being eliminated by the newly reunited Jurai royal family. In
fact, Prime had single-handedly caused the collapse of the entire Jurai
Liberation Army, leaving Hotaro's grand empire in a shambles. Hotaro
felt that escaping the planet with his life would be satisfactory, and he
certainly wasn't going to let Prime stand in his way. He continued to hack
away with his sword, but Prime deflected each strike.
"I see you've been training with Yosho," said Hotaro as he
momentarily backed off. "However, I feel you should know that I've been
doing some training, too." He struck low with his sword, causing Prime to
drop his low to defend. In response, Hotaro jumped and gave Prime a
powerful kick square in the face.
Prime was flung back by the hit and skidded to a halt some ten
meters away, a cut above his eye and blood trickling from his nose. He
slowly rose to his feet, trying all the while to regain his senses. Hotaro
was using a combination of swordplay and hand-to-hand combat. Prime
was efficient in both, but he had never used them in conjunction before. It
seemed as though he would have to improvise.
He ran at Hotaro full tilt and swung his sword. Hotaro side-
stepped the blade, but his midsection was wide open, and Prime brought
his fist into heavy contact with Hotaro's stomach. As Hotaro hunched
over, Prime brought his knee up and slammed it into Hotaro's chin,
causing him to retreat a few steps. Thoroughly angered, Hotaro alternately
swung his sword and delivered a combination of powerful kicks, some of
which hit their target. Prime was utterly confounded by the flurry of
attacks, and was unable to find a strategy to defend. For every one kick
that he would block, it seemed that two caught his midsection, or his side,
or his head. By now he was bleeding heavily from several wounds on his
face and body, and his eye was swollen shut, reducing his vision. With
each hit he received he began to feel weaker and weaker. His coordination
diminished, and his balance suffered. Sensing his opponent's weakened
state, Hotaro swung his sword and cut deeply into Prime's side.
The pain was so great that the exhausted Prime was unable to
scream. All he could do was sink to his knees and keel over, blood
gushing from the wound he attempted to cover with his hand. His energy
sword clattered to the floor, as did Prime. Hotaro stood over him, glaring
down maniacally. "A valiant effort, Masato," he said, "but, like I said, you
are destined to fail."
Then, Prime remembered the dagger. It was the only thing he had
left to defend himself with. But he would have to wait until Hotaro got
closer. He waited for him to begin his approach to deliver the killing
blow. When Hotaro began to walk forward, sword raised high, Prime
swiftly drew the dagger and hurled it at his advancing opponent.
The dagger spun through the air and stopped as the blade stuck in
Hotaro's arm. He grimaced in pain as the projectile came to rest in his
flesh. He withdrew the dagger and tossed it aside. "You miserable
wretch!" he screamed. He cocked his foot back and swung it forcefully
into Prime's midsection, sending him sprawling across the floor on his
When Prime slid to a halt, a tremendous sadness overtook him.
Despite all that he was able to accomplish, he still would not succeed in
his ultimate goal. The fact that Hotaro would walk away from this
encounter made Prime dizzy with anger and disappointment. He had
given everything to get to this moment, and now he would fail. As blood
trickled down his face onto the floor, he whispered, "I'm sorry." Prime
closed his eyes.
When he opened them again, he found himself standing in his
backyard back home, standing at the bridge that crossed the creek. On the
other side stood his brother, standing stark still among the trees. A serious
expression adorned his face. "You don't belong with us, yet," Kori said.
"I don't belong with who?" Prime asked. His answer came as four
people stepped from the shadow of the forest and approached the edge of
the creek. Prime stood wide-eyed as the figures halted at the opposite end
of the bridge.
"You can defeat Hotaro," Tenchi said from across the bridge. "We
know you can do it."
"The power is within you," Kiyone continued. "All you have to do
is release it."
"But, Hotaro is too strong," Prime replied. "I've given it
everything I've got, and I can't do any more."
"Then we will help you," Mihoshi said.
"Help me?" Prime asked, dumbfounded. "How?"
"Our power shall become yours," Tenchi said.
"What?" Prime asked in disbelief. "No, this is impossible. I can't
do this. I'm sorry."
Ayeka began to cross the bridge. She traversed the expanse and
stopped a scant few inches from Prime. Prime once again became
captivated by her eyes, and stared back at her, unable to find his voice.
"Masato," Ayeka began, "you can do this. Don't give up. We'll
have all of eternity to be together later. Right now, you must defeat
Hotaro. Trust in yourself, just as we trust in you. We all know that you
are capable of destroying Hotaro. And if you ever doubt yourself, just
know that we will be at your side, now and forever."
Ayeka closed the remaining distance and hugged Prime tightly.
Prime folded his arms around Ayeka and returned her embrace. He closed
his eyes, knowing that, although this encounter must end, there would be
another eventually, and it would last forever.
"Now get up," Ayeka whispered.

When Prime opened his eyes again, he found himself once again
on his back in the royal chamber, Hotaro beginning to approach him. Only
an instant had passed. "It's time to end this," Hotaro said. "It's time to
send you to join your friends in the grave."
Hotaro brought his sword up high, and brought it down hard in an
effort to rid himself of Prime forever. Prime felt a strange wave of energy
flow over him, and was just as surprised as Hotaro when an energy shield
materialized around him, blocking the sword.
"What?" Hotaro blurted. "How? That's not possible!"
Prime smiled. The vision he had experienced was not the
hallucination of a man at death's door, after all. He rose to his feet as he
felt four sets of hands lifting him off the floor. The helpless, defeated look
on his face was gone, replaced by the cold fire of vengeance that again
began to burn within.
"No!" Hotaro shouted. "You shouldn't even be able to stand!"
Prime's arms and legs began to work without him. He came at
Hotaro with a flurry of punches and kicks. His feet were blurred by the
speed at which they flew. His fists crashed into Hotaro like bricks. At
that moment, Prime knew that he could not fail, because the powers of all
those he was trying to avenge were working with him. Tenchi, Kiyone,
Mihoshi, Ayeka, and Prime all fought as one, and all had their sights set
squarely on Hotaro.
Hotaro was unable to get his bearings once Prime's attack started.
Prime moved far too quickly for him to be able to even begin to block his
offensive. All he could do was helplessly take the punishing blows from
his opponent. Finally, Hotaro could take no more. He felt all his energy
slip away as Prime slammed his fist into his face. His feet came out from
under him and he fell heavily on his back.
Prime picked up his energy sword which lay nearby. Hotaro began
to struggle to get to his feet. Before he could fully straighten himself,
Prime rushed forward and shouted, in a deafening roar that resonated
through the great royal chamber, "THIS IS FOR AYEKA!"
Hotaro attempted to swing his energy sword in the path of Prime's,
but he was too late. Prime brought the blade down with all his remaining
energy. As a result of the speed and force of Prime's strike, the sword
found its mark at the top of Hotaro's head, and did not stop until it plowed
straight through to the floor.
Prime stood there, the spray of blood from Hotaro splattered across
his clothing and face, mixing with his own. He breathed heavily, his
sword half stuck in the polished tile on the floor. The flare of revenge
receded from his face, and he at last relaxed his exhausted muscles as he
watched the two halves of Hotaro neatly separate from each other and
splatter to the floor.
Prime turned around and began to walk to the door, leaving his
sword sticking out of the floor. Before he could make it to the door,
however, he felt all the remaining energy flow swiftly from his body, and
the four sets of hands gently laid him face down on the floor. With much
effort, Prime turned himself over on his back. Before his eyes could focus
again, he thought he saw four people standing around him, smiling wide.
However, like a shape in the clouds, they suddenly vanished, and Prime
again found himself alone. He leaned his head back and began to laugh
triumphantly. Even he himself never believed that he would live to see
this day. Then and there Prime vowed never to doubt himself again. He
relaxed completely and allowed himself to be swallowed in the gentle
embrace of unconsciousness.

Prime had no idea how much time passed. It could have been a
few seconds, or several hours. When he opened his eyes he found Yosho,
Ryoko, Ryo-ohki, and Washu all kneeling over him. Washu seemed to be
applying bandages to Prime's open wounds, and his head rested in
Ryoko's lap. "Masato, you're awake!" Ryoko shouted excitedly. Still too
weak to move much, Prime only smiled and nodded his head.
"I still have no idea how you survived your wounds," Washu said,
continuing to tend to Masato's gaping cuts. "When I saw you lying there, I
thought for sure you'd be a goner."
"I had a little help," Prime said with a smile.
"What do you mean?" Yosho asked. "Ryoko, were you here to
help him fight?"
"No way!" Ryoko returned. "I showed up the same time you did."
"Don't look at me," Washu said. "I came in with Ryoko."
"Then what on earth does he mean by 'help?'" Ryoko asked,
confusion wrinkling her face.
Despite the pain it caused in his injured side, Prime began to laugh
joyfully, knowing that he had fulfilled his mission. He had reconstructed
the bonds that once held everything together, and had not neglected a
single one.
"How did Sasami do?" Prime asked.
"She destroyed all of Hotaro's ships," Yosho reported. "She and
what's left of the Jurai fleet should be landing outside the palace shortly.
The royal family will reclaim it."
"That's right," Ryoko cut in, "it's over. We won. You won."
"I couldn't have done it without all of you," Prime said. "I owe
you everything."
"Well, before you think about trying to pay us back," Washu said,
"we need to get you to a hospital."
Prime was hoisted to his feet, one arm supported by Ryoko, the
other by Washu. The girls half assisted, half dragged Prime back out the
palace, with Yosho following close behind, Ryo-ohki perched on his
shoulder. Upon crossing the threshold of the main gates, the group was
left breathless as they found the entire Jurai military there to greet them.
Prime craned his head upward to view the vast expanse of faces, of
which there were clearly more than a thousand. Standing in front of
everyone was Sasami, as well as the seven remaining crewmen that had
served aboard his own vessel. Upon seeing their commander alive and
victorious, Prime's crewmen began to clap and cheer. It was not long
before Sasami joined in. Slowly, the applause and shouts spread from one
soldier to the next, and soon the whole procession was engaged in
celebration. Jurai united in celebration of the brave man who had lead the
final assault to win back its freedom.
Prime was without words. He could not believe that one man
could have such an impact on the course of events of an entire planet.
Also amazing was the fact that he had done it without making the ultimate
sacrifice. He had expected to make his plea for unity heard only after
becoming a martyr. Yet, here he was, reunited with those he cared for,
being cheered by hundreds of people, most of whom he had never before
Prime reopened many of the wounds on his face by smiling wider
than he had since he could remember.

Chapter 7: A New Beginning

For their bravery, Prime, Yosho, and the seven crewmen were all
given the Jurai Knight Shield Medal, the highest honor bestowed by the
royal family. As well, Prime was offered the position of admiral in the
Juraian army, which he graciously accepted. He offered positions in the
military to Washu and Ryoko, but they both declined. However, Prime
insisted that Yosho take a position as one of his officers, and he would not
take no for an answer. Yosho accepted, always quick to help one of the
greatest friends and human beings he had ever known.
Over the rebuilding period following the death of Hotaro, Prime
strengthened his friendship with all those who had shared the Masaki
household with him. All during his long recovery period, he made up for
lots of lost time. By the time he was well again, even though he knew
things would never be the same again, Prime felt as though all that had
separated them initially had been left behind, and that the bonds that had
been reestablished between them would only grow stronger. So, he was
understandably surprised when Ryoko and Washu announced that they
were taking their leave of Jurai.
"How can you leave?" Prime asked desperately. "I thought we
were friends again."
"We are, Masato, we are," Ryoko said. "It's just that, well, there's
nothing for us here."
"Right," Washu agreed. "I mean, thanks for making us feel right at
home, but I just can't see us staying here any longer."
"I guess we free spirits need our space," Ryoko interjected.
Prime sank down into a chair, a dashed look on his face. "This is
really disappointing," Prime said. "Ever since you two left, all I wanted
was for us to be together again. And now you're leaving."
"Hey, don't take it personally, Masato," Ryoko said. "These past
couple of months have been a blast, really. But you know me; I just can't
sit still for very long."
"And there's a lot of research I want to conduct," Washu said. "I
really can't do all that here."
Prime shook his head as he stood up. "Well, if that's what you
want, then I guess you should go," he said dejectedly. "But promise me
you'll visit often, okay?"
"Oh, you can count on that," Ryoko said.
"Before you go, though," Prime said, "I need something from you.
Maybe this is kind of a stupid request, but I want you to tell me once and
for all if you really forgive me for what happened to Tenchi."
Ryoko stepped closer. "There's nothing to forgive," she said.
"You did everything you could to save him. What's done is done, okay?"
"Okay," Prime said with a half smile. "I'm glad we can move on."
"This war has taken so many precious things from us," Washu
said. "Let's just be glad that it's all over, and we can be a family again."
"I agree," Prime said enthusiastically. "You sure I can't talk you
two into staying?"
"Sorry," Ryoko responded with a shrug. "But we'll be back.
"I'll hold you to that," Prime said. "You both take care." Prime
stepped forward and hugged both of the girls.
"You too," Washu said.
"Good luck defending Jurai," Ryoko said.
"Thanks," Prime replied as the girls exited his room to begin their
lives again. They waved to each other one last time, and then they were

"It really is a shame that they didn't want to stay," Sasami said to
Prime later. "I'll really miss them."
"They'll be back to visit," Prime assured the newly crowned
empress. "They said so."
"I know," Sasami said, "but it's just not the same."
Prime sighed. "No, it really isn't, is it?" he asked rhetorically.
"But, the important thing is that we're all together again."
"Right," Sasami agreed. "To be honest, I don't think I did the
right thing turning against you like that. I know you loved my sister, and
wouldn't have let anything happen to her if you could have helped it."
"You're absolutely right, Sasami," Prime answered.
The pair sat in silence for several moments. "I really miss Ayeka,"
Sasami said.
"I miss her, too," Prime said. "I miss them all. I'm glad I was able
to do something for them by helping to stop this war. It's what they would
have wanted."
"Yeah," was all Sasami could say in response.
Prime got up to leave. "Where are you going?" asked Sasami.
"The courtyard," Prime replied.
"Are you going to see her again?" Sasami asked.
"Yes," Prime called after as he left.
The courtyard was a large, open-air room in the palace. Within
was a beautifully tended orchard, and an elaborate garden, full of flowers
of every shape, size, and color. Also located in the courtyard was a small
graveyard where members of the royal family were buried. Prime
approached the graveyard, his hand clutching a small bouquet of freshly
cut violets.
Prime had recently acquired a preference for violets. They
reminded him of the color of Ayeka's hair. Prime slowly picked his way
through the small maze of headstones until he came to the freshest of the
graves. He knelt next to it, and placed the bouquet on top of the marker.
He removed his sketch of Ayeka from the pocket next to his heart,
smoothed it out, and placed the faded icon on the ground, the perfect eyes
staring back up at him.
"Hello, Ayeka," he said softly. "I know I haven't been here in a
while, but I'm getting settled into my new position here. Ryoko and
Washu left this afternoon. But they said that they'd be back to visit a lot,
so I don't feel too bad. I can tell that Sasami is really going to miss them,
though. Especially Ryo-ohki. It looks to me that things are starting to get
back to the way they were between all of us. I mean, as much as they can.
I still miss you, though. But I always remember what you said to me while
I fought Hotaro, and I know someday that we will be reunited. Until then,
I am eternally grateful to you for allowing me to draw strength from you
when I needed it. If it weren't for you, for all of you, we never could have
succeeded. I, and all of Jurai, owe you everything. Thank you, my
Prime removed the sketch from the ground, neatly refolded it, and
placed it back in his pocket. He stood up and turned to leave. Before he
could take a step, however, he was surprised by Yosho, who stood directly
in front of him.
"How long have you been standing there?" Prime asked.
"Long enough," Yosho replied. "Do you come here often,
"As much as I can," Prime said. "It helps a lot."
"That sketch in your pocket," Yosho said, "may I see it?"
Prime removed the drawing from his pocket and handed it to
Yosho. He gingerly unfolded it and inspected it closely. "It's very good,"
he said at length.
"Yes," Prime said, "it's perfect."
Yosho handed the sketch back to Prime. "You think about her a
lot?" he more said than asked.
"Yes," Prime said. "Sometimes, though, I have to wonder. I ask
myself, 'could I have saved her? Did I really do everything I could?'"
"Masato," Yosho began, "you were passed out. You couldn't have
done anything. I think you know that second-guessing yourself is
inappropriate. Lord knows, I miss her to. But the simple fact is that
there's nothing anyone could have done. All you have to know is that,
wherever she is now, I'm sure she's very proud of you."
A smile slowly crept across Prime's face as he chuckled. "You
know, someone else told me that not too long ago," he said.
"Speaking of Ayeka," Yosho said suddenly, "I've just received
word that we're being reassigned to the newest of Jurai's battleships."
Prime looked puzzled. "What does that have to do with Ayeka?"
He asked quizzically.
Yosho smiled. "What do you think the name of the ship's going to
be?" he asked as he handed Prime a bronze plate. Prime took the plate and
read the inscription. It was a dedication plaque for the new ship. It read:
"Battleship Ayeka."
Prime smiled. "That's a fitting tribute," he said.
"And even more fitting that you should be her commander," Yosho
"I bet she'll be a grand ship," Prime said.
"We'll both make sure of that," Yosho said with a smile.
Prime stood silent in thought for several moments. He again gazed
at the dedication plaque. With his new position in the Jurai military, and
his reestablished friendships, he felt for the first time since Ayeka's death
that he could pick up the pieces and start anew. His life had a whole new
purpose now, and he could leave the horrible past behind him. Though he
would never forget the past, he would no longer let it rule over his life. He
decided at that point to start shaping his future. He thought, however, that
one should not face the world on an empty stomach. "I'm hungry," said
Prime. "Let's get something to eat."
"Sounds like a good idea," Yosho replied.
At the prospect of dinner, Prime's thoughts wandered back to the
Masaki household and the wonderful meals Sasami used to cook. "You
know," Prime said, "I haven't really had a decent meal since Sasami used
to cook for us. It's a shame she can't do that now."
"Sasami still sneaks into the kitchen on occasion," Yosho said.
"Really?" Prime asked as he raised an eyebrow. So Sasami was
back in the kitchen. It seemed as though things were indeed getting back
to normal.