Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Blood On White Roses ❯ Chapter 2: Shattered ( Chapter 2 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My shoes clicked noisily on the marble floor as I stepped off the elevator, gilded doors sliding quietly shut behind me. Ordinarily, the thought of using such a slow, tedious, lazy mode of transportation would never have even crossed my mind - but people tended to notice the patrons of the penthouse passing the elevators in favor of taking the stairs up to the 52nd floor…
At least that's what my wife keeps reminding me of whenever we're waiting impatiently in the lobby. Then Rose usually tests my self-control by slipping her arm through mine and pressing her full breast against my bicep. This was particularly effective two nights past upon returning from an evening car auction. She had been wearing a favorite scarlet red dress, designer cut to emphasize all her natural assets, with stiletto heels and matching lipstick. That night alone, she'd been mistaken for a model or actress or been offered to "join the business" nearly half a dozen times. I chuckled darkly to myself. If only those boys knew the truth about my lovely she-wolf in a sheep's wool, they'd piss their pants before they'd ever deal with me.
I walked into the great room and dropped a copy of today's New York Times and my new Hummer's keys on the polished granite counter top. The paper was for Rose, but I gave my customary cursory glance over the front page headlines. Nothing unusual. Some local politician involved in a money laundering scandal and the latest statistics on the unpopular war. Beneath that was a brief article about a fatal car collision - a too frequent occurrence here in the Big Apple. The only reason this caught my attention and probably the only reason it made the front page was because one of the victims (the 12 year old daughter of the two deceased) was missing, though she'd been last seen getting into the vehicle minutes before the crash.
Interesting, but nothing that screamed vampire. Carlisle wanted us to keep an eye open for any suspicious activity that could somehow be related or draw attention to the killings in Seattle. Edward was nervous as a cat that the Volturi would return sooner than later to deal with the situation and in turn, check on Bella. Of course, we would all do what we could to protect the funny, blushing human girl; but it's nearly impossible to calm my over-protective brother. Likely, Rose and I would need to return to Forks shortly. She wouldn't be happy about it, especially cause of Bella, but we wouldn't abandon our family in a time of possible need. That red-head witch was still prowling around too.
"Rose!" I called out; surprised that she hadn't already jumped me since I'd been away hunting for over a day. She always eagerly awaited my return. "Rose, I'm back!"
No answer. And despite the deluge of scents bombarding me through the a/c ducts, I couldn't smell any recent traces of her either. I quickly ran through the penthouse, checking through all the rooms, but returned to where I had been in the blink of an eye. No Rose. I briefly debated checking the roof, but I could see through the floor to ceiling windows, that the sun was already peaking over the surrounding high-rises now. There was too much air traffic in NYC for us to risk being seen out in the open in broad daylight, even on rooftops. I nearly ran down to the parking garage, wondering if she'd decided to work on her new Cadillac CTS when I saw the keys laying on the side table, next to the blinking answering machine. I frowned, suddenly anxious and a knot of trepidation unexpectedly twisting in my stomach.
Absent mindedly, I tapped the play button on the machine. No one ever called on the landline, except for service calls. The family knew our cell numbers. So it startled me to hear Rosalie's clear, bell-like voice come through the mechanical device.
"Emmett. I'm leaving. You have my deepest apologies for doing this to you, especially in such a cowardly fashion. However, I know that I lack the strength and courage to tell you in person and that you would stop me. By the time you receive this message, I'll already be in another part of the world. This is something that I must do for myself. I need a change. A change from everything …even you. Your love and cherishment have been what's kept me going these last 70 odd years - and for that I will always be grateful… But it's no longer enough. And I can no longer pretend to reciprocate your feelings…. I'm tired of living a lie and it's time for a change. For better or worse. Take care of yourself, my dear Emmett. I doubt we'll ever meet again."
*click* The message ended with the robotic voice, announcing the time and date the message was left. Over 24hrs ago.
For an undetermined amount of time, I didn't move. I couldn't. I remained frozen where I stood, staring wide eyed at the small black machine. One minute? Five? An hour? I don't know. Eventually a piercing ring and vibration from my pants' pocket, my cell phone, snapped me out of my trance. I instantly wished it hadn't. My hands clenched into fists and a red haze began to infringe on my vision, the room seeming to start to shake. A tiny part of my brain rationalized that it wasn't the room, but me. The rest of my brain was beyond understanding though. It was all animalistic instinct and demonic fury.
Again, an undetermined amount of time elapsed without my comprehension, until I found myself standing before a gaping void into the Manhattan morning and to the streets far below. The sun glittered faintly off my skin for a moment before it ducked behind a cloud. Bits of paper and fabric danced around the decimated remains of the penthouse, before flying past me and the jagged shards of glass that still clung to its frame. I stared down numbly at the world from my perch.
It had already been proven that jumping from great heights couldn't kill a vampire. A bitter smile suddenly tugged at the corners of my mouth. But I highly doubted Carlisle had ever tried from a 52 floor skyscraper. My wedding band felt like a fiery brand on my left hand as it hung limply at my side now.
Thin, tiny arms suddenly ensnared me around the waist from behind and a sudden rush of calm washed over me. Alice and Jasper had arrived. But my brother kept his distance, while his petite wife clung to my back. He seemed to know that he as a male, despite his influence over my emotions, would tip me over the edge again, literally or figuratively. But I couldn't bring myself to hurt Alice.
"Please, Em! I beg of you - don't do it!"
I could feel her shaking as she clung desperately to me, pressing her face between my shoulder blades. She was always so strong and bubbly that it shocked me to realize that she was in pain too. She had lost a sister and was now trying desperately to keep from losing a brother as well.
"Please don't," Alice whispered. "Please… Come home."
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****A/N: "Shattered" by Trading Yesterday was part of my inspiration for this chapter/fic. Hope you like this! Please review and tell me what you think!****