Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What About Kiyone ❯ Tenchis' Call ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter one: Tenchi's call

Kiyone had just finished getting dressed for her "job" when the phone rang.

"Hello?" She said as she put the phone up to her ear.

"This is Tenchi, can I speak to Mihoshi?" Tenchi asks

"Is anything-wrong Tenchi?" asks Kiyone "you never call this early in the morning".

"No, nothing wrong. I just need to talk to Mihoshi for a couple of minutes" says Tenchi.

"I'll get sleeping beauty; in just a second" says Kiyone.

Kiyone walks into their room and kneels down next to her "partner" and gives her a shake.

"Mihoshi wake up"

"Just a little more sleep please Kiyone"

"No, Tenchi is on the phone and he wants to talk to you."

"WHAT" Mihoshi screamed and then in her typical way she try's to get up and run to the phone all at the same time.

Kiyone gets up, walks over to her dresser and picks up her control cube and gives it a twist that converts it to credit card size. Then her shoulder harness for her pistol and puts it on. As she checks the charge on her "modified" GP pistol she hears Mihoshi scream. Running out of their room she points her pistol out into the living room, and sees Mihoshi just sitting there chatting away with an expression that was happy but curious. Walking up to her partner she hears Mihoshi's "OK".

"What's up?"

"Tenchi asked me to sleep over tonight. Something about a girls festival tomorrow, He said he wanted to show his appreciation for the lady's in his life." Replied a stunned Mihoshi.

"Oh, ok." Sounding a little down. Glancing at her watch she sees what time it is.

"Hay, hurry up and get dressed or were gonna be late for work again. We can't afford to lose another job."

Mihoshi gets up and goes to the bedroom. Coming out again quicker than usual, she walks to the door to their apartment.

"Ok let's go." Mihoshi says opening the door.

Putting on her coat as she goes out the door Kiyone thinks to her self "were gonna be early for once" and grins.