Tokyo Babylon Fan Fiction / Yami No Matsuei Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing A Love For You ❯ Happily...not so Ever After ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami No Matsuei/X-1999/Charmed Fanfiction

Disclaimer: They are belong their own creator.

Author's note: Thanks to Shizu-chan for help me with the spell and linestories. Merry Christmas to everyone! Blessed be!

Halliwell Manor

Suddenly a wind blow around them.

"What the hell?" Piper and Paige yelled in panic.

"This is…" Mutsumi look very afraid. "Be careful! Megamerototemo is coming this way!"


Everyone yelled in surprise, panic and so on.

"Peter, Mutsumi! Go to the attic and get them to drink the cure!" Samantha quickly yelled.

Peter quickly grab Mutsumi to the attic.

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi stood against each other. Their eyes look very cold like the predator searching for its prey.

Piper looked to the source of the wind with determined look.

Paige looked a little nervous.

Samantha looked around as smoke appeared around them.

A man with black clothes appeared before them.

"That was Megamerototemo?" Samantha face faulted.

The man smiled coldly. "Now, you all die!"

Tsuzuki quickly raised kekkai inside the Manor and summoned Byakko.

"Come forth, Byakko!" Tsuzuki yelled.

Piper and Paige's eyes gulped at the sight.

Tatsumi summoned his shadow to attack the demon.

Suddenly a woman appeared and catch the shadow. "Now that won't do, Tatsumi-chan…" She giggled.

"You…" Tatsumi hissed as he recognized the woman.

Meanwhile Byakko was attacking the man but to their surprise, the man seem not affected with the attack, not even a scratch appeared in his body.

"This is?!"


Meanwhile in the attic, Mutsumi and Peter managed to get those who was infected to drink the cure.

Melinda, Patricia and Katie quickly recovered.

Samantha rushed to the attic. "Haven't they awaked? We need the power of three!"

Upon hearing those words, Melinda fully awaked and quickly stood up along with Katie.

"There was a strange woman attacking us, it seem she helping that demon." Samantha explained. "Tatsumi said that she was the bird that spread the powder!"

"BOS!" Melinda exclaimed happily. "There was a spell to vanquish her!"

"Well, be quick then!" Peter said. "I will help them!"

"Where is it? Where is it?" Samantha quickly flipped the pages on the bOS with her power.

They could hear sound of crashing in the living room.

"Hurry!" Mutsumi yelled.

"That one!" Katie pointed.

"Yes!" Samantha exclaimed happily as she find the page she wanted. "Ready?"

Melinda nodded once she already memorized the spell to her brain.

"Let's get it done!" Katie yelled.

Just when they're about to go, magically the pages on the BOS flipped itself into a new page.

"Hei, guys! Check this out!" Patricia noticed the page.

"Now, it's not the time. We've to help them!" Katie said impatiently.

"It's a page about Megamerototemo!" Patricia said.

Melinda and the others quickly rushed to her side upon hearing those words.

"This is…?" Melinda whispered in horror.


Tsuzuki chanted some spell.

Peter throw some fireball to Megamerototemo.

Tatsumi facing the woman with his shadow.

"Tsuzuki! Everyone! Stop!" Samantha yelled once she arrived in the living room.

Everyone looked to her, confused.

"We can't hurt him!" Samantha yelled.

"What do you mean?"

"He won't feel the pain but the souls he stolen feel it!" Samantha explained.


Megamerototemo smirked. "It seem you've found out. But doesn't matter. Now you will die!" His hand was glowing lightly.

"You're one to talk, Megamerototemo…" Unrecognisable voice for all of them except the demon himself.

A young woman dressing in black appeared.

"Elizabeth!" Megamerototemo look very afraid. "Impossible! You're dead!"

"My descendent summoned me…" Elizabeth calmly said as she walked toward the demon.

"Nooooooo!!" Megamerototemo scream in horror. "I won't be sealed by you again!" With that, he disappeared.

"Wait! What the hell…?" His companion, the woman look confused.

Melinda, Samantha and Katie stood together.

"Now it was your turn, Mikamicmotore!" Katie yelled.

"How did you know my name?" The woman seem shocked.

"It's about time for payback after what you did to all of us!" Samantha said.

"This evil cheated life of many people,
She spread pain over the world,
Now let her feel what she done,
So she won't do evils again…"

The woman screamed in pain as fire and black mist appeared around her body.

"Nooooooooooooooooo!! You all will pay! My Father will take revenge for meeeeeeeeee!!" She yelled before she turn into dust.

The Charmed Ones sighed in relief.

Patricia hugged her Mom lovingly.

Paige and Peter smiled, satisfied.

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi also smiled in relief.

Elizabeth looked to all of them, wondering who all those people.


The Source Of All Evil was very angry to Megamerototemo.

"You run from them? How shame!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, Master. But, but…somehow she appeared and she knew the spell to sealed me. I just have to run…" Megamerototemo pleaded slightly.

"Fool!" The source yelled at him.


Halliwell Manor

"He seem very afraid to you…" Tsuzuki commented.

Elizabeth smiled painfully. "He is my husband…"


Everyone yelled at the confirmation told by her.

Elizabeth sighed. "I guess I owe you all an explanation…"

Everyone nodded.

"His real name is James Goode. He was a person who never believe in magic. We're married when we're only sixteen years old. At first, I really happy to be with him until he find out about my power." Elizabeth said.

Everyone look very enthusiasm toward her story of live.

"He was a gentle person. Even though he knew about my power, he never turn his back from me. We had Childs. We're very happy. You know, as a witch, I need to patrolling the area in case there was a demon." Elizabeth sighed. "Years by years pass by. James was assigned to a very far town by the King, he never come back for quiet sometime…then I meet this man called Lucas."


"I love you, Beth…" Lucas said as he kiss her forehead.

"Lucas…" Elizabeth looked to the handsome man before her. "I love you, too…"


Elizabeth closed her eyes. "Then I found out that he was an evil person…"

"A demon?" Katie asked.

Elizabeth shake her head. "Worst, he was the leader of every evil being in this world…"

"Lucifer…" Tsuzuki whispered. "Is that him?"


"Yes. When I found out about this, I search for him with rage all over my body. I've determined to kill him or vanquish him…" Elizabeth said.

"But you've fail…" Samantha whispered.

Elizabeth nodded. "I was captured by him instead. He chained me in Hell, tortured me…"


"How could you? How could you do this to me?" Elizabeth yelled as tears streaming down her cheeks. "You're lying to me all this time…"

Lucifer caress her cheeks gently. "I didn't lie to you when I said I love you…"

Elizabeth bit her lips. "No! You are lying! Evil can't love!"

"I can, Elizabeth…" Lucifer said. "Once long time ago, I was also human and angel in the same time…"

"But you rebels against God…" She whispered.

"Yes and I become who I am… I controlled every evils that exist in this world. All the bad things was mine to take…" Lucifer whispered in her ear as his hand sneaking their way around her waist.

"Don't you dare to touch me!" Elizabeth hissed.

Lucifer let her go and laughed. "You're so cute…"

Suddenly without warning, Lucifer grab her and kiss her lips. The kiss was so long and gentle that Elizabeth felt like wanted to melt. He broke the kiss gently and continue to kiss her neck.

"No…" Elizabeth moaned. "Stop it!"

Lucifer stop kiss her and stare at her. He could see tears burn her eyes.


"Then he let go of me but before that, he vow that I was born for him, that I was meant to be with him, forever and ever…" Elizabeth said with tears.

Everyone was silent at this. They don't know what to say to her so they just listen to her.

"One day, James came back to me but he has change… He was become a great skilled soldier. He is no longer the sweet, shy person who even hesitated in punish his enemy. He now kill with smile. It's hurt me a lot… I thought Lucifer was behind all of this so I went to confront him."


"What I have done to James?" Lucifer repeated her word with amused smile. "I didn't do anything. What did you see in him right now was what he choose to be. I do nothing to him…"

"Are you saying that the knowledge of humanity which make him like this?"

"Depend of the knowledge itself. Sometime humanity can change people, whether it was for good or for worst…"


"When there was a serial killer who kill with dark magic, James forbid me not ever used my power. But, of course, I can't do that. It was my duty to became a witch and save innocents…" Elizabeth said. "James was so angry and he beat me whenever he found out that I was using my power."

Patricia stared to her great ancestor in sympathy.

"I was worried for my Childs so I gave them to my family. Then I ran away from him." Elizabeth sighed. "He was angry, REAL angry. He chase me down and start to stab me… Then I was become his prisoner."

All the women in the room looked to her with tears.

"Suddenly Lucifer appeared before me and said that he can gave me my freedom back if I'm willingly went with him. I refuse him. Then something bad happen. James found out about Lucifer and started to hate me and chased down every witches in the town and kill them."

Everyone gasped except the men.

"I knew immediately that James really changed to a monster. I cursed him for he would be damned by the world. I never realize that my curse would make him like this. He started targeting witches as his prime victim."

Tsuzuki sighed.

"It's all my fault. So I decided to seal him but at the time my power is not really great or powerful as the legend said to be." Elizabeth looked to all the Halliwell's women in the room. "I made a bargain with him, Lucifer…"

"YOU what?!"

"Myself in exchange a power I needed to sealed him. The power he gave to me is power of neutral, nor good or bad can controlled."

"So that's mean you can't fight for good or bad anymore?" Tatsumi asked.

"Yes, that was it. After I sealed James or so he called himself, Megamerototemo…I went to hell and living my life in his side…" Elizabeth said. "Till God sealed him in the deepest of Earth and darkness along with me…" She ended her story.

"Wow!" was all Katie can utters.

"After I sealed him for good, I will go back to where I belong…" Elizabeth closed her eyes and then stood up.

"No!" Samantha yelled. "You're not belong to him. We can set you free from him!"

"That's not necessary. If I do that then I will lose the only power to sealed him forever…"

"But you're a kind person. You're not deserved to live in the darkness like that. You deserved more…" Melinda said.

Piper looked to her great ancestor whose names was erased from witchcraft's history. "Did you…love him? Did you love Lucifer?"

Everyone was shocked.

Elizabeth nodded.

"You're falling in love with the most evil person in the whole world?" Paige asked sarcastically.

"Hmm!" Piper hmm-ed her.

"Upps, sorry. I didn't mean to…" Paige trailed.

"It's ok…" Elizabeth smiled.

Piper smiled. "You really remind me of Phoebe…"

At the mention of her Mother's name, Samantha jerked off and she run from the living room. Tsuzuki quickly after her.


Samantha was crying as the memories of her parents playing in her mind.

"Samantha!" Tsuzuki called her.

Samantha quickly wiped away her tears. "Just leave me alone, Tsuzuki. Don't you ever know that someone like me really need her private time alone?"

"No one should be alone…"

Samantha rolled her eyes. "Looks who speaking?! Mr. Shinigami who can't even have a relationship with woman…"


"Stop it!" Samantha closed her ears. "Don't call me like that!"

Tsuzuki couldn't said anything.

"Go away! I don't want to see you!" Samantha yelled to him, she trying to irritated him but to irritated him is a very difficult part.

Tsuzuki hold her tightly. "Samantha, please!"

"What are you doing? I thought you are not supposed to be with me right now!" Samantha tried to break free from Tsuzuki's grip but to no avail.

Tsuzuki kiss her gently.

Samantha was too shocked to even react.

After awhile, Tsuzuki broke the kiss gently and stare at her.

Samantha stare back, she doesn't know what to do. "Tsuzuki…"


"Megamerototemo…" The Source summoned him.

"Yes, Master?"

"Did you wish to kill the witch who sealed you?"

"Of course!"

The Source smiled. "Then I've plan!" He motioned him to walk near him.

Megamerototemo did so and suddenly he screamed in pain as the source opened his mouth and eaten him alive.


Halliwell Manor

Samantha, Patricia and Paige were in the kitchen, making potion, in case there was another unexpected attack from the Demons.

Melinda, Katie, Piper, Peter, Elizabeth, Tatsumi and Tsuzuki were in the living room, discussing about their next plan.

Samantha took a long look to Tsuzuki and sighed for the 9 times.

"Alright! Alright! If you wanted to join them, you can go, Samantha!" Paige said and rolled her eyes. "Geez, I'm almost get stress to seeing you sighed every minute."

"I did not!" Samantha yelled.

"Did too!" Paige yelled.

"Did not!"

"Yeah, right!" Paige rolled her eyes. "Whatever!"

Patricia giggled.

"Bring them some food and drinks, Samantha." Patricia said.

"Good idea!" Paige said and pushed Samantha to do it.

Samantha sighed and then take a grab of snacks and some coke to the living room.

"Everyone! Let's take a break, shall we?" Samantha yelled and suddenly gasped as she was being pulled by another premonition.

She, Melinda and Katie stood in attic.
A hooded figure tossed a fire ball on his hand.
He smirked and throw the fireball to them.
Melinda tried to freeze him but to no avails.
He grab Melinda by the throat and eaten her alive.
Then he smirked to Katie and her who looks terrified.
He then used Melinda's power to blow them up.

Samantha let the snacks and coke on her arms collapsed to the floor along with herself.

Tsuzuki, Melinda and Piper quickly ran to her side.



Samantha jerk awake in her bed.

"Samantha?" Tsuzuki whispered. "Thanks, God. You've awaken!"

"What happen? What time now? How much long I've sleep?"

"Woahh! Calm down!" Tsuzuki said. "You have passed out for one half hour now."

"My God! We don't have time for this!!" Samantha stood up and push Tsuzuki aside. "We've to warn the other!"


"What did you see?" Piper asked her.

"Is it megamerototemo?" Patricia also asked her.

"Worst! It was the Source Of All Evil!" Samantha answered them.


Melinda, Katie, and Patricia yelled in the same time.

"Now? Can't wait?" Katie asked stupidly.

"It's not like I wanted it to be happen. The premonition I saw was about the death of the Charmed Ones!" Samantha said. "Which mean all of us in great danger."


Everyone was very nervous except, maybe, Elizabeth.

Tsuzuki cast a barrier around the Manor.

Melinda, Samantha and Katie practised their power.

They are very worried after hearing what Samantha said. They could only hope that the power of Good is strong enough to beat the power of Evil.


"According from what you said…" Elizabeth said. "The Source must be using that technique."

"What technique?" Paige asked.

"Very dangerous one. Using the black pendent made by the blood of black sheep. It can help him increase his power by eat demons." Elizabeth said. "Lucifer told me about me but he said it was too dangerous so he won't use it."

"I think Father once has mention it too. He doesn't like that thing." Peter raised his chin in thinking mode.

"So the Source maybe used it to eat the Megamerototemo? So that he can use the power of souls collected by Megamerototemo against us?" Melinda asked hesitantly.

"Maybe…" Peter muttered. He looked to Elizabeth. "Does that mean…?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Indeed."

"Hello, translate it, please. We don't understand what you two talking about?" Piper asked.

Tsuzuki sighed. "This isn't good, you know?"

"What do you mean?" Samantha asked him.

"It mean that Elizabeth can't help us. She can't involved with this anymore." Tsuzuki said. "Since Megamerototemo is now exist in Source's body who was completely evil."

"Except if we manage to split them into two again…" Tatsumi said.

"Then we can check the BOS. Maybe we can find some spell to do that…" Piper said.

Melinda nodded and motion to Katie and Samantha to the attic.

Samantha took the BOS and flip its pages with her telekinesis power.

"Let's hope we can find the spell we need…" Melinda said. "For Good…"


Tsuzuki was very frustrated. He wanted to help them but he feel so hopeless. He doesn't know what to do. But he isn't the only one who was frustrated. Everyone were also very frustrated because none of them know if they can survive or not by the fact the source become more powerful than ever by eat megamerototemo. They also very worried because they don't know when the source would attack.

Tsuzuki stood near the window in Samantha's bedroom, watching the moon.

Samantha stood before him, watching him.

"Hisoka, Miri-chan, Minna… Gomen, I might not be able to save you guys…" Tsuzuki whispered.

"We can't lose hope… We'll win…" Samantha said, although she was look uncertain.

Tsuzuki looked to her with sad eyes. "I'm sorry. I promised to protect you but it seem that…"

Samantha hugged him. "It's ok…." She said gently. "We'll survive this. Then you can save Hisoka and the others."


Peter and Melinda walked together in front of Manor.

"We can survive this, can't we?" Melinda asked him.

Peter didn't know what to say so he just hugged her.

Melinda lay her head on his chest.


"Kyle?" Katie was in her bedroom, calling for her boyfriend, Kyle.

"Katie? What's up?"

"Nothing… I just want to hear your voice…"


"Maybe we can't met anymore after this…"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing!" Katie wipes away her tears.


Patricia was in her Mother's bedroom.

"Mom, we can do this, can't we?" Patricia asked.

"I don't know, honey… Let's just hope we can…" Piper answered as she hugged her daughter.


Paige doesn't know what to do. Everyone really seem so desperate. She wanted to cheer them up but don't know how. She sat in the kitchen, drink some coffee.

Tatsumi entered the kitchen and startled to see her. "Ah, Mrs. Halliwell…"

"Wanna some coffee?" Paige offered.

Tatsumi smiled. "Yeah, why not?"

Paige gave Tatsumi a cup of coffee. They sat together, observing each other.

"I believe that we can survive this. I'm not going to lose hope…" Paige said.

"You're very brave."

"Someone need to be. Everyone seem so desperate that I feel like I'm going to die soon."

Tatsumi smiled.


Elizabeth sat in the window on the living room. She observed the skies.

"What should I do?" She whispered to herself. "James, why did you do this to us? They are also your descendent…"

Tears streaming down her cheek. She know the only way to save them is…


Another day in the Manor. Everyone still worried and wondering why the Source haven't attack them by now. The longer he didn't attack, the more they got the nerve.

Piper and Patricia was in the kitchen, cooking food for everyone.

Melinda, Samantha and Katie was in the attic, be ready for the attack. Somehow Samantha feel this is going to be the day where it would end or…

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi was receive a call from Chief Konoe. They must gave him a report for what happen. Mutsumi has gone back to Tokyo.

Peter went out, trying to search for information they needed regarding the Source and the Underworld.

Elizabeth was with Paige in living room, trying to figure a way to save the day…maybe?


Suddenly the door to attic opened abruptly and there he was, the Source Of All Evil standing on the door way with evil smirks. He formed a fireball in his hand and throw it to the Charmed Ones.

Samantha quickly used her telekinesis power to dodged it. The fireball crash into a wall.

Peter, Tsuzuki and Tatsumi who heard the loud crash from the attic quickly come to help them. But just when they arrived in the door way, the door magically closed itself and a barrier appeared around it, prevent them from entering the attic.

At the time, a bunch of demons appeared in the kitchen. They attack Piper and Patricia. Paige and Elizabeth who also hear the commotion quickly split up, one go to the attic, the other go to the kitchen.

Peter throw a fireball upon the barrier but the barrier just absorb it.

Tsuzuki quickly chanted a spell to break the barrier.

Tatsumi summoned his shadow to entering the barrier but to no avail.


Meanwhile the Charmed ones was struggling for their own lives.

Melinda hides behind a sofa to dodged from the Source's attack and moved her hand to blow him up but to no avail.

Samantha levitated and kick him as she saw that he ready to throw another fireball to Melinda. She managed to make him fall. She used this opportunity to put 2-3 stone around him.

Katie quickly summoned the fireball and used its to attack the Source.

"Fool! It won't affect me!" The Source yelled as he wave his hand, sending Samantha and Katie flying across the room.

Samantha's head was bleeding but she doesn't care.

Melinda run to face the Source and tried to freeze him but just a second the Source can move again.

The Source grab her throat. "Now you die!" He said and laughed evilly.

Samantha saw this and gasped as she recognized the sight from her premonition. She quickly waved her hand toward the Source.

Melinda managed to get away from his grasp. Katie quickly run to her side and help her to stand up.

The Source was very angry and he threw another fireball to the 3 women but they managed to get away in time.


Tsuzuki was so desperate. No matter what he do the barrier won't break.

Peter keep yelling his cousins' name. "Melinda! Samantha! Katie!"

Elizabeth walked toward them and tried to concentrated to break the barrier but to no avail. She yelled, "James! I know you're there. I knew you hate me and I'm the one you wanted. Spare them!"


For awhile, The Source look very hesitated upon hearing Elizabeth's word.

Katie used this opportunity to put the remaining 2 stone but she just can put one as the Source waved his hand toward her, sending her flying and she bumped the door and fainted.

"Katie!" Melinda yelled.


Meanwhile outside the attic, Piper, Paige and Patricia arrived at the attic.

Piper tried to blow up the door but fails.

Paige tried to orbs in but can not.

Patricia look very pale, she can sense the fear inside the attic.

"Run! Melinda! Samantha! Katie! Run from there!" Peter yelled in desperate.

Patricia started to crying.

Piper and Paige look so pale.


Samantha's astral project appeared behind the Source and she quickly form a fire ball to attack him. The attack was just distraction so that Melinda can put the last stone.

Source throw an electric ball to Samantha. Samantha managed to orbs in time.

Melinda who wanted to put the last stone was attacked by the Source.

"Now you die, witches!" The Source hissed.


Tsuzuki and the other start to panic as they heard the Source's word.

"Noooooooo!" Tsuzuki tried to break the barrier with his hands.

"Tsuzuki-san, stop it!" Tatsumi yelled. "You could get hurt!"

Peter also did the same like Tsuzuki. "I'll help you!"

Together they tried to break the barrier.


Just right when the Source aimed his fireball to Samantha, Tsuzuki managed to break in. He quickly run to Samantha and protect her with his own body!

Piper and Paige gasped as they saw the sight that made them remember when Cole break in to the attic to save Phoebe…

"Tsuzuki!" Samantha yelled in shock.

The barrier has been broken.

Peter run to Melinda's side.

Paige run to her daughter's side.

Piper quickly tried to freeze him but to no avails.

Elizabeth walked casually toward the Source and whispered, "James…"

The Source look confuse then. Suddenly he scream in pain as he could felt Megamerototemo was struggling inside him, trying to show up.

"What did you do to me, witch?!" He screamed in horror as he struggle to fight the pain in his head.

Melinda saw this and quickly run to Elizabeth's side and put the last stone.

The Source was trapped inside the shield created by the stone.

"Alright! It's our chance!" Melinda yelled.

Samantha and Katie quickly rushed to her side.

"Phoebe, Prudence, Patricia…" Melinda yelled.

"Penelope, Melinda, Astrid…" Samantha yelled.

"Helena, Laura and Grace!" Katie yelled.

The Source scream in pain as smoke started to appeared.

"Halliwell witches stand strong beside us…" They chanted together. "Vanquish this evil from time and space!"

The Source screamed in agony and fire start to appeared.

Everyone closed their eyes as a bright light appeared from his body.

The light fades away…

The Source still standing in the circle of stone…

"Wha…?" Katie was loss of the world.

Everyone turn pale.

The Source look confused but then smile evilly. "I guess your spell doesn't work to me…"

The Charmed Ones quickly back off.

Melinda run to Peter, while Samantha back with Tsuzuki and Tatsumi.

Katie run to Paige. Paige quickly hold her tightly.

"Now I will kill you!!" The Source laughed evilly. "Let's start from the witches…" He said as he eyeing Melinda and the other witches.

"No!" Elizabeth stood before the other. "I won't let you lay a finger on them!"

"Elizabeth! Don't!" Piper yelled.

"You fool!" The Source waved his hand, sending her flying across the room.

Tatsumi quickly run to her side. "Ms. Elizabeth!"

"Now you all die for REAL!!" The Source formed a fireball on his hand.

"I don't think so…" A cold man voice.

"Wha…?" The Source look shocked, he turn around to see a man with black wings stood. "When the hell did you come? I didn't sense you!"

"Neither are we…" Peter muttered.

The man smiled coldly. "There is no need for you to know…"

Elizabeth looked up and turn pale. "Lucifer…"


Everyone yelled in shocked.

Lucifer smiled to her. "I figure something like this would happen…" The he eyeing the Source who look very afraid now. Lucifer formed a plasma ball from his hand. "I guess I need to give you a lesson for hurting my wife…"

The source screamed in agony as Lucifer throw the plasma ball to him. The pendant in his neck broke into thousand pieces. For awhile nothing seem to be happening. Then smoke, fire then black mist appeared around The Source as his body torn into two. One is the Source itself and the other is Megamerototemo who was unconciuss in the floor outside the circle where the source was.

Lucifer smiled. "Now its up to you…" Then he disappeared.

The Source's aura getting weaker each time.

"Melinda, read the spell again!" Piper yelled.

Melinda nodded. Samantha and Katie also nodded.

"Phoebe, Prudence, Patricia, Penelope, Melinda, Astrid, Helena , Laura and grace…" cried the Charmed Ones. "Halliwell witches stand strong beside us, vanquish this evil from time and space!"

The Source's body was set in the fire then his body explodes into brilliant spray of colour.

"We made it!" Katie yelled.

Melinda and Samantha smiled.

Megamerototemo awaked, as he saw Elizabeth and the other, he grew very angry!

Elizabeth stand still in front of her ex-husband who was now a demon and calmly said, "It's about time you free the souls that you stole…"

"Not a chance!" roared the demon.

"This evil take innocent's lives, and consumed their souls,
it's time to set them free, let them be free,
the lives that meant to be shall return to where it belong…"

Megamerototemo screamed in agony as a bright light appeared inside his body. The light goes to the skies and split up to around the world.

Elizabeth smiled. "The souls has returned to their own bodies…"

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi sighed in relief.

"Damn you…" Megamerototemo hissed angrily. "Damn you, Elizabethhhhhhhhhhh!!" He look very angy. "I will kill you!" He roared and start to attack her.

"Come forth! Suzaku!" Tsuzuki yelled and summoned his shikigami to attack Megamerototemo.

Tatsumi summoned his shadow to protect Elizabeth.

Fire spread in everywhere.

Piper's eyes gulped. "Wha…? The Manor!"

"Calm down! Tsuzuki already cast a barrier so whatever happen this manor is safe…" Paige said.

Piper calmed down. If Tsuzuki really burn the Manor, She swear that he was going to pay!

Megamerototemo screamed as Suzaku's fire consumed him.

Elizabeth stood, watching as the demon scream in agony, tears streaming down her cheeks and softly chanted the spell to sealed him.

"His soul was damned,
His life was cursed,
His presence was unwanted,
Heaven and Earth refuse you,
Seal this evil to the darkness.
So he doesn't do evils again…"

Megamerototemo screamed in agony and slowly he disappeared.

Elizabeth wipes away her tears and slowly turn around to face everyone.

Melinda, Samantha, Katie and patricia was hugged each other.

Peter, Tsuzuki and Tatsumi smiled in relief.

Piper and Paige just sighed and look at each other with happy smile.

Morning soon will come, they will face another day…

Elizabeth sighed and smiled. She walked to the corner where Lucifer had waited for her. Both flamed out.


Samantha sat in the window in living room, watching the moon. She wearing beautiful black dress. Melinda wearing red dress, Katie wearing green dress while Patricia wearing white dress. All the men wearing tuxedos.

Piper and Paige has insisted to make a great party. They said everyone deserved it, since they had success to save the day.

"The party is for the young ones." Piper winked. "While I will served the food."

They all singing, dancing and eating together.

'Today he's gonna come back to where he was belong…' Samantha sighed as she observed Tsuzuki who was dancing with Patricia.

Samantha sighed again and looking faraway to the window.

Suddenly Tsuzuki reach her shoulder.

Samantha turn around and smile to him.

"Wanna dance?" Tsuzuki asked.

Samantha look hesitated.

"Please?" pleaded Tsuzuki. "For old time's sake?"

Samantha nodded.

They dance waltz together.

"Samantha, I…I love you…" Tsuzuki whispered in her ear.

Samantha lay her head to his chest. "I know…" 'I love you too…'

"I'm sorry that I caused you so much hurt…"

"Don't said anything…" Samantha said. 'Because it's more painful…knowing that you will gone from my life forever…'

Tsuzuki sighed.

"Samantha!" Piper called from the kitchen. "Could you help me for awhile?"

"Wait a minute!" Samantha yelled.

Tsuzuki let her go, his eyes never leaving her.

Samantha walked away but stopped dead in her track, she turn around and kiss him passionately on the lips.

Tsuzuki too shocked to react.

Samantha broke the kiss gently, tears burn her eyes. She slowly back off and whispered, "I'm sorry too…" Then she turn around, leaving him alone with his regret and sadness.


Melinda and Peter also dance together. But silently, they observed Samantha as Tsuzuki asking her for a dance. They both smiled.

Peter then said to her, "I guess the wedding would not be cancelled after all…"

Melinda smiled sweetly. "Yeah…"

"We're going to make it… I promise that I will be a good husband…"

"Well, you better… I've a spell to vanquish you if you dare to cheated on me…"

Peter chuckled. "Then I should watch my back…"

Melinda punch him playfully.

They laughed softly.


Katie was dancing with his boyfriend, Kyle.



"May I ask what did you mean in telephone 2 days ago?"

Katie smiled. "It's nothing…"

Kyle look puzzled but decided to let it drop.


Tatsumi was dancing with Patricia.



"Did you really have to go back that early?"

"Tsuzuki and I had loss so much time in San Francisco. We must go back to Meifu. Everyone must be worried."

"I see…"

"What's the matter?"


"Is it about Samantha?"

Patricia nodded sadly. "She must be very sad. Once again she lost him again…" She watched her cousin who was dancing with Tsuzuki.

Tatsumi also watched Tsuzuki and Samantha then sighed.


"Sayonara, Minna!"

"Good bye!

"Nice meeting you!"

"Don't forget about us!"

"Send my regard to Hisoka and the other!"




"I hope you're lucky with your partner!"

"What is that supposed to mean?"


"Promised me you would be ok?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You've to move on…"

"And so are you…"


"I've to go…"

"Then this is good bye…"


Samantha sat in the sofa, deep in thought.

Melinda, Katie and Patricia entered the living room and sat in the sofa.

Melinda sat beside Samantha while Katie and Patricia sat together.

Tsuzuki and Tatsumi has gone back to Tokyo.

Peter was go back to his apartment.

"How do you feel?" Melinda asked in sympathy.

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Samantha asked back.

"You don't have to lie to us, you know?" Patricia said. "Don't hide your feeling."

"Right! After all what's cousins for?" Katie added with smile.

"Thanks." Samantha smiled painfully.

Melinda hugged her.

Samantha force a smile but instead tears streaming down her cheeks.

Patricia and Katie moved to Samantha and also hugged her.

Silent filled the room, except the sound of Samantha's sobbing…

Sayonara, Tsuzuki…

I love you…