Totally Spies Fan Fiction ❯ TOTALLY SPIES: Dueling Dramas Season 3 ❯ Alex VS Myrna Beesbottom: Part one ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

SCORE:(Myrna: 8000 / Alex: 8000)
Myrna: “As we are in my court room I shall make the first move.”
“Now I callHYSTERIC FAIRY to the stand.
(Atk: 1800/Def: 500)
Alex: “That… is the most annoying looking monster I've ever seen. She reminds of my grade-school English-teacher.”
Myrna: “Silence! Don't talk to that way about my fairy. With her rules and regulations, I shall se to it that she gives you the ultimate sentence. It's time call your first witness.”
Alex: (Sarcastic tone) “Yes, Your-Honor!”
Alex's thoughts: “Gearfried? That's just about the strongest monster I can play right now, but all an attack will do is destroy both our monsters. I need a plan here…
Flame-Swordsman: “Alex, this is where I am able to help you. I have the power to decrease my attack-power, and add it to any of your monsters.”
Alex: “Awesome… that's what I like to here. Now, I summon GEARFRIED THE IRON KNIGHT!!”
(Atk: 1800/ Def: 1600)
“And thanks to my Deck-Master's special ability, I can weaken Flame-Swordsman's attack-points and give them to my Knight.”
Flame-Swordsman: (Atk: 1800) Becomes (Atk: 1300)
Gearfried: (Atk: 1800) Becomes (Atk: 2300)
“Gearfried, attack Hysteric Fairy!”
(Atk: 2300) VS (Atk: 1800)
SCORE:(Myrna: 7500 / Alex: 8000)
“Yeah! That's what I call canceling the contract. Let's see you rule that, Judge.”
Myrna: “Impressive. You used your Deck-Master's power right away, but this trial has only begun. My move…”
“I'll shall set one monster in defense-mode and end my turn.”
Alex: “Whatever…”
“Ha! This is going to go sweet. I summon LITTLE WINGUARD!!”
(Atk: 1400/Def: 1800)
“And just like before… I'll move 300 attack points from my Swordsman, and give them to my Winguard.”
Flame-Swordsman: (Atk: 1300) Becomes (Atk: 1000)
Winguard: (Atk: 1400) Becomes (Atk: 1700)
“And then I'll use my Winguard to attack your face-down card.”
(Atk: 1700) VS (MECHA-DOG MARRON: Def: 1000)
SCORE:(Myrna: 6500 / Alex: 7000)
“Hey, what's going on? Why did both just lose life points?”
Myrna: “If you spent more time studying rules, you'd know that when Mecha-Dog Marron is destroyed by battle, both players lose 1000 life points just like that.”
Alex: “Oh yeah? Well if you also are that good on rules, then you must know what happened now that you have no monsters left.”
“Gearfried… attack her-honor's life points directly!”
(Atk: 2300)
Myrna: “UHN…!!”
SCORE:(Myrna: 4200 / Alex: 7000)
Alex: “Oh yeah… that felt great.”
Myrna: “Oh… aren't we enjoying ourselves.”
Alex: “No, I'm having the worst time. Of course I'm having fun kicking your ugly butt like I always wanted to.”
Myrna's thoughts: “Hmm, mm… she doesn't seem to realize that I am merely allowing her to get the better of me. Then we'll see who's the more proper lady around here.”
Alex: “Come on! What are you waiting for up there?”
Myrna: “Patients is a virtue you know, but if your that impatient…”
“Now I call ROBOLADY to the stand in defense-mode.”
(Atk: 450/Def: 900)
“And I shall also place one card face down. Any more questions?”
(Alex pretends to snore)
Myrna's thoughts: “Enjoy this pleasure ride while you can, for when the trial is over you'll be sentenced with a life-time prison in this virtual-realm. Hmm, mm, mm…!”
Myrna: I'll also throw in this continuous-spell, DARK ROOM OF NIGHTMARE!!”
Alex's thoughts: “Dark Room? That's just what I needed. Now every time I lose life points by an effect, I lose 300 points extra.”
Myrna: “Now call your next witness.”
Alex: “You got it So look out.”
Alex's thoughts: “Okay, so far she's only got one monster on the field, and one face-down card. Well, this shouldn't be too tough. I just have to blow her monster away.”
Alex: “I summon ROCKET WARRIOR in attack-mode!”
(Atk: 1500/Def: 1300)
“Check out my arsenal, Beesbottom. My three super strong bad boys here are really going to mop the floor with you now.”
“Now, go Rocket Warrior! Crush her Robolady!”
Myrna: “Order in the court!”
Alex: “Huh? What do you think you're doing?”
Myrna: “What I am doing, my dear, is activating my Deck-Master's special-ability. CLEAR THE COURTROOM!
Alex: “Clear the courtroom? What are you talking about?”
Myrna: “Hmm-Humph! First I must pay 1000 of my life-points…”
SCORE:(Myrna: 3200 / Alex: 7000)
“And now, I'm afraid that you must rid the field of all your monsters.”
Alex: “All my monsters?!”
(All three monsters, destroyed)
Myrna: “And that's isn't all—Now you shall lose 500 life points fore every monster you lost.”
Alex: “What?! But that means-- Okay, I had three monsters, and 500 for each means I lose… fifteen-hundred?!”
SCORE:(Myrna: 3200 / Alex: 5500)
Myrna: “Actually, I'm afraid you lose more than that. You see, now my Dark Room of Nightmare card activates. If ever you should lose life points by an effect, you also lose an additional 300 points.”
Alex: “Uh… but that means-- I just lost 900 more points!”
SCORE:(Myrna: 3200 / Alex: 4600)
Myrna: “I'm afraid so. Now continue with your move.”
Alex's thoughts: “Gee… that Deck-Master effect of hers really hurt me big time, but lucky for me I've got something in my hand to help me.”
Alex: “I place one card face-down and end my turn.”
Alex's thoughts: “If she tries to summon monsters with more than 1500 attack-points, I'll spring my “Bottomless Trap-Hole” and wipe them all out. She's not the only one who can clear the courtroom.”
Outside the duel
Sabrina and I had been racing down the virtual-tunnel for quite a while now. It felt so good to be away from that ice-world, and Sabrina felt warm enough to let me have my jacket back.
“Look, up ahead!” I said. “There's a another door.”
“Let's go through it.” Sabrina suggested.
We continued to run until we reach the door, pushed our ways through and emerged in the courtroom. “Hey… who let in the draft?” said a familiar voice.
I looked up, “Hey, It's Alex.”
Alex turned round. “Mykan… Sabrina! What's happening?”
The Judgeman angrily banged the gavel on the stand. “Order! Settle down please.” it growled in its female voice. “In case you haven't noticed, this court is still in session.”
Sabrina and I gasped in shock. “You're on trial?” Sabrina asked.
Alex nodded and told us that she was dueling against one of the LAMOS, “And you're just in time to see me mop the floor with this over-grown bag of justice.”
“Excuse me?!” growled Myrna. “That is quite enough of that, so you two there, sit down and keep silent. You're both lucky I don't have you ejected from this courtroom.”
Sabrina and I took our seats in the front row. “I just hope Alex can pull through with this.” I said to my wife. “I'd hate to think of what would happen if Alex lost.”
Back to the duel
SCORE:(Myrna: 3200 / Alex: 4600)
Myrna: “Now then, on with the trial.”
“Oh… how interesting. Now I play the spell, POLYMERIZATION!! I shall use this to fuse Robolady, along with ROBOYAROU--”
Alex's thoughts: “That's it, Bessbottom. Anything you summon, my trap will crush it.”
Myrna: “… with my fusion, I call my new witness, SUPER ROBOLADY!!”
(Atk: 1200/ Def: 500)
Alex's thoughts: “Oh no! It's only got 1200 attack-points. My trap-card doesn't work on monsters with less than 1500.”
Myrna: “Go my monster! Attack her life points directly! Oh, and by the way—my monster gains an extra 1000 attack-points whenever she attack you directly.”
Alex: “Wha--?!”
(Atk: 1200) Becomes (Atk: 2200)
Alex: “GARGH!!”
SCORE:(Myrna: 3200 / Alex: 2400)
Mykan, and Sabrina: “ALEX!!”
Alex: “Ugh! Lucky move, Myrna.”
Myrna: “Next I shall play on card, and reveal another that is exactly the same. The continuous spell, PROHIBITION!!
Mykan: “Oh no… not that card.”
Alex: “Huh? I take it those two cards are bad news?”
Sabrina: “They are indeed. Now Myrna gets to declare the name of one card each, then as long as those Prohibition cards remain in play, neither duelist is permitted to play those cards at all.”
Alex: “What?!”
Myrna: “The Princess has quoting the rulings correctly, and as for both my Prohibition cards, the two cards I shall forbid will be MONSTER REBORN, and PREMATURE BURIAL!!”
Alex: “What?! No way, you can't make it so I can't use those cards!”
Myrna: “I can, and I already have. So you'll just have to deal with it. Now I shall place my last card face down, and end my turn. Now do you understand what really goes on in this house of justice, my dear?
Alex: “Ah! You… you planned this all along didn't you? Letting me get ahead just so you could take me out after that.”
Myrna: “Of course. I knew that with your lack of courtesy to follow rules, you would simply be just an easy target for me; but this is only the beginning. I many things left in store for you my dear.”
“MUCH WORSE!! Ha, ha, ah, ah, ah! Ah, ha, ha, ah, ah, ah!”
Estevan had been observing the duel from his lair, and he had to admit that he was indeed impressed. “It seems that I underestimated you, Myrna Beesbottom.” he said to himself. “However… I will only be satisfied if you win the duel.”
In his electrical-cage, the parents could also see the duel fro Estevan's screen, and Carmen and Corey were really getting upset. Alex was in grave danger, “And it's all because of this ungrateful card-game.” Carmen sneered. “When I get my hands on Alex…”
“Honey, take it easy.” her husband said. “We can't do anything right now.”
“Besides… at least we now know where Alex is.” said Stella. “My Clover's still wandering out there by herself.”
Gabriella knew how she felt. “I'd almost give anything right now to make sure that Sam was okay.” she cried.
Greg, felt the same way as his wife did, but Stanley however, he was still being just plain selfish in wanting to give me a good talk-or-two since I pushed him into the pool. “When I get a-hold of that Mykan, I swear, I'll cut off his head and use it for lawn-bowling.”
The other parents looked at him with straight faces. “What?” Stanley asked. “He pushed me into the swimming-pool and ruined my new suit.”
Corey stared Stanley dead in the eyes. “We're trapped in a virtual-reality world, whereas our daughters are out there fighting for our lives, and all you can think about is your own twisted plot for revenge?!”
Carmen's eyes bulged, “Honey?” she asked.
Corey himself couldn't believe it either, but he was actually starting to have a change of mind about all this. Sure he was still mad for Alex being a spy, and a super-duelist, but he was starting to think that maybe what we all told him back at the beach-house was true…
“We duel to save the world from evil forces. If it wasn't for us, everything would all have been destroyed long ago.”
The other adults were still not convinced, but right now, there was still nothing they could do, but go back to watching the duel.
They only hoped that Alex would be okay…