Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What About Kiyone ❯ Kiyone's Burning Bridges ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 3: Kiyone's burning bridges

Kiyone wasn't certain what to do next; Mihoshi was usually the one to come up with the ideas for entertainment. But Mihoshi was over at Tenchi's tonight, and would be all day tomorrow to. I'm loosing Mihoshi again, she thought to her self.

"At least he's a nice boy, he loves her as much as he does the other girls. He'll take good care of her for me," she said to her self," I wonder if they will let her stay in the Galaxy Police once she's a queen of Jurai?"

"Will I be allowed to stay around her and the others? Around Tenchi?" she asked her self.

Kiyone shuddered and hugged herself, and with a sneer she laughs at herself.

"Tenchi is just a kid, to young for me to be interested in, and he doesn't have an interest in me any way. He would have invited me over tonight as well if he did." She scolded herself then a thought went through her mind, "Wouldn't he?"

Kiyone went to the fridge and got out the left over take out, ate and went to watch some TV. After a few hours she got up walked into the bedroom and packed her things. She then packed Mihoshi's things. She then went into the bathroom and took a shower and got ready to sleep. As she got into bed she said to herself, "I'll take Mihoshi her stuff tomorrow night, after she's had a good time with the others."

The next day Kiyone got up got dressed and went in to her part time job, even though she wasn't scheduled to work. She could have called in what she had to say but she wanted to do this in person.

"Hey Kiyone what are you doing here today? I thought I gave you and Mihoshi the day off?" Mr. Yoshi her boss asked.

"You did sir, but I've come in to say that it was nice to have worked for you, but I have decided to return home, so I'm letting you know in person that I'm quitting." Kiyone said with a touch of sadness in her voice.

"I'm truly sorry to hear that, you and your girlfriend were two of my best investigators," he said then added with a chuckle " inspite of the little accidents."

"What, Mihoshi is not my girlfriend. We have been friends for a very long time so it might seem like it, she is more of a sister than any thing else. No one back home would believe that the two of us would work so well together, I wish I had not yelled at her so much though, she might think that my leaving was some how her fault. Any way it was nice working for you, maybe I will come visit some time."

"Well I'm sorry to see you go, here let me get you your last check." He said

"No just give it to Mihoshi for me, she's staying here." Kiyone interrupted.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure"

Later on that day, Kiyone returned to their apartment to finish packing and cleaning things up. She then went down to the managers' office and paid up on the rent they owed and informed them that they were moving out the next day. Upon returning to their apartment, Kiyone fixed herself something to eat, and she turned on the radio.

Awhile later she noticed that it had gotten dark.

"It's your last night on earth you might as well live it up detective." She told herself.

She changed into one of her favorite outfits, dug out her Control Cube, gave the cube a few twists sending her and Mihoshi's things up to the Yagami, and left the apartment key in the managers' mailbox on her way out to her favorite karaoke bar.

As she walked down the street she thought of all the things she had been through since she had come to the earth. The journey to Jurai had to be one of the most harrowing times; finding out that there was an impostor on the throne. Or more surprising was the fact that not only was Kagato still alive, but also was an outcast prince of Jurai's royal family that had gone quite mad for the power of the "Jurai energy". They had almost lost Ryoko then, if Nagi hadn't found her on the brink of death and nursed her back to health they would have. Or the time they had to travel back in time to save Tenchi's mother from A-1 class criminal KAIN. Or the time little Miyuka came into their lives. Then there was the time they found out just how serious Riyokos' love for Tenchi really was when they almost lost him to Haruna, Ayeka and Ryoko haven't really had any serious fights since.

Kiyone then realized how she really felt about Tenchi.

"It's ridiculous, how can I be in love with him he's just a boy. And it's obvious he does not care about me, or he would have had me come and stay over with Mihoshi last night." She told her self.

"How could he have known I was even interested, not with all the other girls doing every thing they could to get his attention and prove how much they loved him even Sasami was sending out signals that she was interested. And I never gave any indication that I might want something more than just his friendship, Ryoko and Ayeka would have torn into me if I had."

Just then she felt that peculiar tingling sensation that told her that something serious was about to happen. Reaching in to her purse she readied her GP special, she practically jumped out of her skin when her "watch" (a standard GP threat/criminal proximity alarm/radar) went off. It told her that it had detected a "highest level special threat" energy discharge just 50 yards ahead and to the right of the path that she was on.

"Special threat, there hasn't been one of those for over 5000 galactic standard years, stopping this will get me promoted for sure. Standard procedure says I am supposed to alert HQ of this, so here it goes,"

Kiyone says as she presses a button on her earring,

"Detective First class Kiyone to Yagami, come in Yagami."

"Go ahead Kiyone this is Yagami." Her ships' computers' AI interface replied.

"Alert HQ that I just picked up a highest level special threat energy discharge, I'm going to investigate. Kiyone out." She said just before switching the unit off.

Looking around her she walks up to the alley, peeks around the corner, and sees nothing but another alley crossing the one she is looking down. Half way down the alley, pulls out her probability cube and gives it a few twists to change into her combat uniform. She whips around the corner, facing the fading energy signal, and sees a man appearing to be in his late 20's, dressed all in black, from the combat boots to hat. His hands were covered in blood, the left supporting his weight against the wall as he struggled to remain standing; the other was pulling a wooden dagger out of his bleeding stomach. He looked up and saw Kiyone standing there. Kiyones' wrist com indicated that he was definitely the source of the fading energy signature that had set off her alarm.

With a smile that failed to hide the pain he was obviously feeling he said, "Greetings Detective First Class Kiyone."