Trigun Fan Fiction ❯ Forgivness ❯ Part 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
AN: 1.7.03 - Added a little bit to make the story flow better. Hope it works out!


Title: Forgiveness
Author: Dubird
Pairings: I guess a bit of MerylXVash, but it's not the focus of the story.
Rating: PG-13 for some swearing
Standard Disclaimer: I don't own Trigun. This is just one of the many fan spawned writings of another crazy person. I also go to college and have lots of loans to pay off, so if you're looking for money, you've come to the wrong place!


Vash paused outside his brother's door, listening to Meryl's ranting. He had heard her voice from outside, and wondered what in the world was going on. He knew she was afraid of Knives, though she'd never admit it. He still wasn't sure why she and Millie had stayed to help him care for his brother. After all, they did have jobs and other lives to attend to. Yet neither one seemed to be able to give him a good reason why they stayed. Millie had simply said that she wanted to help. That he could believe. To her, Knives was probably like a injured stray, albeit a very dangerous one. Meryl, however, he just couldn't figure out. Half the time he caught her looking at him oddly, though as soon as she realized he was looking, she started ranting about something. Then again, a part of him really didn't want them to leave, despite the danger. They were probably the only two people alive right now who understood what had happened. After all, they had been through most of this with him, had suffered along with him. He couldn't deny them the right to stay and see this through to the end, nor did he want to have to be alone anymore.

He winced slightly as Meryl called Knives a jackass. 'Not your most tactful comment, Meryl,' he thought, pausing with his hand on the doorknob. He had almost entered after the crash of dishes, but something told him to stay put and listen.

"Is that so?" Knives said, after a momentary pause. His voice was low and angry, as if he was struggling to keep from strangling her. "If that is the case, then why are you here?"

"Well, I'm certainly not here for you," Meryl replied indignantly. "I'm here because of Vash. He needs someone to look after him, and that someone defiantly isn't you."

"Everything I've done, I've done to protect him!" Knives's voice rose as he finally lost control over his temper. "I've looked out for him all our lives! I've tried telling him the truth, and he never listens. So I've been trying to show him!"

"What truth? That humans are evil?"

"Yes! I just don't understand why he completely refuses to believe me."

"So you tried to show him by killing everyone he loves? By spending all that time hurting him, again and again?? By making him so miserable he can't even function at times?? And then, by trying to kill him when he refused to agree with you??" Meryl's voice had risen slightly with each sentence until she sounded as if she was ready to strangle him herself.

There was a pause at that, as if Knives hadn't been expecting that comment. Vash pressed his ear to the door to try and hear what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" he finally heard Knives ask, sounding a bit unsure of himself.

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe you're wrong? Yeah, we're not perfect. But neither are you! We have our faults, and there's a great number of humans that won't win any good deeds contests. But there's a lot of great people out there. That's something you apparently don't understand."

"No. That's not true." Knives's voice faltered a bit as replied. "You're just saying that because humans lie. I can't be wrong!"

The resounding -smack- of flesh hitting flesh caused Vash to wince back from the door. "Will you just grow up?? You sound like a child! If you don't want to believe me, then fine. I don't care. But if you really love Vash, then just sit and think about what you're doing to him!"

Another pause, a bit longer this time, followed by the creak of bedsprings as someone sat on the bed. Vash was about to open the door when his brother responded. "And why should you care, anyways?" he asked, sounding a bit sullen.

"Because I love him, you moron! And I can't stand watching how miserable you make him! Now, I'm going to bring you another bowl of oatmeal, and you're going to eat it if I have to hog-tie you to that bed and force-feed it to you!" Before Vash could jump away from the door, Meryl had flung it open, dumping him unceremoniously on the floor. She glared down at him, her cheeks slightly pink. "What the hell do you think you're doing??"

"Um....good morning?" Vash grinned up at her from the floor.

"Oh, shut up, you idiot!" She stormed out of the room, swearing under her breath as she headed back downstairs. 'Men!' she thought to herself. 'One of the days, I'm just going to have to borrow Millie's stungun...'