Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ What's your favorite ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer - We do not own any characters in this fic, except maybe the really hot guy who works at the gas station. *Looks at Ran* do you own him?? Cause if not he's mine!!!

Sayuri's Note - This was an idea of mine that stemmed from a lack of good Tokyo Mew Mew fics, and seeing as I've been wanting to write a Hentai fic for so long (Ran has too) I figured we could write one together with Ichigo and Minto (Ran's favorite character) both getting a little action. The second truth question that Minto eventually asks Ichigo was an actual conversation that a few of my friends were talking about, I thought it was funny so I decided to add it to the fic. I hope you find it as funny as I did. I'll let you talk to Ran now.

Ran's turn! - Oui, Minto is my favorite character, but we shall call her Mint in this story. I think that part of the reason I'm helping with this story is the fact that I'm addicted to things like this. Please keep that one under your hat! ^_^ I will probably add a few things I've done with friends into this story. While your reading, let me give you something to chew on. What's your favorite?


Running to the door, she couldn't help but feel relieved that she had been able to come over; she could handle Karima Anima, get Mew Aquas, and even aid in the effort to defeat Deep Blue, but being alone was something that scared her to death.

Walking in, she couldn't help but think to herself, "No matter how many times I come here I can't get over how big it is."

"So Ichigo," Mint asked, as she picked up the teddy bear that Ichigo had dropped, as she looked around the room as if she had entered it for the first time, "Come on, how many times are you gonna do that when you come over?"

"I can't help it...I think you could fit three of my houses in this room alone," she said, failing to defend herself.

"Whatever...So how did you get your parents to let you stay over here without my parents here?"

"Well according to them, your parents are here, they're just sick and can't come to the phone. I mean do you think they would actually let me come if they knew the truth?"

"Well..." she said, not really believing her best friend. In the five years she had known Ichigo, she had never known her to tell a lie and then not feel immediately guilty for it. "She's been hanging out with me too much," she thought, as she laughed at her friend.

Mint lead Ichigo into the living room area and sat down on a large leather sofa. "So what do you want to do? The staff is out, so if we want anything, we have to get it ourselves." She giggle slightly and stretched back on the couch.

"This place is seeming like home more and more every second, and now I have to get everything myself... What next?" Ichigo said giggling herself.

"Well, I could have a little boy come in and bug you. Would that make you feel even more at home?" Mint laughed and stood up. "Let's go up to my room." She lead the way up the winding master staircase to the third floor where the two girls entered the third room on the right. Mint threw herself on the bed and sighed heavily.

Sitting next to her friend on the bed, she looked around the room for what must have been the hundredth time. Each time she came here, she always seemed to find something new to look at and this time was no exception. Spying a picture of the group, she couldn't help but sigh. They were all supposed to have come, but for some reason each of their parents had found out that it would be just them and had forbid their daughters to go.

"It probably would have been more fun with all five of us here..."

Mint followed Itchigo's gaze to the picture and sighed as well. "It would have, but they aren't. Well, to be honest, I didn't get to invite Zakuro. I only got her voice mail, and I'm horrible with messages." She giggled again, feeling as if her mood was as light as ever. "So what should we do to pass the time?"

"Umm... I don't know. We could always, no its stupid." she trailed off.

Mint, now intrigued, said quickly, "What were you going to say?"

"Well we could always play truth or dare. Like we used to when we were younger. I mean I haven't played it since that night when we all first spent the night over here."

Mint looked giddy for a moment and bounced slightly on the bed. "I remember that night! Something happened there that I will never speak of again! That's a great idea! Since it was your idea, you can go first."

"Ok! Truth or dare?"

Mint pondered for a moment, only to try to build suspense. "I think I'll choose...." she paused and made a face to indicate she was thinking.

"I'll start out simple. Truth."

"Kami... what to ask her...She tells me everything" she thought to herself, "This is why I hate this game... and stupid me had to bring it up..."

"Ok...ok... well since you tell me everything this is hard. But there is one thing that has been bothering me..."

Mint bit her bottom lip and stared blankly at a wall, trying to think of anything she hadn't told Ichigo.

"Well... you see...I...I...I..." she stumbled, unable to ask the question that had plagued her for quite some time.

Mint looked at Ichigo with a strange look. "What? C'mon!"

"I want to know if you are gay!" she quickly said, covering her mouth as soon as she had, as if afraid that more horrible things would fly out of her mouth if she had not.

Mint looked shocked at her friend sitting there. Her mouth dropped open slightly and she searched for the right words. "I.... Well that is..." she stopped for a minute and pondered the thought. "Am I gay if I like a girl? I mean, I've had a boyfriend, and I still think guys are cute, but I think I'm in love with a girl... Does the make me gay?"
"Uhh...I,I,I don't know. You still like guys right?"

Mint thought for a minute and flushed slightly. "I haven't really liked a guy since around the time I became a Mew Mew." Mint stared at her feet. Did this really mean that she was gay?

Well... what's your favorite? Guys or Girls?" Ichigo said, beyond embarrassment. Her face was flushed and she had just asked her best friend of five years if she was gay, and now she was asking if she liked guys or girls better... what a great friend she was. "I, I'm sorry... I wouldn't blame you if you yelled at me and sent me home... I'm such a bad friend," she managed to choke out.

Mint looked up and laughed. She laid down on the bed and looked at her ceiling, still laughing. "Oh, Ichigo. Don't worry about it, you're not a bad friend. And if I sent you home, what would I do?" She sat back up and looked at Ichigo. "I think I like girls more." She shrugged and then she realized just how uncomfortable her saying that might make Ichigo.

"You don't like me like that...Do you?" she said, praying to Kami that she didn't.

Mint perked up an eyebrow. "And if I did?"

Unable to respond in words, she simply began to slide further and further toward the edge of the bed. Not realizing that she was already on the edge, she slid a bit further and ended up falling off. "Well...I..." she said as she rubbed her elbow, having bumped it on the bed as she was falling.

Mint burst out laughing and doubled over. "I was just kidding!" she mustered through the laughs, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I wish I had a camera for that look!"

"Hay it's not that funny!!" Ichigo said defensively, "I mean if Zakuro had just told you that she liked you that way wouldn't you flip out too?"

Mint blushed and stared at Ichigo. She didn't want to lie to her best friend and say she didn't like Zakuro, but she couldn't just come out and say it.

"Well, wouldn't you?" Ichigo said, becoming a little angry, "First you scare the heck out of me by acting like you like me, then you laugh at me, now you won't answer me... I think I'll just go home," she said as she stood up to leave.

"Ichigo!" yelled Mint. "I'm sorry! The truth is that I like Zakuro! I'm sorry. I didn't think you would get so made." She looked down at her feet again and lowered her voice. "You can go if you want. I'll understand."

"Hehe, I can't believe you fell for that!!" she said as she wiped around flashing a sly smile before she sank to the floor laughing.

Mint looked up shocked and started to laugh too. "Okay, fair enough. I guess I did deserve that." Mint laughed a bit more and then looked at Ichigo. "So, truth or dare?"

"Nope!! My turns not over yet, one more question."

"Is that fair?" Mint hadn't played in so long, she began to forget the rules.

"Of course it's fair..." she said trying not to smile.

"Alright then. Go ahead. It can't be any worse then the first question." Mint said with a shrug.

"Well I wanted to know if you are still a virgin? Seeing as you kept the fact that you were bi from me... I figure lets get it all out now."

Mint began to cough and stood up. "I'm just going to go get something to drink," she said, forcing herself to cough again. This was not a subject she was keen on talking about.

"Ok, but don't think you're getting away from me that easy. Remember if you don't answer I get to dare you to do something."

Mint went into the bathroom and got a drink of water. "It's not like this wasn't bound to come up, right?" she asked herself in the mirror. "I mean, I at least owe her something." Mint sighed and went back into the room to face the question. "No. I'm not a virgin," she thought for a moment and continued before Ichigo could ask anything. "You remember that boy I was dating a few months after I started working at the cafe?"

"Yea, Kenji right?"

"Yeah. He wasn't my first." She laughed a little and then blushed. "But his brother was."

"Oh my Gosh!!! You little hoe!!" she said as she threw a pillow in the direction of her friend,” I don't blame you though...I probably would've jumped him myself if I didn't have Masaya," she said giggling, to show her friend she was only playing.

Mint laughed as the pillow hit her square between the eyes. 'I couldn't help it. His parents were out of town and Kenji went to that concert without me! I was mad, his brother was hot, and it all worked out for me." She laughed and playfully threw the pillow back at Ichigo.

"That concert was fun!! But I guess you were having some fun of your own weren't you?" Ichigo said, still laughing at her friend.

Mint giggled. "Well, not really to tell you the truth. The first time hurts a lot. Afterwards I even felt bad. Needless to say that Hedaki told Kenji and I got dumped."

"I guess he didn't live up to his name did he?"

Mint laughed and then turned on Ichigo. "Truth or Dare?"

"Well seeing what you've told me about yourself, I think I'll play it safe and pick truth."

"Very funny," she snorted and then stopped to think. "Hmm. Have you and Masaya ever... well you get where I'm going."

"No..." she said blushing, "I've never felt ready. Plus...Kami, if my dad caught us, he'd probably castrate Masaya and disown me."

She perked up an eyebrow. "Then what would he do to me if he found out my parents aren't here? Better yet, what would he do to you?" She laughed and threw a pillow at Ichigo.

Ichigo stared in confusion at her friend for a few minutes, finally asking, "Who? My dad?"

Mint tilted her head slightly and tried to resist the urge to laugh. "Well I was thinking about your dad at first, but now I think it works much better with Masaya in mind. I'll just go call him and have him come over!" Mint got up and headed for the hallway phone.

Looking at her friend as she exited the room, she thought about what she had just heard. "What will he do to, Oh Shit!! Mint!!!" Standing up she ran into the hall, but was too late, Mint had a huge smile on her face and had just hung up the phone.

"I talked to Masaya." She grinned evil liked and strode back into her room. "It might be an hour or two, and quite possibly a huge shock when he gets here, but he will come." She turned to see Ichigo's reaction.

She stood speechless, unable to say or do anything except think to herself, "Oh my God, Oh my God...."

Mint laughed and sat down on her bed again. "So Ichigo. What is your favorite type of condom?"

"What do you mean? I thought there was only 1 type."

Mint tilted her head again and doubled over with laughter. "Are you serious?"

"Yes..."she said sheepishly, "How was I supposed to know?"

"I thought you would've at least seen the different kinds in the stores!" She laughed again. "So what now? It'll be a long while before Masaya shows up..." she said, letting out a sigh.

"Well you pick dare!" she said running out of the room, towards the spot Mint had been only minutes before.

Mint's eyes opened wide and she jumped up to follow Ichigo. "What are doing?!"

Picking up the phone she quickly dialed Zakuro's number.

"Mushi Mushi, Zakuro speaking," she heard on the other end.

"Hay, it's Ichigo. Mint and I are having a little party over at her house, wanna come?"


"Great! Ja ne!"

"Ja ne."

Turning to face Mint as she hung up the phone, she smiled from ear to ear, "Your dare is to tell Zakuro that you love her."

"But I!" Mint slid down to the floor and stared up blankly at her friend. "I can't..." Slowly, her mood changed from one of shock to anger. "Why that? I can't tell Zakuro that I love her! For all I know she's not even interested in boys, let alone girls! She's out of my league! If I have to do that, she'll never talk to me again!" she screamed.

"Well you invited Masaya over here!" Ichigo screamed back with just as much ferocity, if not more.

Mint stood up and shook slightly from anger. "But I didn't tell you that you had to DO ANYTHING!" Mint tried to fight back tears before an idea struck her. "Fine, if my dare is to tell Zakuro that I love her, then your dare is to find out which condom you prefer! Tonight!"

"But, But...I'm not ready, plus I don't have any, let alone know where to get any." Ichigo said as all the many things that could happen ran through her head. What if Masaya didn't want that? What if it hurt really bad? And worse what if she got pregnant? Her dad would call her a little whore and would never talk to her again, and her mom, her mom was what she most dreaded. She would act as if everything were fine but truly she would be disappointed with her.

Mint looked at Ichigo and instantly understood what she must be thinking. "If you're worried about getting pregnant...Don't. Come here." Mint went to her dresser and rummaged through the top drawer. She pulled out a small blue coin pouch that turned out not to be a coin pouch at all. She pulled out a package of little pills. "It's birth control. This pill here," she pointed to one in the middle, "is called the day after pill. Take it in the morning and it will help ensure you won't get pregnant. Now all we need to do it go to the store!" she exclaimed, picking up her keys and rattling them in front of Ichigo's face. "Let's take the BMW."

Slowly she began to follow Mint down the stairs. She couldn't believe that such an innocent game could turn into this. All she had wanted to do was take up sometime before they went to bed, not to have it so both of them were dared to do things neither were ready to do quite just yet.

The two left the house and Mint turned to lock the door. "You know, you brought this upon yourself when you forced the game into an ugly turn around." Mint turn and smiled at Ichigo. "You know, I think that yours is a tad bit more harsh than mine. So here." She threw the keys to Ichigo. "You can drive."

"Kami, I don't feel like I can walk straight... let alone drive."

Mint laughed. "Well I don't want you killing us." She took the keys back and unlocked the doors to the BMW. "Hop in. We can go down to the corner store and be back before Masaya gets here." Mint opened the door for Ichigo and then went to get in the drivers side.

"What if I un-dare you? Couldn't we just stay here and watch a movie together? I mean we could call it a mistake...right?" Ichigo responded, frantically trying to find a way out of the corner she found herself in.

"A movie sounds like a good idea, but I'm not backing down from this dare. This might be the only time I'm motivated to tell her! If you want to chicken out on your dare, that's fine by me." She glanced at Ichigo and let a grin play it's way onto her face, just as she pulled the car into the parking lot of the corner gas station.

"I'm not a chicken! I beat Deep Blue alone, with no help from anyone. So I'm not gonna let a little dare scare me! And I'll show you, I'll even finish my dare before you even think about doing yours." she said as she hopped out of the car, heading for the entrance of the gas station, all the while screaming to herself, "You had the chance to back out. You BAKA!!! "

Mint sat in the car for a moment patting herself on the back. "I love the way that always works." She laughed and got out of the car, heading into the store. Upon entering the store, she glanced around and noticed that the cashier was actually pretty cute. 'This will be fun' she thought to herself as she walked towards the condoms located up by the counter.

"So what kind should we get?" her voice wavering slightly as she picked up a package.

"Well, there's always the Trojans. They have everything imaginable. Or you could try these, they're flavored. Oh! What about these? They glow in the dark!" She looked at the large selection and smirked. Picking up a random box she turned to the clerk. "Excuse me sir? I'm sorry. My friend here is a virgin and we are looking to find a condom that she would like best. Which box do you prefer?"

"Oh my God!!" she whispered in Mint's ear," You didn't have to tell him I was a virgin... and that I was looking for some of... those," she said, unwilling to say the word and unable to think clearly at the moment.

"What? Condoms? It's nothing to be ashamed of!" Mint said loudly, so people in the store would turn to stare. The clerk noticed how uncomfortable Ichigo looked.

"Um, would you mind keeping your voice down? Apparently your friend doesn't want everyone to know she's buying condoms. Here, try the variety pack. It's cheaper then buying many different kinds." The clerk smiled as he picked up one of the boxes and handed them to Ichigo.

Finding her voice again, Ichigo said "Arigatou, in more ways than one," she said as she took the box from his hand.

As she walked out of the store with the bag hidden in the pocket on her jacket, she couldn't help but think that this may actually be fun. She had wanted this for some time now but had never had the nerve to do anything about it.

Mint stayed back in the store for a bit and then finally came out with a piece of paper in her hand. "Oh Ichigo!" she called as she walked to the car. "Guess who got the guy's number for you." She giggled and threw the folded up piece of paper to Ichigo. "Better keep that incase something happens tonight." Mint winked and got in the car.

"Huh?" she started but all words were lost when Mint cranked up the stereo. The song "So Crazy" was on, "Perfect song for me right now...Love you down all night... Kami, It's gonna take that long to use all of these," she mused, as she took the package out of bag to examine it more carefully, seeing as she had been too embarrassed to do so in the store. The people on the box looked as if they were having fun, even though you could only see the crude outline of the two, so why couldn't her and Masaya be like them?

"Don't worry, there's only five kinds in that box. Sotatsu-kun thought it would be best not to give you the large variety pack. He said that should wait for next month. I put one on reserve for you!" Mint laughed and pulled into the driveway to see a car sitting out front. "Who is that?"


SN2 - If you look back at the name of Mint's first, Hedaki, it means excellent. That's what Ichigo was implying when she said he didn't live up to his name. Hehe ^_^ Also if you have never heard "So Crazy" by Namie Amuro, you're missing out. Email me if you want to hear it. I hope you had a chance to ponder Ran's question from her AN, so if you would like to share what your favorite. is make sure to email it to us and we'll make sure to post them in our next chapter. Please R&R Ja ne!!

RN2 -jumps up for joy- I love the first chapter! It turned out much better then I would have expected! I just love the store clerk. I almost wish he would have had bigger part. -sigh- Just imagine green eyes, and... hmm... I don't care what hair color. Anyway, the next chapter should be awesome! Please stick with us folks! Nya~!

Chibi Dictionary :

Kami : God, Lord
Arigatou : Thank you
Ja ne : Bye, See you later
Mushi Mushi : Hello (when answering the phone)