Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ A New Life ❯ Chapter 3:Departure ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 3:Departure

Iris woke early that morning, earlier than normal. She just couldn't get comfortable in her bed at the palace. She sluggishly crawled out of the bed and moved towards the bathing room. There she had a long and relaxing bath.

After her bath she decided to change into her traditional Zenadan clothes. She just didn't feel like trying to put on those tight and constricting dresses. All she wanted was to feel comfortable.

The hallways of the palace were quiet, too quiet for Iris's liking. Something wasn't right. In the distance she saw Millerna walking at a quick pace and seemed distressed. "Millerna!" Iris called out to the princess.

Millerna stoped and turned around. She began to walk towards Iris quickly. "Millerna, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong? What's wrong!?" Iris took a step back as the princess yelled. "Father just had Allen put in the dungeon! And he's letting Zaibach pass through Asturia so they can invade the Duchy of Freid. He said that he wouldn't have let this happen if my oldest sister Marlene was still alive." Iris cocked her head to the side.

"What would that have to do with anything?" Millerna sighed as she remembered her older sister.

"Marlene was married to the Duke of Freid. She only had one son and passed away when he was only two years old." she sighed again and had a drastic mood swing. "But he's just going to sit here and let Zaibach destroy his grandson's country. I can't believe he would do such a thing as to betray his own grandson."

"So, what are you going to do?"

"Well first we have to find Gaddes and get Allen out of the dungeon and I have the perfect plan." just as the two girls were about to turn and look for Gaddes, they happened to come across him. Millerna quickly told him of the situation at hand and told him her plan. Gaddes offered to go with Millerna to free Allen and Iris went to the crusade to have them prepare to leave.

It wasn't too long until Allen, Gaddes and Millerna arrived at the port. Iris was on the Crusade waiting for them to board. However, Millerna never boarded but instead she went back to the palace. This had Iris confused. *why did she leave?*

"Princess Iris?!" Allen said in a shock as he walked on the bridge of the crusade. "You shouldn't be here." he turned to Gaddes and spoke. "We need to land."

"Well it's a little late for that boss. But if you want to get arrested again then we'll land." Gaddes remarked.

As Iris stared off into space just thinking of nothing in particular, a question came to mind. She looked around the bridge of the Crusade where she stood searching for Allen but he was now where to be seen. "Gaddes, where's Allen?"

"I think he's in the hanger inspecting Scherazade." Iris said a quick thank you and left.

"Allen?" she called as she walked into the hanger.

"Yes?" came a reply. Iris walked around to the front of the large guymelef where she found Allen.

"Allen, where's Van and his companions Merle and Hitomi?" he was hesitant on answering because even he wasn't sure where they were.

"They're somewhere. Last night the was an attack and Van was involved. After I showed up they flew away in the Escaflowne."

"Flew away? I thought guymelefs couldn't fly."

"Escaflowne is different. It can change into a dragon and fly."a sudden awkwardness rushed over Iris. She began to feel strange around Allen. *Why did he have to kiss me?! I can't fucking look him in the eye without blushing!* inwardly she cursed him for pleasuring her with her first kiss.

Allen moved towards her which only caused Iris more panic. Her breath quickened with each step he took. "Um, I've gotta go." Iris said quickly and ran out of the hanger. *why am I panicking like this? He knows I'm engaged so why would he look at me like 'that'!?* Iris stopped running as she came to the food storage room. Her stomach growled as she looked at all the boxes and boxes of food before her.

"Iris!" Ian called as he entered her room in the Asturian palace. "Where the fuck is that bitch?" he looked around in the room for his sister but she was nowhere to be found. Her clothes were still in the dressers and closet but she was absolutely nowhere. The door opened and in came one of the maids.

"Oh Prince Ian. I'm sorry I'll just excuse myself." the young maid went to exit the room.

"Wait." he called and turned to the girl. "Have you seen my sister, Iris?"

"I do believe she left on the Crusade to the Duchy of Freid this morning your highness."

"The duchy of Freid . . .?" he repeated and gestured with his hand to the maid to leave. "Why would she be going there?"

Ian went back to his room and changed out of his formal attire and into something a little more comfortable. He changed into a pair of black khaki breeches, a white shirt and a blue tunic. He grabbed the pair of brown leather riding gloves off the dresser. Quickly he scribbled a letter to his parents explaining where he and his sister were going. He gave the letter to a squire before leaving the palace and headed to the stables. He grabbed the largest stallion which happened to be a large black horse. He had it saddled up and led it out of the stables before mounting it.

Iris sighed as she sat alone in the hanger. She looked out onto the horizon pondering what she was getting herself into. She had heard a few of the crewmen talking about how Zaibach was after them. the long silence which filled the air in the hanger disappeared as Allen ran in and to his guymelef. Quickly he got into the cockpit and jumped from the hanger to the ground below. Curious as to what he had done, Iris wondered over to the edge and looked down below.

Below the air ship a battle was going on between Zaibach guymelefs, the Escaflowne and now Scherazade. From the corner of her eye, Iris spotted Merle and Hitomi standing on the shore watching in horror. However their horror changed to happiness as Allen freed the Escaflowne from the grasp of the Zaibach guymelefs.

The red guymelef shot numerous metal claws at Van in the Escaflowne but he easily deflected them. The sight was mesmerizing and hypnotic for Iris. the metal claws shot in all directions and one head straight for Hitomi and Merle. Iris gasped and looked away. She could watch. She only looked back when she heard the guymelefs leave.

"Strange how they left." Reeden commented as he and Iris watched the guymelefs fly away.

"Hey, aren't those ships from Freid?" Iris asked as she pointed to the convoy of air ships heading in their direction.

It turned out that they were ships from Freid and were heading to the capital bearing supplies from Chezario. The crew of the Crusade boarded the ship in hopes their was a doctor aboard. Hitomi sat to the side in despair and clutched her pendent tightly. Iris saw the guilt she felt and knew she needed some comforting.

"There, there Hitomi. I'm sure Allen will be alright." Iris coaxed as she sat down beside the young teen.

"Well, well, well, why am I not surprised that you would try and run away Iris?" a familiar voice sounded from behind her. Iris took her arm off of Hitomi and turned her head to see her brother Ian.

"Who said I was running away?" she spat as she glared at him.

"Iris, it's obvious you're trying to run away. Ever since you came here you've always said you'd like to run away. Run away from your duties as princess of Zenada." Iris rolled her eyes. He was right though, she did want to run away. Although she had considered it numerous times, she never had the nerve to do so. Where would she go? It was almost impossible to run away.

"Well I wasn't running away this time. I just wanted to help that's all."

"Well how about you tell us next time." Ian suggested as he took a seat beside her.

Everyone's attention was drawn to the doorway where Millerna stood. "Oh my, everyone's here. Did someone get hurt?" she asked as she walked further into the room. No one answered and no one needed to. She saw him laying on a cot in the centre of the room. She ran to his side almost in tears. "Allen, what happened? Allen! Allen . . .this . . .this bleeding . . .Gaddes, what are you doing? Treat him immediately! He won't make it at this rate!" reluctantly Gaddes replied to the princess's desperate pleas.

"But we need a doctor." Millerna turned to the captain who sadly shook his head no.

"Princess, you know how, don't you? You studied the medical arts." the fat old man who stood slightly behind Millerna spoke as he stepped into a clearer view.

"But I've only read the book . . ."

"It'll be alright. You want Allen to live, don't you? Only you can do it." Millerna thought about it but was nervous to answer.

"I'll do it. Mr. Mole, please bring me my blue bag."

A/N: I hoped you enjoyed the chappie and please review.