Vampire Hunter D Fan Fiction ❯ Where the Wild Things Are ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Daylight was upon them when Fenris came to a screeching halt, just outside of the town. Stopping in a heavily wooded area, he bent on one knee, carefully twitching his shoulders, trying to either wake his cargo up, or slide her off. "Kitten." He grunted. "Wake up. We're here."

She was more obliged to slide than stand, sitting on her knees, for the most part, still asleep. "Unnnh?"

He stood with a low groan, yawning wide enough so that the sleepy Kat got a full view of the four fang teeth that stood out against his molars like ivory daggers. Somewhere in her muddled brain, she got the notion that this was some sort of threat, if she didn't listen.

Instantly awake, she jumped to her feet, fearing for her life, like a child who's just been caught doing something bad by her parents. "Y-Yes?" she stammered.

Stretching, Fenris looked at her with one eye, the other squinted shut as he continued to yawn. "You're an odd one. You let me carry you on my back the entire night, while you slept. And now that I'm yawning, you think I'm about to devour you."

Surprisingly, Kat didn't know how to respond. Instead she glowered at him, wiping the sleep from her left eye with her knuckles.

Scratching his head, Fenris sighed, walking deeper into the forest. "There's water over here, if you want to bathe or anything." he called back.

"Fine." she snapped, and trudged through the woods, a stand of tall coniferious trees, Kat amazed at their size. The sound of rushing water led her to believe that she'd found the place Fenris was talking about.

From over a high wall of immense boulders, Kat guessing that this was some sort of natural dam, a small waterfall gushed forth, into a pool of sparkling blue. Momentary awe was quickly replaced by the urge to get the dust and sweat from the night before off of her, and Kat giggled and ran. Depositing her clothing and footwear on a large rounded rock, she leapt in, landing with a giant splash. Even though it was early in the fall, the current temperature had done little to cool the water, which had been heated through by what had been an unaturally hot summer.

Pushing her hair from her face, Kat sighed contentedly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. "This is heaven..." she murmured, kicking back, floating on the surface, watching the lazy clouds roll overhead. A strange black shadow was thrown over her just, and Kat looked over, to see someone standing atop the falls, hidden in the early morning light. Poised there for a fraction of a second, it jumped, gathering its body into a tight ball, as it hurtled towards her.

Shrieking in fear, she was nearly drowned, when the cannon-baller hit the water not 6 inches away, sending her head over heels, caught in the current. When she finally surfaced, coughing and spluttering, she wiped the water from her face to see a smugly grinning Fenris, his eyes completely obscured by his flattened wet hair.

"Surprise." he chuckled, thoroughly pleased with her reaction, and with himself.

Kat wasn't so amused, however.

"YOU IDIOT!!" she screeched, aiming to strike him, but only sending a splash of water in his direction. "You could've drowned me!!"

Parting the heavy curtain of hair over his eyes, he licked water off his chops. "But I didn't."

Scowling, she crossed her arms over her chest. "Get out."


"I'm not decent!! I dunno what your bathing rules are, but Humans do NOT take co-ed baths!!!"

"I see. this because I'm a Barbarois? Or a beast?" He teased. "Afraid I might take advantage of you?"

Obviously flustered, Kat blushed a bright scarlet. "You cocky, self-absorbed, pointy-eared...!!" Emitting a thin squeal, she looked around in panic as he suddenly disappeared below the water. He surfaced by the waterfall, 30-some yards from her.

"If you're that paranoid, I'll stay here. You stay over there. You're not the only one who wants a bath, you know." he said gruffly, climbing up the submerged slope beneath the falls.

Watching him go, vanishing behind the sheet of water, she shot death rays at his back, when she then blushed again, twice as red as before. He'd been naked, and she'd just gotten an eyeful of his rear. Covering her eyes with her hands, she sunk low in the water with a groan. "Animal. He's a complete and total animal."