Tenchi Muyo Fan Fiction ❯ What Women Want ❯ No need for electricity ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Legal Disclaimer: I think it's obvious I don't own Tenchi. If I did, then I wouldn't very well be writing fanfiction would I?

Note: This is my first Tenchi fic, so I'm bound to get a few details wrong. Also, I could never ever claim to know what people think or desire, much less women. If you want to get technical on me, then it's in an alternate universe.

Rated R for swearing. People swear more often in their head than they do out in the open, so it might make some of the characters seem out of character.

What Women Want

A Tenchi Muyo fic by Lord Augustus

Chapter One: No need for electricity!

Okayama, Japan: the Masaki Household

The day started out nice and clear, with the sun rising and turning the sky many brilliant colors. Orange light flooded the Masaki household, forcing those still asleep to get up and face the morning. Grudgingly, and at a snail's pace, the house's occupants began their daily routines.

Slowly, the temperature itself began to rise, making the air nice and hot. Humidity levels went up dramatically, distorting the sun's rays and making waves appear in the air.

Into this summer cauldron stepped young Tenchi Masaki, after eating a hearty breakfast of course. He felt good today, and quite confident and sure of himself, something Tenchi hadn't felt in quite awhile.

The harvest was finally ready, and he had strapped a large wicker basket to his back. In his hands, Tenchi carried several aged tools used for digging and scraping. They had belonged to his grandfather, and he took great care of them, never leaving them outside or letting them get very rusty.

Tenchi closed the door behind him amidst several people yelling all at once. He could hear what sounded like Ryoko and Ayeka screaming at each other. Dishes crashing and breaking, bodies hitting the floor, the unmistakable yelp a girl makes when her hair is pulled and other noises had become common nowadays.

When the girls had first joined him, it had been like a roller coaster ride every minute of everyday. Constant infighting had nearly driven him insane. Lucky for him, he dug deep and found the courage to persevere through the many situations the ladies had dragged him into. But in the end, the experiences had changed him for the better, and he now felt much closer to all of them.

Having beautiful alien women fawn over him every ten minutes was stressing, but at the same time, very pleasant.

By now, Tenchi was in college, studying to be an architect like his father. The girls were painfully jealous of any other women he might happen to meet, so they kept close tabs on him. More than once Ryoko had magically phased into his dorm room, hovering over his bed as he slept. Usually Ayeka would storm in right after that, and there would be quite literally, a royal catfight.

It was summer now though, and Tenchi was back home. The girls could swoon over him twenty-four hours a day now without interrupting his studies. Truthfully, he didn't mind it that much anymore.

Of course, he still wanted a little bit of time away from the circus.

Leaving the bickering ladies behind, Tenchi headed for the fields.

A few hours later

"I love this Garden Claw," Tenchi thought to himself as he jammed it into the ground once more. "It pops the carrots right out! I'm glad grandfather decided to buy this thing…"

He thrust the end of it into the ground and twisted it, producing a bright orange carrot from the dirt. Picking it up, he placed it in the basket, which was now practically overflowing with vegetables.

Standing and stretching for a moment, Tenchi reflected on his relatively uneventful day.

"Ahh, this is pretty good. I haven't had it this quiet in a long time," thought the young man. "Yeesh, I've never been able to get this many carrots pulled at once. Maybe I could do this more often if I understood the girls better."

Tenchi scratched his neck and laughed to himself out loud.

"Ha! Who could ever understand what women want?" he said.

For the next five minutes, Tenchi repeated the process of harvesting carrots. Eventually, it got so full that he couldn't fit even a single extra carrot in the basket. Done with his fieldwork for the day, he grabbed the lid and put it on top, pushing the mass of vegetables down to make as much room as possible.

As he slung the wicker basket over his shoulders and picked up his tools, Tenchi stared lazily up towards the sky. He'd been staring at the ground for so long he had almost forgotten what it looked like.

What he did remember was that it definitely hadn't been gloomy in the morning.

Almost the entire expanse of the sky was now a drab, boring shade of gray. Directly above his head was a great mass of black, the only other color the sky seemed to be. Tenchi had been so totally absorbed in his work that he barely noticed that the weather had turned foul.

It was freezing cold now, and the wind was blowing hard. The young man felt something tiny sting the back of his neck. He could tell it was wet, and that it would be best for him to leave as soon as possible.

A few raindrops began to fall around him before turning into a drizzle, then immediately into a torrent of water.

In a flash, poor Tenchi was soaked to the bone.

He had never seen a storm of this magnitude develop so quickly, and knew he needed to get back to the house. If he didn't, the rain could ruin half a season's worth of carrots. Tenchi grabbed all his tools, shifted the basket of carrots, and darted down the road at top speed.

Running at full tilt, his legs were kicking up all sorts of mud and dirt, covering him in grime. Now he was dirty, and would need to take a shower, yet another thing on his daily list of things to do.

All he could do was run and curse himself for not paying attention to the morning weather forecasts.

Pumping his legs as fast as they would go Tenchi got closer and closer to the Masaki household. In just a few more seconds, he would be inside where it was nice and warm and safe. He would soon be sitting in front of the television with a nice cup of tea, watching the Space Police Policemen marathon with the girls.

Unfortunately, it was never to be.

Tenchi didn't think twice as he stepped into what appeared to be just another puddle. His left leg sunk deep into the muddy water, and because he'd been running so fast, his right stretched far out in front of him.

His lack of judgment was apparent, as the ground instantly seemed to reach up and strike him in the face.

The Prince of Jurai had gotten his left foot caught in a pothole.


Tenchi hit the dirt hard, his tools and the carrots flying in all different directions.

For a second, it hurt to move. The pain was marginal though, and Tenchi quickly got to his feet. Looking around, he saw his grandfather's precious garden tools strewn about the area.

Seeing that he was close to his house, Tenchi made a fast decision. It was becoming dangerous outside, especially where he was standing. The storm even seemed to be closing in on him, trying its best to injure him in some way.

It was doing a good job for the most part, as the grime covered Tenchi was slipping all over the wet grass, desperately searching for the rather expensive Garden Claw. The young man had gathered most of the other tools, but desperately needed that last one, which he wasn't going to leave without.

He spotted its metallic gleam off to his left, lying in a ditch.

Bending over, Tenchi picked it up and quickly examined it. Seeing that it wasn't broken, he started to run back to the house.

Poor Tenchi didn't get very far.

A sharp pain jutted all down the length of his spine, followed by an intense heat that radiated throughout his body. His vision blurred, but not before a bright light flashed before his eyes. Tenchi could feel his hair suddenly stand on end, giving him the horrible feeling that he was being electrocuted.

At that point, the world turned black.

The young prince then slumped forward and became one with the rain-filled ditch.

A number of hours later…

"Uuuuuuggggh…" Tenchi groaned. "What happened? Where am I?"

He tried to get up, but couldn't.

There was no more pain, only a sense of bewilderment.

His eyes soon focused, and he saw that a puddle of muddy water was only a few inches from his face. When Tenchi thought about it, he realized that his head had been in it the whole time.

Through sheer force of will, the young man sat up. He had no idea how long he'd been lying in the goopy muck, not that it was much of a concern to his bug-addled brain..

Glancing around the area and looking up at the sky, Tenchi noticed that the sun had long since gone down. The late afternoon storm had vanished, leaving only the blanket of stars up above.

It was still rather warm out, and if he hadn't been so dirty, he might say that it was rather pleasant.

Very slowly, Tenchi pulled himself to his feet. Immediately the blood rushed to his brain, making the world spin around rapidly. He fought for control of his legs, and after a violent struggle, won. Quite shakily, Tenchi started towards the Masaki household, his knees shaking the entire way.

By now he had given up on his grandfather's digging tools.

Tenchi stumbled up the porch steps and opened the screen

* * * * *

Inside, the smoldering Tenchi could have sworn a train had run through his living room.

Bodies were strewn everywhere, some on the couch, others on the floor. All of them were bent into some rather odd positions.

The television flickered, showing a dozen or so random images of the Space Police Policemen marathon. On the coffee table, four empty bottles of sake and many more shot glasses lay on their sides.

Even little Sasami was out cold, sleeping peacefully on one of the ottomans, her legs curled up to her chest. It was doubtful that the others let a young child like her have any alcohol. More than likely she had fallen asleep while waiting for Tenchi to come back.

The young Juraian hadn't a clue as to how long he'd been gone, and noticed the flashing lights on top of the television.

Avoiding Ryoko and Ayeka, who were passed out drunk on the floor, Tenchi walked over to the television set and checked the time on the DVD player.

"Twelve thirty-five?! How long was I out?!" he yelled, breaking the quiet of the night.

No one heard him, at least no one other than Mihoshi.

Officer First Class Mihoshi quietly stirred and awoke. Holding her head in agony, she struggled to sit up in her armchair. Her blonde hair looked to be quite frizzled, with lots of splits ends sticking out in all directions. It was obvious she'd been involved in this little night of binge-drinking.

"Oh my fucking head! No more drinking contests, EVER!"she said, or so it would seem.

To Tenchi, her voice sounded very far off, like an echo inside a cathedral. Despite that, it had come in loud and clear, so there was nothing wrong with his hearing.

Or was there?

"What was that?" Tenchi asked her.

Mihoshi looked to be confused.

"Huh?" she replied

"What did you say?"

"I said 'Huh?'"

"What did you say before that?"

"Master Tenchi, I haven't said anything at all. My head…like…hurts…in a bad way…"

This was starting to get weird. The Juraian prince would bet his spiffy new DVD player that she had made some comment about a drinking contest. Nothing was really registering in his brain, not since several gigawatts of electricity passed through his body.

Ignoring Tenchi completely, the police officer with the perfect tan flipped over in her chair and closed her eyes. Tenchi turned off the television and started to walk past her up towards his room.

"I hope you guys clean this up by the time I wake up tomorrow," he said when he reached the stairs. "It looks like a car accident in here."

As he trudged up the stairs, the young man heard Mihoshi's voice once more.

"Screw that! Leeveme lone! Tellin' me what to do...who does he think he is...?"

Tenchi picked that up loud and clear.

"Hey! I can hear you!" he yelled. "I'm not deaf!"

Again, no one heard him, so he continued up the stairs and went to bed.

End Chapter One

Proceed to Chapter Two!

Note from Lord Augustus: That's chapter one. What'dja think?

Anyone who's seen the Mel Gibson movie knows what's happened to poor Tenchi. Yup, that's right!

I have other projects that I need to attend to, such as my Legend of Zelda fic, but I promise all you Tenchi fans that I will complete this work. I may not update as frequently as I would like, but rest assured, I will update.

Anyhoo, should I continue? I need reviews. They are like orange soda to me, which I am addicted to.