Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ We Shine ❯ Chapter 1

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We Shine
Anime: Utena
Pairing: Utena x Anshii
Rating: G
Written: 12 May 2004

***** ***** *****

I sit...
I sip...
My drink.
And I wait.
Always waiting.
For who?
For you.
Of course.
For you.
They watch me.
They wonder.
But I...
I cannot.
I cannot tell.
What haunts...
My waking dreams.
Someone approaches.
Leave me be.
A flash...
Of white.
A rose.
But who?
You are...
At last...
You find
What is left
Of me.
A breath.
A touch.
Your hand...
Against my
My face.
I turn, I see...
Your eyes.
So lovely...
So deep...
So blue.
You smile...
I smile.
And we shine.