Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ When God Drops Acid... ❯ Tear A Piece Away ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When God Drops Acid...

by Neko Nasai

Part 1: Tear A Piece Away

"Suck-off WHAT?"

"Suck-off Touga," Wakaba repeated casually, pulling at the hem of her school uniform skirt, at the disgusted behest of her best friend.

Utena, school prince, champion duelist, was slack-jawed at the words that had just come from Wakaba's mouth. Her sky blue eyes showed that she truly couldn't believe what she was being told. Touga gay?

"Explain?" Utena asked, exasperated, her hands waving at high-speed through the air.

Wakaba sighed and shook her head, the auburn ringlets on either size of her head bouncing a little along with her high pony-tail, then tried to explain it as simply as she could. "According to the school rumor-mill, Touga is whoring himself strictly to the guys now."

"No!" she gasped. Utena was not going to believe it, not a chance.

In the distance, a yowling screech rampaged loudly along the second floor hallway, screams ensued, as well as the sound of stampeding students.

"What in God's name is that?" the pink-haired girl asked, spinning about to stare at the second floor from the bridge she and Wakaba were standing on. Was that a student hanging halfway off the hallway wall?

Wakaba rolled her caramel eyes. "Probably Nanami, she's probably heard the same news I just told you. You know how she is about her brother."

"For once, she and I agree on something. I can't believe for a moment that Touga would be doing such a thing."

"You can't even say it, can you." Wakaba said with a little laugh and a grin, Utena actually seemed squeamish about it.

"Touga would be doing what kind of thing?" Miki asked, a stop-watch in one hand and Anthy on the other arm, the two had been discussing the school assignment for the mysterious new teacher's class.

Anthy quickly let go of Miki's arm, walked to Utena's side, and latched onto her, gazing adoringly up at her with big green eyes.

Miki looked baffled, so cute in the noon sun with his short powder blue hair and wide baby blue eyes.

Instantly, Wakaba took the now-empty arm and ushered him off with a wave to Utena, skillfully pulling him away from any other company than herself.

"Whatever happened to her 'love' for Saionji?" Utena queried, her eyebrow pulled together in confusion.

"I do not know, Utena-sama," Anthy replied and put her head on the other girl's shoulder.

Utena sighed and shook her head, her bangs falling into her face, causing her to huff a little and tuck it behind her ear.

"I'm so confused. First, there's the new Psych teacher that no one knows anything about. Second, there's a rumor going around about Touga becoming strictly dick in regards to sexual preferences. Third, Wakaba is crushing on Miki with a passion, and..." Utena felt Anthy's fingertips brush over the fabric of her breast pocket and her nipple hardened at the touch. "...and we need to go home."

"I have class in an hour, Utena-sama," the rose-bride said in mild protest as Utena grabbed the dark-skinned girl's hand and began to pull her in the direction of their room.

"We can do it," Utena replied with a wicked smile and a wink back at her.


"My brother is NOT gay!!!" Nanami screamed at a faceless girl who had just made a comment about said rumor.

Few people had ever seen Nanami in this state. Her hair flew about her face like a halo of unkempt evil, her skin flushed red with passionate anger, and eyes like Knives with pupils draw into tight pinpoints, though her eyes were insanely wide. She might as well have been clinically insane, really.

She shook the girl by the shoulders a couple of times roughly until she heard someone else whisper a similar comment, causing her to turn on them with a roar and reduce them successfully to sniveling mice before her.

She was about to turn on someone else when she heard the familiar, sultry, clearing of a throat she had dreamt about since she had gotten hormones, amongst other things about his body.

"What brought this on?" asked Touga's smooth, cultured voice behind her.

She reached up and smoothed down her frazzled platinum blonde hair and took a deep breath before turning to him on her heel, facing him with a somewhat composed visage.

"What was that, Big Brother?" she asked, as though she hadn't heard him the first time.

There he stood, silhouetted against the glare of the afternoon sun. His tall, languid frame ever casual, though always perfectly posed. This time he stood with his hand in his pocket, face turned slightly away, allowing the long, deep crimson locks of his hair to fall into his face with absolute sex appeal. He knew he looked damn hot and he liked it that way.

"I said... what brought this on?" he looked up at her finally, his blue eyes deep enough to drown in.

Nanami wanted to prove to all those watching, right there at that moment, that her big brother wasn't what they thought, she wanted to be the one to prove it personally.

"I'm just having a bad morning, Big Brother. Some bad grades, bad hair day, and a lot of other bad stuff too." She sauntered up to him like a stalking cat and snaked her arms around one of his, smiling adoringly up at him. "Can we go get some lunch, Big Brother?"

"Sounds lovely."

Nanami was absolutely beaming now and she promptly began to talk her brother's ear off as they walked away from the gaping mouths and wide eyes of the hall occupants.

"Have I ever mentioned that Nanami's mental?" Wakaba mused to Miki, the two having just witnessed it all, Wakaba had been curious to see if her guess about Nanami had been right.

"Why mention it?" he replied. "It's a fault in her making, an unspoken truth."

Wakaba laughed and caught herself before she started batting her eyelashes.

"Um... ahem... Well, you can't really blame her... Touga's the school playboy, after all, he wants in everyone's heart--amongst other things."

"I know that... I've known it a long time. It's just kind of odd thinking he would be after the guys more than anything now. I mean, I have to admit I've had my fleeting..." he blushed a little bit and looked away. "Little fantasies, of sorts. But not enough to actually... yeah..."

She patted his arm and tried to be sympathetic.

"I can't imagine him after you, Miki..." she startled herself with the statement and started stuttering a response. "I mean, not that, well, you're not undesirable... and, well, I'm sure... you're adequately, um, equipped? And I'm sure, well, yeah, and um, I'd certainly do--and oh, God, I mean..."

She quieted as she heard Miki laugh beside her, she looked up to see something in his innocent blue eyes she'd never seen before, nor ever imagined could be there.

"Questioning my sexual prowess?"

"Um, no, I'm, well, I just..."

"Adequately equipped, eh?"

"Oh, hmm, uh..."

She felt his arms coil around her before she saw them and then his eyes weren't innocent blue, but dark and desiring. He pushed against her, causing her to step one foot at a time away from him until they were in the empty schoolroom that had lain behind her.

"Why don't we find out?"

Wakaba's eyes widened as he locked the door.


Juri, the tall captain of the fencing team with long orange sausage curls and blue eyes tinted slightly gray. Her female frame was strong, as was her will and determination, which was probably why she was so considered a human panther.

At the moment she was seated on a bench beside one of the carved concrete railings around one of her favorite lunch courtyards, having spotted someone very interesting to her.

"Hey there, Juri, what are you up to?" asked Kozue as she slid onto the bench beside the perched woman.

Juri's eyes followed the prize duelist and her rose-bride as they rushed in the direction of their abode with a haste that could only be driven by insatiable horniness.

"Lucky little bitch..." she muttered.

"What?" asked Kozue, curious as to whom the fencing captain could be consumed enough with that she would be so vulgar in her insult.

"Oh, nothing really..."

Kozue knew better and scooted over closer to the other woman, prodding eagerly.

"Just wondering, really..." Juri finally confessed.

"Wondering... like...?" Kozue really was to curious for her own good.

"Like..." Juri mused, much like a large cat purring, while Utena and Anthy disappeared from sight. "I wonder if her burning bush is as pink as that mane of hers."

Kozue's eyes went wide and she started to laugh hysterically.

"Now I'm positively jealous!"

Juri grinned and pinned the blue-haired girl to the bench, her gray-blue eyes gazing unnervingly into Miki's twin's eyes.

"Not a chance... I conquered you once, I've conquered you a thousand times..." She caught Kozue's mouth and kissed away her breath, leaving the girl gasping, not listening to a word she said. "But I'll conquer her too."


Kokóro stepped into Akio's office and gave him an expression that said "Well?"

"Ah, Kokóro, good, please sit."

Akio was beautiful, as ever, with dark caramel skin and eyes that laughed at you, telling you that no matter what you thought, he would make you do whatever he wanted you to do, no matter the price you'd have to pay in order to do it. His pale hair, a gorgeous man when free, was pulled strictly back, after all, he was playing the role of a man of responsibility, he had to do it well.

"I was hoping that I could get a chance to speak with you. I know that tomorrow will be your first day to really teach and interact with the students. I think that, on behalf of my father-in-law's insistence, I must ask you not to meddle like you did in your last place of work."

"I did nothing, Mr. Ohtori..."

Akio smirked and leaned back in his high-backed chair.

"Whatever you wish to insist, Kokóro, but I was asked to warn you not to do anything of the sort and that is all I'm doing."

Kokóro nodded, glancing down away from the man at the desk, only to look up and see him towering above.

"Mr. Ohtori?"

"You know... You are quite a beautiful creature... Has anyone ever told you that?"

"Once or twice..."

Akio laughed deeply and leaned down, closing the distance between their faces, kissing the teacher.

"I hope our acquaintance will become... something more..." he pulled away and sat in his chair again, smirking all the way. "That'll be all, Kokóro, thank you."

Kokóro stood without any hint of having been ruffled by the unexpected intimacy and left with little more than a nod.

Akio grinned. "This should be interesting..."