Twilight Fan Fiction ❯ Blood On White Roses ❯ Chapter 3: Suspicions ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I waited pensively on the edge of the forest, crouched amongst the dripping ferns and the sagging branches of the coniferous trees. My slender white fingers dug deep into the damp earth as the heavy mist formed rivulets to drip from my hair and the tip of my nose. I hardly noticed. My dark, garnet eyes were riveted, scanning each human in the soaked parking lot instinctively with predatory interest. The thirst wasn’t unbearable yet, but it was impossible to ignore. A couple more days without feeding and my eyes would either be as black as onyx or this provincial town’s population could be even smaller. It would be so easy to pick off one of these frail, oblivious children…
I dug my hands deeper into the soft soil, gripping a large root of a nearby evergreen. It groaned and splintered under my fingers.
‘Resist… Resist…,’ I mentally chided myself. I stilled my breathing and closed my eyes, forcing myself to turn away from temptation. It was easier to pretend that all these humans were on heroin, stupidly poisoning their delicious blood. No human drugs could harm me, but they all tasted foul. And I was grasping for any deterrent… I could do this. If the Cullens could, then I surely was able to…
But after a minute or so, restlessness caused my willpower to falter. It’s unnatural for one of our kind to be unable to smell for long. We rely on it as much or more than our sight and hearing. Cautiously, I allowed myself a single short breath.
And my eyes instantly snapped open, flying over the rapidly dispersing groups of teenagers. He was here! …But where?
There! I finally spotted Edward Cullen stepping out of a silver Volvo S60R on the other side of the small lot. The car’s glossy finish and flawless body made it stand out among the hodgepodge of older vehicles, the majority of which had obviously seen better days.
…Actually they were all here. I watched as he gently directed his human mate forward into the tiny, black haired female’s hands. Both sets of their golden eyes were fixed on me, but I could see the girl’s weak, brown, human eyes frantically scanning over the foliage, unable to pinpoint my location. Alice’s eyes widened minutely as she looked me over, then with a tiny smile she turned and firmly ushered Bella toward one of the brick buildings, swinging both of their book bags over one thin arm and wrapping the other around the girl’s shoulders.
Edward and his eyes, meanwhile, stayed rooted in place. Absently, he closed Bella’s car door, oblivious to the precipitation and a handful of puzzled glances from his fellow students. I noted that they all kept their distance, never approaching or calling out to him and looking away seemingly as soon as they realized who it was. So despite it all, the Cullens couldn’t blend in so completely. Still… It was better than I’d expected.
I’d been surprised to learn that the majority of the coven were or had recently been enrolled at this public school. Rumor had it they maintained a permanent residence, but I never would have guessed that they appeared in public regularly also. And during the day no less! If this rain was as persistent as it seemed though, then I could see how they got away with it.
Unfortunately, that was all the info I had to go on.
A pudgy, disinterested security guard had interrupted my late-night investigation of Dr. Carlisle Cullen in the state’s confidential records. He had waddled up to the room moments after I had gained access. Resisting my annoyance, growing thirst and demanding instincts, I’d quickly returned everything to how I had found it and escaped into the early morning fog with almost no information on the Cullens. But at least I had a concrete destination now.
I don’t like feeling ill prepared; especially heading into a potentially dangerous situation.
All I really knew was that Carlisle, the respected and reputedly gentle coven leader and old friend of Aro, was working as a doctor at a hospital in Forks, Washington. He and his “wife” apparently also had five “foster children” enrolled in or had just graduated from the area’s public school system. So given that info, I knew the Cullens numbered to at least seven. A large coven compared to most I’d heard of or encountered, with the exception of the old newborn armies and the Volturi of course. And of those seven, I only knew of Edward, Alice, and Carlisle. That left four other, completely unknown vampires with unknown potential. Not what I wanted to walk alone and blindly into at their home, where they could most likely quickly and easily dispose of me without causing much of a disturbance…
That’s why I had chosen to come here instead. There were no other public high schools in the area, so this seemed to be the best and most sure fire place to catch up with Edward Cullen - a public location, where I hoped he would give me the opportunity to explain first without attacking.
I tensed now as the bronze haired male approached me; moving slowly across the puddle strewn asphalt, his eyes never straying from mine. Physically, Edward and I looked to be nearly the same age, maybe he a year or so younger. Of course, that meant very little to vampires. Jane and Alec were barely more than children when Aro rescued them, yet they were centuries older than I. I couldn’t help comparing this man to the one that I’d first seen weeks ago. He was dressed casually in a polo shirt, unzipped hoodie and designer jeans. His eyes were now that peculiar amber gold with only light shadows under each, instead of the pitch black and dark, purplish circles of prolonged hunger. His gaze was also clear and sharply intense – a vast improvement from the desperate crazed mania that had been so evident in Volterra. That human girl definitely had a major influence on him.
‘What attracted him so much to her?’ I wondered, as he closed the distance between us at a human pace. Slowly, I rose from my crouch. I knew of her blood singing to him, but still that didn’t result in romantic love. Usually just a quicker death for the singer. I recalled Aro testing Bella, first by himself and then Jane, each thwarted by the girl’s impressive natural talent. No wonder Edward couldn’t resist her. After always knowing everyone’s every thought for so long, it must be an intriguing puzzle to have to figure out what was going through the strange, brave girl’s mind.
“You’re very perceptive,” Edward said, stopping only a few yards away. One foot was propped on the curb, his pale hands shoved in his hoodie pockets. He was hidden behind an old, rusting Dodge Caravan from the last few stragglers braving the rain and their teachers’ wrath.
“So I’ve been told, “ I confirmed with a casual shrug, stepping farther back in the forest. Our eyes remained locked as he in turn moved forward, at last entering the shelter of the trees.
“It must be very distracting to always hear so many thoughts all the time.” I observed, trying to conceal my nervousness with small talk. Pathetic, considering I was talking to a telepath.
Edward gave a sardonic chuckle. “I’ve learned to tune most of them out.” Then his eyes turned cold and suspicious. “I recognize you from the Volturi. Who are you and what is your purpose here? Has Aro already decided to check up on us?” he demanded.
I raised my hand in a gesture of defense. “Hold on! Easy! The name is Gabriel. Yes, I was with the Volturi, but I left them to come find you and the rest of the Cullens.”
His brow remained furrowed, suspicion still plain on his face.
“Why?” he demanded.
Amazing what one little word can do.
Unintentionally, memories I had sworn to keep hidden flashed unbidden across my mind.
Hooded, black, cape-shrouded figures finding me and impressed with my talents, taking me across the Atlantic to Volterra, to meet their masters - Aro, Marcus and Ciaus.
The faces of horror and screams of thousands of innocent humans as they were lured to their deaths, mere fodder to us. But unlike the others, I could feel each of my victims’ terror, agony and desperation as I sank my teeth easily into their thin skin, as smoothly as a chef‘s knife slicing through warmed butter.
Watching vampires be punished and literally ripped apart for various crimes or “persuaded” to join the Volturi themselves.
…But that was all nothing compared to the brutalization I’d suffered countless times in the lonely back rooms, far from the great throne room. And it was always brutal - never with any care or regard, always only them taking pleasure in my body and my ability to transfer my anger, pain, disgust and shame. That always pleased them more. Felix especially at first would become enraged that I couldn’t merely amplify his pleasure back at him, but he got more out of my emotions anyway. And no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t do what they all sought – even to make them stop. After all, it takes concentration for me to project emotions other than my own. Something not possible while being callously raped over and over and over and…
I shuddered, jerking my head to the side and squeezing my eyes shut – breaking my mortified stare from the shocked teen in front of me. Immediately, I began translating the US Declaration of Independence into Latin as fast as I could. Then Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, followed by the Emancipation Proclamation. Anything to distract me - to stop the embarrassing and revealing secrets I’d never wanted anyone to know.
“I’m sorry!”
I opened my eyes slowly, glaring down at a moss covered stone beside me, my soiled hands balling tightly into fists. The long forgotten splinters of root I hadn’t realized I still held were instantly pulverized. I kept my furious garnet eyes trained on the ground – not wanting to see the disgust and revulsion in the other male’s eyes, nor let him see the shame in mine. It was bad enough he could read my every thought.
This invasion of privacy without limits really disconcerted me. I was used to mental invasions occasionally from Aro and my own unusual abilities, but it was always with limits and not on a continuous basis.
“Look! I’m sorry!” Edward repeated a bit louder, more urgent.
He sounded sincere.
Slowly, I turned my hardened gaze on him, pursing my lips. His features seemed to be etched with only sincerity, embarrassment and chagrin. I swear if he was human he’d be blushing.
“I didn’t intend to arise so many painful memories for you. I didn’t know there was any. And I further apologize for witnessing what you’d prefer to keep private.”
I continued to glare at him for another moment, then blew out a sigh. “I suppose it’s not your fault. As you said, you wouldn’t have known and it appears you have little control of your telepathic abilities.”
One side of his mouth rose in a crooked, cynical smile. “Trust me – there are many times that I wish I could simply turn it off and on,” Edward admitted, his smile slowly fading as he shifted his weight to one foot. A very non-vampire thing to do, I wondered.
“It’s so we blend in better with the humans. They become uneasy if you remain still for too long,” Edward explained, answering my unspoken question.
I nodded, committing that piece of info to memory. I could see there was much I could learn from the Cullens. Much more than what was the best alternative to a human diet.
“Well, I suppose I should take you to Carlisle. Alice saw last night that you were coming, though we didn’t know why.”
I blinked in surprise. “She only saw me last night. I thought she might have sooner. I’ve been trying to find you and Carlisle for over a week now,” I stated, briefly thinking of my nearly 6000 mile journey.
Edward contemplated that for a second. “She’s been tracking the Volturi and Aro’s decisions. Since you’re acting on your own and no longer consider yourself Volturi, she probably didn’t see you until you had a definite course in mind. Which appears to have been last night.”
It was my turn to think. “So whoever has to make a decision before Alice can see it. And she’s more likely to see someone she knows.”
Edward stared at me. “Yes. Did you hear that from someone else?”
“No. I just thought of it. Who would know that? Well, except Aro.”
“Very, very few. You really are very perceptive,” he said again. “Even for a vampire.”
I shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s a talent of mine. I’m very observant. It’s the main reason Aro kept me around. He’d make me listen to each trial to make sure nothing was missed and figure out the person’s motivation.”
Edward nodded. “I can see why. You’re quick.”
“Thank you.”
He pulled one hand out of his hoodie pocket then and checked his watch. A Rolex Deepsea, I noticed. ”Alright, let’s get going. We could talk all day, but then we’ll just have to repeat everything. And the rest of the family is eager to meet you. Alice is ready to sprint out of the classroom, if she hadn’t promised to keep Bella safe here at school. She thinks you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you get to the house.”
I didn’t know what to think of that. “Hmm. So you brought Bella here, despite knowing that I was.”
“Alice saw that you wouldn’t make an open attack on the campus. So this is the safest place for her right now. If there ever can be any safe place for Bella.”
I chuckled. “Yeah, your girl seems to know how to get into trouble. She’s the first human I’ve ever seen, except for Gianna, to knowingly enter and leave the Volturi alive.”
“And Gianna is only temporary, correct?” he guessed, the corners of his mouth sinking into a frown.
I nodded, frowning also. “And Bella will be too one way or the other. Caius seems most intent on that.”
A furious snarl immediately ripped from Edward’s throat and he lowered his stance, ready to attack.
I stepped back, raising both hands again. “Hey! I’m just warning you. I swear I won’t touch her!”
The bronze haired male ceased his snarl, but continued to glare at me for a long moment, before slowly raising from his crouch. His furious golden eyes remained on me as he half turned, jerking his head in the direction I assumed his house to be in. “Come on. Before I change my mind.”
A second later, all that remained of our encounter were a couple gently swaying branches and a small hole left in the dirt near the base of an evergreen.

****A/N: MERRY CHRISTMAS! I got this posted just in time for me here on the east coast USA. So sorry for the LONG delay – I just couldn’t seem to get this chapter just the way I wanted it! Trust me I’ve been working on it constantly. I’m pretty much happy with it now though. Well, hope you enjoy! How do you like Gabe? The boy has some issues… Please let me know what you think! The next chapter will be out much sooner hopefully, as Gabe will finally meets the Cullens and is in for the surprise of his life! …Both of them!
Oh and “Breaking the Habit” by Linkin Park helped inspire this chapter. Love that song!****