Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

What Should Have Been

Chapter Six: Homecomings

by RingPrincess

Kiyone Makibi stood at parade rest on the bridge of the Galaxy SpaceShip The Yagami. It's
red hull glowing in slightly by the heat created by earth's atmosphere. She stared silently
down at the blue and green surface of her home. Yes, she called this place home.

"Kiyone." Her blonde and stereotypically ditzy partner spoke up from her place in the pilot's

"Yes Mihoshi."

"We have a call from Little Washu." Mihoshi looked over her shoulder at Kiyone, her blue eyes troubled.

Kiyone nodded and hit the comm button. "Kiyone here."

Seeming from mid air a screen popped up in front of Kiyone and Mihoshi, the broad smiling face of
a young twelve year old on the screen. "Hey gals, how was your trip?"

Kiyone grimaced and Mihoshi almost burst into tears.

Washu nodded thoughtfully, as if she had expected those reactions. "Sorry to see that." She said
somewhat sympathetically, "but that is not the reason why I called. We seem to have a situation.
The Royal Family of Jurai is here, all of them." Little Washu raised an eyebrow.

"Surprising, but why are you telling us."

Washu figeted slightly, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, it seems that I didn't make the ship bay
big enough and now well. . ."

"There is no place for us to park." Kiyone spat.

Washu shook her head. "Noooooo, I was able to fix the problem, it is just that the new space is ALL the
way in the back and. . ."

Kiyone groaned. "I'll handle it."

Washu gave her a dazzling smile. "I am glad to hear it, because you have ten seconds to take control."
The screen dissappeared.

"MIHOSHI, get OUT." Kiyone screamed. "Damn that Washu, she does this on purpose."

Mihoshi babbling all sorts of apologies stumbled out of the pilates chair, Kiyone jumped over the
seat and took the controls, pressing on the brakes causeing the great ship to hover one foot above
the water.

Beads of sweat rolled beaded on her forehead and being soaked into her orange headband, Kiyone fought
Earth's gravity.

The family had gathered outside and was watching her manuever with mild interest. Kiyone gritted her
teeth and began to turn the ship. Normally it didn't matter which direction she was pointed, but now, normal
had been thrown out the window.

"Which is typical of Washu." She gritted between clenched teeth.

The ship rotated gracefully from the veiw of those on the outside and then stopped, dropping slowly
into the space hole underneath it, dissappearing centimeter by centimeter, engine brakes blasting ripples
in the water of the lake that surrounded the ebony hole.

It dissappeared beneath the blackness and with a slight pop the blackness dissappeared to reveal the reflected
blue color of the sky that made up the lake.


Kiyone glared at Little Washu who was inspecting the Yagami and Kiyone's general parking job.

"It'll do." Washu said with a slight flick of her fingers, spinning on her heel, red-magenta hair
flying to stare at the two police officers.

"I am glad it meets your approval." Kiyone spat out.

Little Washu laughed. "I am sorry Kiyone, it is my nature to cause excitement in everybodies day by just being
me." Washu shrugged slightly.

Mihoshi was leaning up against the wall of one of the Jurian spaceships. "Why is that Little Washu?"
She asked curiously.

"Because." Washu gave her a significant look. "Now tell me about your debreifing."

"You don't want to hear about it." Kiyone groaned. "I swear they cross examed me backwards, fowards
and sideways."

Mihoshi broke into large tears for real this time. "I don't understand why they kept asking about Tenchi
and Ryoko."

Kiyone nodded. "It didn't seem to matter who we brought up, Ayeka or Sasami, our superiors kept bringing the
questions back to Tenchi and Ryoko."

Washu tapped her lips with one finger, her green eyes looking up and far away. "Very interesting."

"They didn't believe us when we told them that nothing was going on." Kiyone sighed stretching and then taking
off her headband.

Washu bit the inside of her lip to keep from laughing. "Well, I would think that SOMETHING was going on. They
are engaged after all."

Kiyone's jaw dropped and Washu took that time to escape. Mihoshi stood there for a few seconds.

"I don't understand." She whispered.

Kiyone snorted. "Washu. . ." She called after the diminutive scientist. "Washu!" She started off
after Washu. "Now I KNOW she does this on purpose." Kiyone muttered.

"Kiyone...." Mihoshi wailed. "I don't understand, what does she mean, engaged? KIYONE!!!!"


Ryoko looked up from where she was helping Sasami make sushi in the kitchen as an aggravated looking Kiyone
and a distraut Mihoshi entered, obviously looking for someone. Ryoko smiled slightly and turned back to layering

"Ryoko, Little Washu said you are engaged to Tenchi." Kiyone blurted out.

Ryoko blinked and carefully set down the spoon. "I'm fine, and how are you? Great to see you home."

Kiyone turned beet red. She began to stutter. "I. . . I. . .I."

"You're sorry." Ryoko smiled softly and began to add fish on top of the rice.

"Yes, I am. Hello Ryoko, how are you?"

"Yes Kiyone, Tenchi and I are engaged."

Kiyone fainted.

Mihoshi caught her barely a foot from the floor and looking up at Ryoko, her blue eyes wide. "What do
you mean engaged?"

Ryoko sighed, leave it to Mihoshi. "It means that eventually Tenchi and I are going to get married."

"Oh." Mihoshi's face turned pale and her eyes rolled back in her head as she joined her partner
in unconciousness.


Yoru glanced around. He couldn't quite believe all of the visitors that Katsuhito's family hosted. Or
in reality that the young Tenchi hosted. He stared around catalogueing all the girls in his mind with
the girls that Ryoko had told him about the day he met her.

He shook his head in wonder. The two females that had just returned to the Masaki home were just as beautiful
as those already here, Mihoshi perhaps more so, at least to earthlings with her classic blonde coloring.

Kiyone couldn't seem to relax and kept looking around her oddly as if she couldn't quite believe the company
she was keeping.

Yoru sipped his tea and watched as Funaho settled down next to the teal haired female and began to talk to her

Azusa picked up some sushi from his place cat-a-corner to Yoru and looked at him. "I don't quite understand
your presence here Yoru."

Yoru smiled slightly. "I don't exactly understand it myself, I came here to help teach Tenchi and am being taught
myself." His eyes crinkled and his voice was full of good humor.

Azusa narrowed his eyes. "Teach Tenchi, the boy needs teaching."

"All beings need teaching, Emporer Azusa." Yoru said politely, taking a sip of tea. "The way of the warrior
is not easy, nor is the way of the priest. Both of which Tenchi has been instructed in since he was very
small. And with all young men he needs guidance in using his power correctly."

Azusa stared at the old Earthling, a man who had only been alive for the smallest fraction of Azusa's
lifetime. "And you are?"

"Just an old man who serves an ancient code."

Azusa raised both eyebrows.

Yoru smiled and raised his cup of tea. "The ancient code of the samurai." He then took a sip,
the steam occluding his features.

Azusa nodded with a slight aha, I get it expression.

Little Washu plopped down down next to Yosho and helped herself to the tea in the center of their
blanket. "I think I need to expand the dining room." She commented lightly and took a sip. She
set the tea down in front of her and gave them all a strained smile. "We can't all eat outside
all the time."

"It is still high summer, Little Washu." Katsuhito said thoughtfully.

"You like rain in your soup, Lord Yosho? And I hear that it makes a mess of the rice." Washu
raised two eyebrows eloquently.

A sharp "Mother." snapped by Ayeka from the other side of the field caused them to turn their
heads for a few moments before returning their attention to the food in front of them.

"You have a point, Little Washu. I just don't know how you will do such a thing."

Washu snorted indelicately. "You are asking me this, Lord Yosho. You should know better
than this by now. I only have a science lab in your closet and ship dock under your lake."

Yoru laughed. "If anyone could do it, it is you little Washu."

Washu nodded at Yoru. "I am the greatest scientific genius in the universe and it is high time
someone recognized my abilities."

"Pompous windbag." Ryoko yelled across the clearing and teleporting out of the way of a large
flowerpot that materialized in thin air over her head.

"Stop eavesdropping Little Ryoko." Washu scolded and turned back to her companions. "Children."

The three men smiled with good humor at each other and Washu rolled her eyes. "I am twenty thousand
years old, gentlemen. You are ALL children to me."

Funaho shoved her husband over and snickered slightly. "I think you are slightly more than twenty thousand
years old Washu."

"Hush Funaho. A lady never tells her true age."

"Then that leaves you out, Mom!" It was Tenchi's turn to tease her.

A space hole opened underneath him and he raised an eyebrow down at it and grinned cheekily. "Nah, the
lake isn't where I want to go today Mom. Nice try."

"Impudent scamp." Washu muttered, as the others laughed.

:Stop broadcasting mother and we'll stop teasing.:: Ryoko's voice echoed in her head. ::You
are leaving yourself open to quite a bit of ribbing, especially in your own brain.::

::I am sorry dear, I didn't realize that that was happening.::

::It is okay and we understand, but it is hard NOT to hear when it sounds like you are shouting
at us.:: This time Tenchi soothed.

Washu gave a small sigh and at the looks she got from the others she shook her head. ::I'll put up
some sheilds.::

::Thank you.:: Ryoko's relieved mental voice came back.

Washu took a few seconds to set up a mind wall and tuned back into the conversation before it
left her behind.


Yoru shifted slightly on his futon, thinking deeply. It was obvious to him that these guests were not
human, but alien. Having a spaceship land in the Masaki family lake being the most obvious first clue.
His mind drifted back to Ryoko's comments that day when he first tested her during school.

'These conditions' she had said, and he had more of a clue now what she meant by 'these conditions.'
He got up and stretched, hopefully she would still be awake, so that he could talk to her. Ryoko
was the most approachable about these things, as he had known her the longest.

He shuffled silently down the path towards the house and looked up towards Tenchi's and Ryoko's
room. It was no secret that they slept together, the window was dark. He looked higher.

His bones creaked as he sat down next to her upon the roof.

"Good evening Yoru." She said quietly.

"Good evening Ryoko. This is an odd place to come and meditate, my old bones ache from
having to come up here."

"Yet you came anyway."

"That I did." Yoru nodded and looked sharply at the girl, he should have put the peices together

"You have figured it out haven't you," Ryoko said with a slight laugh. "It wasn't as if we
were trying to hide it from you." The moon glinted off her eyes making them sparkle with amusement.

Yoru shook his head. "No. You weren't."

Ryoko cocked her head. "How much have you figured out?"

Yoru chuckled. "That you are not human, in fact most of the people in this household aren't. The
only exception being Noboyuki. These conditions means you are not used to being confined by gravity
to fight on the ground and Kagoto was a evil monster that enslaved you for a very long time. Washu
is your mother who holds her age extremely well and that Tenchi is a prince and Yosho was one at one
time. Funaho and Azusa and Misaki are much older than they look as well and are emporer's and empress'
of their empire in the stars." He waved a vague hand towards the heavens. "Mihoshi and Kiyone are some
sort of military enforcement and are here to keep an eye on you all. And you Ryoko used to be something
far different than the fiance of a prince."

Ryoko smiled. "I was a pirate, controlled by Kagoto to do many terrible things in the galaxy." She sighed.
"You are very astute Yoru."

"I have had two months to think about it, and from hints that Tenchi and you dropped it wasn't all that
hard." He paused. "I assume that you were the demon imprisoned here at the cave."

Ryoko nodded. "I was, but Tenchi will tell you that I am not a demon."

"You are not. You never were." Yoru stated. At Ryoko's startled look Yoru gave a sheepish smile. "I asked
Katsuhito, umm Yosho about your past and he was kind enough to discuss it."

Ryoko smiled. "Not that he knows all of it, my past is a frightfull thing."

"Tenchi still loves you."

A dreamy look came over Ryoko's face. "That he does." She shook her head. "Let me get you down
to the ground Yoru, it is past time that we were both in bed."

A short teleport or two later, both Ryoko and Yoru were back to bed.


The goddess Washu sat in her thone in the middle of blackness and stared into nothing.

"You waiting for me." A voice from out of nowhere spoke.

Washu smiled. "Tokimi." She appraised the blackness around her. "Come out where I can
see you."

"Is that a command, little sister." The voice was contemptous.

Washu shook her head and stood up. "I have missed you, that is all."

Tokimi materialized out of the shadows. "Have you?" Her voice was fearful
and yet hoping.

Washu nodded. "My family isn't complete without you."

"I have been trying for so long to get into contact with you."

"Did you have to kidnap my daughter to do so?" Washu's voice was somewhat tart.

Tokimi's eyes widened. "Clay kidnapped your daughter. Washu I am so sorry I didn't

Washu looked at her sister and then went foward to hug her. "It must have been important
for you to take the trouble to even try to contact me. I of all people know how complete the
memory block you and Tsunami placed on me was."

Tokimi pushed her away at arms length. "Chaos, we did it for the universe's protection."

Washu sighed slightly. "I know that now. A lot of things happened to me when I was human that
changed my outlook on..." She waved her hands about from where they were bent at her waist, "everything."

Tokimi ignored the last statement. "Is Tsunami about?"

Washu shrugged, "She is somewhere, sulking I suppose."

Tokimi blinked. "What is wrong?"

"Her knight chose my daughter to wed and she is sulking because she wanted him to choose her
avatar." Washu said in a bored voice.

Tokimi giggled. "She forgot that the Knights have to forge their own destiny better to serve us clause
didn't she?"

Washu looked chagrined. "EVEN I had forgotten about that clause."

"I am the goddess of memory sister." Tokimi chuckled, another throne appeared behind
her and she sat down with grace.

Washu returned to her own throne. "Is that why people remember the bad things better than the good

Tokimi shrugged. "It would make sense."

"That isn't nice you know."

"Then there is the whole goddess of evil bit." Tokimi smiled and shrugged. "It is a job somebody
has to do little sister."

Washu sighed. "It is a pity that there has to be a goddess of evil and a goddess of chaos at all." She
rubbed her temples and looked over at her sister. "In a way I was happier just being a human with
an extrodinary intellect."

"You were the goddess of science, because science doesn't have the nature to be good or bad. It was
natural to place you in such a setting." Tokimi pointed out.

Washu nodded. "That makes sense."

Tokimi and Washu sat in silence for a long time, then Washu brightened.

"By the way, Funaho is actually one of the goddesses of earth."

Tokimi raised a burnette eyebrow. "Really."

"Yes, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Athena."

"Our family grows bigger." Tokimi nodded.

Washu sighed. "Yes it does. Tokimi this makes Tenchi even more powerful. I know that Funaho
hasn't said anything to me, but she is afraid that Tenchi is even stronger than we are."

Tokimi shook her head. "Not possible."

"Tokimi, what about power increasage?"

"Perhaps in a few generations and only if they kept marrying into more God families."

"Can we be sure of this, Tokimi?" Tsunami said out of the darkness, a third throne shaped out of
tree roots appeared.

Tokimi shook her head. "Nothing is ever a sure thing, yet another of the laws that was incorporated
into the universe."

Washu nodded, green eyes thoughtfull. "Then all we have is hope."

"Which is your speciality Tsunami." Tokimi said softly. "Don't let the goddess of hope give up hope

Tsunami sighed. "I owe you an apology sisters. I have been acting wrongly."

Washu leaned across and laid a hand on her arm. "This is what family is for, forgiveness."

Tokimi nodded and looked sympathetically across at her. "We three need to stick together."

Washu looked across at her and gave a large smile. "So there is something you're not telling
