Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What About Kiyone ❯ Secret Messages ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 4: Secret messages

Kiyone was curious how this person knew her name, but wasn't about to let it interfere with her job.

"Freeze you're under arrest, put down your weapons and surrender," she said firmly then yelled, "NOW!"

"I do surrender Miss Makibi, but I will not give up my weapons. I have something very important I need to do," he said adding "besides I am kind of in the need for medical attention right now so would you take me to the Lady Washu please."

"I said put down your weapons, and I mean it," she said as her expression softened, "then you will be transported up to the Yagamis' medical room."

"Fine, but we are taking my weapons with us, they cant be allowed to fall into the hands of the locals," he said as he knelt down and began removing a small arsenal from his trench coat, "just do me a favor, and destroy the circle when we leave."

Kiyone holstered her pistol and pulled out her cube and started giving it a few twists saying,

"Fine here we go."

First the weapons, then the other equipment, then him and finally she threw an incendiary grenade at the circle, destroying all trace of it, before transporting her self to the Yagami.

Earlier that night at a house near a lake beneath an ancient shrine:

Tenchi was in the storage shed when Ryo-ohki found him.


"Ryo-ohki, what are you doing here?" Tenchi asked scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Meya, Meya" she said as she pointed at a basket of carrots.

"Go ahead and have a carrot, Ryo-ohki can you take me to the Yagami without the others finding out?" Tenchi asked

Ryo-ohki nodded with a look of curiosity.

"Good I have to get this done before Kiyone goes on patrol."

Ryo-ohki transforms and beams Tenchi and his bag on board, then heads off to the Yagami.

A while later on the Yagami:

"How is the prisoner doing Yagami?"

"It's a good thing you transported him straight to the med-lab, he would not have survived much longer otherwise."

"How long before he can be interrogated?"

"That's hard to determine, 90% of the damage has been repaired. However; something seems to be interfering with the regeneration tank and further healing seems to be ineffective." Yagami replied, " I am manually repairing and bandaging the wound for now. You can question him when he regains consciousness. I'll place him in a containment field shielded cell."

"Yagami, start up the engines and plot us a course to Headquarters" Kiyone said.

"Sorry Kiyone, but I am unable to comply with your request." Yagamis' AI unit replied as it dropped out of the ceiling.

"WHAT! Why the hell not, and it had better be good."

"Prince Tenchi has ordered me not to let you leave the area until after you have read the scroll he brought for you and have given him a response." Yagami replied.

"When was this and why didn't you notify me that he was onboard?"

"He arrived here a little over one and a half hours ago on Ryo-Ohki, he requested that you not be alerted," came the reply "he said that it was to be a surprise, something about a girls festival."

I wonder what he wants, wasn't the girls' festival the reason he had invited Mihoshi over last night? Kiyone thought to her self.

"Is Ryo-ohki still here?"

"No, Ryo-ohki departed approximately one half hour ago."

As Kiyone walked around her command chair she saw a simple wooden tray with her name on it, with a glass of orange juice, a small pot of tea that smelled of mint and algoth a fruit from her home world, a covered serving dish, and the scroll. Sitting down, she reached for the scroll, brushing her hand up against the teapot, feeling the heat radiating from it.

Looking up at Yagami Kiyone asked the unit, "Have you been keeping this stuff warm for me?"

"No, everything is just as Prince Tenchi left it."

"If it has been here for half an hour, it should be cold by now."

"Prince Tenchi placed it there just five minutes ago, so it should still be warm. You should read the scroll now Kiyone."

Kiyone untied the emerald green ribbon, unrolled the scroll and began to read:

"No matter what you do, I will always want to know where you are and what you are doing? Thinking, and feeling for the rest of my life. There are no words, that can express what is in my Head and Heart."

"I wish you could read my mind, then all doubt would be gone forever, because you would know, what a big part of me you are. I would gladly die for you anytime."

"That is easy to say, but I have to take the harder path. To live day by day to show you through Action, the true depth of my commitment towards you."

"Mistakes will be made in the future. But always remember this day, and the reason behind the Mistakes will become clear."

"Even though you are one of the newer members of my little family you mean as much to me as any of the others with your quiet strength and dedication." Kiyone lost the fight to keep back a tear and wiped it off her cheek.

"Would you like me to serve you tea now, Miss Kiyone?" Tenchi asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Ah, sure Tenchi. Why didn't you go with Ryo-ohki back to the house? Why did you come all the way out here, I would have come to the house with Mihoshi." She asked as she turned her head to look up at Tenchi.

"I thought it would be better this way, I have some questions I need answers to and I don't think any one else can do that." He says as he lifts up the teapot and reaches for the teacup. As he pours the tea he continues, "I mean Ayeka, Ryoko, and Washu would all put their own slant to the answer they give. Grandpas' answers are all so enigmatic I might as well have asked about the meaning of life. Father, well he helped me set this all up, but he has no way of knowing the answers to my questions. Sasami will end up telling the other ladies that I was asking these questions, and so would Mihoshi. And they all would immediately jump to the wrong conclusions as to why I was asking. So I decided to have your part of the festival here so that we could talk without any interruptions."

"So what do you want to know, Tenchi?"

"Tell me about the customs and laws I should know about on Jurai and the rest of the planets that I'll have to deal with as a prince of Jurai, and especially courtship and marriage laws and customs."

"That is a lot of information and I can see why you wouldn't want to ask the others. Well here it goes…"

On another part of the ship:

The first thing to go through his mind is that he still is, and that thought brings with it the awareness of the pain. It is not as bad as it was but it is still there.

"Good I'm still alive." He mumbles to himself

The words having been said brought with them other sensations, the throbbing headache, the stiffness in his joints, and the tingling sensation of energy emanating from the floor. Sitting up and looking around reveals to him that he is suspended a foot and a half off the floor, and away from the walls and ceiling, by an energy field.

"This may have stopped others from escaping from one of these cells but it won't stop me." He said to himself with a grin.

Standing up, he walked over to where the cell entrance was and began tracing a circle along the surface of the energy field. His finger, covered in blood from his wounded side, crackling with the energy sparks as he moved it along the surface.

"Energy is energy no matter what form it takes, technological, magical, or as matter." He said in a low voice as his finger reached its starting point.

He opened his eyes in time to see the field inside the circle flicker out of existence and stepped through and out of the cell.

Back on the bridge…

"So you're saying I don't have to choose between you because of the ratio of women to men is approximately ten to one, which made group marriages not only legal but mandatory, with the minimum being two women to one man, right?" Tenchi asked.

"You know, I never really thought about it, but you're right, but you forgot that due to the life spans of the average Galactic are so long a few centuries between marriages are allowed. I wonder why Ayeka, Sasami, or Yosho never mentioned this to you. It would have saved us all a lot of problems." Kiyone replied.

"Yes, it would have, a long time ago." Tenchi said thinking of Ayeka and Ryoko.

"So you have decided to accept the responsibility of your heritage?"

"I don't really have a choice, and I just recently figured out what that my mother said to me the last time before she died."

"What was it she said? If it wasn't to personal, I would like to hear it."

"She said to me that seven ladies would come into my life and that unless I tied them to me with the strongest of bonds all would be lost, but I must be very careful not to hurt them for their hearts would be fragile and there tempers volatile. She also indicated that if I failed I would never find my destiny and more than I knew would be lost, for it will never have existed. What I still don't understand is the part about the one who knows the ancient ways would sacrifice the greatest gift to bond me to them and that one would be asked to give a replacement to this person cloaked in black with wounds that could not be healed."

"What do you mean seven ladies? There are only six of us here with you."

"There is an in coming transmission Kiyone." Yagami said before Tenchi could say any thing in response to Kiyones' words.

"Putting it on screen."

Washu's face came in to being in front of them.

"Why hello there Tenchi, Kiyone did you pick up an unusual energy reading a little while ago?" Said Washu.

"Yes, I did, little Washu, I have the one responsible in a containment field in the brig. He knew my name and asked to be taken to you. I had expected more resistance considering the energy readings, Yagami is the prisoner well enough for travel?"

"I am sorry Kiyone, but he is not in his cell, and shuttle number 3 just launched. I am picking up a transmission coming from the shuttle, relaying to screen 2."

Screen 2 opens up revealing the face of her prisoner as he starts to speak:

"To the Empresses Funaho and Misaki, I am happy to announce the Bonding of Princesses Ayeka and Sasami to their intended. To Marshall Anderson, I receive grate pleasure to inform you of the engagement of your granddaughter Detective First Class Mihoshi Kuramitsu to her destined. To Queen Makibi of Sentinel Prime, my heart fills with pride at being allowed to inform you of the betrothal of your Daughter-heir Detective First Class Kiyone Makibi to the one whom has won her hand. To the Royal Science Academy on planet Toldain, Director Washu Hakubi and her daughter Ryoko Hakubi are to be wedded to their chosen. To Lady Tokimi your presence is requested as well, you are required to be in a form similar to your sisters for you are to be Joined to the one fated to be your mate."

"In order to learn the locations of the blessed events contact the Empresses of Jurai. Bring only immediate family members and those necessary to act as official witnesses for your respective governments, and one last thing: Do not interfere, or you will be prevented from attending."

The transmission ends and the screen closes.

"Was that him?" Asked Washu.

"Yes, it was." Came Kiyone's reply.

"What is going on, who is that guy and why was he saying you all were getting married?" Tenchi inquired.

"I think that was who your mother was talking about"