Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
RingPrincess (me) does not claim any rights to the characters of Tenchi
Muyo, they are property of AIC and Pioneer Entertainment. I repeat, I do
not own Tenchi, Ryoko, Aeka, Mihoshi, Kiyone, Yosho, ect. The only things
I own are the characters places and ideas that I wrote or came up with
myself. Also I am not doing this for money, so please don't sue me.

What should have been

Part One: A leave of absence, the begining.


"What do you mean you have to leave, Ms. Aeka?" Tenchi asked concernedly,
his brow furrowed.

"I have been called home for a important event, that I can't possibly get
around. So I am afraid I must cut my visit short. I'll be gone for a little
over two months." Aeka said patiently, this was the third time she had
said this but no one seemed to be getting, except for a certain space

Ryoko grinned at her in delight.

"Have fun, say hello to Azusa for me and don't forget to send a postcard."
She cooed. Aeka just glared at her.

Aeka turned stiffly and looked at Washu.

"I'll require Ryu-oh, I hope she is repaired by now." Aeka put her nose in
the air. "Come Sasami, we must go pack."

Ryoko stopped laughing.

"Now wait a minute," she growled. "You said nothing about Sasami going
with you."

"Well she is, father especially requested her presence." Aeka headed
towards the stairs, but found herself blocked by the pirate.

"Doesn't Sasami have any say in this, Did you ask her if she wanted to go?"
her golden eyes were narrowed dangerously.

Sasami stood nervously beside Tenchi. He just looked down at her and
smiled, or tried to smile reassuringly. It looked kind of forced.

The two girls were glaring laser bolts at each other and it looked like it
would be a full blown fight when Sasami swallowed a lump in her throat.

"Ryoko, Aeka there is no need to fight. I'll go with Aeka, and we'll be
back in two months. It's only two months. You'll be able to fend for
yourselves. Mihoshi can clean, Kiyone can do laundry, Washu can cook and
Ryoko can. . . can. . ." Sasami suddenly silenced herself.

Aeka began to laugh.

"See, even Sasami thinks your worthless."

"I do not Aeka. How could you say such a thing. I just realized that I had
run out of chores. That's all." Sasami cried, on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry Sasami. I can do the odd jobs, 'kay. There is no need to cry."
Ryoko soothed.

Aeka was still laughing uproriously.

Kiyone just glared at her before turning to Sasami. She shook her head at
the cute little girl.

"I am afraid that isn't going to work, Mihoshi and I have patrol for a few
months and besides we have our apartment in town. So we won't be here."

Washu smiled mischievously. "I have a large experiement in the lab going
that could take anywhere from two weeks to six months. So it looks like it
will just be Tenchi, Ryoko, Noboyuki, and grandfather."

Aeka bristled. "I am not leaving Tenchi alone unchaperoned with that. . ,
that. . , Devil woman." She sputtered.

Ryoko suddenly settled on the ground and gave her opponent a serious

"That's right, I wouldn't want to get ahead of you now. So I suppose we
could form a pact. I solemnly swear upon my gems that I will not do
anything in anyway to Tenchi without his permission. Deal?"

Aeka looked at her in disbelief. "Accept the word of a pirate, a worthless
demon. No I don't agree."

Ryoko gave a catlike grin, "what did you call me prissy princess?"

"GIRLS!" Tenchi yelled.

Ryoko looked at him and for once immediatly backed down. "Sorry Tenchi,"
she muttered.

Tenchi glared at Aeka.

Aeka hissed in annoyance. "Fine, I accept your deal Ryoko."

"Shake on it," Ryoko purred.

With an extreme look of distaste Aeka held out her hand and Ryoko took it
and shook it firmly. Then stepped back.

"Your lucky I didn't spit on it as I should have. Somehow I felt that your
precious sensibilities would have been upset." Ryoko smiled and teleported
out before Aeka's shriek of rage could be heard throughout the house.

----------------------------------------------------------- --------------


All of the 'family' stood outside the lake to watch Sasami and Aeka leave.
Aeka bowed to the family, all that sensibilities would allow and was
beamed into the Ryu-oh. Sasami was not so proper and gave all the family
a large hug and certain ones kisses.

She was then enveloped in blue light. They watched as the ship quickly
faded into the sky and headed towards Jurai.

Mihoshi and Kiyone were the next to leave, the red ship Yagami headed out
for their patrol of the system. However that wasn't the only reason why
they were going. Mihoshi had to check in with HQ. Something about giving a
report to her grandfather. This had been something recent and unexpected.
And with Mihoshi's report they would be gone a long time.

"Well," Washu said cheerfully. "Back to work. I'll see you kids later.
Don't wreck the house now."

Noboyuki muttered something about work and headed towards town and
Gradfather headed back up to his shrine. This left Tenchi, Ryoko and
Ryo-ohki on the dock.

Tenchi looked kinda preoccupied.

"Um. . Ryoko. . ." he started.

She looked over at him. "Yes Tenchi." She said it in a straightfoward,
monotone way.

"About that pact you made with Aeka."

Ryoko seemed to clench her teeth for a moment than sagged her shoulders.
"I'll keep it Tenchi, or else I wouldn't have suggested it. Despite what
she says or thinks I am a woman of my word."

"Oh, well. . . I wasn't really wondering about that. I was actually
wondering why you made it."

A sad smile played itself over her lips, and her eyes seemed to warm.

"Ask me again sometime Tenchi. Ask me again sometime."

"Tenchi, you have chores." His grandfather yelled from the top of the

Tenchi sagged his shoulders and headed towards the carrot fields, Ryo-ohki
hopping at his heels. He didn't see the smile on Ryoko's lips of the warm
light in her eyes as she watched him go.

She turned back to the house.

"Now, what to do first?" She muttered.

-------------------------------------------------------- -----------------

Ryoko slid something off the stove. It looked like a pan of something and
it was steaming. She suddenly looked to the corner of the kitchen.

"So, Little Washu," she growled as something hit the back of her head.
"Fine, . . .mom, are you coming out for dinner or do you want it brought
to you." A slip of paper appeared on the table.

Ryoko grinned as she picked it up. Read it over and shrugged. She looked
towards the corner again. "Very well, If that's what you want."

Another slip of paper landed on the table. Ryoko read it. "Not hungry,
mom, your twelve years old. Don't say your not hungry. Do you think I am
daft or something. It will be outside your door."

Ryoko proceeded to dish out what was in the pan into a dish and carry it
outside her mother's lab door. She opened the door a crack and pushed the
tray in, all without spilling a drop.

"Compliments of the management. Hope the project is going well. And also
by the way. It's carrotless."

A whoop of delight was heard from the otherside of the door.

Ryoko only grinned. She then heard the door open. Ryoko moved to the center
of the living room, she looked expectantly towards the door.

It was Tenchi. He looked at her with an odd look on his face.

"Umm. . ." She looked down at her feet. "Lunch is ready, that is if your

Tenchi made a face, her head was still down so she didn't see.

"I think I'll pass." he muttered.

He head came up with a snap.

"You haven't even tried it yet. Don't reject it without even tasting it."

Tenchi sighed.

"Ryoko, you know and I know that you can't cook."

She grinned, however it was a pleasant grin.

"Your sure about that." She challenged.


"Fine, let's gamble. You try my food and if it isn't good, I'll do all the
house chores and take care of the carrot fields for a week. However, if it
is good you will do the house chores and the carrot fields." She held out
her hand. With some temerity Tenchi took it and shook on it.

He almost forgot to let go. It was her raised eyebrow that made him
remember his manners. Her hand was soft and smooth. There were no
callouses. But the grip was hard, the grip of a warrior. Tenchi catalogued
this as they headed to the kitchen. He almost didn't hear what she was

"Washu isn't joining us. She's is taking all meals on her lab for the
duration. So Tenchi, it's just you and me."

Before Aeka had left, this comment would had been purred seductively and
given with a wink. Now, Tenchi didn't feel at all threatened for she had
stated it as simple fact. Tenchi had a hard time getting used to this
Ryoko. In fact, he missed some of the old Ryoko, not all of her, but this
one was just as nice.

They entered the kitchen and sat down at the table and Tenchi said a brief
prayer to Kami-san before begining. Ryoko dished something out on his
plate and handed it to him. It was missing something.

"Ryoko, where are the carrots?"

"Not in the food. Personally, although I love the kid dearly, sometimes
Sasami's food doesn't have much imagination." She paused, "and I am sick
of carrots. Sorry Ryo-ohki." The last was addressed to the cabbit who sat
on the table looking at their plates with a forlorn look on her face.

Ryoko softened her look and went to the fridge. She opened the door and
took out something.

"Besides, I made something else for Ryo-ohki. Carrot salad. Carrots,
raisins, walnuts, and mayonaise. I wouldn't eat it, but I'm sure she'll
love it."


By the time she reached the table Tenchi had already taken a bite of his
food and had the most chagrined look on his face.

"Alright you win. I'll do the house chores, but you, Ryoko can cook."

Ryoko smiled at the implied compliment.

------------------------------------------------------ --------------------

Ryoko lay on the couch in the living room. It was dark and there was no
lights on in the house. She could hear Nobuyuki tossing in his sleep,
Yosho and Tenchi were quiet. The house seemed so odd with the others gone.
She knew that even now that Washu watched her. She waved at the general
direction of the cameras. Another sleepless night. How typical, now she
couldn't even go watch over Tenchi, that would be a breach of the pact.

Ryoko grimaced, that pact, she meant every word of it. But now, she wished
she hadn't made it. The night was dark and she wanted just to watch Tenchi.
The dark reminded her to much of the cave and Kagoto. She shivered and
forced herself to relax. Muscle group by muscle group until she was limp
against the sofa.

She stared at the ceiling and 'her' rafter, somehow she didn't feel like
going up there. The couch was so comfortable. Despite what she had
thought earlier, the cyan haired space pirate slowly drifted off to
sleep, only to enter the realm of her nightmeres.

The whole house heard her screams. Three times she screamed, the last one
was a name. The only name that she thought could save her.

"TENCHI!!!" her back arched and and she began to thrash. Normally she
would wake up. But not tonight.

Tenchi was downstairs in an instant and was trying to get a hold of girl
with little success. Her arms flailed wildly and it was all he could do to
even lay a hand on her. Yosho and Nobuyuki came out and tried to help, but
weren't making any head way.

Tenchi finally did the only thing he could think of. He summoned some
power and kneeling next to her, entered her dream.

It was awful, and he knew isntantly that this dream happened to be real.
This was a memory. Ryoko was backed into a corner. Her hands over her head
as Kagoto beat her and beat her and beat her. All the time telling her she
was weak, she didn't need emotions, emotions were bad, therefore she was
bad. Ryoko had been a bad little girl and deserved this beating. All Ryoko
could do was sit there and say, "yes, master." "of course, master." "how
may I please you master?"

Blood was all over, her blood. It made Tenchi's blood boil. He walked up to
Kagoto and using all his power, Tenchi punched him.

"Leave her alone, Emotions aren't weak, it is emotions that make us strong."

Kagoto just laughed, he looked around the enraged boy. "You asked Ryoko,
what can you do to please me, to please me you can kill this upstart."

Ryoko floated off the floor and healed quickly. Her eyes turned red and
she charged.

Tenchi changed focus. Kagoto wasn't the key, she was. If he could calm her
down, break Kagoto's hold over her. This dream would be done. The question
was how?

The answer came to him so quickly that he almost slapped himself.

At that moment Ryoko charged. Tenchi already full of power from attacking
Kagoto dodged.

"Ryoko, you must listen to me. Your emotions aren't bad, they aren't weak.
Ryoko your emotions are good and pure. They are part of what makes you
human. Ryoko, your emotions are part of the reason why I love you."

Tenchi stopped talking, had he just said that? That wasn't supposed to
come out. He shook his head, he didn't have time for this. Ryoko came back
with sword raised. He dodged again, he couldn't hurt her that would make
his words pointless.

"Ryoko, Kagoto is your real weakness. But you can defeat him. Defeat him
and you'll be free of this memory. Ryoko," he had to dodge again. "Ryoko,
kill Kagoto. Throw him off. I know you can do it. Ryoko,"

Kagoto just kept laughing.

Tenchi made a decision there and then in Ryoko's dream. He weighed both
Aeka and Ryoko in an instant and found that while he loved them both, this
one he loved more.

She was attacking again. Tenchi made his move. He came up inside her
defenses and took her face in his hands. There was little time for
niceties. Kagoto had figured out his plan and was about to join the fight.
Tenchi kissed her. It started as something sweet and rose in passion and
intensity. Their eyes were closed and a sheild came up around them. Blocking
Kagoto out, giving them time to talk.

Tenchi opened his eyes and stared deep into Ryoko's. They were the
beautiful amber that he loved.

"Tenchi," she whispered. He nodded, she was about to say more but he laid
a finger on her lips.

"I love you, but I can do nothing, you must kill Kagoto. Then this dream
will end."

"Tenchi, there are other dreams similar to it." She whispered, eyes wide.

He kissed her again, she broke it this time. "We'll deal with them when
they come." he whispered. She nodded.

"Something like we'll burn that bridge when we come to it." Her eyes lit up

He nodded.

She narrowed her eyes in determination. "So all I have to do is kill the

He nodded again.

She smiled, it wasn't pleasant. It showed her fangs and she literally
hissed. She looked even more like a cat than normal.

"Ryoko, this is your dream, You are in control. Remember that." He told

She looked at him and suddenly kissed him again.

"I love you Tenchi." she whispered.

He grinned. This was going to sound corny but he couldn't resist.
"I know."

Ryoko looked around for Kagoto and promptly killed him with a burst of
energy. No fanfare, no long fight, just one energy bomb and there was
nothing left but a pile of ashes.

"I am master now!" she shrieked before collapsing. Tenchi went and put
his arms around her as she wepted.

They slowly woke up to find that they were still in the living room. Only
their postions had changed. He was under her with his hands around her
waist and her head was under his chin and their legs entertwined. Yosho
and Nobuyuki were nowhere to be seen.

Ryoko was still sobbing.

Tenchi began to soothe her. Murmuring that it was okay, she was safe,
Kagoto was dead and he would never let anyone hurt her again.

"I love you Ryoko."

The sobbing ceased. The body moved that was in his arms and he loosened his
hands. She turned on her side to look down at him. He also moved to his
side. The two of them looked at each other. Tears streamed down her cheeks
and he began to wipe them away one by one.

Ryoko's eyes were wide, it was still dark so he couldn't see their amber
color, her heart was beating fast and her lips were parted in shock. It
was to much of an invitation. His head came foward and his lips touched
hers for their first real true kiss.

Ryoko's head was swimming. She couldn't think. His soft lips against hers
was to good to be true. She responded automatically until he broke it and
looked down at her.

He leaned his head towards hers and whispered in her ear.

"I know you can do better than that."

He brought his head back and looked at her and rested his forehead against
hers. "So lets try that again." He murmured before he kissed her again.
This time she returned it full heartedly.

She broke it and looked at him. As if suddenly realizing that this was
Tenchi, and he was kissing her.

"What about Aeka?" She managed to get out.

He didn't blink. He looked at her steadily. "I love you, there are many
reasons. Aeka is. . . family. She is wed to her position. All she ever
talks about is becoming empress. I do not want to be emperor. There are
times where she is controling and manipulative. I think it took your dream
to see what my heart knew all along. Also, Aeka is not here and does not
need me half so much as a beautiful space pirate."

"Is that it, she's not here so I am second best."

Tenchi sighed and brushed his fingers through her hair. "You weren't
listening back in that dream, or just now were you. I l-o-v-e y-o-u, you,
Ryoko. The girl with cyan hair, and eyes to match her heart of gold, the
woman of honor, the woman who is foward. and smells like cherry blossoms
and knows how to do so many things and is full of surprises." Tenchi
stopped for breath. Ryoko was just looking at him with astonishment. He
began again, "Ryoko, the couch is comfortable, but can we retire?"

She blinked.


"My room." He grinned as her mouth gaped. He closed her mouth with a snap
and kissed her again. She looked at him after they broke again.

"Your not kidding."

"No. Should I?"

She grinned and she wrapped her arms around him and teleported them
straight to his room. Glad for once of her abilities.

She wasn't quite sure where this Tenchi had come from, but she loved him.

------------------------------------------------------------- -----------

The next day was monday and Ryoko didn't want to move. She looked up and
still couldn't believe where she was. Could it really be true that she was
lying on Tenchi's bed, with Tenchi and permission. He had invited her. She
shook her head to clear it and pinched herself. It hurt so this must be
real. She hadn't had such a relaxing sleep in a long time.

She looked at Tenchi again to find him looking back at her. She put her
hands on his chest and laid her head on top of them.

"Do we have to move?" She whined. She felt his hand on her back and he
began to rub it.

"Unfortunately yes." He murmured.

She looked up at him again, "Tenchi, is it true what you said in my dream.
That emotions make you strong.?"

Tenchi nodded, then spoke. "Then there's the other end, to much emotion
makes you weak, indecisive, hesitant. I think it's finding the right

"Oh, good." She crawled foward until she was right over his face. He
smiled up at her and their lips met in a kiss.

A knock came at the door.

The couple jumped.

"Tenchi, school day."

Ryoko sighed and so did Tenchi. She rolled out of bed. He followed suit.

"I'll go make breakfast." She turned to leave when Tenchi's arms wrapped
around her. "Let's take a bath first? No need to make my father wonder

Ryoko laughed softly and teleported them with clothes, towels and other
bath accesories directly to the girl's side of the onsen.

----------------------------------------------------------- ---------------

The school day began pretty normally. With Amagasaki begining with his
usual questions.

"So, did you meet any cute girls over the weekend?" the overlarge,
ugly boy stated.

"I wouldn't exactly call her cute." Tenchi murmured. Amagasaki stopped in
his tracks. This was not how the conversation normally went. Tenchi
continued, "I would call her gorgeous."

Amagasaki looked at Tenchi as if he had come down with some terrible

"Umm. . . Tenchi, pardon me asking, but what happened over the weekend?"

Tenchi was at his locker by now and was looking inside of it.

"Not much, my cousins had to go home for a few months and some of my other
friends also left. Then this girl I know, she had bad dream and I helped
her out. Sounds kinda silly I know. Must be the damsel in distress thing."
Tenchi brought his head out of the locker, shrugged and began putting
books in his bag. "By the way, she's the gorgeous one."

"So, you still a virgin?" Typical Amagasaki bluntness.

Tenchi for once didn't turn red. He just sighed and gave Amagasaki the
look. Amagasaki murmured something about class and headed the other

Once he was out of sight Tenchi just grinned. That had been fun, not as
fun as shocking Ryoko, but fun. He felt like a great weight had been
lifted from his shoulders. There was no worries and he could enjoy life a
bit. Even if it was just teasing his school friends.

"Hey Tenchi, what's so funny?" Chio asked.

"Oh, just shocking Amagasaki. Shall we go to math?" Tenchi just grinned
some more. He hadn't felt this way in a long time. He closed his eyes for
a second and saw Ryoko smiling back at them, opened them and saw Chio
looking at him closely. Tenchi just winked at him and headed off to math
class. This was going to be a great day.

------------------------------------------------------------- --------------

The last class of the day for Tenchi was Kendo. Sometimes he felt bad about
this class because of all the time he spent training with grandfather.

He shook his head and shrugged, there was nothing he could do about it
anyway. Those abilities had come in handy over the last year, with Kagoto
and all.

Tenchi took his regular spot on the floor and waited for the kendo master.
He didn't have to wait long.

"Today, we will begin to learn a new cadence and the upper class students
will spar with each other."

The master than began to assign sparring partners.

"Masaki, you are with Kalith."

Tenchi bowed. Kalith grinned, then also bowed. They moved off to a mat on
the farside of the room.

"Feel like being killed today Masaki." Kalith sneered.

He was a handsome boy, with dark brown hair and blue eyes. He was also
considered the best kendo student in the school.

Tenchi entered into a classic defensive position and waited with eyebrows
raised. He waited.

"So, your going to let me make the first move, huh." Kalith attacked half-
way through his sentence. However Tenchi was ready and parried the oaken

Kalith kept coming trying to force Tenchi back. It wasn't working, so Kalith
decided to attack with words again.

"Is it true, did you get laid last night Tenchi? She must have been pretty
ugly to go for a guy like you." He sneered.

"You talk to much Kalith." Tenchi said evenly, then attacked.

Kalith felt himself going on the defensive, and almost cursed. He didn't
have time or enough concetration to fight and talk anymore. He looked at
Tenchi, something strange was going on here. Masaki wasn't that good.

Tenchi blinked and suddenly backflipped and landed three feet out of attack
range. He looked Kalith up and down and then himself and suddenly began
swearing vicously.

Tenchi held his hand out and saw a slight blue aura around it. That was not
good, he was using power without even realizing it and Jurai power at that.
Okay so it was good, maybe now he could call forth his wings without it
being a life or death situation, but did he have to find out now. Really,
in school was not the time to do this. Sudden inspiration hit him.

This seemed a bit to familar. Tenchi bowed to Kalith and without a second
glance at the boy he headed towards his bag. He kneeled over it and hefted
out the tenchi-ken. He felt the swords power respond to him.

Tenchi sighed, it looked like Kendo class was now out for the rest of the
year, unless the master knew more than he looked. Kalith had been taught
all that the master supposedly knew and here Tenchi was defeating him.

Tenchi closed his eyes and wondered again, Why me? Really, wasn't enough
that he was a prince of Jurai, that he had special powers and skills and
could summon the light hawk wings. Now he couldn't even spar with humans

He felt Kalith's bokken tip tickling the back of his neck.

"Stand up and fight Masaki."

Tenchi rolled under the bokken and come up right in Kalith's face and
laid the flat of his hand across Kalith's throat. He smiled at Kalith

"Your dead Kalith."

"You hit me with your hand Masaki. Not the blade." Kalith smirked.

Tenchi's eyes went dead.

"Wrong, I figurativly punched you. You would be back against that wall
with a smashed windpipe Kalith. The body is also very much a weapon."

"You sound like a fortune cookie, and you are not that strong. Who are
you trying to kid, Masaki."

Tenchi sighed, there was no way to get through to this boy. The master
came up and looked at Tenchi with an odd look in his eyes.

"In my opinion Kalith, you should thank Masaki. He was winning and instead
of using his superior talent he gave you an honorable tie."

Kalith growled still staring at Tenchi.

"He wasn't winning, I had him and he gave up."

"That is not what I saw Kalith. One must learn to take what is offered. You
had lost no reputation when Tenchi bowed to you. Now he has defeated you
in fair combat and you have lost reputation."

"Fine, then I have one question. Where did you learn to fight like that

Tenchi looked at him.

"If I knew, I would tell you." He took a step back and felt the wooden
bokken glide over his shoulder. Once he was out of range he bowed at Kalith
and the master once more and headed off towards the showers. He needed to
talk his grandfather and possibly Ryoko and Washu. Something was not right

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------

Tenchi sighed as he walked home. The trees were green and the day was
beautiful and somehow it was not sinking in. he hit the steps of the
shrine and paused. He knew Ryoko would be at the top. That's were she
always waited. excitement filled him.

He forgot his worries for the time being and bounded up the steps. At the
top of the steps she stood as if she was the empress of Jurai. He sighed
and came up the rest of the way.

He stood there in front of her and couldn't help but tease.

"Permission to kiss the space pirate?"

She gave him a highly regal gaze as if considering the request.

"Permission granted." She said just as regally.

He dropped his bag and put his hands on her hips and then kissed her. Her
hands began to go through his hair and finally settled around his neck. He
could feel the gem on her left hand grow warm.

He didn't want to break this kiss, it felt so good. But they came up for
lack of air. He looked down at her and wondered how he had got so lucky.

"You were worried for a moment down there Tenchi. What's wrong?" She said
as she rested her head against his chest.

He blinked in confusion.

"How did you know?" He asked, a bit shocked.

She giggled. "You used power to enter my mind last night, and you forgot
to seal the path off after you left."

Tenchi digested this, then shrugged. Not much could surprise him anymore.

"I beat Kalith today during Kendo using moves that I didn't even know at
first, then I realized I was using Jurai power and decided that maybe
sparring today was not a good idea."

"You beat Kalith, who's Kalith?"

"Oh, just the best kendo student in the school."

"It was inviteable you know, you beating him. You are the bearer of the
light hawk wings."

"I wasn't thinking it was inviteable, I was thinking why me? Don't I have
enough trouble. We should talk to Washu and grandpa after dinner."

She didn't say anything for awhile. They stood there in the sun, arms around
each other, savoring the moment. Ryoko broke the silence.

"So are you going to close off the path between our minds?"

"No, I think it will be easier this way. That way we can talk to each other
without others knowing and it will be easier if you have another dream to
help you."

She snuggled up against him. "Good, cause I didn't want you too."

"I love you Ryoko."

She sighed contentedly.

::I love you Tenchi.:: he heard her softly say in his mind.

::Hmm, does this mean we can even talk as we kiss.:: He said as he suited
actions to words, tipping her head up and kissing her once more.

After it was finished she pushed him away laughing.

"We won't get anywhere standing around here for the rest of the day!"
She began to sashay up the walk.

Tenchi picked his bag back up and followed her towards the house admiring
her ankles. She was barefooted and wearing the skirt that looked as if it
was made of leaves. He smiled to himself and hurried to catch up with his
gorgeous space pirate, who even had beautiful ankles.

Ryoko just snorted and grinned back at him as his arm went around her waist
and they walked towards the house arm in arm.

------------------------------------------------------------- -------------

Washu sat on her pillow and looked across at Tenchi and Ryoko.

"Well, what do you want? I have a big project going on and can only
spare so much time."

Lord Katsuhito sipped the tea that Ryoko had brought in with them.

Ryoko decided to speak up.

"Mom, Tenchi was able to beat the best kendo student in school today and
he did so with Jurai power. The funny thing is he says he didn't summon it
or anything."

Tenchi nodded and mentally thanked her.

::It was nothing lover.::

Washu looked between them for a moment and grinned.

"I would think the solution to this problem exceedingly obvious."

Tenchi raised his eyebrows and leaned foward putting his elbows on his

"Then tell us."

"You've made your choice haven't you?"

Tenchi and Ryoko blinked and then nodded.

"It's not as if we were trying to keep it a secret or anything." Ryoko

"Well, then that is the answer. How did you feel today Tenchi? Any
different than normal?"

Tenchi shrugged for a moment, and thought about it. It seemed as if he
had made just that observation that morning. He looked back at Washu.

"Calmer I think, and more relaxed than usual. Like I had a great weight
lifted off my shoulders."

"That's what I thought. Because you are calm, your power can flow easier.
It no longer has to get through the static of an indecisive mind."

Katsuhito just nodded and sipped his tea.

"So all that I had to do was make a choice and I got an increased use
in power?" Tenchi exclaimed, not quite believing.

Katsuhito put his cup down.

"Yes tenchi, that is all, of course, the decision also affected the way
the power showed itself."

"What do you mean?" Ryoko was curious.

"It seems that he has had an increase of his fighting abilities and a slight
personality change, Ryoko, but then so have you. You have lost your
emotional walls and he has lost his shyness around girls."

"In other words," Washu piped up, "his hormones have leveled out."

Tenchi flushed a bit. Ryoko bit back a snide comment aimed at her mother.

"I would suggest that you keep your relationship distant from your father,
Tenchi. I love my son-in-law, but sometimes keeping things from him is for
the best." Grandpa intoned.

"You have something else to tell them, too." Washu looked slyly at
Katsuhito. He grimaced.

"Yes, I do. Tenchi when you give Ryoko back her gems. I know you will, that
is in you nature to do so. She will be able to call her own light-hawk
wings. Both of you must train to use them and use them well."

"Huh, so I'm now his girlfriend and sparring partner." Ryoko commented.

Tenchi grinned. "I can handle that." He reached across and clasped her hand
in his.

"You two are now the strongest beings on this planet. Learn to use that
power well and remember with power comes responsibilty." Katsuhito stood
up after this little speech. "It's late and I am off the bed. I will see
you two in the morning. Pleasant projects Little Washu." He bowed to them
and left.

Ryoko and Tenchi stood up to go also. "Good night Little Washu." Tenchi

"You can call me mom Tenchi. After all you did choose my daughter."

Tenchi blinked and Ryoko started to laugh.

"Don't push your luck Mom." She got out between giggles. She grasped
Tenchi's hand and led him out the door laughing all the way.

"Children." Washu mused as the crab jangled as the door shut. Then she
looked down at herself and laughed. Remembering for now she was a child

--------------------------------------------------- --------------------


Tuesday was just as good as Monday. His friends couldn't believe the change
to him. Chio was the one who was having the most trouble. Tenchi gave a
small mental snort. Chio wasn't the only one, Kalith was becoming almost
unbearable. He had never really been friends with him, it was more of a
rivalary, but really, the guy couldn't accept the fact he had been beat.

"Hey, Masaki, where's your girl? Maybe she could save you." Kalith sneered.

Tenchi looked up, he had five minutes to get to Kendo class, and did not
need Kalith needling him. Unexplicably Tenchi smiled.

"Save me from what Kalith?"


A vision with cyan hair was standing behind Kalith, energy sword raised.
Well, actually she floated but with Ryoko was there a difference?

::He doesn't know what he is talking about love. Leave him be.:: Tenchi

::He threatened you, MY Tenchi.:: Her mental voice was indigninant. Tenchi
gave a mental shrug.

"Save me from you, Kalith, I think I can handle myself well enough." Tenchi
gave a sharp look over Kalith's shoulder. ::Ryoko, get those two feet on the
ground before someone sees you! And extingush that sword.::

"Spoil sport." She pouted, Tenchi snorted.

Kalith whirled around, and saw the most beautiful girl he had seen anywhere.
She had spiky cyan hair with catlike amber eyes and was just a few
inches shorter than he was.

"Well hello." He charmed. Changing moods faster than lightning.

Ryoko gave him a look like she would give a rat.

"Amateur, I coulda killed you." Her voice dripped with contempt. Kalith
heard snickering behind him. "In fact, I shoulda, except that Tenchi pled
your case and said you have no clue what goes on the world. So, until he
says differently, you, greenhorn, are safe." Her eyes snapped. The snicker
was brought under slow control.

"Kalith, meet my girlfriend, the infamous Ryoko." Tenchi grinned.

Ryoko gave her best predator smile, that showed all her fangs. Kalith took
a step back. What the? Fangs, the eyes he could deal with, but fangs.

She grinned, "I don't suck blood if that's what your thinking."

"Class guys," Tenchi reminded gently.

Kalith gave Tenchi a spooked look and headed in the direction of class, a
few of his homies dragging behind him.

Ryoko sighed, they hadn't even stayed for the fun part. Tenchi came up and
wrapped his arm around her and headed off in the same direction as Kalith.

When Tenchi entered the room all the students stopped what they were doing
to stare, it was obvious that Kalith had had a few minutes to fill them
all in.

::Maybe you shouldn't have shown him you fangs Ryoko.::

::He deserved the scare, he's a coward.::

::That's not for us to judge.::

::If he met Kagoto, he would have wet his pants and ran the other direction.
He is just that type, especially if he was scared of my fangs. Really,
Tenchi. You are not scared of them.::

::Well I'm different.::

::Hey, you even like them.::

Tenchi just gave her a inscrutable glare, she glared back just as fiercly.
The master saved them from anymore of an arguement.

::This isn't over.:: Tenchi promised solemnly.

::I wouldn't dream of it lover.::

Tenchi took the time to bow to the master. Ryoko just nodded her head at
him. Getting her to bow would just be to much. The kendo master gazed at
her strangely.

"Master," Tenchi began. Ryoko winced. Tenchi sighed and began again. "Sir,
may we talk to you in your office?"

"Of course Mr. Masaki and. . ." He looked questionably at Ryoko.

"Ms. Ryoko Hakubi, I'm Tenchi's grilfriend and current sparring partner."

The master just raised his eyebrows, both of them sighed. The master smiled
as if he had reached a conclusion and beckoned them towards his office.

His assistants called the class to order and training began again. The door
shut behind the departing trio.

"I take it you two are much closer than boyfriend/girlfriend." The master
smiled as they sat on cushions surronding a low table.

Ryoko smiled like the cat she resembled and Tenchi just cleared his throat.
The master went on.

"I'm actually surprised you hadn't beat Kalith before this Tenchi, you see
I know your grandfather and he is a hard taskmaster. I also see some of his
rather distinctive fighting style when you fight."

"Your wondering why it took so long Mr. Yoru." Tenchi guessed.

"I admit that I am the slightest bit curious."

"Women troubles." Ryoko put forth.

"Thank you, love, you can always be called upon to be short sweet and to
the point." Tenchi sighed.

"Well, it is true." Ryoko defended.

"Is it?" Mr. Yoru raised an eyebrow.

Tenchi nodded glumly. "Strange, to be held back by such a simple problem,
but then there is no such thing as a simple problem, my grandfather would

"I admire your grandfather. Katsuhito has much wisdom and much knowledge."
Mr. Yoru nodded.

"Poor Tenchi," Ryoko couldn't help but tease. "He has six women in the
house, two after him all the time. . ."

Tenchi snorted again. "Praise Kami that that craziness is over for a few

". . .one constantly trying to experiment on him, the next a perpetual
ditz, the ditz's partner who has no interest whatsoever. . ."

"My sanity in an insane world." Tenchi lamented looking at the ceiling.

". . .and the last the sweetest little girl."

Mr. Yoru looked at him in amazement.

"What makes you so desirable Tenchi?" He had to ask with raised eyebrows.

Tenchi just groaned and shook his head.

"If he knew, or we knew, we would tell you." Ryoko intoned, the most serious
she had been during the whole meeting. Then she broke out in a smile again.
"Actually I do know, but it is quite a long list and would take time."

"Then what is the essence of it Ms. Hakubi? I am very curious, a man with
five women after him and he has no idea why? Amazing."

Ryoko sobered for a minute, in deep thought. What was it about Tenchi. . .
She looked around for inspiration and the looked back at Yoru.

"Well, two distinctive reasons beyond his looks." Tenchi snorted. "One, he
is kind, sometimes too kind. He can see the good in almost anything. Two,
he treats everybody the same. It doesn't matter to him whether you were
gutter trash or royalty. Tenchi treats you with respect and as a person.
That is part of the reason why he had five women after him and why I love
him." Ryoko smiled, and tears glistened in her eyes.

Mr. Yoru smiled gently.

"You are a lucky man to have a girl like her, Tenchi Masaki. I must remember
that approach, though. Kindness and respect, what every person craves and

Tenchi had been tense throughout Ryoko's speech, he visibly relaxed. He
cracked a weak smile.

"Easy enough for you to say sir, you didn't have to live through it."
Mr. Yoru grinned.

"That I didn't Tenchi. However, now that you have overcome this 'problem',
what is it that you have come to talk to me about?"

Ryoko clasped her hands on her lap. ::May I begin, Tenchi?::

::Of course.::

"What we need to know Mr. Yoru is whether or not you have taught everything
you know to Kalith. If you have, I must say that he is a very shoddy student
or else you are a bad taskmaster. Not that I mean any disrespect."

Yoru sighed and shook his head.

"None is taken Ms. Hakubi. Please call me Yoru, that goes for you as well

Both of them nodded. Yoru closed his eyes.

"No, I have not taught Kalith all I know. He has not the discipline needed
to complete the training. However he is the best I have been able to train
and at times I am ashamed of him."

Ryoko perked up at this. "I am not surprised. I stood right behind him with
Tenchi looking straight at me and he didn't notice anything until I said
something. Shoddy and arrogant, this may surprise you Yoru, but killing
was my business at one time and he would be what is called an easy mark."

Yoru looked at her with mild amusement. "Then what would I be Ms. Hakubi?"

Ryoko snorted. "If you have had half the training Katsuhito had you are
definately not an easy mark. Please call me Ryoko."

"Very well Ryoko."

"Yoru," Tenchi faltered over the name, but managed to go on. "I must ask if
you would be willing to teach the both of us past what you have taught

Yoru looked at them with surprise.

"You make it sound as if someone is after your head."

Ryoko and Tenchi looked at each other, shrugged and turned back to Yoru.

"Well, someone usually is." Ryoko said grimly. "And I for one would prefer
to be ready. We will be willing to pay what we can of course."

Yoru waved that aside. "Don't worry about it. I am willing to do anything
for the children of Katsuhito."

"You understand that we will be blending my grandfather's techniques with
yours." Tenchi said softly.

Yoru nodded.

Ryoko sighed in contentment.

::I'm glad he agreed. I hate to sound morbid, but I do expect a fight when
Aeka gets back and well there is so much unresolved with the other house
members. . .::

Tenchi got up.

"We shouldn't keep you from your class Yoru." He bowed and turned to give
Ryoko a hand up. She promptly batted it away and got up on her own. She
nodded at Yoru.

"It was pleasant visiting with you Tenchi and Ryoko. I shall expect you
tommorrow, same time, same place." Yoru replied.

"Of course." Tenchi bowed again. Ryoko smiled and nodded. They showed
themselves out. Yoru watched them go with this odd smile on his face.

------------------------------------------------------------ --------------

The kendo class once again came to a stop when the two of them stepped out
of Yoru's office. Tenchi looked up at the ceiling and supressed the instinct
to roll his eyes. Ryoko did roll hers.

She walked right down the middle of the room and stood in the center and
said in her best impression of Ayeka. "Proceed."

This time Tenchi did roll his eyes.

Ryoko was enjoying herself. "It is as if you had never seen a girl before."
She giggled. "Really, I haven't got started. Isn't that right Tenchi?" She
called over her shoulder.

He just walked up to her and then past her, got half way to the door from
his position and turned.

"If this is how they react to you in normal clothes, I wonder how they will
react when you are really whiled up."

Ryoko threw her head back and laughed. Tenchi looked apologetic.

"Get used to her, she doesn't have many manners."

Ryoko stopped laughing.

"When we get home you are so going to get it." She hissed.

Tenchi's eyes danced.

"So what are you going to do, so I may be prepared."

The rest of the class watched this byplay in fascination.

She walked up to him and put her arm around his.

"I'll decide when we get there."

Tenchi rolled his eyes and began walking with her to the door. Then caught
the images in her mind. He glared at her. She simply smiled sweetly.

"Yes, my Tenchi."

"Oh, nevermind."

They walked out the door together.

"See ya tommorow." Ryoko called back over her shoulder.

-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------
-later that evening-

Tenchi stopped hoeing for a moment and leaned against the implement. He
thought about the day and smiled wryly, no his class was definitely not
ready for the five thousand year old space pirate.

For a moment he wondered if this what it would have been like if Aeka
had never shown up. Him and Ryoko, together, forever, ach, how cliche
could you get. He smiled, however at the moment he wouldn't have it
any other way.

He went back to pondering a problem that had been bugging him. How to
give Ryoko her gems back? He loved her and wanted this gift from him
to her to be special. He sighed, maybe for once he would just go with
the flow and decide when the moment came. Yes, that sounded real good,
why plan your life to the last detail, this part he meant to savor and
let come.

::Beloved. . .:: came the soft voice of his love.

::Yes dear.::

::Dinner is ready. I think you have done enough in those fields today.::

::I wholeheartedly agree. So what is for dinner anyway?::

::A surprise.:: Ryoko's laugh tinkled in his mind.

::I'll be in in a few moments.:: He sent her a ghost kiss that made ryoko

Ryoko smile turned to a small frown, Tenchi had been worried about
something before she had called him for dinner. The pirate didn't
have much time to think about it before Tenchi arrived at the house,
a basket in his hands by force of habit and an excited cabbit jumping
along behind him.

Ryoko took the basket from his arms and gave him a quick kiss before
she headed over to the fridge and dumped the carrots in. Ryo-ohki tried
to dive in after them but was grabbed by the scruff of her neck by
a prepared Ryoko.

By the time she turned, shaking Ryo-ohki slightly, Tenchi had already
sat down at the table and dished out food for the both of them.

Ryoko stopped and considered the table, two place settings and a small
plate for Ryo-ohki. Music played softly in the background, and light
drifted in through the windows in streams created by floating dustmotes.
Was this what it was like to be married?

"I wouldn't know." Tenchi murmured. His eyes caught hers and stayed. "I
was too young to remember much about how my mom and dad acted after she

"You were listening to my thoughts." Ryoko accused, dropping Ryo-ohki.

Tenchi gave a lopsided grin and stuck his tongue out at her. She teleported
behind him and glomped him, squeezing him half to death.

"I am going to keep this up until you apologize, Tenchi Masaski."
She breathed into his ear.

He did something better, somehow, she wasn't sure how, his head turned
and he began to kiss her deeply. Ryoko's arms loosened and she settled
into his lap returning the kiss with as much eagerness.

The kiss broke and Ryoko rested her head on his chest. This was perfect,
just perfect.

"Not quite." He breathed into her ear, his lips brushed her ear, he placed
gentle kisses down her jawline, her breathe became ragged.

"Tenchi," she gasped, "don't tease me like this." His lips regained hers
after that sentence and silence reigned in the kitchen.

Ryoko broke the kiss and mock glared at him.

"Tenchi the food will get cold."

"Then don't tempt me with your beauty Ryoko." His voice was low and fervent.

Ryoko blushed slightly and teleported to the other side of the table and
began to eat distractedly. Her head came up after a few minutes.

"Do you really think that, Tenchi?"

"Your beautiful, Ryoko." He replied, thinking that was what she meant.

"No, that you want to spend the rest of your life with me."

Tenchi blinked at her for a few seconds.

"Now who was listening." he accused back.

She picked up her water to throw at him. "Answer the question, bub."

"Yes, yes I do."

Ryoko nodded.

::Good, 'cause I want to do be with you too.::

Tenchi had half a chopstick full of food to his mouth when she made this
comment and the romantic mood of the evening ended when Ryoko burst out
laughing at the look on his face.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *


Tenchi was beginning to believe that life was just more fun with Ryoko as
your girlfriend. For one, no one in school knew what to do with her. Not
the teachers, not the principles, and definitly not the students.

Ryoko leaned against Tenchi during lunch and chit chatted with the few
girls who sat with them (they watched the same soap operas). Tenchi
was focused on eating lunch and Ryoko had informed him this morning
that she wasn't eating that day. Tenchi had shrugged and told her
that that was her perogative, then she had informed him she was going
to school with him. He had tried to talk her out of it, but she was

"Something to say, Kalith?" Ryoko said sweetly, without turning around.

Kalith jumped, she couldn't of known he was there.

::Don't spook him to bad Ryoko.:: Tenchi chided.

::He deserves it.:: "Cat got your tongue?" she purred.

Tenchi shook his head in defeat, sometimes he knew that whatever happened,

::Promise not to hurt him.::

::How can you think so little of me?::

"Sit down Kalith, how have you been?" Tenchi offered, ignoring the
look Chio and Amagasaki where giving him.

"Trying to make up for your girlfriends rudeness, Masaski." Kalith spat.

::Sometimes that boy wouldn't know kindness if it was handed to him on
a platter, the last time someone did that to me, well, suffice to say
it wasn't very pretty.:: Ryoko said exasperated.

"Somehow, I believe you." Tenchi muttered.

::Really, what did he expect me to say? Hi, how are you, your handsome.
Give me a break.::

Tenchi began to try to studiously ignore Ryoko's telepathic comments, it
was difficult though.

"I mean, she has no manners." Kalith had gone on without hearing Tenchi's
comment, which was good, for it had been for Ryoko's ears only.

Tenchi grinned back at Kalith, and nodded. "I think it's part of her
charm, she says what she means. No more, no less."

"I'll take that as a compliment, Thank you." Ryoko chirped, winking
at Kalith, who was a bit taken aback by her boldness.

Ryoko stole some food from Tenchi's plate and ate it before he could
grab it back.

She stood up, and faced Kalith, an odd look on her face.

"I'm afraid we got off to a bad start Kalith. Shall we start over?"

She held out her hand, and promptly Kalith gave her a look that he would
give dirt and turned and stalked away.

Ryoko sighed.

"You can't say you didn't try Ryoko." Chio commented. "Kalith is rolling
in dough and thinks everybody should kiss his the ground he walks on
because of it. He's never been easy to get along with."

"Unfortuneatly I know quite a few people like that Chio, and I treat them
the same way I treat everybody else."

"Terribly." Tenchi muttered.

Ryoko threw him a dirty glance. "The same way they treat me, thank you
very much Mr. I treat everybody kindly Masaki."

"Some people may disagree with you, Ms. I don't give a care Hakubi."

The look they share could only be loving and the others at the table
restrained from either rolling their eyes or wishing that they had a
love like that.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

Kendo came around again and Master Yoru was looking forward to this one.
For his was the first class where he would exclusively teach Tenchi and
Ryoko. At last, a student that was worth the effort to train in the
methods that had been passed down to him. Ryoko was a unknown however.
How much did she know?

Ryoko stood with her back against the wall and her eyes on the door,
very much like a cornered animal. She was nervous, to fight without
her powers was going to be difficult and she almost wished she had
asked Katsuhito to train her instead. She took a few deep breathes
to calm herself and watched out of the corner of her eye as Yoru
began to warm up. How much did this old man really know?

Yoru turned and was a bit surprised to see Ryoko there considering
that the Kendo class didn't start until next period.

Ryoko took a deep breathe and calmed her nerves.

"Mr. Yoru, I am afraid that I have never been taught any traditional
martial arts." She began.

He winced.

She held up a hand to stop him from speaking and took a step away from
the wall.

"That doesn't mean I'm not any good, it just means that my style
varies extremely, and in fact I am not used to fighting under
these conditions at all."

For a moment Yoru wondered what she meant by 'these conditions.'
She didn't give him much time to wonder as she quickly went on.

"My former master," she spat the word, and Yoru winced. "Wasn't extremely
kind, however he did know what he was talking about, usually. I have
been taught so many styles that remembering anything conclusivly is a
pain in the neck."

"I will try to understand, Ms. Hakubi." Yoru nodded at her.

"If you like you can gauge how good I am Mr. Yoru. I hope you are
not dissappointed."

"Since we have time, I think that might be a good idea."

Ryoko nodded and found a bokken that was leaning against a wall. She
weighed its balance carefully and smiled at the practice sword's

While it was traditional to bow, Yoru was of the old school that
one doesn't bow in a fight so why bow at all. So he simply attacked,
without word or sound.

Ryoko spun, bringing her own sword up in that unorthodox grip he'd often
seen Tenchi use. *CLACK!* The swords shivered with the force of contact.

Yoru kept up the offensive, testing and probing Ryoko's defenses, however
this only lasted a few moments before she turned the tables on him.

Yoru noticed that her offense was much stronger than her defense and
that was her primary weakness. However, it was frustrating, because
of her unorthodox moves he could not see what she was going to do next
and the kata she was using was beyond him.

He was reacting to what she did and that in his mind was a serious problem,
not for her but for him. He desperatly switched back to the offense to
find himself put immediatly back in the defensive position. The dratted
thing was she had started to use the defensive moves he was using against
her to the correct effect.

Ryoko's sword slipped past his gaurd and Yoru conceded the fight.

"Ms. Hakubi, you are lightyears beyond me."

To his surprise Ryoko flushed slightly at the statement. "Thank you,
no one has ever told me that before."

"I was going to say that your defense was a bit weak, but it seemed
to pick up after we started going."

"HE was always of the philosophy that if you went on the defensive that
was the first step towards losing." Ryoko's voice was flat and Yoru
wondered at the emphasis she put on the pronoun.

"Who was your former master, Ryoko? I might know him." Yoru asked out
of curiosity.

Ryoko just gave a sharp and bitter laugh.

"I doubt, Yoru, that you knew Kagato. To him, you would have been
mere trash. Not worthy to even walk on, and he'd kill you
without even blinking. Praise Tsunami that he is dead."

Yoru didn't know what to say and so said nothing.

The students began to file in.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Tenchi walked arm and arm down the street after school as they
headed towards the busstop.

"Do you think that was productive?" Tenchi asked pensively.

Ryoko looked up at him for a moment.

"for a while it will be, then we are on our own."

Tenchi grunt was non-comital.

"Oh, true, we have to get through your grandfather's training
before that, however, if this keeps up. Who knows?" Ryoko

Tenchi stood aside and let her get on the bus before him. They
took the last empty seat and paid little attention to the
scenery going by, silence enfolded them.

Tenchi sighed and entwined his fingers with hers. In someways this
was so confusing. The abilities, the power the changes. In other
ways he could feel life becoming more peaceful like now.

::I love you, Ryoko.::

Ryoko smiled and leaned her head on his chest.

::And I you Tenchi::

The rest of the busride was a peaceful one.

* * * * * * * * * * * *