Tsubasa Chronicle Fan Fiction ❯ Many Different Paths ❯ “Baka! You just wanted to cop a feel!” ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Many Different Paths II  

Disclaimer: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle does not belong to me, and I make no money from this work of fanfiction at all.

Sakura’s stomach twisted as the world twisted and warped like putty, until they had pushed through it far enough that the glowing snakes of their old world finally snapped.

The girl held her friend, fears for the future pushed aside as she looked up into the cool eyes of a tall, elegant woman.

“Syaoran- please, you must save him! Please, save Syaoran!”

She hadn’t given herself time to take a breath after their journey- the words came out as a gasp and a garble. Inhaling desperately she said again, “Please- save Syaoran!”

Sakura stared up into that impassive face, whose cool eyes stared through her soul. No judgment, but plenty of wisdom. She would be someone Sakura would want to learn from; not because she was kind, but because she could still play after countless years had gone by. Sakura doubted she would like this person, but if she could save Syaoran, she would sell…

Anything. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

Rain started to fall with the children’s arrival, soaking clothes and wetting face, hiding tears.

Yuuko’s face was too well trained to show what she was feeling. In fact, for her to feel anything beyond dim, drunken or perverted amusement for anything at all was rare.

Yet now, seeing the girl with the boy, the girl she had waited for clutching the boy like he was the most precious thing in the universe, did exactly that.

Of course, considering that there were no true coincidences… especially considering where that fool Reed was concerned…

A smile twisted her pale and perfect face. Leaning down, she placed her hand on the boy’s forehead.

“He has lost something very important to him. His name is Syaoran, you say?” Vaguely she wondered how the destined roles had been traded… But this could prove to be highly more amusing in the long run. “And you are?”

There was a faint pause and a timid answer- though the voice gained strength.


“That important thing was scattered across many different worlds. If he continues like this… he will die.”

Sakura’s face twisted, baring her teeth in a horrified grimace, bowing her head over the boy’s limp body.

“Do you want to save him?”

Sakura’s head shot up, and her eyes narrowed. Yuuko could almost read the thoughts going on behind those leaf green eyes: Hope, despair, questioning what could she, a mere girl, do…

Then they hardened in determination.

“I will save him. No matter what; whatever it takes.”

“To save him, you must go to many different worlds, and gather up the flown away shards of his memories.” She paused.

“Watanuki!” Yuuko’s tone was crisp. “There is something in the treasure room. Get it for me.”

The pale boy snapped to attention, before being pulled away by the two soulless children she commanded.

“There will be a price.”

Sakura sat back, still holding the boy. Yuuko could see her hands; they were bare and raw, welts and blood on them. She could only imagine what had caused those wounds.

“I don’t care.” Sakura’s words were strong. Yuuko’s face twisted into a humorless smile as she looked to the side.

“I see you are all here now.”

The girl’s eyes widened to become terrified holes in her face as the universe warped once more, bulging again and bursting as two more figures arrived- both tall, one pale and upright with a jeweled staff, the other crouched and dark, welding bright steel. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~

Sakura flinched when the newcomers arrived, despite her brave words. She struggled, trying to think of a plan on how to get away if things went bad- the bushes would provide some cover, if she could distract them long enough to haul Syaoran away…

Her mind heard and listened to the conversation, and noted that these two men could have been mirrors of each other. Opposite in almost every way.

Then again, she felt a bit sorry for the dark one. She could sympathize a bit; being in a new world was daunting. Though she disliked his manners.

The pale one was much more pleasant, and a great deal easier on the eyes. Her Syaoran was still the only male she would ever love… (Her babyhood crush on the High Priest didn’t count.)

This was a place to get wishes granted. Looking around, she noted the way the small building they were before did not match the many others. It felt different; not like the ruins, or the High Priest’s quarters, but… like it wasn’t quiet real.

“That is a hard wish to grant, for the two of you.” Then her eyes latched onto Sakura.

“No. For all three of you.”

Sakura’s heart sank, and then she bit her lip. There had to be a way. She would find a-

“If you pay separately for those wishes, it won’t be enough. However, if you combine your payments… It may just cover the cost.”

Hope was reborn.

The ninja was not happy; the wizard chastised him. Sakura would have laughed if the situation weren’t so tense.

“You all have the same wish. Sakura wishes to go to different worlds to collect the shards of the boy’s memory; Kurogane wishes to return home, and Fai wishes to flee to a new world. You have different purposes, but the same means. Different reasons, but you still wish for the same action. I cannot grant your wishes individually. However, if you all give me your most precious thing, combined… It is enough.”

The ninja was definitely not happy. “What do I have to give you?”

“That sword.”

Sakura cringed at the shouting match, though she couldn’t understand why the man was so attached to a weapon. It was very pretty, to be sure… But why would it be the most important thing to him?

Yet surrender it he did. Not that he had much of a choice. She had only a vague idea of what the Witch was threatening- police, insanity, people thinking he was crazy… Were those all things they would face later?

“Your price is that tattoo.”

Sakura wondered how the Witch knew what was so important to him; for one thing, the tattoo was completely covered in the many layers the pale wizard wore. The princess wanted to cry at the strained, painful smile on his face.

Yet he, like Kurogane, agreed to the price eventually. Then it was her turn.

“Sakura… What is the most precious thing to you? What will you give, to fulfill your wish?”

“I came with nothing. Ah- well, I do have a snack with me…”

There was a muffled laugh from the wizard and the ninja grunted.

“What will you give?”

Sakura lowered her eyes. “Everything.”

“You don’t even know what I ask… and still you will give it?” The Witch’s tone was curious.

“I will.”

“I cannot determine where you will go; I can only send you on your way. The gathering is still up to you. And you are still sure of yourself?”

“I am,” Sakura growled. This time, even the ninja was taken aback.


“Here he comes.” The witch turned, and the pale boy from earlier trotted out, splashing through puddles. In his arms he carried two… lumps.

Taking the white one from the pale boy, the Witch presented him. “This is Mokona Modoki. He will take you to different worlds. “

“What about the other one?” The ninja was still not happy. “I can use him. Give him here.”

“This one is only for communication- he cannot travel to other worlds.” Turning her attention back to the white lump, she went on. “Mokona can only send you there- he will not be able to control where you land or how. It will only be luck if you succeed in your mission.”

Sakura felt cold again; because her price had not been named and because it just seemed that much further away. And Syaoran continued to be a lump in her arms.

“Yet there is no such thing as coincidence. There is only the inevitable. Your meeting in this place was foreordained. There could be no other outcome.”

Strange… Sakura could remember the Priest saying much the same.

“Sakura. Your price is this.” The girl held her breath.

“Your price is your relationship. You treasure your feelings for this boy more than anything else. The past you have with him is the most precious thing you own.”

Silence. Her heart stopped, as the words echoed endlessly through the freezing rain. For a moment she was dizzy with shock as the price was named.

“Should you be successful, and return all the memories of this boy to their rightful owner, his memories of you will never return. Your relationship with him will never be the same.”

Yet Sakura knew what would happen if she did not acquiesce.

“What is he to you?”

A reminder. The Witch wanted her to remember what would happen if she did not pay the price. Like she could ever forget what they had been to each other. Games, books… Memories.

“He is a childhood friend… A teacher, who showed me how not to be afraid… He’s my hero. And the most important thing in my life.”

She looked up at the Witch, jaw taut and eyes blazing. “I accept- but may I say something to him first? I have a promise to keep before I let him go.”

The Witch blinked then nodded. The two men were silent, watching carefully.

The rain started to pound as Sakura placed her lips against Syaoran’s ear, her words lost in steady rush of water.

“Let’s go.” Sakura stood up, supporting the boy- even as his size eclipsed hers. “Syaoran will not be allowed to die.”

“There are many different worlds. Worlds that will make no sense, worlds filled with lies and criminals, worlds filled with war. You must continue through all of them. There is no guarantee the worlds you go to will have feathers; there is no way to determine how long your quest will take. It could take years. Are you still willing?”

Sakura nodded. “I’ll do what I have to- I’ll become what I must. But I will succeed.”

The witch’s smile said it all. “Sincerity and determination; I believe things will turn out well for you, Sakura.” ~*~*~*~*~*~  

Sakura held her breath as Mokona jumped into the air, wings mantling as a magic circle was invoked beneath him- and the white lump gulped.

Bizarre colors and lights and no feeling at all, as they passed through this place between as-

//Syaoran is the most important person to me- even beyond my brother, beyond the Priest… Father told me I would find someone like that…There is NO WAY I would ever let Syaoran die… no matter the cost to myself, no matter the cost- I’ll become strong enough to save him. This time, I’ll protect him. I’m sure of it.// ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

Eyes popping open, Sakura shrieked at the white thing that was sitting on her face, sitting up with a gasp.

“Mokona is sorry! Mokona just checking on Sakura!”

“Ah, I see the princess is awake,” someone murmured, and Sakura turned blankly to the voice. The pale mage was sitting in front of her, his smile gently amused.

Sakura had to fight down panic for two reasons- one, she had never told these people she was a princess, and for another, Syaoran was-


He was still in her arms.

She sighed, relieved.

“You refused to let him go even in your sleep,” the wizard said, smile never wavering. “I toweled you both off a little… Uh…”

“My name is Sakura.” The princess smiled back, nervous. “And…” She decided not to mention the princess part. Besides, here, it had no point. “This is Syaoran.”

“My name is very long and annoying, so just call me Fai. And Mr. Black over there-“

“I’m Kurogane!” The man in black snapped, baring his teeth. Sakura ignored the bark in favor of checking Syaoran over- he was so cold…

Then she shrieked, as Fai suddenly stuck his hand down her front.



There was thump as Fai went backwards, dropping the feather he had found. “Ma, ma! I thought I sensed this one you, and I thought you might want it…”

“Baka! You just wanted to cop a feel!” snapped the ninja, who was still growling. “I know how to deal with people like you!” Standing, he started menacing the mage…

“A feather!” Sakura’s surprised gasp grabbed their attention before Kurogane could get too involved in defending Sakura’s honor.

“What’s that?”

“I sensed great power from it- and I thought it was one of your friend’s memories.” Fai’s shit-eating grin diffused the situation as he wafted the delicate feather through the air, and it settled over Syaoran’s heart.

The boy’s face lost its blue tinge, regaining his normal olive completion. Sakura breathed in relief, reaching up to feel his pulse, as it strengthened under her fingers.

“Thank you,” she said quietly, then paused. “But please don’t do that again.”

“There are no coincidences in this world,” Fai quoted, face suddenly serious. “Only hitsuzen. Or something like that.” Cue the earlier grin. “That’s what the witch said, right? You must have caught it to help that boy, ne?”

Sakura had no idea- they were interrupted by their hosts after that. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~  

There was a long moment after the very colorful explanation, introduction of the kudans, and Sorata threatening Kurogane if he even looked at his wife, when Sakura looked at Arashi.

The older woman nodded after a moment, and opened the door, and Sakura balked.

Sorata stepped in. “Don’t worry! I’ll look after your sweetie for you! And don’t worry, no one will get close!”

Sakura exhaled, and followed the older female out.

“I take it you wanted a woman to speak with?” the quiet, elegant woman queried.

The princess nodded. “Yes…” She hunched her shoulders for a moment, taking a deep breath. It had been a long time since she had confided in another female, but it seemed necessary right now.

“My friend, Syaoran… He won’t remember me.” That was so painful. Yet she had to come up with some kind of plan. Syaoran was an archaeologist- someone who put pieces together. “I need to tell him something.” Her words were painful. “I also need… to become stronger.” Here was the hard part. Arashi was a strong woman, which she could tell easily.

“You are strong,” Arashi said, walking up to her and putting her hands on Sakura’s shoulders. “You have the resolve to save your friend… And you haven’t even tried to have your hands treated.” Gently she took Sakura’s torn up hands into her own. “There are ways to overcome physical limitations. They will take effort, but you have the will.”

Arashi started ushering her down the halls of the small apartment complex.

“I’ll tend to your hands… But first, you need to remember to use your wits- against a man; that is always your best asset.” Her lips twitched. “Be willing to let them underestimate you. You know to keep your mind on your goal, always. That I can already tell.” They arrived in a small kitchen, where Arashi started to clean the welts.

“Let people fight each other first. Be aware of your environment. Use whatever is available- and that includes your companions.” Sakura stiffened- somehow that seemed wrong-

“I don’t mean in a cruel way. I mean, learn form them. I can tell the pale one is a powerful mage, and the dark one is a warrior. They will be traveling with you- they can teach you while they’re at it.” Her mouth quirked a smile. “And your kudan will help while you are here.”

Sakura shrugged, helplessly, and then her lips pressed together.

“I’ll go out with the others to look for the feather.” She bowed. “Thank you.”

Arashi gently put her hand on Sakura’s head. “It’s been a while since I had a girl to talk to, so it’s all right.”

The two women smiled shyly, friendship made. ~*~*~*~*~*~  

That night, Sakura dreamed.

Flame- all around her. Looking up, a form appeared.

I am the one who governs the Flame. Long have I waited for a soul that could command me.”

The body resolved itself, into a bird with armor over its chest. Beautifully it blazed through the night.

“Do you desire that power?”

Sakura reached out. “I desire to protect Syaoran.” Her hands carefully stroked the feathers of flame. “If that means I desire whatever power you can give me to protect him… Then I want it. I’ll take it and use it to get his memories back.”

There was a moment of weighing and judging, and Sakura stood underneath the scrutiny. She had a job to do- this creature could help her or not, it didn’t matter.

“Your heart yearns to protect someone else. You are worthy of wielding me.”

“Who are you?”

“I am Suzaku.”

To be continued.

A/N: Why not Rayearth? Because Sakura ain’t Syaoran, that’s why. She doesn’t have the same personality, and Suzaku is a god from Japanese mythology. So will the other kudans. There won’t be that much of a difference… not really… Er…

And I will attempt to keep things interesting.