Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ Grapes and Flowers ❯ Practice ( Chapter 10 )

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Utena and Budoo stood out in the forest behind the school in a small clearing. Budoo and Utena had constructed practice dummies out of 2x4's and jacket--this time borrowed from the shop class and a student in a sewing course--full of packing pea "Alright, "said Budoo, "here's my sword. Your description of the Dios sword will have to suffice." Budoo found it difficult to part with the bare sword so she handed it to Utena in its sheath.
Utena took the cover off. She looked at it and even swung it once, but: "Nothing. I don't feel it, Budoo. Maybe it only works when one's about to use it, you know?"
"No, I don't think so. I've taken it out before since the duel and still felt it. I think," she sighed, "that sword was meant for me. Perhaps there is another sword you will connect with,"
"I hope the only sword made for me wasn't the Sword of Dios."
"If it is, we'll both be at a disadvantage unless the Sword of Dios also works for me."
I could get the other swords from the council case, " Budoo continued, "one at a time. Well...," she said doubtfully.
"The council didn't give me permission," Utena finished.
"Right. But I thought we could hide it from them. It would be dishonest but it's the lesser of two evils in this case."
"No, Budoo. I won't have you do that. I'll pretend you didn't say it."
"Thank you," she murmured, looking into Utena's eyes. She'll preserve both our nobilities. "Anyway,you will need some sword," she took back her plain soul-mate of a tool.
"I used a kendo sword last time and beat Saionji when he was using the Sword of Dios."
"Yes, that could work again. However, I think it would be very good if you got some more experience with a metal sword."
Utena did study with swords and even some martial arts which Budoo insisted on, to improve her focus. ("Couldn't hurt.") She quickly disposed of the dummies, hacking them to pieces. But then she began practicing on the peanuts. Budoo wo Eventually, Utena shredded everything to rivets. She improved greatly with all the practice and study.