Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Should Have Been ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
A/N I don't own Tenchi Muyo or any of the Greek Gods or any other diety. . .GOT IT

What Should Have Been

by RingPrincess

Where to go from here?

Funaho rested against a tree and smiling at the gathered family. They were
all enjoying a picnic that Sasami had so kindly prepared.

Misaski came and joined her sister wife. "So what do you think they will do?"

Funaho raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Tenchi and Ryoko, silly." Misaski giggled.

Funaho smiled even more broadly. "Whatever they decide." She crinkled her nose.
"I think that we will be waiting, until at least the end of high school, however."

"That isn't so bad."

Funaho glanced over at the couple, they were sitting off a ways by themselves.
Ryoko was using Tenchi's chest as a pillow and they weren't talking much.

Ayeka gathered her skirts and went over to sit next to them.

"What are you two doing, hiding?" She gently teased.

Ryoko murmured something and Tenchi looked down and smiled gently. "We can't
understand you dear."

Ryoko just snuggled deeper into his chest and he sighed.

Ayeka stifled a giggle. "I must admit, you two make a cute couple."

Ryoko yawned. "That is funny coming from you princess."

"I understand now that I will never have a place in his heart like you
do Miss Ryoko."

"Glad we got that straight." Ryoko snickered.

"Why you. . ." Ayeka began to sputter, then laughed. "We haven't had a good
fight in a long time."


"Girls." Tenchi began. "Not at the picnic."

Both of them glared at him and he glared straight back.

Ayeka grinned. "Now I know he isn't the right man for me."

"Oh, why is that?" Ryoko mouth quirked.

"I can't stand it when he is authoratative."

"No. You just don't like when I get in the way of your fun."

"Fun, Ayeka, is our fighting fun?" Ryoko asked sincerely as possible. Her eyes
though gave away the mischeif in her soul.

"Of course." Ayeka nodded firmly.

Tenchi sighed and shook his head. "And this is why I cannot marry both of you. You
would drive me crazy."

Tenchi ducked swings from both girls, teleporting out of the way. He ended up
sitting next to his grandfather, who gave a short chuckle.

"Still fighting over you."

"Not this time." Tenchi smirked.

"He brought it on himself." Ayeka affirmed from behind him, just as Ryoko
dumped a bottle of water of his head.

Tenchi shook his head, water spraying everywhere. "Thanks." He said wryly.

"Anytime." They chorused, then they glared at each other. Sasami broke into
a fit of giggles.



"STOP READING MY MIND." They chorused again.


Tenchi hid a grin. "I think I am staying out of this one."

"A wise decision, Tenchi," Grandfather nodded.

This comment earned him a bottle of water of the head.

"Don't encourage him, Yosho." Ryoko barked.

"He gets into enough trouble on his own." Ayeka added.

They turned back to Tenchi to give him a piece of their minds to discover that he had
dissappeared, again.


Tenchi leaned back against the headboard of the bed. He was watching his fiance sleep,
her cyan hair spread out and the sheet covering just the bottom half of her body. She looked
so peaceful and beautiful asleep. Okay, not that she didn't look beautiful the rest of
the time.

He sighed. He still honestly didn't know what to do in the future. Azusa wasn't the
only one pressuring him to choose a vocation, his grandfather and his teachers as well
were trying to get him to decide a future.

Ryoko stirred against his chest, his feeling must be traveling to her through the link.
He began to rubb her back to soothe. She didn't sleep well some nights for him to add
misery to it.

"I'm sorry my love." He whispered to her.

He reached for the glass of water and almost dropped it.

"Tsunami." He hissed.

She giggled. "Hello Tenchi."

He glared at her. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

The goddess shook her head. "I am here to help you."

Tenchi snorted. "I am sure you are the one that gave Azusa the idea to crown me emporer."

"Actually, I didn't." Tsunami bit her lip. "Honestly, before you chose Ryoko, I did not
think you cut out for the job."

Another goddess made her presence known into the room. "You just wanted him to marry
Sasami for the fun of it." Funaho said quietly.

"Stay out of this Funaho." Tsunami glared at the earth goddess.

"This is my great-grandson we are talking about." Funaho stated solemnly.

"Stop talking as if I am not here." Tenchi said irratedly. "And keep your voices
down, Ryoko is asleep." He glared at both of the goddesses and kept rubbing Ryoko's

Funaho gave him an apologetic look. "I am sorry, Tenchi."

Tsunami sighed. "He still should not be emporer."

Funaho cocked her head. "Why ever not? Tenchi will make a perfectly fine emporer, once he is

Tenchi looked to the ceiling and sighed. "I have not even accepted yet."

"Yet being the key word in that sentence, correct." Ryoko said drowsily from
the vicinity of his chest.

He glanced at the top of her head. "I thought you were asleep."

"Shows what you think." Ryoko yawned and opened her eyes, blinking. "Having other females
in your room is going to wake me up whether you like it or not."

"You try keeping Tsumani out, and then tell me HOW Funaho got in, without knocking." He glared
at the two who had invaded his room.

Ryoko snorted. "Point to you. I want to hear the answer to Funaho's question anyway."

"He will not have support of the people." Tsunami stated.

"The support of the people can be highly overrated." Ryoko said dryly.

"You want a revolt on your hands." Tsunami said aghast.

Ryoko sighed. "Say it, Tsunami, Tenchi wouldn't have support because of his parentage
and because of me." She shook her head. ::I wonder if this is where the Juraians got
their bigotedness from.::

::Ryoko:: Tenchi mentally reprimanded her.

::It is true you know. Ayeka did keep you in a cage when she first met you.::

::That is in the past.::

::Just because she changed her mind doesn't mean the rest of the people will.:: Ryoko
pointed out.

::So we shouldn't take the thrown because of the prejiduce of the ignorant.:: Tenchi raised
an eyebrow down at her.

Ryoko crossed her arms on his chest and rested her chin on them. ::That is an arguement that
some will use, love. Get used to it. I, however think it is bullshit.::

He mentally grinned. ::Good.::

He turned to Tsunami. "Anything else."

"Or the holy council."

"You are a piece of work," Ryoko sighed. "You made him your knight Tsunami." Ryoko
rolled her eyes. "And an eigth of Juraian blood is at times, better than no Juraian
blood at all."

Funaho coughed slightly.

"Sorry, your majesty." Ryoko glanced at her out of the corner of her eye. "But I am in
the same boat as you."

Funaho cocked her head in though and then nodded. "You are right."

"Besides I would ONLY be the queen, not the king." Ryoko reminded her gently.

Tenchi snorted. "Sorry, that would be the first expectation to go. You would be my
equal and that means you would have the same power I do."

Funaho laughed slightly. "You have plans for a job you haven't even decided to take."

Tenchi sighed, and lifting one hand from Ryoko's back covered his eyes. "Me and my big

"Hey, I like your mouth." Ryoko protested.

Tsunami blushed and Funaho laughed behind her hand.

Ryoko shifted foward slightly and whispered something into Tenchi's ear.

Tenchi uncovered his eyes quickly and hissed something just as silent into her ear.

Grinning from ear to ear, Ryoko slid back to her previous postition.

Tsunami sighed. "I just don't think that you two could be successful."

"Success is in the eye of the beholder." Funaho said solemnly. "Many would not think
that our reign was very successful, but in our opinion it was. We have completed all our
goals and did everything we planned to do."

Tsunami glanced at Funaho. "So is that why you are abdicating to Tenchi, because you have
finished with what you have planned."

"We need a vacation, Tsunami." Funaho said tiredly. "Even I cannot rule an empire without
time off."

"So, you are giving up." Tsunami said hotly.

"You just think Tenchi will come to his senses and choose Sasami."

Ryoko shook her head. "Not happening."

Tenchi sighed. "Was I really that spineless?"

"Yes, you were." Ryoko drummed one set of fingers on his chest.

"Thank you for the encouragement."

"You are doing much better now."

"None of you are really helping." Tenchi told the ceiling in a tired voice.
"I didn't come here to help." Funaho sighed. "I need to talk to you."

Tsunami snorted. "I think I can guess about what."

Funaho rolled her eyes. "Goddesses, I swear."

"That is very amusing coming from you." Tsunami shot back, before vaporizing.

Funaho sighed and took a seat on Tenchi's desk.

"I have a family secret to tell you. Not even your grandfather knows this, Tenchi. Neither
does Azusa or Misaski." Funaho stared at her fingers, not looking at either Tenchi or
Ryoko, who had rolled over to watch her better, her head nestled under Tenchi's chin, and the
covers pulled up to cover them both.

Funaho looked up and licked her lips. "I tell you this, because for one I trust you two
to do the right thing and for second, you need to know." She took a deep breathe. "My name
truly isn't Funaho, Funaho is a japanese name I took, shortly before meeting Azusa. Funaho
was a new identity, because I had just settled in Japan. Funaho was a name in a series of names
that I had chosen since abandoning my home and my real name. When I met Azusa, I fell in love,
my brain fell out my ear and I left with him. Totally disgarding my families wishes and without
their blessing. However since I had run away from home anyway, to me it didn't matter." She
paused, remembering. "This is a semi long way to tell you, that I am not Funaho, in fact I
am not truly Japanese at all. My name is Athena, I was, actually still am the Goddess of Wisdom
to the greeks." She gazed at them. "There you have it, my true origins. Mount Olympius, or
what others would call heaven. My parent, Zeus and all of my siblings. My power runs through
you Tenchi, in fact, because of your Juraian blood, your power is stronger than mine."

Ryoko breathed out softly. "And that is why, Tenchi's soul refused to be guided on a set
path by Tsunami."

Funaho nodded and smiled. "Yes."

Tenchi closed his eyes. "Why did you tell no one of this?"

Funaho bit her lip. "That is complicated. I do not know how Azusa would react if I told
him he was married to a Goddess, and a Goddess of wisdom no less. I fear that he would
come to me and seek all of the answers, instead of trying to find them on his own."

"He'd take the easy way out." Tenchi nodded. "A good reason."

"At times, I thought he deserved to know, but then I always dissuaded myself from telling him." Funaho
blinked away tears. "I have hid this fact many years. I went and visited my family recently and told
them about you two. My father agrees that you two are veritable power houses and should control
your power carefully. Tenchi, Ryoko, I do not know what this will mean for your children
but I advise that you be very careful in their upbringing."

Ryoko blushed. "We actually hadn't discussed children yet. We haven't even gotten to the marriage."

Funaho chuckled. "I suspect that you both WANT children."

"Eventually." Tenchi waved a hand airily.

"Give me a couple hundred years and I think that I could handle it." Ryoko grinned.

"That is another thing Tenchi, you are more than immortal, you are a minor diety. MINOR, I stress."
Funaho added. "Ryoko, I do not know about you."

"Immortal." Ryoko nodded. "My mother told me so. Or she said at the very least I was immortal, when
I brought it up." She shrugged. "I had a satisfactory answer and did not feel up to pursueing the
matter farther."

Funaho nodded. "At least one of you will not outlive the other." She stood up and stretched. "I hope
this helps you in your decision."

Tenchi looked at her aghast. "That I am the great grandson of the Goddess of Wisdom."

"Actually ONE of the Goddesses of Wisdom." Funaho smiled and exited.

Tenchi groaned and began to bang his head back against the headboard.


Washu glanced at Funaho. "I suggest we never have a family reunion."

"But it would be so much fun." Funaho teased her.

Washu rolled her eyes. "I can see it now. Zeus and Azusa would have an 'Who can look more
stormy' contest, Aphrodite would try to kill me, and the Juraians would accidently insult the
wrong God or Goddess as the case may be and be killed so that TSUNAMI would have to bring them
back to life again. Then there is the fact that none of either of our families really gets
along. You call this fun."

Funaho was in gails of laughter, rolling about the floor. "I just. . . just. . . had to. . . get
your reaction." She gasped out.

Washu snorted, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "I am sure. I take it you told Tenchi."
She added as an afterthought.

Funaho sat up, suddenly solemn. "Yes, but about me only. What you decide to tell your
daughter and future son in law is your decision."

"Thank You."

"For chaos you are not so bad." Funaho smirked.

"Chaos is my general area, actually." Washu divulged. "I am also wisdom and beauty."

"I thought Tsumani would be beauty."

Tsunami chose that moment to enter the conversation. "She is also the Goddess of Stealing." She
said grumpily.

"Now sister." Washu chided. "Bitterness does not become you."

Tsunami rolled her eyes and turned to Funaho. "You interupted me."

"You were trying to choose for him again." Funaho shook her head. "Let him
make his own decisions Tsunami. He is MY great grandson after all."

"He also has my daughter to help, Tsunami." Washu added. "And she is the direct
daughter of wisdom."

Tsunami snorted. "Very well. I feel that I have been overridden, by my sister and a second
rate goddess from a backwater planet."

"Tsunami is also the goddess of life and of the water." Washu smiled. "And so at times
has her stormy side."

Funaho frowned. "We have the Goddess of Good, the Goddess of Chaos, wouldn't it stand to reason
that there would be the Goddess of Evil?"

Washu nodded, while Tsunami sent Funaho an uneasy glance.

"Yes our third sister, Tokimi, she is also the Goddess of time and death."

Funaho cocked her head. "There seem to be quite a few vocations missing."

Washu smiled mysteriously. "That I cannot tell you about."

Funaho blinked. "Secrets, Washu?"

Tsunami nodded and Washu gave a slight smirk. "Secrets are my stock in trade, Funaho."

"Very well, I must be heading back to bed. See you in the morning."

"In the morning then."


Morning dawned bright and sunny, as per usual.

The two log gaurdians were posted next the gate of the Masaski house.

"It looks like it is going to be yet another beautiful spring day, Azaka." Kamidake yawned.

Azaka replied, with a sleepy. "Yes it does." He turned from side to side, dislodging
the few birds who had decided to rest upon the top of him.

The went silent as the morning newspaper boy tentatively came up and placed the mail
in the slot. They didn't want to scare him again. They had been reprimanded severely
by Sasami the last time they had done that.

The boy peddled away furiously. Evidently the two gaurdians were thinking along the same
track as they said in unison. "All we wanted to do was thank him."

Kamidake hovered for a few moments and took off towards the house to finish delivering the
mail, leaving Azaka to gaurd the gate alone.


Yoru stretched. He had been staying up at the shrine with Katsuhito. The events of the
house had little concern for him. He did not know who the visitors were and little
did he care. He was here for the express purpose to help train Ryoko and Tenchi.

Katsuhito smiled as Yoru sat down across from him at the small table situated at
the shrine.

"I am glad you are here, Yoru."

"I am glad to be here. I am just surprised on how many visitors you have."

"Most of them are unexpected, and others just returning from long journeys. We enjoy
having them, they brighten up the place a bit."

Yoru nodded as he poured himself some tea. "I see."

"And they help with the chores and housework and so we do not mind keeping them."

"Stop making excuses to why you have them Katsuhito. I do not mind them, I am just

Katsuhito relaxed slightly. "Good. Then you won't mind a few more."


A large red ship pierced the atmosphere of earth, a sheild of sparks warmed up its
hull. It created a large shockwave ahead of it, and the brakes added to the noise
of its passage.

The noise came to the ears of those below as loud thunderings, which seemed out
of place in the clear blue sky.

The Yagami was coming home.
