Tokyo Mew Mew Fan Fiction ❯ What's your favorite ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer - We do not own any characters in this fic, except maybe the really hot guy who works at the gas station. *Looks at Ran* do you own him?? Cause if not he's mine!!!

Sayuri's Note - Sorry It took soooooo long. I truly forgot about this story; while I worked on my other less Hentai fics. -subliminal messages- you should read them too, you should read them too. Well no onto the fic.
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"It's Masaya, I guess you haven't seen his new car. He got it a few weeks ago for a welcome home present," she explained, trying to remain calm as she got out of the car, not wanting anything to seem out of the ordinary.

Mint nodded and got out of the car too, making sure to lock the car. "Masaya-kun!" she called, waving her hand at him. Masaya had been sitting in his car for about 5 minutes before the two had arrived. "Hello!" he called as he closed his car door.

"Hi" Ichigo called back, unable to make eye contact with him. "This is great, I'm supposed to sleep with him and I can't even look at him."

They all went inside and headed towards the living room. "I'm sorry, but it seems the plans slightly fell through. Only you and Zakuro have both confirmed you could come. I hope you don't mind." Masaya waved his hands and said, "No, it's no problem at all."

Mint smiled as she watched Ichigo clutch the bag for dear life.

As she hid the bag once again in her pocket, she caught Mint's attention. "Mint can I talk to you?

Mint looked at Ichigo. "Yes?"

After a noticeable silence, Mint smiled. "Oh, you mean alone? Of course! We'll be right back, Masaya-kun." Masaya nodded and the two went into the parlor.

"Ok, he's here and we have them," Ichigo said, patting her pocket, "So how do you suppose that I get to use them? I mean do you want me to just show them to him and drag him upstairs?"

Mint laughed and sat down in a chair at the table. "Well, if that's how you would like to do it. I was thinking of starting a movie upstairs, and then I'll figure out a way to get Zakuro out, and we'll just leave you two up their to.. play doctor."

"If I go through with this... you have to promise that none of the other girls or my parents will find out, ok?"

Mint nodded. "Of course. I wouldn't tell anyone. However, are you going to tell Masaya it was a dare? I mean, if he finds out later, he might be mad, but if you tell him upfront that it is a dare, he might be forgiving about it." Just as she finished, the doorbell rang. Without waiting for a reply from Ichigo, Mint went to open the door.

"I didn't," but by the time she had realized Mint was gone, she had been talking to herself for a few minutes. Deciding to continue she mused, "Well I didn't really think about if I'd tell Masaya... but she has a point I probably should."

"Tell me what?" he said, walking into the parlor, "I heard the door and I figured I'd get it since you and Minto-chan were talking, but I saw her get it so..." he trailed off, as he walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "I've missed you," he said before he kissed her.

The kiss confirmed what he had said, it wasn't a kiss of passion and longing, but one of love. Chaste and gentle.

Mint answered the door to see Zakuro standing out front. "Hello Zakuro!"

"Hello, am I early? I only saw one other car in the driveway."

"Oh! I'm sorry. Only you and Masaya said that you could come. That car outside is Masaya's. You don't mind, do you?"

"No, it's fine," she said, thinking to herself, "Great I spent all this time trying to make myself look amazing and there are only three other people here to see me."

Mint closed the door. "Masaya and Ichigo should be in the living room. We can cut through the parlor." she said, leading the way. Mint pushed open the swinging door to the parlor and jumped, seeing Masaya and Ichigo lip locked by the table.
Clearing her throat, she caught the attention of the couple, who as soon as they noticed they were caught began to blush. "I didn't think it was gonna be that type of party," Zakuro said, as she walked past Ichigo, nudging her as she did so.
"Down, you to. At least not in the parlor," she teased, following Zakuro. Mint thought to herself, "This is going to be easier then I thought."
"We should probably go with them..." she said, pulling away from him, heading in the direction they had just went, a light blush across her face.

Watching the movie had been the last thing on her mind when they had chose it from the case. All she could think about was when the others would leave and the beginning of her dare would start.

She wasn't really sure if she would be able to go through with it, knowing that things like this were quite possibly the furthest thing from her mind, until tonight that is. She had seen a few pornos, thanks to Mint, and knew basically how things went, but most of what she had seen had been raunchy and raw, something she defiantly did not want her first time with Masaya, or with any guy ever, to be like. She had pictured her first time to be gentle and magnificent, something that she would dream about for years to come, sort of like how their first kiss had been. She really hoped that if she were able to pull this off, it would be like that.

"Hay! Ichigo, wake up. You don't want to miss the best part," Mint's voice broke through her thoughts like a sledge hammer, although it had been her own fault for having her eyes closed while she was thinking.

Looking at the screen to see what was so important as to break her out of deep concentration, she quickly began to blush. This anime was quite possibly the most graphic one she had ever seen. A girl was laying there surrounded by what seemed like a pack of ravenous dogs, although they were actually just really horny men, while one guy straddling her was attempting to remove his pants.

Blushing bright red, eyes big as saucers, she turned to face her friend. She was sitting there laughing at her, just like all the times she had when she made her watch those other not-so-PG rated movies.

Deciding to not focus on the movie or her friend, she turned her attention to the other occupants of the room.

First was Zakuro, who seemed to be quite appalled with what was happening on the screen. She herself was a model and by the expression on her face could empathize with Mima, who was thrust into the public eye and now was being treated like trash.

Moving her attention to the last person in the room, she was quite surprised at what she saw. He seemed quite taken with the movie, almost as if he wished he were one of those men surrounding the girl. In all the time she had known him she had never seen him look like that, could he really be an extrovert on the inside? Had he wanted to do that to her since Kami-knows when?

"Ichigo? Daijobou?" he asked, as he looked at her noticing that she had a blank expression on her face.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs "Hai! Fine."

With that he turned back to the movie, which at this point no long dealt with a mature scene.

Now franticly hoping that Mint would never leave, she looked to her friend, hoping to convey some sign for her that she couldn't do it, that she was too scared, anything not to have to go through with this.

Looking toward the other side of the bed, Ichigo kept shaking her head back and forth as if to say, 'No way, it's off.'

Finally catching Mint's attention she mouthed the words, I can't do this, which seemed to delight Mint to no end.

It was at that exact moment that she decided to say the dreaded phrase, "Zakuro-chan, it looks like we've run out of food. Would you mind going with me to get more?"

"Hai, I'll go," Zakuro said as she stood up, not really interested in the movie.

"Mint," Ichigo interrupted, cutting Zakuro off, "I could help too if you want," frantically searching for a way not to have to do this.

"No, it's ok. You stay up here and keep Masaya-kun company. We'll be right back," and with that she began to walk out her bedroom door, and taking with her not only Zakuro but Ichigo's last chance at salvation.
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After a long while, they had not returned, although Ichigo knew they wouldn't be she still had held out hope that Mint had got her message and would let her go on the one.

"They've been gone a long time, maybe we should go check on them," Masaya piped in a few minutes later, his caring nature showing through with his concern over the two girls he had come to call friends.

"No," she said pulling him back onto the bed, "They'll be fine."

"I think we should check on them though," he protested, trying to pull his arm out of her grasp.

"I don't think we should, Mint had to do something and... well so do I."

"Like what?" he said, as he sat back down, now intrigued.

"It's our dares."

"What do you have to do?"

"Well..." she paused, not really wanting to tell him what hers was and deciding to tell Mint's first, "She's going to tell Zakuro that she loves her."

"So, she likes girls. I would have never guessed," he said, thinking back over all the time he had known Mint.

"Yea," was all she was able to say, hoping that she could keep his focus on Mint's dare and not hers.

After a few moments had passed, he turned to her, asking the dreaded question, "So what's yours?"

Immediately she began to mumble something, "Well... I...umm."

"You know you can tell me," he said as he placed his hand on top of hers like he had done so many times before when she had had trouble telling him things.

"I..." her voice trailed off.

Unable to verbally tell him, she reached into the pocket of her jacket and extruded the bag she had hidden 'til now. Handing it to him, she looked at her hands, not knowing if she would be able to look him in the eye after he looked at what was in the bag.

Taking the box out, he knew what they were, but had no clue what she could possibly do with them. They had brought up the subject of sex before, but she had never been ready. Would she really be willing to do what he thought this implied?

Gently, he reached a hand under her chin and lifted her face to meet his, "So what is your dare?" he asked, hoping that she could one way or another tell him if what he was thinking was true or not.

"I have to see what one I like best," she stated matter of fact before pulling her face away from him, ashamed of what she was saying.

"Do you want to?" he asked gently, knowing that she didn't like talking about this subject.

"Hai," she managed to squeak out, barely load enough for him to hear, "But... I'm scared," she whispered the slightest bit higher.

"You know you don't have to, right?"

He was the greatest guy ever. Most guys would jump at the chance to sleep with their girlfriend of five years, but not Masaya. He never pushed her into anything that she didn't feel ready for or hurt her in anyway, and this would be no exception.

Reaching up, she grabbed his face bringing it to hers, in the most searing kiss they had ever shared.

Breaking away, she gasped, "Arigatou, I think I'll be able to though," blushing profusely.

"Hai," he yelped, not knowing that she had possessed such passion.

"Aishiteru Masaya," she whispered, before hugging him to her.

"Aishiteru Ichigo," wrapping his arms around her, knowing that he would do everything in his power to make tonight special for her.
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She didn't really know what to do from there, she had told him that she could do it, but she was completely clueless as to how to get started. Most movies just showed the people jumping on each other and ripping random pieces of clothing off, not exactly the way she wanted to do this. Still in their original position, that's all they did, hug each other.

Pulling away from her after a while, he looked at her to see fear in her eyes. Deciding to let it go for a while, they did have all night after all, he looked around for the box that had started it all.

Leading her back to the bed, he motioned for her to sit beside him, box in hand. Opening it, he pulled out a long strip of connected packages, ten in all. Counting them, his eyes nearly bulged out of his head, were they actually supposed to use all of these in one night?

Although the situation at hand was anything but laughable, she couldn't help herself. Never had she seen Masaya look scared, and as he held the little foil packages up, examining them, he looked as if he may have a heart attack.

Chuckling lightly to herself, she laughed, "There's only five kinds. Mint almost made me buy the pack with ten different kinds in it," placing her hand on his shoulder.

"I think we should just take it one thing at a time. It is the first time for both of us... I don't like to lie to people, but maybe we should just pick one and tell her that you liked that one best," he said, thinking back to how he had always been told it would hurt a woman's first time.

"Hai, but which one?" she asked, glad to be talking instead of trying to figure out what to do first.

"It's your dare, you choose," he said as he handed a rolled up ball of condoms.

Taking them, she unrolled the ball. There were ones that were lubricated, ribbed, heat sensitive, flavored, and glow in the dark.

What had that guy given her? What in the world would you need flavored condoms for? She wasn't even sure she wanted to find out.

Looking at him, thoroughly confused she said, as if she were deciding something meaningless, "Pick a number, one to five," while ripping the packages apart and setting them into piles.


Picking one up, she looked at it.

'How convenient, strawberry flavored,' she thought to herself, wondering if Masaya would know why a condom would be flavored.

Taking one last glance at the rest, she quickly gathered them and replaced them in the box.

As she handed it to him, he couldn't help but wonder what one he had chosen. How surprised he was when he looked at the package. A large picture of a strawberry covered most of it.

Chuckling lightly, he wondered, 'How did I manage to pick this one?'

After a few sobering moments, looking at her, all foolishness aside, he asked for a final time, "Are you sure?"

"Hai, I trust you," she said, adoration and love shining in her eyes as she stared at him.

Leaning over and putting his arm around her waist, he nearly sat her on his lap while bringing her face close to his.

Closing the distance between them, he kissed her gently.
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Sayuri's note: Hehe I left it at a cliffy ^_^ I figure it's Ran's turn to write now since I wrote this whole chapter by myself -glares at Ran-, but that's ok I guess. As I might have mentioned before I will not be writing the part about Z & M, that's Ran's job. Soooo if you want chapter 3 out anytime soon you should hound her seeing as she will be writing that one about them. I will talk to you all very soon I hope, Ja ne ^_^

Chibi Dictionary :Kami : God, LordArigatou : Thank youJa ne : Bye, See you laterMushi Mushi : Hello (when answering the phone)