Transformers Fan Fiction ❯ On Your Shore ❯ All Asunder But For He ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
On Your Shore

Chapter 5: All Asunder But For He

Rage still burned through Ultra Magnus as he stared up at the sky, watching Ruination's retreat. He clung to his rage, feeding upon it. The heat of his fury was all that protected him from the agony of Prowl . . . the agony of his loss.
Damn you, Primus. How could you take him from me? How could you take him now, when I've only just found him? And damn you to the deepest pits, Scourge, for ever drawing power. I will make you pay for what you have done this day.
"Ultra Magnus!!!"
In the red haze of wrath, Magnus was marginally aware of someone calling his name. Someone who had been calling his name for several seconds now. A corner of his awareness was quite certain he should be acknowledging that voice, but the bulk of him could not be bothered to care. All that mattered was devising some way to glean his vengeance for Prowl's murder. Only then would he be satisfied. Only then would he allow himself to be bothered by the petty wants of his brother's Autobots.

* * * * *

"He's gone, Hot Shot, lost inside himself. Probably lost to the red haze. We need Optimus, now."
"Don't tell me, REV, tell T-AI. And tell her to hurry with Prowl. We lose him, we may well lose Magnus too."
"Would it be much of a loss? Losing Ultra Magnus, I mean," Rapid Run quipped. "You saw him just now. That is not the way of the Autobots."
"That comment is so ugly it's beneath my contempt to respond to it," Hot Shot growled. "Now get back to base. We'll deal with Ultra Magnus."
"What I say?"
"Come on, Rapid Run, let's get X-Brawn and Sideburn into Medical," Midnight Express suggested consolingly. Hot Shot watched from the corner of his visual range as the two bullet trains left, the last of the wounded now clear of the battlefield. Humans were cautiously approaching the dam, undoubtedly to check it for battle damage.
"Crosswise, your turn to liase with the humans. Help them in any way you can."
"On it," the blue Spychanger replied with a smart salute. Ironhide and Mirage chuckled softly, as the scientist walked over to the humans.
"Keep alert gentlemen. This isn't exactly friendly territory. These humans don't want us here any more than we want the Predacons around. Let's not give them any more reasons to be angry."
"Yes sir!" the remaining Spychangers chorused, their tones only slightly touched with amusement. Hot Shot forced back a sigh as he watched Ultra Magnus staring at the sky. In a way, Rapid Run was right; the Autobot way did not include skewering enemies on their own weapons or forcing them to beg for mercy. But Prowl was seriously wounded; they still couldn't be sure that the interceptor would survive. And while Hot Shot had no proof that the pair had bonded, the evidence certainly pointed in that direction. Given that, he wasn't so sure he himself would have acted any differently if it had been REV in Prowl's place.
"All right, Hot Shot, I'm here. What's the situation?"
"How much did T-AI tell you, sir?"
"She didn't, only that REV was requesting my presence here on your behalf. Highly irregular, but I trust you have profound reason."
"That I do, sir," Hot Shot sighed. "Prowl was seriously injured. T-AI is working as hard as she can, but we're still not certain he'll survive. Your brother is understandably upset."
"And?" Optimus prompted gently.
"REV and I think he's lost in the red haze. We think he's using his anger to shield himself from the loss of his mate. From what I can peice together, he arrived on the scene either just as Prowl was impaled on Scourge's sword, or shortly thereafter. Confronted with that image, Ultra Magnus probably came to the reasonable conclusion that Prowl was dead.
"I don't know if your brother has ever had a bondmate before. I do know, however, that when one dies, the other experiences excruitating pain, even with the most peaceful passing. If that death is violent, the pain is even worse. A prior bond or not, your brother would know that. If he even suspects Prowl could be dead . . . his rage is his only defense, sir."
"Except Prowl isn't dead."
"No, but he doesn't know that," Hot Shot replied quietly. Optimus nodded, watching his brother with a somehow closed air. Ultra Magnus was as still as a statue, lost in a world of his own making. And it appeared as though the natives were getting restless.
"Sir, our presence is not particularly welcome in this region. If there's anything you can do. . . ."
"Stall them, Hot Shot. This may take a moment."

* * * * *

Proximity sensors warned of an approaching Autobot, his brother, but he didn't care. Auditory subprocessors recorded the sounds of his voice, but he willfully ignored the meaning assigned to the sounds. All was white noise to the bittersweet warsong of wrath. Tactile sensors embedded in the metallic skin of his right hand told him his brother had clasped it, but still he ignored it. Then reality exploded as, for the first time, Optimus forced the fusion. They were one.

* * * * *

Optimus mentally staggered as the full weight of his brother's fury swept through him. For an instant that felt more like an eternity, they were one. Rage and loss swirled in a gaping vortex that refused to allow any other sensations to surface. Optimus struggled to re-find himself, struggled to make his voice heard against the howling sinkhole of despair.
Magnus, my brother, hear me! Prowl lives! Release your anger, Brother. Prowl lives!
You lie. I saw his murder. I saw Scourge kill him.
Prowl hangs on the edge of death, but he still lives. Release your wrath, if only for a little while. Do not rob yourself of this time. I can feel him within you. Come back to base with me, Brother.
Prowl lives?
Yes, Magnus, Prowl lives.

The forced fusion collapsed as Ultra Magnus pulled free, transforming and driving full speed into the spacebridge without so much as a word. I wish he wouldn't do that, Optimus thought to himself with a quiet sigh. And yet, he could wish no ill upon his brother. He understood Magnus far too well, understood his urgency. Optimus offered a silent prayer for Prowl's well-being . . . and his brother's happiness.

* * * * *

Ultra Magnus was a dark presence, an immovable object at Prowl's side. He responded to no one, despite T-AI's repeated threats to have him forcibly removed. And as the hours multipled, she conceded defeat, ordering the medic droids to work around him.
To the confusion of his fellow Autobots, Hot Shot quietly insisted that at least one of the Spychangers be in Medical at all times. While he knew Optimus didn't understand, he was greatful the commander was willing to allow him the benefit of the doubt.
"How's he doing?" REV asked quietly.
"T-AI finally got Prowl stabilized enough to disconnect the pump regulator. That sword came within centimeters of peircing his spark housing. One good twist. . . ."
"And Magnus?" his Companion asked softly.
"Unresponsive. T-AI's monitors label him as somewhere between comatose like Prowl and just in a deep, meditative state. I don't know, REV . . . something in me says if Prowl dies, we'll have a fight on our hands to keep Magnus here. If I'd known how strongly they had bonded. . . ."
"There was no way you could have known that, Hot Shot," REV murmured, wrapping a soothing arm around Hot Shot's waist. "I doubt they even knew it. But you're borrowing trouble. Prowl's gonna be fine."
Hot Shot sighed, silently greatful for REV's presence. Watching Magnus hulking over Prowl's still body reminded him of just how fortunate he was to have REV in his life.
"Mm-hmm. But then I'd say I lucked out finding you, my love," REV whispered as he rested his chin on his shoulder. Hot Shot chuckled softly, wrapping his own arm around his bondmate's waist.
"Am I really so transparent?" he asked with quiet amusement.
"Only when you're really worried about someone, and even then, only to me," REV confessed. "But I really do think you're borrowing more trouble than you need. They'll be fine."
"I suppose you're right," Hot Shot sighed, letting his head rest against REV's head lightly.
"Of course I am. Now go on, scoot. Do paperwork for awhile or something. I'll stay 'til Crosswise gets here."
"I wouldn't do that to you, REV. . . ."
"Bah. 'Do' nothing. You need a break and I'm volunteering. You should take advantage of my generosity instead of complaining about it. Crosswise should be here in about an hour. If you haven't at least made an honest effort to relax by then. . . ."
REV trailed off, pulling back with a suggestive gleam in his optics. He absently traced the flame decal on Hot Shot's chest, a playful smile tugging at the corner of his mouth despite his attempt to be serious. Hot Shot couldn't help but laugh at the conflicted sensations of stern reproach, subtle desire, and bubbling amusement shimmering happily through their bond.
"All right, all right, I'm going. But don't think I won't remember this."
"Wouldn't dream of it," REV crooned, grinning.
"Just remember. . . ."
"Would you go already? Don't worry. T-AI and I can look after Magnus just fine without your supervision."
Hot Shot nodded, but didn't move. He and REV hadn't seen much of each other in the three days since the battle. In truth, they had been so busy lately, that they hadn't had any real time together for the better part of the month. So Hot Shot was reluctant to leave his mate's side.
"Go," REV whispered as he pulled free of Hot Shot's embrace. "I promise I'll make it up to you."
"I'm holding you to that," Hot Shot mumbled. He cast one last look at Ultra Magnus and Prowl, then quietly slipped from the room.

* * * * *

Don't leave me, Prowl. Not now, not that've finally found you. Please, Primus, don't take him from me. Not when You've only just given him to me.
Ultra Magnus folded his hands around one of Prowl's own, worried at it's fragility. Lying still, surrounded by monitors and repair droids, he seemed terribly fragile, even without the artificial pump controls that had kept him functioning during the most critical stage of repairs.
Can you hear me, my love? he thought quietly, intent on the faint flickering of their bond. Prowl was so deep within himself that, despite his best efforts, Magnus could only just sense his presence. It was disconcerting to sense nothing but a faint shimmer where there should have been some emotion, some sense of ongoing life.
Can you hear me, my love? Can you sense me at all? Dear Primus, I don't want to lose you, Prowl. I can't lose you, not like this. Please . . . please, don't leave me. Oh Prowl . . . all that stolen time. I cannot hold you long enough.

* * * * *

Lost within himself, Prowl felt cast adrift in a void of being. . . .

Darkness all around me, whispering silent promises of relief. No pain in the embrace of unbeing, no hurts. All would be at last made well. Tempting, so very tempting. But that relief was only a taunting whisper, always beyond my reach. And no amount of longing on my part would ever change that.
'Magnus . . .why can't I feel you? Primus, please, don't take him away from me. I need him. He's all the best parts of me. Please, please Primus, let me feel him.'
I prayed in silence for a time I couldn't measure, straining to sense the presence of my mate. At first there was nothing and then slowly, tantalizingly slowly, I could feel the faint shimmer of his presence. My spark swelled with joy and love. I struggled to claw myself closer, desperate to feel the warmth of his love.
'This . . . this is where I belong. This is where I should be now and forever - basking in him, warm and safe in the bounds of his love,' I thought to myself, slowly, painfully slowly, easing into the warm circle that was our bond. 'I love you, Ultra Magnus, my dark and brooding warlord.'
'And I you, my gentle samurai.'
I could hardly believe my senses. Could I truly be hearing him?
'Magnus? Beloved?'
'Yes, Prowl, I am here.'
'Oh Primus . . . Magnus, don't leave me. Please. . . .'
'I'm not going anywhere, my love,' he purred, and I could feel him wrapping me in the warmth of his feelings for me. 'By your side, for the rest of your life.'
'I'm sorry . . . I'm so sorry. . . . I was selfish. I should have asked you, should have found some other way. I . . . I should have waited. To force you. . . .'
'Shh, enough, my love. Yes, you should have asked. But what is done is done. And I would never send you away, Prowl. How can you think I would still be angry, when I have longed to be one with you? Rest now, Prowl. Rest and grow strong. I will still be here when you wake.'

* * * * *

Optimus felt vaguely uneasy as he walked into Medical, a feeling that was not aided by the sight of Crosswise and WARS arguing in a far corner. Striving to ignore them, he approached T-AI's hologram.
"T-AI, report."
"Physical repairs are complete, Optimus."
"His higher processing functions are still in preservation mode," she started, only to be interrupted as Koji suddenly ran into the room.
"Is it true? Is Prowl really dying??"
"Koji, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in school?"
"I know my dad said we needed a break, but how could you not tell me? And how can you think I could just go back to school if Prowl's dying???"
"Koji, it's okay. Prowl's not really dying," T-AI replied gently.
"Then why is he lying there like that? If he's not dying, what's with all the monitors and the vigil and everything else? He's been in here a whole week. And don't tell me that's normal. I'm not stupid, T-AI."
"Koji, Cybertronian morphology and physiometry are not topics for young children," Optimus explained. "I would suggest you return to your family."
"I'm not stupid. You're giant robots with really powerful computer brains. So what's the deal with Prowl?"
Optimus sighed, crossing his arms in quiet resignation. Koji was a good kid, but he was just that - a kid. He thought they were having grand adventures, rarely aware of the magnitude of the danger the Predacons and Decepticons posed.
"Koji," T-AI started gently, her hologram floating down to his level, "please understand that we're not trying to say that you're stupid. But there are aspects of Cybertronian physiology for which humans don't even have words. Entire branches of science your best minds haven't even begun to imagine, let alone understand."
"T-AI, I'm not asking for a science lesson. I just want to know what's happening with my friend."
"Then, in simplest terms," Crosswise interjected, suddenly joining the conversation, "Prowl's in a coma."
"How . . . how is that even possible?"
"I thought you didn't want an involved explanation?"
"I don't, T-AI, but that . . . how can a computer be in a coma?"
"Crosswise, maybe you could explain it? I think you've had a little more experience. . . ."
"Sure thing, T-AI. See, Koji, there's more to us than just giant metal bodies and super computer brains. The closest human referent would be A.I.s - artificial intelligence. Of course any Cybertronian would take exception to being classified as artificial, but for the sake of this explanation, it doesn't really matter."
"Okay," Koji said, still clearly confused. Crosswise settled on the floor, bringing himself closer to the boy's level. Intriuged at this view of Crosswise's liasing abilities in use, Optimus settled back to listen.
"Now, we don't feel things the same way a human does, but we can feel pain. If that pain gets to be too much, the mind shuts down awareness for the sake of self-preservation. The more damaged the body, the more that awareness is shut down. It's a defense mechanism, both against the repeated pain faults of a damaged body part and from the disorienting sensations of being repaired.
"Normally, of course, there's still enough sensation to let a bot's consciousness keep track of the extent of the damage. Normal preservation mode is more like a deep trance in those conditions, and the mind can be recalled fairly easily. Unfortunately, Prowl's retreated farther than normal, perhaps because he very nearly did die. And if we can't bring him back, then he probably will die."
"But . . . but you guys can take care of that, right? I mean, you can, like, plug into him and bring his mind back, right? It's just a matter of going in and finding it, right?"
"In theory, yes. But it's not quite that simple. Linking minds outside of a gestalt or a bond is very dangerous. Even if we could get T-AI in, and even without any ethical considerations, she wouldn't know what to look for. The only one who can really reach Prowl right now is Ultra Magnus, and we're not even sure he can. Even if he can, he isn't in any better condition than Prowl."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means. . . ."
"It means that Magnus isn't responding to any outside inputs," T-AI added, her tone suddenly chill. "He's been on external support himself for the last three days. Koji, I know you want to help, but the best thing you can do right now is go home."
"Don't worry, Koji. We'll take care of this. Prowl'll be fine."
Koji nodded, leaving with obvious reluctance. Crosswise rose to his feet with a sigh, nodding to Optimus as he did so.
"Sir, I hate to ask again, but it's possible the forced fusion may be the only way to bring them back. You're the only one who can reach Ultra Magnus right now, just as he's the only one with a chance of bringing Prowl back."
"It may not work, Crosswise. I will do what I can."
"That's all we ask, sir."
Optimus carefully disconnected the external feeds from his brother. He braced himself, mentally and physically, then forced the fusion. Once more, they were one.

* * * * *

Ultra Magnus could feel his bondmate's consciousness dimming, fading away from him.
Prowl . . . please, Prowl, don't leave me!
Magnus? So . . . hard. . . .
No! Please, Primus, don't take him from me! Prowl, please, don't leave me like this!

In a rush of power, Ultra Magnus felt himself ripped away from Prowl and thrust into the forced fusion of Omega Prime. Desperate to return to Prowl, he tried to break free of the meld, but his brother held him firmly in place.
No! Damn you, Optimus, let me go! Prowl needs me!
I need you too, Brother. Listen to me. You're dying, both of you. It's been seven days; his body is completely repaired. Prowl needs to return to himself, but he can't, or won't, we don't know which.
Seven days?
Yes, Brother. You must bring him back. We don't want to lose you, either of you. Please. . . .
Then release me.

The meld collapsed, and for a moment, Ultra Magnus caught sight of T-AI, Crosswise, and his brother. But none of them mattered. All that mattered was Prowl. Reaching through their bond, he called out to his mate.
Prowl . . . Prowl do you hear me?
Magnus. . . .
Come to me, Prowl. Come closer.
I . . .I can't. The pain. . . .
Come to me, and I promise to make the pain go away, my love.

For a moment, Magnus could sense the hesitation in his bondmate. Then the link between them flared as Prowl took a hesitant step forward. He reached out, gently drawing his mate closer to reality, constantly reassuring that all would be well. Their bond flared again and, for a brief moment, their minds meshed as one.
I love you.

* * * * *

Prowl powered up his optics to the sight of Ultra Magnus standing over him. He smiled, even though he knew no one could see it. Surprisingly gentle fingers traced the line of his faceplate and Prowl turned his head into the caress, sighing faintly. He felt a completeness within himself that he hadn't known in a very long time.
I love you.
"Welcome back," Magnus murmured. "Think we can go home now?"
"I'd like that," he murmured in response.
"Well, before either of you get carried away. . . ."
"Don't even say it T-AI. If you tell me you need to run another test, I swear I'll reprogram you . . . with my fist."
"I wasn't about to say anything like that," the hologram-girl replied petulantly, crossing her arms. "I was only going to recommend you both be placed on leave for a few days."
"That might not be a bad idea," Crosswise chimed in. Prowl pulled himself up into a sitting position, surprised to find he was stiff all over. He could almost feel Ultra Magnus's desire to ease that stiffness, mingled with an odd reluctance. Odd, at least, until Prowl noticed that, in addition to themselves and T-AI, Crosswise, WARS, and Optimus Prime were also present in the small ward that served as their Medical.
"Very well," Optimus nodded. "T-AI. . . ."
Alert klaxons screamed to life, jarring with their shrill discordance. Prowl winced, surprised and annoyed at his sensitivity to the alert klaxons.
"Battle protocol, Optimus!"
"I know . . . and no, Magnus. Stay here."
"I don't take orders from you!"
"Magnus, for once in your life, don't argue with me. For now, your place is here, at base."
Ultra Magnus snorted, then stalked out of the ward. Prowl winced again as his mate claimed privacy and blocked off their bond. It wasn't the first time he had felt the loneliness of a blocked bond, but somehow it was worse with Magnus than it had ever been with Flarestrike.
"Optimus. . . ."
"I know, Crosswise. T-AI, under no circumstances are you to allow Ultra Magnus to know about this or any other Scourge attack. Prowl, you're off active duty for the next couple of days. Take advantage of it."
"I intend to, sir," he murmured as he carefully walked out of the ward. It felt . . . wrong, that he should feel so weak and stiff. Not after so many days in Medical, under the careful supervision of T-AI's repair droids.
He felt moderately better by the time he had reached the quarters he shared with his brothers. His hand hovered over the keypad for a moment. He glanced down the hall, towards Ultra Magnus's quarters, but his mate was no where to be seen. As much as he wanted to be with him, the silence hurt.
It was supposed to be different with you, Magnus. You were supposed to be open, sharing where Flarestrike held back. And now you block me too.
With a heavy sigh, Prowl punched in his code, letting himself into the apartment. He stopped short, shocked to see Ultra Magnus waiting for him.
"I knew you'd come back here."
Prowl froze, suddenly trapped in his own past. So many times, Flarestrike has said those words or ones very much like them. More often than not, they had boded no good for Prowl. He could almost see Flarestrike standing over him, glowering with clenched fists.
"I knew you'd come back here. You're nothing without me, you ungrateful little punk. . . ."
"Prowl. . . ." Prowl. . . .
The psychic echo more than the sound of Magnus's voice pulled Prowl out of the flashback. A deep-seated shiver shook through him momentarily, setting his entire frame to rattling. Then he felt his mate drawing him close, holding him protectively.
"So tired. . . ."
"I know, my love," he whispered softly, kissing the side of Prowl's helmet. "Come to my quarters? Stay with me?"
"Only if you promise to stay with me and hold me until I forget there was ever anyone else," Prowl murmured.
"Of course I will, Prowl. All you've ever had to do is ask."
Prowl smiled behind his faceplate, leaning forward to rest against Magnus's chest. The deck plates fell away as Ultra Magnus stood up, still holding Prowl close to his chest. Prowl tensed, even though he knew Magnus was quite capable of carrying him around. As if sensing Prowl's unease, his mate's arms shifted and the deck plates were once again under his feet.
No words passed between them, but Prowl felt content all the same. An ethereal weight lifted itself from his shoulders as the door to Magnus's apartment hissed shut behind them. Without so much as breaking his stride, Ultra Magnus swept Prowl into his arms and carried him to the couch. Prowl silently snugged his body against his mate's as the larger warrior settled on the couch. A comfortable silence wrapped around them. Prowl released all the tension and the fear his spark had carried since their bonding.
I love you.
I know, Prowl. I love you too.