Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ King and Consort ❯ Unforgivable ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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“It'd be proper of you to understand your role in the palace. A Kurosu confessed to murdering a Royal Pureblood. A sin as deplorable as killing a sacred king condemns the entire clan forever, as such, we require a sacrifice from your clan when a daughter is born. A maiden born in the curse is held reservedly until the king declares your sentencing.” The wrinkly noble summarized from the head of the table.
No frame of doubt disrupted the formulation in why she came to a resented place for whatever reason. Haruka and Juuri molded her, appraised the curse as a sworn reminder that her life was not hers. She belonged under the knife, in a coffin underground, dead. Her carcass may dissolve before it touched the ground, and she shouldn't cry about it. Other Kurosu women trudged the same fate she did. Short and brutal.
“We had the authority to surpass the Kurosu clan and eradicate everyone. Fortunately your clan appeased the Council's judgement by sacrificing daughters. Let me inform you, there hasn't been a sacrifice in over six centuries. Your birth twenty years ago came as a surprise to the Royal Family. Don't be misguided, the Kurosu Curse is in effect as it last was.” Chilling green eyes slithered on the delicate girl. “As Council Head, I'm a faithful servant of the crown. You also are a servant to the king and shall wait upon his audience.”
Yuuki swallowed the nervous knot in her throat and bowed her head. “Thank you for making any irregularities clear, Ichijo-sama, although it wasn't necessary. My parents taught me some specifics but I may need advise in the future. I've never seen the king, but I've heard he is wretched. Chances are my time is shorter than imaginable.”
Incandescent disdain filled his stare and the green irises fused scalding white like smoke. “Ousama is what he is. I recommend you refute rumors and wait for your sentencing. Do you know what will result if you can't undergo his sentencing?”
“Yes.” Yuuki kept her eyes on her lap. “The Kurosu clan will cease to exist.”
“For what it's worth, and it sure is interesting a talentless girl of twenty years is offering her life virtuously to protect her family from destruction.” Mockery sang true over and over again in the snarl. “I look forward to your loyal contributions on your temporary stay.”
She suddenly felt naked, a nightmarish nakedness catering to hanging by a lifeline over a roaring fire. The coral sounds whispering from her pharynx turned her thoughts and his grin over. “Can I meet my parents again?”
“You will no longer meet your family. You're a sacrifice whose life is subject to Ousama's inclination, not a guest.” If claws were words and mutilated ears it touched, his words sure gave them justice.
“I see.” A heaviness saddled her chest, she hazily wished to crawl on the floor and sleep for years. Ignoring the inevitability of the situation was pointless, as was any hope of an escape. Like gum on boot, she was stuck and kerosene had sinisterly gone extinct.
“If there are no questions, you will be escorted to your room.” He murmured.
Yuuki rose out of her chair as diligently as her slender legs permitted. “Thank you for your time, Ichijo-sama.” She offered a formal bow to the Council Head and followed a servant to her new quarters.
If she escaped seven years ago under the plow of a snowstorm, her family risked slaughter. If she grew up disguised as a boy, her family might have lived normally by continually protecting her. If she were a boy, her family didn't need to fret. In a world absent of sacrifice or a pureblood king and perhaps as Fate whipped her chimes, her brother would be alive.
Her commodious suite contained a queen-sized bed, ensuring indirectly at that before she was killed, she'd sleep in luxury. Yuuki wandered inside and leaned next to the curtains. It wouldn't be obtrusive if she charged at the curtains, wringing them violently from their rails like a madwomen. A palace servant or sacrifice shouldn't be anomaly. Too bad she was one, and she slung the curtains apart, shedding darkness with light. Humans couldn't glare at the scorching sun yet some power, or anger consumed her as she glared directly at the burning epicenter.
Until she floundered dizzily with her head cradled in her hands. It was not fair. Never mind the beautifully tailored room, it was no different than a prison. Never mind she was in a grand palace; she was locked inside a tower. Never mind she was asked to wait for summons; the king would only kill her in the end.
She sank on the bed, tossed an arm over her exhausted eyes and dreamt between tears.
• * •
She was alone, lost no doubt.
Deep ruby eyes narrowed on her fretful expression. He knelt to her level and whispered. `Are you lost?'
Her heart screamed at the beautiful man. Trembling in the frigid wind, she had no time to react to the soft hand on her cold cheek. He stood back up to remove his crimson scarf and wound it around her small shoulders, covering her from the neck up.
`This will keep you warm.' The beautiful man said.
If wishes were as generous and pure, surely they'd come true.
The lost girl smiled. 'Thank you…' Her eyes widened at the dancing flicker of crimson in his eyes. Softly the corners of his lips picked up, and she felt herself do the same, her giggle a twinkle in the blizzard.`Heehee!'
Her savior covered both of her sullen cheeks. `Are you not afraid of strangers?'
She blushed but another tornado of snow roared. She screamed, latched on to his arms, and he came to his role, shielding her from the cold.
Then the lost girl who'd never forget her savior, whispered. `This warm feeling, I never want to forget it.'
Knock Knock Knock
Yuuki shot to the door and flung it open. Hovering the ingression was an army. Life flooded out of her eyes at the mixture of expressions of her audience. Her legs pedaled almost absently, inch per inch, behind the door to permit entrance.
“Getting comfortable already? Whoa.” Aidou froze in the flashing sun rays. “Someone sure likes sunlight.” He nudged Yuuki and plopped on the bed. “Sure is great to be a sacrifice if you get serviced like royalty.”
“Get up, Hanabusa-san.” Growled a slender blond from the door. “Don't mind his air-headed egotism. Some nobles suffer from the affliction disastrously compared to others.” She cast a wary glance at Yuuki and offered a white hand. “I'm Ruka. We're the king's indispensable Right Hands.”
Yuuki reciprocated. “Pleasure it is, Ruka-san.”
“We heard you arrived and decided you're due for an induction. Ichijo-sama appointed us to advise you when you need us.”
“I appreciate it, thank you.”
Her digits snaked delicately around Yuuki's long hair locks. “Your know what's your purpose here, and your time isn't long. Ousama favors diligence above anything.” She retreated one step with a smirk. “There's a party at Shiki's lounge in the evening. You're welcome to come if you wish.”
“I might.” Yuuki mumbled.
Ruka tapped her foot, calling out to the other blond sunbathing on the bed. “Hanabusa-san…if you prefer your head of hair, you'll get off the bed right now.”
He rolled to the side, a petulant glare crystalline in his icy eyes. “Ruka, I don't care what you do to hair but burn yours. A bald version of you is appealing than the average you.”
Ruka's pale skin reddened with fury. Her exposed claws slipped into a clumsy fist. The hairs of Kain's eyebrows protruded as his relaxed recline on the wall slinked into guard, predatory and pernicious stance. The wink of said emotion ran dry from Aidou's eyes. In an instant, he scurried off the bed. Yuuki watched the colors of fury fade from Ruka. Shiki, who stood unobtrusively, felt a sprinkle of energy weight against his shoulders. He surveyed a shying shadow whisper into view, letting himself slip into a customary sentinel.
The back of Yuuki's throat twisted at the expressionless visage. The wolf again. No, dog. Definitely a dog.
Geeze, it's only a mammal. Incapable of chewing her bones and swallowing her whole when she slept.
Silence lurched, crowding the room. Aidou began orbiting Yuuki. “Serve the king well. Maybe you shouldn't look more than the comfortable bed. Look at the time! We have a party to go to. Let's go everyone, this is our queue.” He counted heads from the hallway.
Kain waited for Ruka by the door. “Are you coming?”
“I hope you come to Shiki's party. No harm in unwinding a little, Kurosu-san.” Ruka murmured and joined Kain.
“I'll see you there.” Yuuki whispered.
The black wolf planted itself next to the bed. She sat down in a daze, examined her hands and listened to the sound of her breathing. Except the obdurate wolf's resound chased silence. Somewhere like the endless crib of the ocean, her heart felt less lonely in its presence.
First, he sneaks up on me in the drawing room. Yuuki eyed the yawning animal. Now he follows me around.
Circling the rug, he made himself comfortable. The darkness of his eyes swallowed the crimson into suffocating flickers, they lazily followed Yuuki as she leaned over him and stroked his hair.
• * •
Her parents rarely hosted events and she never gave witness to a vampire party. Any knowledge came as a semblance from watching movies or reading. It was a given for Kurosus to abstain from such formals since a large sum of the clan received ridicule from public. Attending parties was passable yet having one was impossible. She was unusually unimpressed by galas and acquiescing to the reception was one of much genuine deportment ingrained in her by her parents. Besides, nothing good would amount if she provoked someone's bad side.
Not even the Right Hands, their status inferred they worked closely with the king.
The butler opened the lounge doors and skipped out of her way.
She bowed him a short thank you before entering. Room occupants swirled in seats, promoting her to the spotlight. She hunched over bowing repeatedly around islands and bars. An igniting pain spiked in her spine and she lost momentum, turning stiff.
“Welcome.” Aidou sized her thoroughly as she wailed in herself the discomforts of frequent bowing. “You decided to come. I guess it's good to make the most of your time before dying.”
Yuuki tasted something silver in her mouth. She was sure it was bile. She was sure not to have restraint and purge her dinner and breakfast on the vampire. Ruefully tempting as it was, she coldly swallowed it back. “I'm just waiting for my sentencing like I was told. Making the most of my time before death, I don't see why not? At least I won't be the farcical ass to everyone I meet. Like you.”
His mouth wrenched open, and Yuuki stood tall, sublimed by his shock.
Aidou caught his wits, leaning uncomfortably close. “You're just a sacrifice. A silly little sacrifice who should be counting her hours. Why do you think getting smart will help you? Do you know where you stand? At the bottom of the hierarchy, lower than a dog, probably higher than a worm.”
Venom filled her blood and her eyes glowed rapaciously. “Shut up!”
“You're a Kurosu, right?” Playfully he grinned and opened his arms. “Kurosu sacrifices crawl the extent of her king's palm. Each is killed worse than the last.” The champagne in his glass winked in the trembles of laughter.
Her hand shot up and splashed it on him.
Drenched, Aidou's mouth curled in disapproval. “Kurosu, you!”
“What? Then stop talking about things you don't know. Who're you to talk about my clan? Did you meet them? Do you know them?” Her eyes blazed, she tucked her fangs back from snarling. “Don't teach me a lesson.”
He snatched her wrist, pricking her tender wrist angrily. “If anyone's teaching a lesson, it sure seems to be you.”
She hissed at the claw punctures peeling deep through skin folds and barging on vein. Yuuki twisted for the remote sake of dropping blood, yet he held on boldly. “Let go!”
“You know Right Hands like me have to make sure the king is safe.” Aidou probed a pulsing vein with his tongue. “Who knows if you're a spy?”
Her blood milked the room's senses with exhiliration. A majority rooted on foot to assess the situation, some glided forth in amusement and others lingered in the telltale muddle of hunger for fresh blood.
“Stop it!” Her palm collided with his cheek.
Aidou stumbled back dazedly.
“You inapt fiend.” Yuuki cradled her wrist, a good supply of her mother's blood usually tailored the seams of wounds, but without a source the wound would have to heal slowly in a span of hours. “Don't you know it's disrespectful to take someone's blood forcefully? And just who are you to drink my blood?”
Aidou scoffed, “Don't get any ideas. It wasn't tasty either.”
“He is our king's Right Hand.” Said a voice behind Aidou. Ruka tilted her head, a victorious smirk outlining her supple mouth. “Don't be surprised, Kurosu-san. Hanabusa-san was being friendly.”
“If by friendly you mean biting someone because you're angry at them.” Yuuki muttered idly. “Makes me question the nature of Right Hands.”
“Don't take it to heart.” Ruka grinned, shaking her head in a way that radiated her hair around her shoulders. “Tasting each other's blood is common here. Didn't you drink your parent's blood? You should be honored to be tasted by a Right Hand.”
Aidou rubbed the dribbling blood from his chin. “The best method to understand a vampire's true intentions is by tasting his blood. You can see his heart clearly.” He twitched with laughter. “All I saw were fantasies about meeting a man in the snow. If he's gone, it's because he ran from you, hah!”
“Shut up.” Yuuki barked in the acrimony rising high in her blood.
Surprising everyone and himself, Aidou silenced, but he grabbed her shoulders and rattled her like a milkshake. “Get rid of that ugly tone and you might be able to stay longer. We all know you're no good to serve the king.”
Yuuki regained balance only in the steady arms of Ruka after Aidou swiftly shoved her away.
“Hanabusa-san, don't rub salt on old wound.” Ruka remarked in passionate warning.
“You two are stupid.” A maroon haired appeared with drinks, “Stop fussing and make a toast.” He offered Yuuki a glass.
“Shiki is right. Why waste a golden opportunity with everyone present?” Ruka hailed a maître. “Ease up, Kurosu-san. You'll come to see how natural being a pain to Hanabusa-san is. Believe me, the king can't even stand him.”
“What shall we toast to?” Shiki prompted.
I have an idea.” Aidou loomed over Yuuki. “Let us toast to the sacrificial lamb. For a safe trip down hell and back, so she can repeat her demise.”
Kain huffed like a sneering dragon over the blond. “Any particular reason why there's ice in your blood, Hanabusa?” He snuck a glance at Yuuki. “The scent of fresh blood isn't good among intoxicated company. You should heal the wound before you get harassed by another idiot.” Aidou's seething glare frosted the glass in Kain's grip. The icicles flaked and spurted to water as it melted from Kain's fire.
“Can we just drink?” Rima muttered in ennui.
Shiki nodded, “I have a shoot early tomorrow morning. I have to hit the hay soon.”
Ruka proudly held up her glass, waiting for the others to follow her example. “Let us toast—” She wrapped a graceful arm around Yuuki. “To a new beginning and good luck to Kurosu-san, and to the marvelous purebloods!”
“Here, here!” Kain clanked glasses with everyone. Ruka promptly consumed her drink.
“To your death!” Aidou slammed his new glass against Yuuki's and dumped the contents at the back of his throat.
“Try it.” Ruka encouraged Yuuki as she contemplated the ruby content. “It's imported blood. The palace is strict on receiving supplies from volunteers solely.”
Yuuki rested the glass on her bottom lip. She regarded Ruka's soft profile. If everything catered to the volunteer norm, I wouldn't be here as the Kurosu sacrifice.
The wine was not bitter but sweet and light, mingling in artificial flavoring and hints of alcohol.
“Now I remember, the drink is called, Rubeus Conqueror.” Smirking to herself, she whispered, “A noble drink for noble men.” She never sampled the Rubeus Conqueror as it was considered a royal's drink. Not often imbibed amongst regular class vampires or drunk publicly. Historically the drink was concocted in a celebration against war with the humans. Purebloods availed and spent weeks in festivities. The name Rubeus Conqueror was garnered since.
“Are you ok, Kurosu-san?” Ruka searched her face, “Do you not like the drink?”
“I do,” Yuuki waved her empty glass, “Can I get s'mo?”
Ruka snickered behind her hand. “The alcohol content is lofty,” She beckoned a maître for another glass. “But there is no harm in trying one more. It is your first time?”
“Yep.” Yuuki tipped the glass and emptied it in seconds as Ruka held up her glass for another toast. “Oh, oops, I'll get another.” She was back from the maître within seconds.
“I am ardently convinced we will have a drunk in our custody by the end of the night.” Kain claimed.
“If she gets drunk we'll take care of her.” Ruka assured, clinking glasses with Yuuki. “Mm, enjoy.”
Multiple drinks later, Yuuki was tipsy but still on her feet, listening to Ruka slur.
“Not a bad person, you'll see. He hates people first but grows to luff `em.” Ruka tasted the ring of alcohol on her lips absently. “You're strong, Yuuki-chan. Still haven't collapsed yet.”
“Mhm.” Yuuki gasped after finishing the drink. She motioned a maître but bumped into the table. “HAAHAA!” Slapping the table with her palms, she doubled over. “Ow, my foot.”
Kain rubbed his forehead, “I can't watch. She ran into a table but why am I dizzy?” They had broken up from the group and stood across the room watching Ruka and Yuuki giggle like hyenas.
Growling, Aidou stubbornly folded his arms, glaring with fervid resentment at the brunette.
“How about you? Just cause you control ice, hence water, why can't you get drunk?”
“Because you answered your damn question.” Aidou snapped.
“Don't hate her.” Kain patted his shoulder, “She hasn't done anything.”
“What is she capable of doing? Ohh.” Kain ran fingers through the net of copper hair. “Kaname was against the whole sacrifice subject and wouldn't listen to Ichijo-sama.”
“I know,” Aidou clenched his fist, lowering his determined gaze to the floor, “But something in my gut, something doesn't feel right.”
“Ignore her.” Kain offered him a drink.
Aidou quickly drained the glass and slammed it on the counter. “She can't be ignored. Kaname is watching her too seriously. About bringing her here, he said nothing and Ichijo-sama thought they were on the same page. After meeting her and seeing her,” Aidou fingered his chin with a pad of his thumb. “His guard is up and he knows he needs to be careful.”
“As long as Kaname knows he should be careful, why are you worrying?” Kain raised a brow.
“Because I have to watch his back!”
“Fine.” He relented. “If that was your intention from the start, then fine. Was it necessary to drink her blood? You humiliated her.”
“She should know,” Aidou looked over his shoulder at Yuuki snickering in Ruka's arms. “To be near purebloods, a humiliation like that is nothing compared to what's coming. And for vampires, blood is invaluable.”
“Don't take him—” Ruka hiccupped in her palm. “Seriously. “Think I need to stop.”
“Hehehee.” Yuuki rolled over the leather seat. “Ruka-chan, dun leave meh alone.” She grabbed Ruka's waist to keep her from moving.
“Huhfff!” Ruka snorted, falling over, “Yuuki—hiccup—You finally collapsed, hahah!”
“Nmmm…” Yuuki nuzzled her luxurious hair. “Please, don't leave me alone… Here.” She rambled.
“Who the hell will leave you?” Ruka unbuckled Yuuki's hands and swayed to her feet. She tripped on her heel and slumped in the massive arms bestowed by Kain. “Kain-kun, my Mt. Fuji.” She breathed.
Aidou glared at Yuuki sprawled unconsciously on the couch. “Hey, you, cretin.” He kicked the armrest impatiently, “Get the hell up!”
Ruka swayed past him. “Help her safely to her room, Hanabusa-san.” She waved gaily. “You're the one who sucked her blood. Time to pay.”
“Not fair.” He roared.
“And I'm the one who works fire, why does the ice melt?” Kain remarked at Aidou.
“Shut up.” Aidou flung on Yuuki and knocked on her head. “Wake up.” She curled into a ball, face buried in her arms. “Don't make me carry you.” He growled murderously.
• * •
The sound of his restless grunt flushed the deserted hallway, Aidou looked dizzily at the ceiling lights. “Just how the hell did I get into this situation?” His lips curled at Yuuki hanging unconsciously on his shoulders. “This is the last time you get your hands on alcohol. I'm never carrying you again.” Huffing under his breath, he fidgeted in front of her door.
Draping her arms over his chest, his grip tightened under her thighs as he reached for the doorknob. The door fell open as if possessed. He strode into the dark room and turned around, knocking Yuuki off his back like unwanted sack of potatoes and furiously whirled around.
“Stupid Kurosu Yuuki.” He swatted at his clothes. “I'm no babysitter. Don't you know who I am?” His fists clenched. “Idiot.”
Yuuki turned her face into the pillow; her injured hand fell over the bedside.
In the darkness he could identify his claw marks. The bumps ought to subside after a good rest, and she hadn't tended to the wound yet. He ruffled his hair in frustration. “Don't just let the wound stay like that.” Grabbing her small wrist, he brushed it against his lips and repeated the motion.
For vampires, blood was a fervent intoxication, higher than alcohol and drugs as it surged the surface of control. His eyes widened in hunger. Her scent was sweeter than honey and exquisitely soft like rose pedals.
“You had no right coming here.” Aidou breathed over her wound, reveling in the stretch of the blood. Instinct reigned, propelling his fangs to pierce the skin deeply.
“You've confused your personal obligations with your loyalty, Aidou.” A somnolent voice whispered from the shadows.
Guiltily wrenching away from Yuuki, Aidou confronted the immutable silhouette holding him prisoner from the doorway. His shoulder was visible in the exterior light but the rest remained hidden. Too absorbed was he in Yuuki's blood, he didn't sense the vigilant in advance.
Aidou shamefully lowered his head. “I, I didn't meant to.”
Footsteps broke the distance between them, and Aidou, who hadn't moved a muscle felt himself being dragged on his knees in fear and self-condemnation. There was a glass of water on the table by the bed. Long fingers wrapped around the cup from the shadows.
“Since you stand before me in guilt, shall I arrange for punishment?”
Aidou felt his nerves vibrate unhealthily by the noxious demand that was melodically cool in spite of the lurking fury reigned by the situation.
“She didn't nurse her wo—”
Aidou closed his eyes against the frigid liquid dripping down his face and shirt. The cup was slammed into the corner of his lip. He grounded his feet, leaving more room for attacks. “I'm sorry.”
Quietly he returned back to the door. “Why am I always surrounded by disappointments? You are being too difficult.”
“I won't do it again.” Aidou bowed, “Forgive me, Kaname.”
Not rebuke or angered action, but a flutter of his coat became the lingering evidence of his presence in the room.
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