Vampire Knight Fan Fiction ❯ King and Consort ❯ Neophyte ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

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Of Aidou's upbringing, she knew naught. Of his intolerable discourteous behavior, she knew by example and wished she'd been wiser than to fall to his level and ram heads like bulls at the party. The guests gained a different perception of the sacrifice named Yuuki, a not so inclined or suitable perception for a sacrifice about to die. Nothing profitable was achieved, and in that, Yuuki regretted attending.
All night she dreamt of being slapped and tugged by a chained noose in the dungeons by the king. Half of her body soiled in blood, and the other half incapacitated by weapons and fangs. She dreamt he strangled her, and in the avid of power, embraced her like a doll. She saw him kneel over her in laughter and repulsion amid clawing her on the face and licking her scars, by means of that, healing her assiduously. He killed her and revived her. He claimed her and tossed her, only to drag her back to his prison and deleterious embrace.
Sometimes he evanesced in desire and let her live. All in all, Yuuki held on, meeting the same penetrating ruby eyes from dream to dream. The familiar fear radiated her bloodstreams, bubbling hotly and jolted her heart faster in her chest. She grew frantic while she watched him drift closer from shadows and pin her to his body.
Bolting up on the bed, Yuuki stared at the wolf for an unparalleled period. Her fear resurfaced insight of the creature's unblinking ruby eyes. She couldn't tell how long it'd been watching her or when she woken up to requite the staring contest, but she was someone who harbored instinct important than reason, and believed it was instinct that purged dreams to wake up and find relief in the presence of the mild wolf on the bedside.
He was planted directly next to her pillow. His muzzle propped over the edge of the bed and ruby eyes scanned her face every few seconds before stopping on her eyes again. It had something to say. It knew she had nightmares, and it also knew his eyes resembled the king's whom she dreamt of all night long.
Yuuki clenched a hand over her beating heart. She was due for a shower. It usually vaporized unwanted thoughts. She pulled herself out of bed and hovered hesitantly over the wolf. It lowered its head, waiting eagerly for her touch. A soft smile passed over her terrified expression, and she gently stroked his erect but warm ears, then both sides of its cheeks and delicately brushed over the moist muzzle. It smelled of brisk rivers and green leaves, like rain on birds, an absent taste at the back of her tongue.
“You.” Yuuki brushed over its muscled back in long strokes, “You like me, don't you?”
It aggressively rubbed its face against her legs, slumped heavily on her feet and looked up in unequivocal felicity. The blackness of his eyes squeezed the dying crimson even more. Yuuki sat up, unbitten by fear of the creature for once and leaned forward. It sniffed her and licked her nose. She jerked back and grinned.
While the palace rolled around in bed lazily, Yuuki showered, making what was accessible in her room as best as she could for her absent wardrobe. The maids were fruitful in supplying her fresh undergarments in advance amongst other articles, which were severely small.
Do they take me for a midget or something?
Yuuki glowered at the shirt suitable for a child and queued a brow at her rapt audience. “You tell me: do I look that small that they'd supply me with these minikin clothes? Am I someone out of Liliput?” She gestured to her bodice. A twenty-year-old vampire was a child, not a woman in vampire society. This fact may hold more weight over the sizes. And yet, still, she might not be utterly developed but she'd certainly outgrown the baby department. Not to mention, she had breasts.
Hmm. Yuuki caressed the invisible bumps and smoothed her skirt to procure a view of her derrière. “They will come some day.” She firmly orated to the wolf. “You'll see. It's not like I have a seven-year-old boy's body. Don't just sit there, damn it, nod or howl—or something!”
Yet matters of fashion or the biology of a woman's body wasn't something a wolf cared about. It only slid down against the floor with its head low, solemn.
“Oh, whatever.” She knew it couldn't help its disinterest, grumbling whilst adorning her shoes. “If you were me, you'd have a say about people confirming you're flat as a surfboard.” Opening the door, she paused patiently to ask. “Do you want to come?”
It shot up automatically and sauntered after her in the hall.
• * •
In the event of touring the palace on her own, Yuuki felt an imperceptible relief in the wolf's presence. A relief rekindling each time she glanced at the creature and deadened when she didn't. She strutted through halls whose tracks and destinations was unfound on her. The wolf sniffed her heels, padding noiselessly, a gently reassuring presence on her side.
She stopped upon a shadow crouched on the floor. What should have been laughter decolored into concern. “Ha-Hanabusa-san?” She called incredulously. “Is that you? Are you looking for something?”
The bucket in his hand dropped. Of all people in the damn palace, why her? “Shut up!” Aidou shrieked violently. “Get out of here!”
The wolf rooted mutely on the floor, comfortably observant of the Right Hand's lamentable conduct toward Yuuki.
He shrank under his skin as if a dreadful ambiance hovered his head and looked at the pinnacle of the eerie aura. Aidou hunched on the floor in a self-depreciated manner. “Su-Su-Sumimasen, Yuuki-sama!” He rubbed his forehead roughly on the tile.
“Sa…sama?” She flinched. “What's wrong with you all of a sudden?” Adding with a chortle after thought. “Ah, what was it you said? `Go down in hell and come back so I can relive the process'. That was clever.” She studied her healed hand. “The wound is gone but I'd like to forget it ever happened. Let's avoid public altercations. I doubt it does your reputation any good as a Right Hand.”
He glared narrowly, muttering ferociously to himself. “You have no idea.”
She leaned over to peer in his startling cerulean eyes. “Warn me before you attack again.”
Fleeing back as if she bore a fatal disease, Aidou gasped. “Wh-who's attacking you again? Not me! Nev—Never!”
“Didn't you want to embarrass me?” She mumbled.
He twitched fearfully at the wolf, hissing frantically at Yuuki. “Why don't you shut up already, idiot!” In the back of his mind, he heard the sound of his throat crunch between Kaname's claws. Aidou convulsed, singing in fear. “Ssssasss…Sama.”
Yuuki gathered the bucket. “What were you doing?” She frowned at collection of detritus inside.
“Give that back.” He snatched. “Go away. I have important things to do.”
“Doesn't look important, just garbage.” She inanely gestured to the bucket he embraced.
“Garbage is important!” He hollered, “Why?”
Yuuki scratched her head, dumbfounded. “Uh.”
Aidou rubbed his swollen eyes. “What's a place like you doing in a bird brain like this?”
Her lips flattened in a thin line. “Hanabusa…san…”
He huffed in twisted laughter. “Clouds and sun don't go together. Why are you walking around in the day?”
“They share the same sky.” Yuuki gripped him by the shoulders and swung him around. “Tell me the truth. How long have you been digging up garbage? You haven't slept, have you?”
Aidou recoiled under her touch. “That's got everything to do with you!”
“You're not making sense.”
You are the one who makes sense.” He shoved a finger up her nose. “Vampires don't have energy in the day, why do you?”
“I've always stayed up in the day,” Yuuki replied. “Some of my ancestors work better in the sun. I'm no different. Aren't you tired of the dark all the time? It's depressing.”
His lip curled, “Thou speaketh nonsense! Kurosu Yuuki—you vapid wretch disguised as human, don't brainwash me!”
She plucked the bucket back. “Snap out of it, you look like the reaper.”
Aidou flapped his arms about furiously, a squawking chicken in the form of man. “Even if I don't sleep for—three, four, five—thousand years, my brain can function better than yours!”
Yuuki breathed deep in her lungs and felt her vision fade to smoke, growling impatiently, if not, worried. “You've lost your nuts and bolts. Go and get some sleep!” She scolded.
“Leave him. He's being punished.” A voice fell from the corridors of the hall. Shadows were fickle and each shade around the approaching figure secretly rippled in crescents of white spark. He came to a stop in the room, not in front of Yuuki or Aidou, but the wolf. Takuma smirked at the creature. “Punishment is the answer to everything around here. Nothing should ever go unpunished and nothing ever will.”
Aidou muttered. “Get out of here, Takuma. I have work to do.”
“That's not my problem.” He returned. “If you were careful, your current situation wouldn't be so pitiful.”
Yuuki bowed toward the blond. “Hello, I'm—”
“Yes, I know you are.” With a secret smile, Takuma stared at the wolf. “Shouldn't we all know who Kurosu Yuuki is by now?”
“Before coming here, I watched the Council Channel a lot. You're a frequent representative of the king.” Yuuki murmured vigilantly, “It's a pleasure to meet you, Ichijo-san.”
Takuma swept into a graceful bow. “I'm grateful to have caught the attention of such an important lady like you, Yuuki-sama.”
“Don't make her head any bigger than it is.” Aidou growled from his activities.
Takuma continued as if he hadn't heard. “What're you doing here? Don't waste your time helping him. He reaps what he sows all of the time. He's used to it.”
Aidou's eyes flashed dangerously. “Why you—”
“I'm told your sleeping pattern is different than the palace's. Some of the maids saw you walking around, I came to see if you needed anything?” He politely inquired.
She blushed, “No, I'm fine. My guide is rather helpful than I assumed at first.” Her palm waved at the silent creature before Takuma. “Normally I didn't think palace's had a variety of pets. Humans often have dogs, so I was surprised to see you had a wolf. Does he have a name? He's a male.” Her brows inclined in the accidental discovery. Earlier she had been in the nude and exposed sentimental secrets about her body. Despite it's indifference, she cringed for ignoring an important detail as much as his gender.
“Uh—” Takuma pondered and eyed the wolf also. “It's dishonorable to give an eminent one a pet name. We tend to address him as `thing that watches you', `shadow spy', `creeper', or `hunter'.” He chuckled nervously. “Don't be perturbed. Purebloods habitually resort to watch over regions they can't tend to physically and send spies on their behalf. He has various abilities, and it appears he has taken a liking to you.”
Yuuki rubbed the spot behind the ears, “Really?”
“I suppose you trust him already.”
“He seems harmless.” She paused, “Why, should I not trust him?”
Takuma's green eyes widened, “No, no!” He regarded the wolf pensively. “I believe he wants your trust too. If he's with you all the time, he doesn't intend to do much but watch you closely. Please, don't feel burdened. In my opinion, he can be cute.”
The wolf's blank visage swiveled out of control and the ears flicked.
Yuuki blinked wide. “You know, I think he understood you.”
“Did he?” Takuma patted the pate softly, shaking to his knees by the raking chills swarming him. Guess I've said too much. “Yuuki-sama, shall I offer you a tour of the palace?”
“Can you? I'd appreciate it.” She graciously bowed.
Aidou scoffed at the two. Takuma strode past the blue eyed with a soft warning, “You brought it on yourself. Kaname-sama's wrath is easily summoned if you continue to badger her. Have reason and take my advice: don't do it again.” Takuma beckoned Yuuki, “Please, come this way. Oh disregard him, he needs to self-reflect for a while.”
“How long exactly?” Yuuki inquired.
“Until he scrapes every tile in the palace clean.” Takuma casually replied.
Yuuki blanched and stared pitifully back at Aidou slaving over the floor. “But the palace is enormous. It'll take him days, maybe months.”
“Please, you need not concern yourself over someone who purposely harassed you.” Takuma gravely murmured, “Drawing blood without permission is illegal. Ousama doesn't tolerate such behavior. Hanabusa is fortunate to be punished the easy way, or it might have been worse.”
Yuuki grabbed her shoulders to dispel the shiver creeping over her back. “The king sounds vicious.”
“You are entitled to your opinions, but Hanabusa is consistently made aware of Ousama's temper.”
“Doesn't the title `Right Hand' lend him lenience?”
“No, policies are policies.” Takuma gestured to the courtyard. “Purebloods aren't modest when it comes to following laws around here. They're ruthless for many reasons. You'll know what I mean soon, Yuuki-sama. They have to be strict for many reasons. For one, they are rare and each pureblood is crucial to the monarchy.”
“Uh,” Her vocal cords quivered uncomfortably. “Please, don't subject me to titles I don't deserve. Just call me by my name, I prefer that.”
Takuma chuckled under his breath absently. I never intended to if it weren't for Kaname.
“My jii-sama must've told you, you're Ousama's servant. Servants are not the end of the hierarchy in the palace. They also are treated respectfully because they're part of the household. Your role here is to be a sacrifice. Ousama will explicate your conditions eventually. We usually have assemblies in the Northern Quarters, a good number of palace nobles debate and tackle pressing matters—without bloodshed, of course!” Takuma grinned animatedly.
“Good to hear.” Yuuki chuckled.
“My jii-sama rarely joins these assemblies. You're more than welcome to come if you want. You've only heard a small portion of information from my jii-sama, in fact it'd be wise if you came.”
Yuuki frowned at the ground. The last time she went to a palace event, she'd created a disturbing scene. “I hope nothing bad happens there.” She whispered.
“No worries, Hanabusa will be busy cleaning. He won't have the time to come.” Takuma stopped to point at a pagoda on the left, separate from the rest of the palace. “That's our library. It contains every possible document from the rise of our kind to our current time. All vampires must make a pilgrimage to our library. Records of our ancestors are kept here and the rest are at the Elders Council. We kept a good portion to our ourselves.”
“I've heard about it.” Yuuki eyed the building in awe.
Takuma leaned forward, “Do you want to take a look? You can come here whenever you want. It is a sight to hold.” He bounded around the banister and led her down a series of stairs, through the smooth courtyard and in the one of the porches filled with statues. Takuma fleetingly ascended the stoned stairs, he covered a hand over the left side of his chest and stopped meters from the doorway.
Yuuki, too busy admiring the architecture and statues, rammed into his back like an unstoppable truck. “Ah, I'm sorry, Ichijo-san!”
Silencing his groan, he rubbed his shoulder, “No worries, hehe.”
“Why are we stopping?”
“When you enter the library, you must step with your left foot first.”
Yuuki blinked, “Well, this is new.”
“Remember, the place contains artifacts and possessions of our ancestors that're deemed sacred. You should enter as if you're asking for their blessing. It is practiced by everyone in the mansion. Our ancestors always used to do it too, and now it is tradition.”
She fidgeted. It's like a temple human's worship at. “If you insist, then I will do it too.”
Takuma pushed open the heavy doors. She followed his footsteps carefully inside the foyer. The appearance was that of a standard library, books in shelves and nothing out of ordinary. Until Takuma tapped her shoulder and pointed to the ceiling. From the floor-up, walls and ceiling were flooded with books. There wasn't possible room for portraits or television.
Observing her stunned reaction, Takuma led her through the aisles of shelves, deep into the kernel of vampire history.
“The floor barely contains special documents.” He stopped behind a shelf and did the age-old trick of plucking a special tome that secretly triggered a mechanism to a brick wall on the right. “The library has a total of twelve floors.” Takuma entered the lift and closed the door after her. “The bottom floor is where the treasures are held. Approximately 14,000-year-old artifacts are sealed in the vault. Various items can't be seen unless we gain permission from Ousama. There is a law applied to the palace inhabitants, Yuuki-sama.”
“Like what?”
“Everyone that ever lived here kept a journal and recorded anything they wanted. The content material is entirely up to the individual but the reason we want everyone to do this is because we keep record of each pureblood or noble in case something happened, like a phenomenal death.” The doors unlocked and hissed, swamping the lift in dry, cold wind.
A silhouette forwarded from the shadows. Takuma held out a hand and gestured to Yuuki. “She is with me.”
He bowed and retreated to his post.
Hall lights fluttered to life as Takuma briskly strode ahead.
“I've noticed there are a lot of security for the purebloods.” Yuuki remarked.
Takuma chuckled, “Their lives are indispensible and always in danger. They can't risk getting caught off guard if someone attacks. It's one of the reasons why they are known to be callous. They are just being cautious, you can't blame them.”
Yuuki blushed, “When you put it like that, I feel stupid for believing the rumors I've been exposed to.”
“Oh, such as?”
“Heh, you know,” She shrugged, “The torture chamber is specifically for a sacrifice like me. Purebloods are magically affluent and acute, they can do anything. Even harm their own loved ones to obtain their desires. I also heard Ousama has a harem of innocent humans whom he preys on every night. Their souls go to the human city to warn them of his doings, and there's also about him being a sadist—loves gory executions, blood, has a fiendish nature, and enjoys beheading everyone in opposition. He hates—”
“Hehe—hahahah!” Takuma clutched his waist. “Oh my! Hahahahah!” He does have an upper stiff lip, sometimes.
“Well.” Awkwardly Yuuki ducked her head. “All of it is according to rumors, not me. You might not believe me but but majority of vampire population believe Ousama is evil! He doesn't show his face in public.”
“Yes, I suppose a great deal of it is due to the fact he shies from public. Nobody sees him often. Wonder how the rumors started? You have to understand, he has to be an ominous opponent to all. He has the most enemies in the world.”
“Ichijo-san, you're a Right Hand, aren't you?”
“Yes.” He grinned.
“What is Ousama like? If not a sadist or a callous pureblood who owns a harem of innocent humans he tortures every night?”
Takuma squinted his eyes. “I'm surprised you don't know simple facts about him. I mean, before coming to the palace were you ever told about our king?”
Yuuki bit her lip hesitantly. “Sorry, no.”
• * •
“Is this what it feels to be caught off guard?” Casually trailing the ball pen on the document, he paused and turned the page to peruse the continuing contract.
“Still acting cool.” She stepped away from the door.
The pen in his grip ceased picked up, he looked at Shizuka patiently. “You usually come to the palace alone. Why did you bring him this time?”
Shizuka moved around the desk and stopped at the window to gaze outside. “News of the sacrifice has spread. Everyone wants to see your new tool.”
“An insignificant matter doesn't require your concern or anyone else's.” Kaname narrowed his eyes at the pale, silvery haired woman hovering the window like a ghost. He expected a visit eventually but seeing her so soon didn't sit well with him. “Did he come to take a look at her too?”
“Nothing will satisfy him, if not a private introduction.” Shizuka remarked amusedly, “No one imagined our young king experimenting such a thing in centuries. You always stood out boldly in the family. Didn't you tell Ichijo your objections? You're nurturing a sinister bomb in your home, Kaname.”
Kaname closed the folder and reached for another without a word.
She knew his calm demeanor would pay off. He was never deterred and expecting nothing was best. “How long are you planning to keep that little sacrifice here? We're all hoping you to do a fine job in killing her.” Her hand glided to the back of his chair. She leaned slightly forward over his head, “Kill her tonight, your claws are aching, aren't they?” Her hand brushed against his at the edge of the table. “The pureblood side of you has won you over the years, hasn't it?”
Deceiving Shizuka was out of the question. He was being observed on his actions regarding the sacrifice, but truthfully Kaname had no interest. More relatives were drawn by the news and necessary actions needed to be undertaken to contain their impatience. Everyone was expecting him to do wonderfully on killing the sacrifice.
“Mmph,” Kaname smirked, “How churlish of him to ignore me when he comes here uninvited.”
“Are you aware?” Shizuka whispered, “He is bored without a prey. Wouldn't that girl make the perfect specimen to play with?”
• * •
Takuma grabbed her shoulder swiftly. “Watch your step!”
“Thank you,” Yuuki straightened effortlessly. The narrow stairway in the dark wasn't renovated and multiple times her heel slid into crumbling bricks. Each time Takuma's stable hand came to her rescue efficiently. “I'm sorry.” She sounded flustered as if she were suddenly a burden, which made Takuma's eyes wide in peculiar guilt.
“Don't be.” He stepped down on the last stair and he waited for her to reach the crypt. “We can't renovate the place in respect to the artifacts here.” Holding a lamp, he brushed a small brick and waited for another wall to glide open out of the darkness.
The dense scent of blood permeated like a daunting fog, blurring her vision and making her shiver.
“I'm about to show you one of our sacred treasures.” Takuma stepped through the darkness, a motioning hand beckoned Yuuki forward. She grabbed his elbow to proceed without stumbling.
“Why, why is there blood?” Yuuki whispered dubiously, covering her sensitive nose.
Takuma shifted a black mantle on the aperture. He hung the lamp before gesturing deeper. With a quick glance, he saw her clamp a hand over her beating chest. “You shouldn't be surprised. In fact, this is your only chance to acquaint with our vampire ancestors. It's a place to take pride in.” Takuma gestured to Yuuki. “Come this way.”
Yuuki stepped next to him as he turned to the brick wall. He removed one halfway and waited, continuing to remove three designated bricks. At once, the wall fell back in an eruption of dusty wind. Yuuki shielded a hand over her stinging eyes. Takuma smiled over his shoulder, “Ok, now take a look.”
Through the flood of dust, a red silhouette appeared on the other end. She stiffened and retreated a footstep, out of precaution. Takuma sensed her tense at the sight. The tolling scent of blood must be rigorous on her body that was unaccustomed to monumental exposure of pureblood. She was about to turn, but he gently grasped her wrist. “Don't be alarmed.”
Yuuki covered her mouth, “It's too strong.” She lowered her trembling head. “I can't….”
“You'll get accustomed to the milieu in a moment,” Takuma consoled. She held her breath and looked up determinedly, trusting his words more than herself. Another wave of the blood assailed Yuuki, she clenched her fists and hugged her ribs. The concentration would torment any ordinary vampire. Takuma, apparently unaffected, touched a shelf.
“Look here: Hio; Kurenai; Ouri; Shirabuki; Shouto.” Takuma caressed the valves. “These are the `Vampires Within Vampires'—the Purebloods whose blood we've collected and left intact.” Takuma traced another shelf on the farther left, “The current Kuran king's first ancestor's blood is here.” His hand pushed aside the protective cloth to reveal another hidden valve. “Kurosu too.”
Yuuki stilled. “My…?”
“At one time, the purebloods were closest to one another. The Kurosu bloodline started from a pureblood, of course,” Takuma plucked the valve from its latch and offered it to her, “Your first ancestor's blood, the pureblood Kurosu.”
Cupping the valve in her palm, she could almost feel the strength of the blood. Her hands were warm and heavy from holding it. Carefully she looked up at Takuma who was admiring another shelf.
“What about your family?” She asked.
“Well, the Ichijo line was part of the monarchy from the beginning. We became nobles very quickly. Unfortunately, our ancestor's blood wasn't saved.” He frowned. “To go back in time and retrieve it would be a dream come true.” He smiled hopefully at the brunette, “How does it feel? Being close to your ancestor?”
Yuuki grinned at the valve, “Incredible.” She delicately returned it to his hand. He safely tucked it back in place. “Thank you for letting me see it.”
“Every vampire at some point was a pureblood, but the Kuran is the absolute.” He indicated the separate shelf titled `Kuran.' “Our first king's blood…” Takuma mused.
“Ichijo-san, is it safe to keep the blood of our ancestors?”
She flinched, “Thought so.”
“But we dream of guarding our history, is that wrong?”
“No, it's a very diplomatic thing to do. I had no idea the shrine existed.”
Takuma chuckled whimsically. “Now you're one of the privileged to come upon the place. Shall we go?”
She waited for him to secure the crypt and was guided back to the stairs.
Promenading the exterior corridors of the library and emerging into the courtyard flushed with brilliant sun, she saw Takuma recoil at the luminosity. His reaction made her self-conscious of her acceptance of sunlight, a very un-vampire thing to do. She was often reprimanded for leaving home and wandering outside alone.
Seven years ago was the last time she remembered strolling happily on the streets in the cold winter. For the first time in person, she came upon stores lit with Christmas lights and humans greeting. Her heart swelled with desperation to join in their freedom of entertainment.
A breathless smile possessed her lips as she ventured with Takuma to another quarter of the palace. He expertly avoided unnecessary sun exposure. Understanding his weakness, she cordially followed, enjoying his narration of the Kuran palace history.
Yuuki glanced at an open window in the hallway, reaching out her fingertips to caress the warm glass.
“The rumors are true.” Takuma observed her pale hand skip over the window lock playfully. “You have the scent of sunlight bathed on you, not blood.”
Her hand fell from the window. “Why do you say that?”
He shrugged, “If the palace feels suffocating you are always free to go outside.”
She lowered her head. “Don't take me the wrong way, I just like the sunlight.” Her lips quivered, “Besides I shouldn't be elated and do anything of my own will. My family and my life are in the king's control. I have no right to—”
“There's nothing wrong with occupying your time doing things you love.” He consoled.
Yuuki schooled her expression to calmly reply, “If you say so, Ichijo-san. I can go to the library whenever I want, right?”
“Yea, the library wants visitors for all I know. Its solemn and quiet, give it some company, hehehe.” He cleared his throat abruptly, “Are you attending the assembly in the Northern Quarters? If you are, I will retrieve you.”
“No, don't worry, I have—” She scouted the hall and paled. “Where did… he go?”
“Oh, right.” Takuma tapped his temple, “There are places he is restricted from penetrating. Palace spies can't go to the library. Don't be alarmed, he is merely a shadow spy created to watch over the palace.”
“Such scrutiny. ” Yuuki mumbled, quizzed.
“Basically,” Takuma opened the window and leaned out, pointing toward the west. “The king's territory can't be penetrated by spies, or anyone for the matter except for myself and the host, himself. The library needs security if for example, someone wants to spy where the blood and records are kept, it will be troublesome if our treasures are damaged or stolen. Shadow spies were used frequently in the past, and you have to keep in mind the number of spies a vampire creates is vast.”
Yuuki adorned an unpleasant expression. I've been spied on ever since I came here. Shaking her head, she said. “I'll come to the assembly tonight.”
“I'll retrieve you from your room at 7:30 p.m?”
“Ok, I'll see you then.” Yuuki brushed past him in the direction of her room. Her footsteps were melodic in the silent corridors. She paused and turned, Takuma was already opening a door to a different hall. He was stepping through when she called him out. Takuma blinked uncertainly and whipped around. “Thanks for today, Ichijo-san.” She bowed.
His brows flew, “Why so reverent?”
Shouldn't all inconvenient outsiders be reverent to people who help them? Yuuki waved him goodbye. Walking alone in the empty corridor, through the ghost-like home, every turn, gazing at the furnitures damped her heart with dread.
Oka-chan… She quivered, disheartened and alienated.
I'm living in a strange house, filled with strange people. She ascended the stairs to the wing of her room. Not too long ago, I was with you at home, and not long before that you sat me down and told me about the Kurosu curse: how the women of our family are reduced to sacrifice for the purebloods.
Yuuki halted in a dark hallway, tears stinging her eyes as she lacked the urge to continue. Her hands curled over her eyelids.
I don't blame onii-sama for leaving, but just this once… I want to escape. Now that the curse is on my shoulders, I promised I'd see to it through the end. Even if it costs my life.
Winking her tearful eyes open, she gaped at the ceiling. I can't let anyone down. I'm doing this for everyone in our clan, to keep you all from living in shame.
Yuuki twirled around and stomped back to the stairs. One way or another, I'll embed my name here. I'll grow in everyone's hearts, and I'll let you all live without fear. I won't—
Her heel twisted on the wooden floor, grabbing the banister to prevent the fall, Yuuki felt her nails scar the smooth wood. It took another second before her shoulder collided with the frigid floor. Hissing in pain, she collected herself hurriedly. Threads of blood spilled over her ankle, staining her shoes. Wringing her hands, her pressed a hand on the cut.
A wide palm folded over the length of her fingers. She looked up at the black-sleeved arm. Shaking the disarray of brown locks out of her eyes to procure a clear image of the spectator.
“What a tasty looking bird.” He whispered lightly. The corners of his mouth twitched. Blue-red eyes fell over Yuuki crouched on the floor, his eyes widened feverishly. “Your daydreaming was costly, making you fall over the stairs.” His long hand winded around the bleeding leg.
She hissed and withdrew. “No, I'm ok, I'll—ah!”
“Moving will only cause further injury…hm-hm-hm.” His eyes floated to the crimson puddle in a trance. “Birds like you are blinded by the sky and left to writhe on the ground when your wings are clipped.” Lifting the leg on his thigh, he traced the cut with a fingertip, delighting the smell and heat.
Despite the throb in her leg, Yuuki pulled back. His hand sharply captured her ankle, grinding the injured tendon. She squirmed in pain, “Ow, that hurt! What are you doing?”
He breathed deeply, “A sprained ankle, it looks like?”
“I can manage, please, don't worry.” She waved away his hand.
The emotionless blue-red eyes narrowed once the corners of his lips smirked wolfishly. “But how can you walk with a sprained ankle?” Chuckling cuttingly, he lowered his chin against her leg to lick the seeping blood. The rhythmic probing of his tongue made her wince and struggle on the floor.
“Please.” Yuuki averted, “I'll be fine.”
“How can I leave a wounded bird by herself?” Chortling, he leaned over Yuuki and slid his arms underneath her waist, picking her up efficiently. A drift of his dark hair fell against her cheek, setting the line of his mouth a sinuous inch from the curve of her neck. “I can hear your heartbeat scream in my ear.” His hot breath tickled the shell of her ear.
Yuuki yanked her head away to glare but her eyes widened on his beautiful profile. From her position, she saw a blue iris that had been momentarily sedated, now sizzled and flickered with skin-chilling force. Her heart sank and she lowered her eyes.
Each footstep up the stairs and bouncing of his chest against her rib spelled the stark grim magnificence of a pureblood. She could feel the strength of his blood course his body. The power made her twinge internally in fear. His dominating presence made her want to shrivel on the ground like an insect. The superiority of his disposition was startling, for not was he merely a pureblood, but a pureblood of extreme authority.
Yuuki pointed to the dark hall. “My room is the third door.”
“Hm…” The deep baritone made her spine tingle.
She flushed at the strange sensation, hastily feasting her eyes on the symmetrical designs pursuing his steps on the rug. Maybe…
Yuuki reached for the doorknob but jerked back as the door plunged open by itself. “How—how?” She stuttered, shocked.
Amusement bubbled in laughter, he replied. “I shall tell the world of my findings today.” He lowered her on the bed, “That I came across a wounded bird,” A hand grazed over her shoulder, sweeping back her hair to reveal the flesh of her neck, “I'm almost disheartened by the bird's idiocy, but I'll accept it as naivety. Hmph.” Smirking sly, he sauntered out of the room.
Her fists trembled on her sides. She breathed softly to calm her restless heart. Was this my meeting with the Kuran king?
There was no doubt, he was a Kuran. The enormity of the blood reeling in his body raged in absolute power. She couldn't deny it. He was a few centuries old, and the strongest always led the people.
How embarrassing, letting the king find me like this. Curling on her side, Yuuki stuck her face in the pillow. Her body had yet to cease trembling.
A heavy weight dumped on the mattress, shattering her momentary solace. She threw her disheveled head up to glare at the offender.
Yuuki blanked at the sight of the wolf that crawled over and sniffed her from to toe tirelessly. Checking for something only visible to him. It pressured most of its weight on her sprained ankle and left her wailing. “Ow!” Yuuki shoved him breathlessly. “Exactly how much do you weight? You're squishing the life out of me!”
A wet muzzle greased the side of her neck and a wobbling moisture glided hotly under her ear and up her jaw.
Thrashing about in revulsion, Yuuki sputtered. “Gross, gross! Stop licking me!” The licking increased until her entire face was greased with saliva.
Suddenly tilting her head back, Yuuki laughed. The wolf continued glossing a film of drool over her shoulder and cheeks. “Gross…hahahahahahah!” Instead of pushing the wolf away, she clutched him contently. “So was this your plan from the start?” She tapped the black muzzle of the ruby-eyed creature. “How is it animals are instinctive than the rest of us?” She blinked back her forgotten tears. “You knew I was upset and came to cheer me up, did you?”
She cuddled him close. “Thank you.” Her fingers treaded behind the twin ears.
When I try not to think about the reason why I've come here, laughter helps.
Yuuki closed her eyes and listened to the wolf's stomach churn and rasped breathing. She lifted her head and rubbed her wet cheeks on its broad chest, peeking at her cut. Yuuki slipped her leg up to brush the residue of blood. He did help me to my room…
The vinous liquid triggered an instinct out of habit, and she stared in surprise, when the sniffing wolf lapped its tongue on her blood.
• * •
“We can discuss the blood tablets. Fortunately members are agreeing and looking forward to fund research.”
His elated smile wilted into a frustrated frown. “That's the fifth one today.” Takuma accused, resenting interruption.
Fleetingly Kaname turned around before Takuma's hunting eyes observed any more unnecessary detail. A shaking hand wiped over his lips and aimlessly he glanced at the pile of books on the desk.
Glass crunched under his moving shoes, Takuma halted next to the table. “Kaname, are you unwell?” Searching his shadowed profile, he gulped in stupefaction. “Yo—You're—flushed like a school kid!”
Kaname snappishly stole a book and browsed the pages, ordering nonchalantly. “Continue with your discussion, Ichijo.”
“A vague disposition, not like you at all.” He whispered in awe.
His gaze flew to the darkening window. Every nerve in his body was wound tight that standing on his two feet felt painful. Absently, he rubbed the back of his hand on his mouth, and the warm sensation of blood laced around his tongue and fangs. He breathed against his palm, feeling graceless and disturbed by Takuma's intent fascination of his actions and returned the book to the table.
“Disappear, Ichijou.” Kaname nudged his back hard against his chair, roofing a hand over his brow to shield the skipping delineation of inflamed hunger evident in his eyes.
Takuma closed his book and proceeded out of the office.
• * •