Utena, Revolutionary Girl Fan Fiction ❯ When God Drops Acid... ❯ Put It On Your Tongue ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When God Drops Acid...


Author's note: yes, I forgot to leave one of these in section one, but ah, well. I thought I should give warning that there is a very *lemon-y* bit in here between two of the male characters. It's a small, short one--bigger and better scenes (both yaoi and yuri) to come in later sections, hehe...--but I'm warning you nonetheless.

Hope you like it!

~Neko NoSei~


Part 2: Put It On Your Tongue

The entire day students ran to their classes, or at least a certain group of students did. It was probably Ohtori's best record of attendance and tardies. And all because anyone who had signed up for the Psychology course was about to meet the new teacher.

"Hello, Miki," Utena said with a smile at lunchtime.

"Hello!" He started shoveling food into his mouth at record speed the moment he was seated.

"Whoa, Whoa... Are you eating for two? What's going on?"

Anthy smiled up at Utena and answered for him.

"Miki and I have the new psychology teacher after lunch, Utena-sama. He wants to see who it is... And to hopefully get there first, I believe."


"Uh... huh..." Utena's eyes bugged out of her head as he ate his pizza slice in one whole bite. "That doesn't mean you should choke yourself trying to eat."

"Don't worry, Miss Utena," he assured her, having finished eating and was starting on his drink. "I'll be just fine."

"Utena, my love!" Wakaba screeched and flew out of nowhere, glomping the pink-haired girl crushingly.

"Oh, my God, Wakaba! You're going to kill me one of these days!"

Anthy smiled a little and laughed before biting into her sandwich.

"Never! I shall protect you from death, my prince!" she hollered, then got off of her and sat next to Miki, looking at him in a curious manner.

Utena was about to comment when Juri sauntered up to the table and crawled into the thin space between Anthy and Utena causing the Rose Bride to move over, away from the prize duelist, in order to be comfortable.

"I've been hearing rumors flying all over the place about this new teacher of yours," she said in her sultry voice, as though she hadn't just squeezed herself between the most obvious pair in the entire academy.

"Like?" asked Miki, taking a quick breath before sucking down more soda.

"Like it's a man... It's a woman... That they're beautiful either way. They know the mind... They read minds... They'll read your mind if you're not careful."

Utena lifted a slender pink eyebrow at her. "Sounds like a screwed up dream to me... or someone under the influence of drugs."

"Speaking of someone under the influence of drugs..." Wakaba uttered and pointed to a figure that was weaving through the courtyard tables making bubbling noises.

Utena glanced over, did a double-take, and craned her head to see better when she realized who it was.

"What is Nanami doing?!"

The platinum blonde suddenly started singing an obnoxious song in Japanese that really sounded more like an Inca's dying refrains--at least when she was singing it. She crawled over a young man, who quite obviously enjoyed it as it occurred, and up onto a table to do a funky little dance to the horrible warbling she would call singing if you asked her.

"Is she stoned?" said a familiar voice and the group looked over to see Saionji staring at Nanami with a face that expressed an impossibility in comprehending the stupidity it took to do what she was doing.

"In theory..." replied Juri.

"But then, in theory, communism works," finished Miki, then suddenly realized the time. "Miss Himemiya, we need to get to class!"

He grabbed her wrist and pulled her up off the bench, racing away with her. All she could do was look back at Utena and blow her a kiss before they were out of sight.

Utena smiled to herself for a few moments, reflecting on the simple act of that kiss blown, before she realized Juri's locked gaze on none other than herself.

"Is there something stuck in my teeth?" she asked, looking paranoid.

Juri only grinned. Oh, what she could do with that...

"No, just thinking, that's all."

"Oh..." Utena looked down at the stone tabletop before looking up at her again. "Like what?"

"Nothing you'd want to know about."

"Oh... um, okay."

"Arisugawa Juri... tsk, tsk... really..." Touga's smooth voice said with a soft chuckle.

Utena looked up to find Touga looking down at the other council member with a smirk, Juri's reply a mischievous grin.

"I'll be good," Juri very suddenly promised and stood before walking away, hips swaying.

Utena was baffled, but she braced herself for whatever Touga would now do or say to her now that she was mostly alone.

One stride of Touga's long legs brought him to her side, and with one more he was past her, speaking to someone else.

"Saionji... are you up for a kendo match, perhaps? I feel a need for some physical exertion."

The violet-eyed man tore his eyes away from Nanami, who was now sprawled out on the table, boys happily looking up her short, pleated skirt, talking about how hippopotami really shouldn't dance when the sky is neon green and stared up with big eyes as though she could see them.

"Kendo? Why not..." he turned with one last glance at the girl and began to walk to the kendo room.

Touga gave a fleeting smile and quickly caught up to him, leaving Utena's sky blue eyes staring after them until they disappeared from sight.

"Your sister, I think, needs to be locked up in a sanitarium..." Saionji said matter-of-factly, though his voice gave away the fact that his mind was somewhere else just then.

"My sister has always belonged in a sanitarium, this is hardly much more proof of that. My parents would be 'heartbroken' if they sent her away, though, therefore she stays."

Saionji's long, verd eyebrows lifted slightly and his shoulders shrugged with a lightness that told him he really didn't much care, nor was he completely listening.

"Are you sure you have no other engagements that I'll be tearing you from?" Touga's silken voice asked.

"I have nothing more to do today, don't worry about it."

Saionji pushed the kendo room's door open with a finger, his motions completely habit, he'd been here so often, so many times, what was there to think about?

He disappeared behind a rice paper screen, taking up his hakama and bogu, and changed. Touga watched the silhouette with something between amusement and apathy as he himself changed, though not caring about a screen to hide behind.

Saionji emerged from the screen fully dressed with a high ponytail of gorgeous cascading green hair. Touga had always admired his beauty when he looked this way, he had seen him change over the many years of their friendship, excelling in kendo more than anything else in his life.

The purple-eyed man didn't acknowledge him at all until he took the first position and looked his opponent in the eyes. Touga's body perfectly mimicked his in mere moments and they held still as statues until Saionji suddenly called out.

"Hajime!" he commanded, the kendo word to begin the sparring match.

The shinai clacked their hollow bamboo sound as they glanced off of each other, then again before Touga took dakotsu, the winning strike of the shinai's tip against Saionji's breast.

Saionji nodded, oddly calm and reserved, he moved and acted like himself, but without anger as he returned to the starting stance and waited for Touga to command another start. Touga was baffled already, but his demeanor rarely revealed his true feelings and reactions about things, and so he took position again before he called hajime himself.

Another few clacks and again Touga took dakotsu, this time at an angle against Saionji's stomach.

But still Saionji wasn't upset and Touga grew more confused. Saionji seemed so far away in his thoughts, even in his feelings. The matches were not his usual style of fighting, not wholly offensive, but a mix of it and defensive--and with no effort to win or lose. What was he thinking about?


The sound of his first name drew him from his reverie and brought his attention to the seductive redhead before him.


"You seem distracted, we could do this another time."

"No, no... sorry, I'll do better. Again."

Touga stared at him, watching the violet eyes slowly focus on the now, and finally nodded.

"All right... hajime!"

Clack. Clack clack. Miss. Clack, miss. Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack, clack--dakotsu.

Saionji finally seemed a bit miffed at having lost, his long, sharp eyebrows drawing together.

Touga grinned at him. "Again...?"

Saoinji's jaw set and he nodded, eyes narrowing and focusing. Touga shivered and shook it off, moving into position.


Saoinji growled and lunged out, bringing the shinai down and across the front of his own body, knowing Touga's would be coming straight at him. Clack. Saionji briefly grinned before going at Touga's neck.

The green-haired man gasped and coughed, backing off when the tip of Touga's shinai hit his throat head on. He swallowed hard as he bent over, his long fingers rubbing at his own throat. Ow, he thought, not fun.

Touga straightened, watching quietly. God, he was beautiful. The way he moved, his fighting style. The way his body bent, even when he coughed and choked.

"Are you all right, Saionji?"

Violet eyes looked up at him through a shroud of green hair and then Saionji stood up straight.

"Not that it matters, but I'll be fine. Again?"

The redhead nodded and was back into their starting position, waiting until Saionji did the same before calling hajime once more.

Touga was in ecstasy. This match lasted far longer than any of the previous ones. Lunges, swipes, clacks, growls of frustration, the delicious angles of Saionji's body. Touga was only mildly surprised that his mind quickly progressed into thinking about the attractiveness of the vice-president.

The way he sucked in his breath to lunge in for another attack. The exposing of his long, pale throat when his hair lifted from his shoulder as he dived at Touga. His eyes full of bitterness, determination, and sadness. A sweet mixture Touga had never understood.

And with every move Saionji made Touga found himself more and more aroused by him. He could smell the thickness of the violet-eyed man's scent as he dove past, his hair tickling the end of Touga's nose and brushing across his lips.

If only he knew his own power, Touga thought.

Suddenly dakotsu was taken, Touga's shinai rested carefully on the back of Saionji's neck. The violet eyes widened with surprise, then disbelief, and then the growl left his throat and he stalked back to his previous position.

"Damn you, Touga..."

Surprisingly, Touga shook his head and backed off the Kendo mat permanently laid into the floor.

"No... no more. Perhaps tomorrow."

For Saionji's sake, Touga changed behind the screen, careful to not let his own silhouette show too much. After all, he wasn't self-conscious about his own body, but Saoinji might have questions about the half-erection that Touga now sported.

Saionji shook his head, eyes flashing anger, before his mind became preoccupied again and he nodded.

"I'm a bit tired anyway."

Touga didn't really reply, only waved his hand in departure and walked from the room fully clothed in his school uniform.

Saionji left a few minutes later, distractedly, mechanically, walking back to his room.

He had kicked the door shut, but wasn't really in the state of mind to lock the thing as he stripped on his path to the shower. But he would have if he had known the intent of his follower.

¤ ¤ ¤

Kokóro stared back at the class that sat intently watching.

"Good afternoon..." the voice was smooth and rich, perfectly beautiful in it's androgyny.

"Good afternoon," the class replied, they were completely entranced by the being before them.

Kokóro stood up from the desk and walked around to the front, leaning up against the heavy oak.

The class looked over every feature displayed. Which rumors were true? Which were false?

The hair was blonde, short, wildly spiked up with the air of a pixie, and pale eyebrows that swept up and arched in one long stroke. The eyes that slowly, almost eerily, looked over each one of the students, were gold like honey and deep like an ocean. The body was tall, slender, but could've been male or female, it was so incredibly difficult to tell, and the clothing didn't help. Black slacks, an earthy brown silk shirt that buttoned up the front and ended in points on the thighs, and slender, but unisex black boots.

Anthy just smiled at Kokóro and Miki did his best to determine if it was a Mister or a Miss, to no avail.

A girl with near-black, purple hair to her chin tentatively raised her hand.

"Yes, Kiridásu," the teacher said, not having looked at a seat chart, as far as any of them knew anyway.

"What--uh, I mean, what should we call you, teacher?"

The blonde smiled, a charismatic, luring smile with perfect lips and perfect teeth.

"All of you may call me Kokóro."

"Uh... yes, m--uh, s--uh... Kokóro."

Kokóro's gold eyes seemed greatly amused by this, but only nodded.

"Since today is your first day with me, I think I should lay down some ground rules. These rules will aid you in your school work as well as making your life easier in regards to this class. Rule 1) You participate during class, your grade is higher, you don't participate, you go home with plenty of paperwork. Rule 2) If you're having a problem, school-related or otherwise, come to me, I'm always one for helping. Rule 3) Questions are never stupid, ask them if you have them. Rule 4) Don't ask me if I'm a man or a woman... " Kokóro grinned. "I simply won't tell you."

All student eyes went wide and very quickly hid behind their notebooks.

"And since today is your fist day," the blonde continued. "There will be no work, not really. I'd like each of you to take out a piece of paper and do... something, anything. Whether it's to draw or write, even as scrap homework paper, I don't care. But when class is over, place it on my desk and go on your happy little way. Everyone understand?"

The class nodded and promptly did as they were told.

¤ ¤ ¤

Saionji fell backwards onto his bed, hair in wet ringlets across the sheets. He closed his dark violet eyes and drew in a deep breath as he relaxed into the mattress.

He stretched, arching his back just the slightest bit and sighed with subtle satisfaction at the strain on his muscles before relaxing his body again, one of his feet now dangling over the edge of the large bed.

His mind began to drift and he was teetering on the fine blade edge of sleep when she felt something sucking and nibbling on his toes. He made a tired moan and sighed.

"Chu Chu... My toes are not food..." he muttered, slightly muffled by a pillow half-hiding his mouth.

The nibbling paused, but soon continued, and Saionji growled a little before kicking his foot. He felt his foot hit something and the nibbling stopped, so was satisfied that the problem was solved.

Touga didn't look shocked, it was impossible for him to show that kind of emotion, his features wouldn't allow it. Not that the green-haired man wasn't about to pay for the gesture...

Touga was a master of patience, he could afford to be, even in regards to sex, because he knew that in the end, he would always get it. It was that patience that helped him skillfully ease up the bed without disturbing the man under him, not until he wanted to.

The redhead grinned, having stopped at Saionji's hips before nuzzling into the cloth-covered mound that was his manhood.

Saionji's eyes flew open as he sat up halfway with a gasp, staring at the red hair splayed across his midsection. His eyes screwed shut as he tried to think, feeling long fingers pull his pants slowly down.

"Think... think... red hair... who do I know with red hair...?"

The pants removed, they were abandoned, thrown carelessly onto the floor. Touga was pleased to find that Saionji cared little for such things as underwear and licked at his member, grinning when he heard another little gasp.

"Red hair, red hair... Juri? No, that's orange... oh, god, red hair... Utena...? No, that's pink..." Suddenly it dawned on him and his eyes went wide. "Touga?"

The licking stopped and he looked up, having heard his name.


"What--are you--doing?" he was breathing hard between words.

"Well..." his voice was so extraordinarily smooth, as usual, completely unruffled. "I should think that would be obvious. Here... I'll keep going... You tell me when you've got it."

He dropped his head back to the hardening member of his attention and swirled his tongue around it's tip before wrapping his lips around it and giving a gentle suck.


The redhead stopped and looked up at the gasping violet-eyed man.

"I'm disappointed..." His voice was exquisite velvet. "I've barely begun and you're already screaming my name..."

Touga had the satisfaction of hearing a half-moan and a sigh escape Saionji's lips as he fell back onto the bed and shivered. That was a better answer to his comment than he had expected, better to reward the green-haired morsel.

His mouth captured the head of Saionji's member again and his tongue lapped against the underside, rubbing the rough warmth of it against the now fully erect shaft. The feeling sent yearnings up through Saionji's body that caused his long hands to paw at the rumpled sheets beneath him while his mouth opened, gasping for air only to whimper what his lungs had caught, through teeth that didn't want to let it go.

The red-haired man pushed farther down Saionji's shaft before pulling back up, only to do it again over and over as his tongue swirled and flicked at the sensitive organ. Saionji's gasps were turning to moans, his nails clawing into the bed, his head flung back with eyes shut tight.

It was when Touga's hands slipped onto Saionji's member as well, wrapping around and stroking in time with his mouth, that Saionji cried out louder than he ever intended to. Though what part of this had he ever dared to intend?

The vice president's body went rigid and he cried out again as Touga's tongue felt the salty taste of pre-cum followed by creamy orgasm.

Oh, so soon? Touga lamented in his thoughts, letting the spent member go while his tongue rubbed against the roof of his mouth, savoring the taste.

Saionji was still trying to regain his breath in such soft moaning gasps as to be heart-breaking when Touga lifted his head away, the long locks of hair tickling the sensitive skin of Saionji's thighs, pulling a reverent in-take of breath from the man.

Touga drew his fingers ever so slightly over the milk white skin of Saionji's flat stomach, trailing a circle with his nails around the shallow dip that was his belly button, and found an obstacle. He drew his long, red eyebrows together questioningly and focused his deep sapphire eyes on it.

As Saionji breathed, his stomach rose and fell ever so slightly, and with each there was a star-like twinkle of green from within his belly button.

"What's this?" asked Touga's sultry voice and he pulled himself closer, his eyes fixated and fascinated with the piece of metal he found, fingers carefully running over it.

It was a curved piece of smooth black metal that obviously went through the flesh at the top of Saionji's belly button, it began with a little black ball resting on the skin above the dip, went through the lip there, and ended with a larger black ball encrusted with a clear, deep emerald cut with many long facets in a circle so that it glittered with every single little move.

How could he have ever missed that Saionji had it? He laughed softly, he was more than amused, he was delighted with his discovery and played with it gently as Saionji gathered himself together. Behind his closed violet eyes Saionji's mind worshipped Touga's act, having needed it so badly after so long an unwilling abstinence.

Saionji opened his eyes again after Touga chuckled to himself as he continued to play with the piercing.

"What... is so fascinating?" he managed to ask.

"This..." His fingers stroked over the jewel. "How did you get it?"

He stared up at the ceiling, trying to gather up memories while each nerve in his body paid attention to Touga's every move.

"It happened about a year and a half ago, actually... I got really drunk one night, I'd stolen a bottle of Absolut vodka and nursed the entire thing down in an hour. I came across a piercing parlour and the girl who went in ahead of me came out with one and I instantly wanted one too. I just never bothered to get rid of it, I still kind of like it..."

"I love it!" Touga's voice sounded incredibly thrilled with the whole thing.

"Don't mess with it too much... it gets irritated if you do."

"Oh..." Suddenly Touga's tongue licked across the belly button, ring and all, and Saionji felt very slightly aroused.

Touga grinned, he could feel the vice-president's member stir just a little bit, and he began kissing up Saionji's flat stomach and his chest, lingering on his neck to nibble and nuzzle.

Saionji's eyes shut tight again and instinctively arched his back a little, rubbing up against the man over him.

"I thought you were done," he forced out.

"Oh, no..." Touga's mouth found his and pushed his lips open with skill and a tongue that could not be denied. "I won't be done for hours..."

¤ ¤ ¤

"And if you need any help with where to go around the academy or with cleaning things up ever, just let me know, okay?" Miki said, insistent.

Some would think he was sucking up big time if it wasn't for him normally being so helpfully and willing to please. Beside the blue-haired boy was Anthy, who just smiled and nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Kaoru, I'll remember that. I believe you have another class to be getting to, though, do you not?"

Miki's large eyes went even wider and he squeaked before staring at his stopwatch.

"Oh, no! Anthy we need to go!"

She nodded. "Yes, Miki."

He grabbed her hand and rushed from the room with her in tow.

Kokóro's head shook side to side before the new teacher's gold eyes set to looking over the various papers turned in, mixing and shuffling up all the periods she had students, for no apparent reason.

"Alone at last I see."

Kokóro looked up from the neat stack of papers and found Akio framed in the doorway, leaning against it casually, though very obviously posed to please. He looked over the now-empty classroom for a few moments before turning dark green eyes on the teacher at the desk.

"Yes," Kokóro replied before fingering through papers one by one, amber eyes never missing a detail on each paper.

Akio's eyebrows drew together at being ignored so easily, then they smoothed out and his long legs brought him around behind the desk to peer over the teacher's shoulder.

The first he saw was a very sloppy page full of aimless scribblings, poetic perhaps to some. One example was: "Whatever but once to hold you in my arms, to kiss those lashes as you slept, and to fuck you stupid while awake, hee hee..." He shook his head, all the others on the page were similar.

Kokóro set it aside and looked at the next.

This one was a bunch of stick-figure-like drawings composing one large picture, though what was going on even Akio couldn't decipher.

The page moved and was set aside.

The next was homework notes, of all things, all over the page at ever angle useable. Some were crossed out, others circled or boxed into shapes, but all homework of some kind. Mathematical equations, chemical formulas balanced, the sequence for a sonnet written in letters, a quick memo about the year of some historical battle probably later transferred to another piece of paper, and a bar of music drawn along the edge of one side.

Set aside.

A swirl of flowing colors, shades of red and green, in hard, straight lines that made the illusion of light, dark, and diffusions of the two. It was reminiscent of Van Gogh's "Starry Night" in style, but it was truly influenced by the artist's manipulations of color and form. The more one looked at the swirls of color, the more it revealed to you. Two beings, pulling the other into their embrace, genderless, featureless, but expressing a deep passion and need for such contact with the other and only the other.

Akio's eyebrows lifted, he had a couple of guesses who that could belong to, but which was it? The paper moved away.

A faceless prince surrounded by roses done in an abstract sort of way, probably more from not caring or being lazy than anything.

It moved.

The next was a picture, drawn very well, actually, of a familiar pink-haired girl draped in bed sheets only barely covering the secret points of her femininity, her head thrown to the side in an expression of orgasmic pleasure.

"Let me guess," Akio said with a growing smirk. "Miss Himemiya's?"

"No." Kokóro replied professionally, "Actually, it is Miss Arisugawa's."

Akio couldn't hide his surprise, but Kokóro wasn't looking at him anyway. The teacher fingered through the pile and pulled out another picture.

"This is Miss Himemiya's."

The pictures were scattered across the white paper. Doodles of Chu Chu eating various things, adorable chibi pictures of Utena smiling, waving, or fencing. And that was all. Nothing spectacular, just cute all around, and purely innocent.

"I see... Hmm... Interesting." Akio grinned suddenly. "Well, I think I'll be off now... But only if you promise me dinner."

"Blackmail... Is this the only way you can get a date?"

Akio narrowed his dark green eyes, but laughed it off after a moment. "Is that a yes then?"

"I'll be ready at eight."

Akio grinned again and sat on the edge of the blonde's desk.

"Lovely... Ciao!"

His legs flipped through the air as chimes suddenly rang from no where, then he was gone.

"Uh... huh..." Kokóro expressed with a raised eyebrow, then the teacher's head shook and the gold eyes returned to the papers.

¤ ¤ ¤

The final bell rang and students swarmed into the halls and pathways.

Miki walked down the stairs with Anthy on his arm as he shook his head at his stopwatch.

"Anthy! There you are!"

The blue-haired boy and the rosebride looked up as they stepped off the stairwell, and found Utena approaching them with a big smile.

Anthy smiled back and left Miki's arm as she was enveloped in an embrace from the pink-haired duelist.

"Utena!" Wakaba wailed and ran straight at her only to be suddenly caught around the waist by Miki before Utena--who was wide-eyed--was pounced. "My l--!"

"You're welcome, Miss Utena," Miki said with an adorable smile.

"Uh... thank you, Miki." Utena said, quite confused.

"By the way, Wakaba, I was wondering if you needed any help with your homework."

"I, uh... sure."

Wakaba seemed just as baffled as Utena, but quite suddenly slipped onto Miki's arm and walked closely next to him as Miki began leading her off.

"Good bye, Miss Utena, see you tomorrow!"

"Bye, my prince!"

"I don't think I will ever understand the rest of the duelists."

"It's okay, Utena-sama."

"How was class?"

"Good, Utena-sama, our teacher is very interesting."

"Any of the rumors true?"

They started walking in the direction of their room.

"Oh, yes, our teacher is beautiful."

"And is it a man or a woman?"

"I don't know, Utena-sama, and we're not allowed to ask."

For the third time in 10 minutes Utena was confused, but she didn't care anymore. She lived at Ohtori Academy where the oddest damned things happened all the time.

For instance, people were very suddenly asking all around her where Touga was. Apparently he hadn't been in the rest of his classes that day.

She remembered the last time she herself had seen him. It had been at lunch, when he and Saionji had walked off to have a Kendo match. But where would Touga have gone afterwards?

But that question only led to others. She still knew nothing about the new teacher--why would they hide whether they were male or female? For what?

What was going on with Miki now? He seemed to change as often as he didn't. Was he truly beginning to return Wakaba's crush or was he turning into the school playboy now that Touga was in question? Could he? Was he capable?

She sighed.

"I need a good meal and lots of sleep..."

"Don't worry, Utena-sama, I'll take care of you."

Anthy smiled and planted a kiss on Utena's cheek.