Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I still don't own these characters

What Should Have Been Part Two
By RingPrincess

(Two Months and three days later)

Ryoko lay on her lovers/fiance's chest and studied his features
in the pale morning sunlight. She smiled gently and scooched up to
whisper into his ear.


He groaned and turned his head away.

She kissed his cheek and nuzzled his chin.

"Wake up love."

He turned his face and looked up at her. Blinking the sleep out of his eyes.

He muttered something incoherent.

"Tenchi, let's go swimming."

He began to wake up very quickly. "Isn't it a bit early." He said gruffly
trying to warm his voice up.

"Come on, it's fun. You know that." She cajoled.

He gave a slight grin. "You have to push my buttons don't you?"

She pouted. He closed his eyes and gave up.

"All right, we'll go swimming."

"I've got towels." She crowed quietly.

As they faded away, Tenchi shook his head. ::I love you, Oko.::

::I already know that, tell me something new.::

They arrived at the water in the same position they left the bed. He grinned
and rolled her under the water. ::Yes, your also wet.::

She came up gasping for air, and looking for revenge. But her target had
darted to another part of the lake, she took off after him.

"I'll get you Tenchi!" She cried.

Tenchi switched his system so he didn't have to breathe and took to the bottom
of the lake. ::That'll be the day. Besides, you've already caught me, what more
do you want?::

Ryoko paddled on top for a few more seconds, switching her own system over.

She dissappeared beneath the waves.


Aeka stood at the window of her room and looked out over the lake.

"Where were you last night Tenchi, why weren't you here to greet me?" she

Suddenly in the middle of the lake a head appeared, shaking water out of it's

"Tenchi!" she gasped. Her eyes wide.

Another head rose out of the water, stealthily and without a ripple.

The second head had cyan hair and wrapped her arms around Tenchi.

Aeka couldn't tear her eyes away from this sight, shock and anger warred
in her mind and heart.

Ryoko leaned her head on Tenchi's shoulder. Under the water, shadows
of her arms wrapped around his bare chest. She leaned down and began
to kiss him all over.

Tenchi managed to turn in her arms and caught her lips in his. They kissed
deeply and passionatly. When they broke the kiss, Aeka could hear them
faintly talking.

"Have you had your revenge yet, my Ryoko?"

Ryoko shook her head and grinned before dunking him. Her laughter
teased Aeka's ears.

Ryoko didn't laugh long as Tenchi started a water fight and Ryoko was to busy
keeping water away from herself and sending it back at Tenchi.

Tenchi came behind her this time. "The prince has caught the space pirate." He

Ryoko looked coyly back him. "And, my prince what will do with her, now that
you have caught her."

"Oh, " Aeka didn't hear the rest as he had leaned down to whisper something
in Ryoko's ear.

It must have been something as Ryoko began to look more and more shocked and

"I love you, my Tenchi." Her lips formed, and then she gasped.

Tenchi was grinning. ::Any questions.::


Tenchi teleported them away.

Aeka backed away from the window, 'What is going on here?' Anger suffused
her features. 'She said that she wouldn't do anything to Tenchi while I was
away.' "Liar." She spat.

"Who is a liar?" Sasami said sleepily from her futon.

"No one sister. Perhaps you should get up and make breakfast."

"Breakfast! I almost forgot." Sasami scrambled for her clothes and
looked out at the onsen. "I think I'll just take a shower." She
muttered, a bit red and left the room.

Aeka looked after her a bit queerily. 'What was that all about?' But
she soon forgot the incident as her anger at Ryoko returned.

"How dare she!" She muttered as she got ready for the day.

------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------

Ryoko manuevered the pan off the stove and onto a heating pad. Tenchi
was making orange juice and keeping an eye on the toast.

"So what do you to do today, love?" Ryoko looked at him from the corner
of her eye.

Tenchi had changed a lot in the last two months, he was taller and he
was filling out too. His hair was growing longer and he shaved more
often now. He was well muscled too, the t-shirt he wore couldn't conceal

'Not,' Ryoko thought. 'That I haven't changed.' She sneaked a quick glance
down at her jeans and black tube top. Red accented it in flame patterns
that complimented her gems, all three of them. Ryoko smiled proudly. That
had been quite a day, when he had given them back and later gave her a ring.
All in one day.

Her hand manuevered the eggs onto plates and her engagement ring flashed
in the sun. The diamond was circular and inset into the band. The band
was gold and engraved with silver stars and a silver cresent moon. One
side on the band had the word love and inside was her and Tenchi's name in

She smiled once more and looked at him again. He was thinking a bit.

"Well, I have to work the feilds and then we were going to pick up Yoru."

She nodded. "All the chores are done, so I'll meet you in the feilds
after I clean up. . ."

"I see that I don't have to start breakfast." Came a faint voice from the doorway.

Ryoko paled slightly and Tenchi set the orange half down on the table, knife
dangling from his hands.

"Good Morning Sasami." Ryoko whispered, and then sat down abruptly.

::Great Tsunami, it has been two months hasn't it?::

::We got so wrapped up in our own little routine that we forgot about
the rest of them.::

"We didn't know you were home, Sasami, we were just going about our routine."
Ryoko said helplessly. Waving a hand in the air.

"Is swimming part of that routine?" An icy voice came from the doorway.

Ryoko turned and looked at the angry first princess of jurai.

"Welcome back, Aeka." She said cooly. ::Tenchi help.::

::It was your idea.::

::You went along with it.::

::How can I resist you?::

::Ummm. . . say NO perhaps.::

"Somedays, yes it is Aeka." Tenchi said for both of them.

::Next time I want to go swimming Tenchi, remind me of this day.:: Ryoko groaned

Aeka opened her mouth to say something, when Azusa cleared his throat
behind her. She turned around and pasted a smile on her face.

"Good morning Daddy."

Ryoko managed to restrain herself from rolling her eyes. Tenchi smothered
a quick smile.

Washu chose that moment to enter the room, a very smug expression on her face.

Ryoko smiled. "Good Morning Mom, wonderful to have you finally exit your lab."

"The experiment was a roaring success."

"We know, we know. . . You are such a genius." Tenchi and Ryoko chorused.

"Really mother." Ryoko shook her head.

"One of these days, you both will find yourself at the wrong end of one of my
experiments." Washu clucked.

The looks she got from both of them were clear. 'Bring it on.'

"Finally a challenge worthy of our abilities Oko."

She gave a meat eating smile. "Yes, finally."

Washu groaned. They both laughed at her. Tenchi went and wrapped his
arms around Ryoko.

"Remember Washu, when Ryoko and I work together we are invincable."

Ryoko leaned back and rested her head on his shoulder and purred.

Everyone but Washu was slack jawed in shock at the very obvious report
of the couple.

Ryoko faded from veiw and reappeared next to the stove. Tenchi also dissappeared
at the same time, opening the fridge from his new position and tossing ingredients
behind him. Which Ryoko caught deftly.

"Want to help Sasami. The carrots for Ryo-ohki are in a bin under the sink." Ryoko
commented. "We've been rearranging."

Two logs appeared beside her head, Ryoko didn't pay any attention. Lightning
sparked between them.

Ryoko blinked. "Very pretty Princess. What do you call it?"

She looked over at Aeka, a vein was standing up in her forehead. Ryoko raised an
eyebrow and caught the egg Tenchi decided to throw at her without even thinking.

Misaski blinked in shock as Tenchi grabbed the pan that was done and emptied it
onto two plates, and sat on the counter as he ate. Ryoko began cracking eggs and
stirring in ingredients without measuring or even looking.

She turned away from Aeka's eyes and looked over at Tenchi. "What time
did Katsuhito want to see Yoru?"

"Before tommorrow." Tenchi shrugged. "Something about trying to make our training

"I wonder if that is feasibly possible."

"Excess gravity perhaps or. . ." Tenchi trailed off into thought. ::or well,
remember two weeks ago when. . .::

::I don't want to remember.::

::I think that the fastest I learned defense in my life.::

Ryoko suddenly laughed for no reason. "Well, you did get some burns in
rather interesting places."

"Humph, so did you."

He slid off the counter. "The fields wait for no man, and neither does the day."
Tenchi hugged her from behind.

"Be good."

He chuckled. "Why? I'd much rather be bad." He kissed her earlobe and teleported


::I love you, Ryoko.::

::I love you, beloved.::

She put the pans full of food on the table and also then hopped to the counter
where she picked up her plate of food. She began to eat quickly and
quietly ignoring the others. She finally looked up.

They were standing there looking at each other.

"Sit, Eat. It isn't poisoned. It's actually good, quick and easy, but good."

"Do you give your word on that pirate?" Aeka said nastily. "Because if you
do, I don't believe you."

Ryoko eyes narrowed. "You have no clue what has happened in the last two
months, Aeka. Don't ruin it by being nasty on your first day back."

Aeka banged her fists down on the table.

"You lied to me Ryoko, you said that you would not do anything to Tenchi." Pain
was evident in her voice.

"Have you asked Tenchi if I did anything to him, Aeka. No, I can see that. If you
had, he would have told you, I did nothing. HE came to me, princess. HE chose
to love me."

Shock rang around the table, except for Washu who was empting food onto
her plate and eating, chopsticks making slight noises against the glass.

Ryoko took a deep breathe. Her voice turned neutral. "Tenchi reminds me that
with more of here, that we'll need groceries, he wants to know if any of you
would like to head with us to town to get some." She blinked and
shook her head. Then smiled slightly. She sobered almost instantly.

"I kept my word, and he, who had no word to keep did what he pleased. Tenchi
seeks to remind the first princess that he is the first prince and his life is
his own, thank you very much."

Azusa's jaw dropped and Funaho clapped softly in the background. Ryoko gave
her a slight nod. "Excuse me, I have things to get ready if we are going
to town."

"Little Ryoko." Washu spoke up.

"Yes mother." She looked at her.

"Do you two ever close that link?"

Ryoko grinned nastily, "We could, but don't."

Washu blinked. "Oh, thanks."

Ryoko teleported out of the room.


Tenchi walked in later, after working in the feilds and taking yet another bath
in the onsen.

Azusa met him at the door.

Tenchi looked at him. "I am not feeling confrontational today Azusa." His
voice was tired and he gave a smile to take the bite out of his words. "I
have changed Azusa, and I don't know how to explain it."

"What if we agree just to talk?"

Tenchi looked at his watch and back at his great-grandfather. "If it is at all
possible, could this wait, I need to pick up Yoru."

Funaho laid a hand on Azusa's arm. "I know husband that you are not used
to waiting but we have shown up without warning."

Tenchi suddenly suppressed a chuckle. "Just like the rest of the things in
my life, don't worry. I don't like it, but am getting used to it." He didn't
stop chuckling for a few moments. ::Ryoko, you ready yet?::

::What joke did I miss?::

::Missed? Your part of it.::

Ryoko showed up next to him and tried to swat him. "I resent that."

Tenchi crinkled his nose. "You mean the joke of my life."

"Yes, I resent it."


She stuck her tongue out, but wrapped her arm through his as they headed
down the steps towards the van.

Sasami dodged between her father and second mother, tucking a t-shirt into her jeans. "Wait for

Ryoko blinked. "Sami, what do you take us for? Pirates."

::I think that's you my dear.::

Ryoko didn't dignify that with a remark, mental or spoken. She winked at Azusa and
waved to Funaho as Tenchi pulled out of the drive. "We'll be back."

"Sami?" Azusa muttered.

"According to Little Washu, Ryoko and Tenchi having taken to giving things

"Nicknames." He said disgusted.

Funaho smiled and waved her finger at his face. "I remember a certain emporer that did the same
thing when he was young."

Misaski weaved her arm through one of Azusa's. "And I think that emporer was you."

"I don't think the prime minister will ever live it down." Funaho grinned.

Azusa gave a chuckle. "Fine, you have gotten your message across. I'll give Tenchi
a chance."

His two wives kissed his cheeks.

"Shall we, husband?" Funaho smiled.

"It is such a perfect day to take a walk." Misaski chimed in.

The door slammed shut.


Aeka sat in the living room, it was later in the day and all were back. Azusa was to talk
to Tenchi after dinner and Ryoko and Washu were to talk to Funaho and Misaski.

She jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Aeka," A soft voice said behind her.

"Tenchi." She stuttered.

The golden light slanted through the windows of the ceiling, leaving long squares and
even longer shadows on the floor. Tenchi moved about and sat next to her.

"I can not be sorry for choosing Ryoko, Aeka."

"She promised." Aeka said slowly. "That she would do nothing."

"Can the wind stop blowing?" Tenchi said softly, "Or the moon stop shining?"

Aeka glared at the ceiling. "You admit that she did something, she tried to
seduce you or something, perhaps even bewitched you."

Tenchi looked at Aeka, looked at her truly for the first time. "Aeka, do you
actually love me?"

Aeka blinked. "We are destined to be together, Tenchi."

Tenchi sighed. "Aeka, I never believed in destiny."

"I came here for a reason, Tenchi. I must have." Aeka was beginning to sound

"Aeka, I love you, as my sister, as my aunt. You are part of my family."

"I cannot accept only that Tenchi." Aeka said solemnly.

Tenchi closed his eyes and collected himself. "That is all I can give you, Aeka."

"I want more."

"You want what Ryoko has." Tenchi said softly. "I can't help you." He stood up. Tenchi
strode into the light and out of it again as he headed towards the door.

"Tenchi. . ." Aeka said softly.

He turned to her. "I am not the person you want me to be, Aeka." His voice was
