Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Grapes and Flowers ❯ Freedom ( Chapter 9 )

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Later, when she realized what had happened, Budoo sat, meserable. "Oh, Anthy," she exclaimed, "I'm so sorry! I know you and Utena are friends. I didn't mean to seperate you!"
"It's alright, Miss Budoo, I'm the Rose Bride."
Budoo looked up at this doll in front of her. Her eyes betrayed her saddness. Resentment? "But you are still a human, Anthy. I have no right to break you away from Utena. Is it possible that I could give you--You are not a thing. I don't ***
"Utena? Are you in?" Budoo came into Utena's dorm room after no one answered at her calls from the door.
"Here--oph--here I am." Utena's voice came from another room. "Sorry, " (she came in), " I was buried in a pile of boxes."
"Oh, "Budoo groaned (she'd been doing that a lot lately,) hanging her head, "Utena, I am so sorry you had to move."
Utena gripped her discouraged friend's sholders. "t's alright Budoo, really." She smiled warmly.
Budoo was notreassured. "I have to talk to you about Anthy. I feel so awful abou seperating you two. I can tell se misses you though she trting to hide it from me."
Really? She misses me, Utena thought. I miss her. "What do you plan to do?" Oh I don't believe I just said that! Utena wagged her head trying to unsay what she said.
But Budoo didn't "hear" her: "Well, I'll need you."
"Of course I'll help." Phew. "I love living with Anthy. But do you really think she wants to live with me? I mean, she seemed like she like you."
"Your've been with her longer, Utena. I think she needs a chance to develop a full relationship with someone, you know? She can't bej shipped around between us and the student council. It's unfair."
Utena was pleased. "I agree and I'll help." No duh. "I feel selfish though, like I'm pressuming to know how she feels,... even though you've seen it yourself," she added hastily.
"Yeah, me too. Well, what I was thinking was that we train you. That way neither of us will be throwing the duel. First, though, I want to know how you felt with the Sord of Dios. I felt different with my sword and I could tell you did too. We& Utena nodded, "Alright," and they related their transfigured states to each other.