Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Blood On White Roses ❯ Chapter 1: Resolution ( Chapter 1 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: The Twilight Saga and all related literary characters are © 2005 - 2010 to Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, LLC, etc. This is an unauthorized work of fiction, and should not be regarded as canon or real in any way. All unrelated characters are © 2009 to me and are not be used in any other works of fanfiction not authorized or written by me without my permission. I am in no way officially affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, LLC, or any of her associates and publishers, and do not intend to cause any slander, libel, or other damages to them, either in person or through the publication of this work. This is a non-profit publication, posted by a fan, for fans.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
“The Cullens?” I asked, a sigh escaping my lips as the man behind me slowed to a more tolerable pace. One large hand glided smoothly down my ribs before resuming its' tight, unyielding hold on my hip. I knew all too well how unbreakable that grip was and if I were capable of bruising, that area would have perpetually been discolored. I grunted as the man now set a slow, deliberate rhythm, battering me with deep, powerful thrusts. I hung my head, allowing my dirty blonde hair to fall around me like a curtain.
“Yeah. They're that large coven from the Olympic Peninsula in the U.S. They call themselves `Vegetarians'”, he scoffed.
“Vege --- tarians?” I asked, the word stumbling out of my mouth in time with his thrusts. He didn't answer me immediately, concentrating only on taking his pleasure in me.
“They refuse to feed on humans. Ridiculous! Afraid their souls are damned or some shit,” he eventually sneered.
Intrigued, I was going to ask more, but the large brute picked up the pace again - hammering me relentlessly and as always ignoring my own needs. I squeezed my crimson eyes shut and gritted my teeth against the assault, wishing that Alec would mercifully appear and deprive me of all my senses. A black void was preferable to the century of torment I had endured within these stone walls. Finally, with one last, thunderous slam of his hips crashing against my rear, Felix filled me with every last bit of his enormous length. A mighty groan spilled from his mouth as he clung rigidly to my sore hips for all he was worth and I felt a cool splash of wetness as he emptied into me.
Angry and disgusted, I swallowed a mouthful of venom and the remnants of my last meal, which as always threatened to resurface following these `sessions'. As much as I wanted to, I knew better than to try and attack the goliath - even now in his moment of weakness... He was still itching for a fight, after his skirmish with the bronze haired male earlier had been cut short. Edward, if I recalled. Edward Cullen - committing that name to memory. That's how I wound up in this predicament again - an outlet for the guard's frustrations.
We were all stunned that the human girl had dared to come here, Volterra, the very epicenter of our vampiric stronghold to rescue her vampire lover. What had astonished us all further was that Aro had granted their escape. I was envious of the love and devotion that the two lovers and even the strange, clairvoyant female vampire obviously had to each other. `So that's what a true coven is supposed to be like…' I had thought, watching as the trio was escorted out and a large group of human tourists of all ages were lured in by Heidi - oblivious to their imminent demise. I hadn't truly realized it until I saw it, but now I would do anything to experience that sort of affinity and comradery with another.
Lost in my thoughts, I failed to notice Felix's tremor of warning before he collapsed onto my back, dragging us both down onto the unforgiving stone floor. I grit my teeth in frustration as I lay pinned under his massive form, struggling to get my arms under me. `Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place!' I thought with bitter sarcasm. With a soft grunt, I managed to roll us both onto our sides and was relieved to feel him disengage from my body. A shudder traveled up my spine as wetness seeped out to coat my thighs.
I don't know how long we lay there - the huge male sprawled out behind me, reflexively taking in deep breaths - no doubt enjoying the stench of our coupling. Meanwhile, I remained on my side, disgust still roiling in my gut, as I idly traced miniscule cracks in the cold stone mere inches in front of my nose. My mind, however, was already thousands of miles away - remembering a homeland I hadn't seen in well over 100 years. A proud land that had once been torn apart by a war in its' own backyard; taking away my father, my brother and eventually my humanity… But still it was home! And though I was ashamed to admit, it had taken the other coven to remind me of how much that meant and to see it was possible to find another way - to keep part of their supposed humanity and not be just “a soulless monster”!
Thus, a plan rapidly began to form in my head and a nearly maniacal grin slowly spread across my face - half hidden beneath my disheveled hair.
'Look out, America! Gabriel Whitlock is coming home...'
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****A/N: "My Everything" by PushPlay, really helped to inspire me for this fic. Heck of a way to start the story. Poor Gabriel! Please review and tell me what you think!****