Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ As the Rose Falls ❯ Fun and Games ( Chapter 2 )
As the Rose Falls
Chapter 2. Fun and Games
By: Hellions K. and Dashing V.
The man who looked like Wolfwood blinked as he leaned back looking quite startled not completely sure of what Vash was going to do to him. "How...?!?!" He stood up and tried to make a grab for the gunman's cloak but missed as the longhaired gunman disappeared into the swirling mass of people. He then sat down with a sigh and a confused look as the glasses slid down his face. 'What am I to do now?' he thought in confusion as he looked back at the other Vash, still looking down in the dumps.
The other Vash barely paid attention to what was said by the gunman and 'Spot' as he left. Still to distraught by the day's current events. Without thinking, she picked up the bag of donuts and began to eat them, slowly. It wouldn't be for quite some time that she would come to understand, what the longhaired man in the cloak, with goofy glasses and puppet meant, by his parting words.
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He was not quite close enough to catch what Vash had said but Knives was not about to let his brother run off again. They had quite a bit of supplies to pick up before they head off to the next plant, especially since this plant was having quite a bit of problems, which his brother seems to be forgetting. Tucking his half a bag of glazed donuts under his right arm he walked over to his brother and slid his hand through a mass of his twins golden locks to grab hold of his ear. "We have a lot to do dear brother, would you please quit fooling around," The fairer haired blond man said in a slightly exasperated tone as he gave Vash's ear a nice tweak. "You seem to forget that we have quite a bit of supplies to purchase before we have to continue our travels." He then started to walk off in the direction of the supply store still holding firmly onto his twin's ear.
The darker headed blond man yelped in surprise as his ear was grabbed, stopping him dead in his tracks, "Oooooow! Heeey!" the man whined, "That hurts, brother...."
He wrinkled his nose, "I'm not fooling around, dearest brother," his voice was still in a distinctive whine, making onlookers stop and look at the pair curiously.
"BARK! BARK!" said Spot as the puppet was not going to be forgotten if it had its way.
Vash looked at his puppet as he was being dragged by his brother through the crowd, Vash doing a weird sort of trotting shuffle to keep up so that there would be less strain on his ear, "I didn't forget and Spot wants you to let go."
"Well it served my purpose then, to get your attention," Knives commented back to his brother blandly. "As for Spot he had better feel lucky that he is not he one who is being drug around." Once they were through the majority of the crowd, Knives let go of Vash's ear. "And as for Spot he had better leave me alone today, is that clear dear brother, or he's going to find out what it is like to be doused in alcohol and set on fire." Out of all the tricks and jokes that have been played upon the tall fair haired man, he adhores Spot the most. That and he is in no mood to deal with the puppet today. He then turned and started off down the main street looking for supply store, "Come along brother," he called over his shoulder once he located the shop. "I'm sure that there is plenty of time to check out the rest of the celebrations after we have bought what we need."
Vash wrinkled his nose at his twin, rubbing his now sore ear, once Knives let go. He got a horrific look on his face at the mention of what Knives would do to his puppet. "BUT YOU CAAAN'T!" wailed the man as he hugged the puppet to him, letting the red balloon go in the process, it floated lazily into the air.
He quickly put the puppet away though, stuffing it in one of his many pockets inside the cloak. He sighed heavily as he said, "Fiiine, I'll be good."
The darker headed man followed his brother, now in a much quieter manner. He nodded his blond head, he had some shopping he would like to do it was just trying to get away from his brother to do it.
Knives stopped outside the supply store looking up at the sign for a moment before shaking his head and shoving the door open, he walked inside. 'What is it with the fascination for things of our past,' Knives thought as he looked over his shoulder at Vash. "Come along brother," he said again before he looked up at the sign.
'Savrem's supplies,' he thought, slightly disgusted. 'First Stampede Donuts, now this, enough is enough.'
Walking further into the shop he pulled out a list from within a pocket of the voluminous cloak that he was wearing and looked down at it. "Hmmmm," he murmured as he took off Vash's sunglasses, that he was still wearing thanks to Vash's tumble in the desert. Slipping the glasses into a pocket within the cloak before he started to look around. All of a sudden he wandered off down an isle to the left, "Brother," he called from around the corner. "Do you have a preference of jerky for our travels? Oh and did we ever replace that wrench set that broke a couple of months back?"
The other blond man almost ran into his brother when he stopped. Curious as to what made Knives stop, Vash looked up and scratched his head upon seeing the name, "odd..." he mumbled.
Hearing his brother call to him he obediently followed his twin into the store. Upon seeing Knives disappear down the isle Vash stood just inside the door wondering if he should take his chance now.
"I don't really care, brother. I can't recall that we did buy more wrenches," he answered as he eased the door open and slipped back outside. He stopped a moment to make sure that Knives hadn't heard him and then took off down the street towards the store that held his interest. Who cared about those supplies that his brother was buying it really didn't take two to buy them. The supplies he wanted were ones that would bring laughter and smiles to those about him.
"I'll pick up a new set then," Knives responded as he pulled down a couple different types of jerky for the road. Walking back down the isle towards the door he looked around.
"Brother?" he asked.
Not hearing a reply he sighed shook his head before turning down another isle searching for a new wrench set among other supplies. After a short time he decided to go find a basket to put his purchases in, for he was starting to get to the point were he couldn't carry anything else.
"Why does he always leave me to take care of this stuff," the fair-haired man mumbled under his breath. "The one time that I could have used my bumbling brother's help and he takes off."
"Excuse me," Knives asked the counter clerk.
"Can I help you sir?" The man behind the counter asked with a jovial smile.
"Would you mind if I left the purchases that I have gathered so far here on the counter. I'm afraid my brother has stepped out to gather supplies at another store."
"No problem sir," the man replied, "If you need any more help don't hesitate to ask.."
"Thank you," The fair-haired man replied as he set the basket down and grabbed another that was by the counter and headed off to gather more things.
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The other Vash still sat at the fountain, slowly eating the donuts. Her thoughts still lost in the fog of harsh words of 'Hypocritical dreamer...the gunman is dead...quit living in a dream matter how much you believe, he's not coming back...' the list goes on and on.
"Come on Vash, cheer up," the fake Wolfwood said, as he pulled off the goofy glasses. "Why don't we head over to the Cafe and get something to eat, besides donuts or you going to make yourself sick again." He then lit another cigarette and took a long drag. Man if this didn't stress him out enough he didn't know what would.
The other Vash looked up at the Preacher and nodded with a sigh. Picking up the glasses, from her knee, she put them back on and stood up. To start walking towards her Cafe, not really caring at the moment what was going on.
Wolfwood just flung an arm around the gunman's shoulder, placing the goofy glasses in his pocket as he chatted away at the depressed woman.
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While Knives was at 'SavRem's' he stood in front of the store above all stores as a bright smile lit his face, the goofiness starting to overwhelm him once again.
Stepping up to the door he looked at the sign fondly 'Barrel of Laughs' it said, before he opened the door and walked in, laughter announcing his entrance instead of the usual bell.
He took a deep breath as he looked around him, "Aaah, now this is the place to be," he said to no one in particular, for there were a few other customers in the store.
The shopkeeper looked up from behind the counter, he was a round man with a balding head but a smile always lit his face, "Why hello there! If there is anything that I can help you with my dear man then just let me know."
Vash nodded his blond head, "Thank you, my dear friend. I will be sure to call if I have need of you expertise."
He then walked off down an isle that had different noses. He stopped as ideas started to flit through his mind. Grabbing a few of them he walked on to find another pair of those goofy looking glasses that he had given to the Wolfwood earlier. He frowned, it hurt to see someone look so like his friend and yet have it not be him.
He quickly pushed the feeling aside, this was a place of smiles not sadness. Browsing the isles he picked up some trick glazed donuts for his brother.
He was just laying his purchases on the counter when he noticed a puppet that caught his eye. "How much is that?"
The shopkeeper looked to where Vash was pointing at a puppet of a black cat, "Oh that? That would be on special today because of the celebration. It's on sale for only $$4," he turned to look back at Vash, "Would you like it?"
Vash nodded his head, there was something about the puppet that drew him to it, "Sure, friend, I'll take it."
The shopkeeper grinned, "Great!" Grabbing the puppet he quickly added up all of Vash's purchases.
Paying for it Vash started stuffing his prizes into his cloak, wishing that he had his pack at the moment, for he had bought a bit more than he had planned.
Walking out of the shop the tall gunman looked around him at the celebration, a grin forming on his lips, without his brother he could surely have a lot of fun. So off he toddled to see what games there were to play as well as anything else that might hold his interest.
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Knives knew that it was going to take him a good portion of the afternoon to gather up all of the supplies that were needed since his brother decided to sneak off. Sighing he diligently went about the task, in some ways grateful that Vash wasn't there since he'd probably just get in the way anyhow.
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Vash himself would find a wide variety of games ranging from simple carnival games such as ring tossing, breaking bottles and balloons. To larger carnival rides and some more 'elite' adult games, such as quick draw contesting and much, much more. As well as all that great carnival foods.
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If the longhaired gunman was paying attention, he might actually see the other Vash and Wolfwood weaving their way through the crowd quite well. As Wolfwood drags her off to a small carnny stand and acting like a complete buffoon ends up actually getting the woman to crack a bit of a smile. Then Wolfwood hands over an excessively large plush Vash puppet to the depressed woman. Knowing quite well that she had been wanting one of them for the past couple of years since the stand appeared. He hardly ever heard the end of it as she would constantly say to him, 'I want one, they look so much like Vash. Nick, will you win one for me, please, please.' He actually repressed a shudder at the thought of her pleading for one. Trying his luck again he thought he might as well try to cheer her up more so he went to seeing how much money he could blow trying to win two more dolls that he knew that she would want, since there were only two doll types left. One of himself, so to speak, and on of Knives. Each year now the stand returns with one other new plush puppet made to look like friends or family of the gunman.
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The long haired gunman looked around him at all the games, a grin spreading across his face as he takes note of the ones that would be great fun. He was starting towards a shooting game when he saw the flash of red coat and blond hair. He turned to look quickly, noticing the look a likes making their way through the crowd.
Shooting game forgotten Vash makes his way after the two people, he is still rather curious about them. Watching the Wolfwood win a prize he studied it from where he stood, brows knitting in confusion...a puppet of him??? He then looked at the Wolfwood and Knives puppets. The Knives one really caught his eye, a grin lighting up on his face.
Quickly making his way forward the gunman looked at Nick, "Step aside, friend, I will win this fair lady a puppet." He grinned at Nick as he paid for some balls and started tossing them into the baskets.
And indeed he quickly had won the Wolfwood and Knives puppets and then went on to win a set for Nick as well as himself. He couldn't live without them! They would be great to torture his brother with. He grinned at the other Vash and Wolfwood as he waved his good bye and made his way off through the crowd to get something sticky and good
to eat as he stuffed the puppets into his cloak.
Upon reaching a food booth he bought himself a caramel apple, greedily eating it, much like a little kid would.
As he was making his way through the crowd munching on his apple he started towards a shooting game that looked to be fun, it used a little dart gun with suction cups.
Throwing the stick to the apple away, caramel stuck to his scruffy
face, he stepped up to the shooting stand.
"I would like to play around please if I may, friend," he told the lady who ran it. His eye catching on a Merle plushie, which was the real reason why he was here. Even after almost a century of her not being around the gunman still missed her sorely.
"Sure, you may sir," answered the woman as she handed him three suction darts in exchange for some money, "All you have to do is hit the center all three times."
Vash grinned, this would be no problem. Loading the gun he aimed at the target and shot the dart into the center. Loading the gun a second time he repeated his first shot and on the third. He grinned at the dumb struck lady, for her tricks had not worked.
"What is it that you want for your prize?" she asked rather gruffly.
Vash pointed at the six inch Merle plushie a big starry-eyed grin on his face. The woman got it for him, which Vash quickly hugged to himself and walked away happily, feeling as if life couldn't get any better. This was better than having no Merle at all. He wiped at his eyes as they got a bit misty at the thought of her, no amount of time would ever erase her from his memory.
< p>"Whoa, hey there now..." Wolfwood started then stopped, to blink in amazement as the long haired gunman won the prizes in not only a short amount of time but with great ease.
The other Vash said nothing as the longhaired hermit went about wining the other two puppets in such a short time with fluid accuracy. She stood there, arms wrapped around the puppet, as her chin and part of her nose were lost within its hair. Her mind still a complex jumble of thoughts and emotions as she watched with interest in the man in the brown cloak. A soft "Thank you" is mumbled into the hair of the puppet as she took the Knives and Wolfwood puppets from the true gunman. Now she really looked like a little kid as she hugged all three puppets to her, chin still resting upon the Vash puppet's head.
Wolfwood stood there in amazement as he held the puppets that Vash had given him, all he could do is wave back at the man, too speechless to do anything other then that. Then shrugging he turned to woman, "Come let's get back to the cafe. I'll buy you lunch," he said shaking his head as he looked at the woman. Drapping the puppets over one arm he threw his other arm about the shoulders of the apparently distraught gunman to lead 'him' off to the cafe.
The woman didn't argue, her mind was now trying to figure out who the mysterious man in the brown cloak was, why he was so familiar in an odd sort of way. It was almost too much for her confused mind to handle.
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Finally having everything purchased for their travels and gathered up for easy transportation in a few packs, Knives left the store. Toting now five packs including Vash's own still. The fair-haired gunman thanked the storeowner for his help and left to go find his brother.
Catching sight of Vash as he left one of the carnival stands Knives picked up his pace. "There you are, dear brother," he said as he fell into step behind his twin. There was a note of irritation in his voice as he spoke. "Why is it that every time I seem to need your help you disappear? We need to get going, are you done fooling around?"
He pulled out Vash's glasses and put them back on as he looked up at the slowly sinking suns. It was well past mid afternoon now and they had a long ways to travel.
Vash jumped slightly at the voice of his brother in his ear, but he recovered himself quickly. A big dopey grin appeared on his face as he brushed off what his brother said as he turned and held the Merle plushie in Knives' face, "Look what I got, dear brother!" he cried happily.
"Isn't it the most wonderful thing you've ever seen?" he bounced around Knives, his bulging cloak making an odd noise as he did so.
He hugged the plushie to himself as he twirled around in a circle a look of bliss on his face, sand filled hair waving about him.