Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ A Moment With you ❯ A moment with you ( One-Shot )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer.
I had always doubted his love, and he had proved to me time and again there was no reason to.
He, Edward, had hurt me only in attempt to heal me. To save me. I thought about this, and wondered what I had done to deserve that. I also wondered what things would be like if for once, he could see into my head. True, there were many occasions in which I wish he did not know. However, this was one solemn occasion in which I wish my mind had been an open book to him, To Edward. Maybe things would be less complicated for once.
I thought about that, and it seemed so very unrealistic. Why would something so simple as a moment of baren openness solve anything? How could it? My doubts, my anger, my feelings for Jacob, truly in the end those things would anger him.
Or perhaps, in that moment of seeing my thoughts, my mind, myself...he would see the core of every thought, passed doubt, passed anger, passed sorrow, passed forgotten abandoned roads, he would see himself. He would for, perhaps, in the moment of seeing my whole mind, see my heart.
I thought, and as I did perhaps I realized that which I yearned for in the near future might be something like this. However, instead of one physically, we would be one in other ways. In heart, and soul, and mind. I think then, more than anything, I wished that at the moment we would be one physically, he could see my thoughts. My feelings. That on that day, everything would be said.
Then again, perhaps, he would know then anyway. Perhaps, everything I had done for him might be enough to let him know. That in those moments we were together physically, in my mind I truly loved him too. Perhaps, I was deserving of him. Looking passed my own feelings against myself, I think for a moment it would be fair to say, I had proved I loved Edward.
That I loved him more than any other.
The shield around my mind, every other couple dealt with. So perhaps, it was natural, this way. The one non supernatural aspect of our relationship. The aspect of our relationship that would also not be easy. The one that in any other case was never easy.
What a fool to think for a moment that I would need to be without the protection around my mind, to be together with Edward.
"Bella?" I heard his voice and jumped a bit.
I realized at that moment, I was not the only one who was shut off from the other. Edward had proven there was no reason to doubt him, not anymore. He proved it with actions. I believed him, I believed him truly now. I did not need to read minds to believe him. I wondered, did Edward believe in me too? Had I proven it to him? I looked at him, instead of responding to him in words. He looked at me, an eyebrow raised. I said nothing, instead, looking at him.
When I said nothing, he looked a bit concerned. My mind was indeed locked from him. But I knew, with his concern over the slightest things, over what might be a moment of confusion or sorrow, that truly he had proven it. And the look, the look that flooded his eyes, I think it was more vivid that any thought could be. Caring, concern, love, hope, happiness, worry, a lot of emotions poured into two eyes. Yet they spoke richly to me.
Oh yes, certainly, these eyes had had love proven to them. Certainly.
Before the words came out of his mouth, I kissed him. There were no words needed, to express my happiness at the moment of vivid insight on the truth. The truth of myself, and Edward.
I had always doubted his love, and he had proved to me time and again there was no reason to.
He, Edward, had hurt me only in attempt to heal me. To save me. I thought about this, and wondered what I had done to deserve that. I also wondered what things would be like if for once, he could see into my head. True, there were many occasions in which I wish he did not know. However, this was one solemn occasion in which I wish my mind had been an open book to him, To Edward. Maybe things would be less complicated for once.
I thought about that, and it seemed so very unrealistic. Why would something so simple as a moment of baren openness solve anything? How could it? My doubts, my anger, my feelings for Jacob, truly in the end those things would anger him.
Or perhaps, in that moment of seeing my thoughts, my mind, myself...he would see the core of every thought, passed doubt, passed anger, passed sorrow, passed forgotten abandoned roads, he would see himself. He would for, perhaps, in the moment of seeing my whole mind, see my heart.
I thought, and as I did perhaps I realized that which I yearned for in the near future might be something like this. However, instead of one physically, we would be one in other ways. In heart, and soul, and mind. I think then, more than anything, I wished that at the moment we would be one physically, he could see my thoughts. My feelings. That on that day, everything would be said.
Then again, perhaps, he would know then anyway. Perhaps, everything I had done for him might be enough to let him know. That in those moments we were together physically, in my mind I truly loved him too. Perhaps, I was deserving of him. Looking passed my own feelings against myself, I think for a moment it would be fair to say, I had proved I loved Edward.
That I loved him more than any other.
The shield around my mind, every other couple dealt with. So perhaps, it was natural, this way. The one non supernatural aspect of our relationship. The aspect of our relationship that would also not be easy. The one that in any other case was never easy.
What a fool to think for a moment that I would need to be without the protection around my mind, to be together with Edward.
"Bella?" I heard his voice and jumped a bit.
I realized at that moment, I was not the only one who was shut off from the other. Edward had proven there was no reason to doubt him, not anymore. He proved it with actions. I believed him, I believed him truly now. I did not need to read minds to believe him. I wondered, did Edward believe in me too? Had I proven it to him? I looked at him, instead of responding to him in words. He looked at me, an eyebrow raised. I said nothing, instead, looking at him.
When I said nothing, he looked a bit concerned. My mind was indeed locked from him. But I knew, with his concern over the slightest things, over what might be a moment of confusion or sorrow, that truly he had proven it. And the look, the look that flooded his eyes, I think it was more vivid that any thought could be. Caring, concern, love, hope, happiness, worry, a lot of emotions poured into two eyes. Yet they spoke richly to me.
Oh yes, certainly, these eyes had had love proven to them. Certainly.
Before the words came out of his mouth, I kissed him. There were no words needed, to express my happiness at the moment of vivid insight on the truth. The truth of myself, and Edward.