Transformers Fan Fiction ❯ On Your Shore ❯ Epilogue

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
On Your Shore


Prowl nuzzled his mate, his faceplate and shield in a neat pile behind the couch. Something about being so close to death had kindled an odd need to feel close and alive. They had been shredding the line between normalcy and intimacy ever since Prowl had come back online. Now, in the privacy of Ultra Magnus's quarters, they ignored it completely.

The feel of his hands coursed through me like cool fire. I had come too close to death too many times in the short time since I had known him. I exaulted in our bond, drawing him to me as our minds spiraled higher on a wave of mutual pleasure. He was mine, all mine. But more importantly, I was his.
I heard the rasp in his air vents as his body fought to keep him cooled. I revelled in the knowledge that I was responsible, that I was the one bringing him so much pleasure. Then he bit into my shoulder and my awareness shattered into a thousand points of pure bliss.
Our minds suddenly synchomeshed and we were one. I could feel him, hear him . . . because I
was him. No Prowl, no Magnus, only this unified being. Pure love, pure bliss . . . a perfect love and perfect trust.
And then that knowledge was there again. The attack. . . . No, it doesn't matter. . . . Scourge.
A rage beyond words crystallized and shattered the perfect oneness between us. His swift, righteous fury swept aside all other emotions and considerations. Quite abruptly, I found myself sitting in his apartment, alone, an off-hand apology tossed in my direction.
He had left me . . . left me to exact his vengeance. Left me to hunt down and destroy Scourge. I knew he thought he was doing it for me, but in that moment, it had not been about what I wanted, what I needed. He had left, not for me, but for himself.
I wept for a time, hurting beyond words. But if he was even aware of my presence through our bond, he gave no signal of it. I lingered a moment more, then gathered my discarded armor and left. If he could leave me, then I could leave him. Or at least pretend to for a time. He would find me, of course. And, in truth, I did not want to leave him forever. Even though he hurt me deeply, I still loved him desperately.
Perhaps that is why I found my way to the Yukon retreat. . . .

Prowl rolled to a stop at the base of the cliff, pausing only momentarily before transforming. He rested a hesitant hand against the rocky cliff face, surveying the beach before him. He wasn't sure why he paused; the scrap of sand and water was empty of any humans, as it often was. Which was, perhaps, part of the reason Ultra Magnus had chosen it in the first place.
The cavern retreat was a cool and dark contrast to the outside world, the computer holding all systems in standby. The generator's quiet hum somehow reassured him that all would be well again, in it's own time. Disengaging the seals on his shield, he set it aside and began manually bringing the retreat's systems back to full. He could have let the computer do it automatically, but the simple routine of it gave Prowl an excuse to think about something besides the hurt from his mate's sudden departure.
Do you know what you have done to me? Do you even care? he thought deep within himself. He knew he was being unfair; of course Magnus cared. Deeply, if he was so keen on revenge. But that knowledge did nothing to soothe his wounded spark.
Let him go, Magnus. Please, let him go. I don't care about Scourge, and I don't care about revenge. I just want you, whole and alive and holding me close. Is that really too much to ask?
With a heavy sigh, Prowl forced himself to think about something else.

* * * * *

Ultra Magnus charged onto the battlefield, immediately targeting Scourge with the full power of his fury. All other targets, all other considerations became meaningless. Nothing mattered except destroying Scourge, thereby extracting vengeance for the near-death of his mate.
Something knocked him to the ground, kicking Blue Bolts out of his grasp. He growled, started to struggle free, only to be drawn into the fusion with his brother. He fought against it, wielding his anger like a weapon. Optimus batted the fury aside, refusing to either release control or release the fusion. Magnus's fury only grew hotter as his brother's will thwarted his own, a fury that threatened to explode as he saw the Decepticons escaping.
Damn you, Optimus! He's getting away!!!
Yes, he is. Because I had to stop you.
Did it ever occur to you that maybe I don't need or want you to stop me??
You would destroy anything to extract your vengeance.
Damn straight!
I submit that, by being here now, you may well destroy Prowl's love for you. You should not be here; you should be with him. That is why I did not want you knowing of this. Prowl needs YOU more than he needs vengeance.

Ultra Magnus tried to deny the accusation, but his brother refused to accept it. More, he forced him to face what he had been ignoring: the sense of longing whispering through his bond to Prowl.
Go, Brother. Find him. Be with him. That is all you need do now.
With precision and care, their forced fusion dissipated, leaving the two brothers standing side by side. Magnus looked down at his brother for a moment, then nodded to himself. Transforming without a word, he activated the space bridge and left the battlefield, never once even bothering to see who else was with his brother.

Tracking Prowl was easier than he had expected, though, in hindsight, he wasn't terribly surprised to find his mate at the Yukon retreat. He could see Prowl standing on the beach, staring into the setting sun. He rolled forward, to the very edge of the cliff, watching his mate. Watching the way the sun glinted and shimmering across Prowl's form, caressing it with hints of red and orange as he stood at the waterline, his arms wrapped around himself tightly. Magnus paused for only a moment before transforming, launching himself into the air only to land at the base of the cliff.
He wasn't sure what he had expected, but he hadn't expected to have his arrival ignored. While it was possible Prowl was so lost within himself that he wasn't even aware of Magnus's arrival, somehow, he doubted it. Which meant that Prowl was more than just casually upset with him. And that, surprisingly enough, hurt.
"Well . . . do you intend to stand back there all night, just watching me in my misery?"
Prowl slowly turned around, his optics glowing a deep, burnished golden hue. Magnus could clearly see the signs of anger and hurt in his bondmate's expression and posture. He resisted the urge to rush forward, even though he knew it was his fault Prowl was hurting. He had been wrong to leave the way he had, but he still had his dignity to maintain.
"You left me. And for what? Vengeance? Did it even occur to you to ask what I wanted? No, of course not. . . ."
"Prowl. . . ."
"You left me. You're always leaving me. Leaving me behind, leaving me alone. You're no different. Always leaving me."
"Prowl," he sighed, at last closing the distance between them to rest his hands on Prowl's shoulder mounts, "I'm sorry."
"Of course you had to leave. You just had to hunt him down and make him pay for almost killing me, right? Because, you know, Primus forbid you should let go of such a thing. Nevermind that I don't really give a fragging micron what happens to him. Nevermind that all I really want is you. Nevermind that I'm always the one being left behind. Nevermind any of that, as long as you get your revenge in the end. I'm just a convienent excuse. So go ahead, run off an-- . . . wait, did you just apologize?"
"Yes, Prowl. I was wrong and I'm sorry."
Prowl gaped up at his mate, obviously at a loss for words. Magnus smiled gently, shifting his hands to lift Prowl into his arms. For a half second, Prowl held himself stiffly apart. Then his defenses broke and he leaned into Magnus's embrace.
"Oh Magnus . . . oh my love . . . I'm so sorry. I didn't mean . . . please, please forgive me. . . ."
"Shh, Prowl . . . hush, my love," he whispered soothingly, cradling his mate in his arms. Prowl's head rested limply against Magnus's chest, a faint hitch rattling in his air vents. Ultra Magnus tried to ignore it, opting instead to focus on carrying his bondmate into the cavern that was the major part of the retreat.
"Forgive me for being a fool, Prowl?" he whispered, settling them both on the recharge berth that was the retreat's only major furnishing. He could feel a tremor shake through the pale warrior as Prowl seemed to collapse inward, shrinking in on himself.
"I would do anything you wanted of me, beloved," Prowl whispered, but Magnus got the distinct impression that Prowl wasn't really speaking to him. "Only tell me what I must do."
"Let me love you as you should be loved. Let me stand beside you for the rest of your life," he murmured, praying the different phrasing would break Prowl from visions of the past. Prowl looked up at him, confusion clear in his golden optics. Hesitant fingers lit upon his cheek, as if Prowl wasn't sure he believed what his visual sensors were reporting. Then a smile lit the depths of his optics and the faceplate he wore vanished.
"It may be a lie . . . no, let me finish, my love. It may be a lie and it may not last, but I'll take you as long as you'll have me."
"You are my bondmate, Prowl. In case you've forgotten what that means, I will be with you always, as you will be with me. It doesn't matter to me how we came to be bonded, only that we are and that I love you."
He could feel the gratitude streaming from his mate as Prowl nestled against his chest. Leaking his own gratitude and abiding love into their bond, Ultra Magnus silently held his mate, watching the shadows rise as the sun sank below the horizon.
I love you, now and always. Through your past, in your present, and beyond your future. With you always, my beloved Prowl. You need never fear loneliness again.

~ El Fin ~