Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Escaflowne Performs MACBETH ❯ Act Four ( Chapter 4 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Tenkuu no Escaflowne or Macbeth. So Bandai, don't sue me. Ghost of Shakespeare, don't haunt me. I also do not own any references to Lord of the Rings (It's all yours, Professor), or to Star Trek.
Ok, Onward!!
Allen Schezar...Macbeth (the tragic hero with ambition to become king)
Princess Millerna...Lady Macbeth (his at-first ruthless, ambitious wife)
Dilandau Albatou...Macduff (a Scottish noble who is very loyal to his king)
Princess Eires...Lady Macduff (his wife)
Isaac Dornkirk...King Duncan (the king of Scotland, who seems to have lost his touch to rule...)
Van Fanel...Donalbain (the king's younger son)
Folken...Malcom (the king's eldest son)
Gaddess...Banquo (Macbeth's best friend, and a soldier)
Prince Chid...Fleance (Banquo's son)
Hitomi Kanzaki & Co...the witches (The Three Fates, who have a knack for eerie predictions)
Merle...the gentlewoman (just...a gentlewoman with a short part)
Chesta...Lennox (This guy and the next four down are random Scottish nobles, also called thanes)
Gui mel...Angus
Zaibach Army...Malcom's Army
Feye: Weeeee're baaack! Ok, cast, are you ready?
Dilandau: My tummy hurts.
Merle: Serves you right for eating that popcorn.
Dilandau: I guess it was a *little* overcooked...
Van: A LITTLE?!?!?
Feye: Now, now, children...
Hitomi: We aren't children!
Feye: I -am- older than you.
Allen *swaggering*: -I- happen to be older than you.
**Feye fixes him with her evil eye**
Feye: You have the mentality of a three-year-old, Allen. Shut up.
**Allen bursts into tears**
Feye: See? Aaannnyyways...we need to start the play. Go on, Hitomi!
**Hitomi & Co. walk onstage to begin scene one**
Hitomi: Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed.
Pendant: Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whined.
Tarot: Harpier cries "'Tis time! 'Tis time!"
Hitomi: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poisoned entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweltered venom sleeping got
Boil thou first 'I th' charmed pot.
Hitomi & Co.: Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
**They continue to add bizare things to theur stew of witchcraft, chanting the refrain once in a while. Merle enters as Hecate once the spell is completed, and she congratulates them on their work**
Merle: And now about the cauldron sing
Like elves and faeries in a ring
Enchanting all that you put in.
**Merle exits**
Pendant: By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes.
Feye (offstage): I LOVE those lines SO much! *drools*
**Allen enters the stage**
Allen [to the Pendant]: B-but you don't have thumbs!
**Hitomi restrains her pendant from prematurely killing Allen**
Allen: How, now, you secret, black, and midnight hags?
Hitomi: Never mind. Pendant? Have at 'im.
**Allen shrieks as Hitomi's pendant tries to stuff itself down Allen's throat**
Feye: Hitomi & Co., just think of Act Five...sweet, sweet revenge. Kill him now and you won't get to Act Five.
Pendant: But then WE get to kill him!
**The pendant, grudgingly, returns to its place. Allen begs them to prophecy for him. Hitomi & Co. conjour up some visions for Allen**
First Spirit: Allen! Allen! Allen! Beware Dilandau!
Beward the Thane of Fife! Dismiss me. Enough.
Allen: Who wouldn't fear that insane pyro-boy...I mean...
Dilandau: HA! I KNEW IT! FLUFFY-BUNNY-BOY ISN'T FEARLESS!!!! Of course, anyone with sense would fear me.
Feye: -I- don't fear you, Dilly-kins! *smiles sweetly* But, then, I'm not sane.
Dilandau: ...
Second Spirit: Allen! Allen! Allen!
Allen: Had I three ears, I'd hear thee.
Migel: Yeah, spirit! Allen doesn't have three ears! He has three eyes! **Migel laughs at Allen. Allen sniffles**
Second Spirit: be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn
the power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Allen Schezar.
Allen: Then live, Dilandau; what need I fear of thee?
But yet I'll make assurance double sure
And take a bond of fate. Thou shall not live.
Dilandau: Allen's pretty stupid, isn't he?
**Hitomi nods vigorously**
Third Spirit: Allen shall never be vanquished be until
Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill
Shall come against him.
Allen: HA! Trees can't walk! Nyah nyah! *sticks his tongue out at Dilandau, who is standing rather smug offstage*
Folken (offstage): There are Ents in this play?
Feye: Uh, no. Ents are tree-HERDERS, not trees, by the way.
Folken: Oh. Darn.
Hitomi: I ain't doin;' any more predictions for you, pal.
Allen: I will be satisfied. Deny me this,
And an eternal curse fall on you! Let me know!
Allen *cowering*: Um...
**Eight kings are shown in a vision, all descendants of Gaddess, which is what Allen had feared**
Allen: What, is this so?
Hitomi: MUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! BEAM ME UP, SCOTTIE!!! **A beam of light shoots down and picks up Hitomi, depositing her offstage**
Feye: 'Beam me up, Scottie'?
**Hitomi shrugs**
Allen: Eh? Where's they go?
**Enter Chesta**
Chesta: What's your Grace's will?
Allen: Saw you the Weird Sisters?
**Allen rants**
Merle: Allen's going craaaazyyyyy!
Dilandau: 'Going'?
Chesta: Dilandau is fled to England.
Allen: The castle of Dilandau I will surprise,
Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword
His wife, his bairns, and all unfortunate souls
That trace him in his line.
Dilandau: Ohhhhh! I'm soooooo scared! HEY ALLEN!
**Allen turns, annoyed, towards the noise offstage, only to get hit in the face by a pair of airborne hot pink bunny slippers**
Allen: Hey! Thanks! I forgot these! **Allen sticks them on his ears**
All: O.O
** Allen dignifiedly exits the stage. Eires, her Son, and Dalet enter**
Dilandau: I love this part.
Feye: *raised eyebrow*
Eires: What had he done to make him fly the land?
Dalet: Patience.
He loves us not;
He wants the natural touch; for the poor wren
(the most diminuative of birds) will fight,
her young ones in her nest, against the owl.
**Dalet tries to comfort Eires, fails miserably, and leaves**
Eires: Son, your father's dead.
And what will you do now? How will you live?
Son: Was my father a traitor, mother?
**Eires continues to rant until a messenger comes to tell them they are under attack. Murderers enter, kill the Son, and follow a screeching Eires offstage**
Eires: ACK! HELP! HELP! **The murderers are apparently so involved in the play that they don't realize that the scene has ended...**
Dilandau: GO GET 'ER DRAGONSLAYERS! Oops...I mean...
**Feye rips the masks off the murderers, and glares down at Migel and Viole. She twists their ears and boots them into opposite corners**
Feye: Alright, Dilly. Scene Three, you go down to England to meet with Folken, who tests your loyalty.
**Dilandau and Folken enter the stage**
Folken: What you have spoke, it may be so, perchance.
This tyrant, whose sole name blisters out tongues,
was once thought honest. You have loved him well.
Feye: Dilandau...
Dilandau: I am not treacherous.
Folken: But Allen is.
But I will crave your pardon.
That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
Van (offstage): WHA-? Dilandau's a DRACONIAN?!?
Feye: No, he didn't mean-
Van: Or does he mean Allen? Naw, Allen's too stupid...
Dilandau (who overheard): NOT BY YOUR STANDARDS, VAN!!!
Merle: Ouch. Are you going to take that, Van?
Van: C'MON DILANDAU! LETS- **Van breaks off as he sees Feye standing in his path sharpening two very large butcher knives**
Van: Uh...
Dilandau: HA! Not only does he LOOK like a chicken, he ACTS like one!!!
Van: Shut up, baka.
**Dilandau snickers**
Van: At least -I- don't look like a girl! Oh wait, you ARE a GIRL!!! HAHAHAHAHA- **Van's laugh is cut short as Hitomi and Feye simultaneously punch Van's lights out**
Hitomi: Chauvanistic pig.
Feye: Here, here! On with the play, Dilly.
**A very red, fuming Dilandau tries to recollect his lines**
Dilandau: I have lost my hopes.
Folken: Why did you abandon your wife and children if you're as virtuous as you say?
Folken: Be not offended.
I speak not as in absolute fear of you.
When I shall tread upon the tyrant's head
Or wear it on my sword, yet my poor country
Shall have more vices than it had before
By him that shall succeed,
Dilandau: What should he be?
Folken: Me. **Folken proceeds to describe all his faults, and how terrible a king he would make, in order to make Dilandau show that he does not care for the wellbeing of Scotland. Dilandau hold with Folken as king. Then...**
Folken: Your wives, your daughters,
Your matrons, and you maids could not fill up
the cistern of my lust and my desire.
All: O.O
Millerna: Allen! Save me!!!!
Allen: You can have 'er. **Allen returns to adjusting his hair and hot pink bunny slippers/earmuffs**
Feye: Dilandau, remember Allen and Prince Chid.
**Dilandau turns green**
Dilandau: So, Folkie, when can you start? **They go back and forth some more**
Hitomi (offstage): This is so like a soap opera.
Merle: No kidding.
Hitomi: By the way, did you see the last episode of 'Hearts in New Zealand'?
Merle: Oh YEAH! What a tearjerker!
Feye *who looks slightly sick*: I can't believe you two.
Hitomi and Merle: What?
Feye: *sigh*
**Folken rambles on**
Dilandau: O Scotland! Scotland!
Folken: If such a one be fit to govern, speak!
I am as I have spoken.
Dilandau: Fit to govern?
No, not to live! -O nation miserable,
Fare thee well.
These evils thou repent'st upon thyself
Hath banished me from Scitland-O my breast,
Thy hope ends here!
**Folken, now convinced that Dilly has Scotland's best interests at heart, reassures him that he is actually virtuous, and his speeches were but tests**
Folken: I am yet unknown to woman, never was foresworn,
Scarecely have coveted what was mine own,
At no time broke my faith, would not betray
The devil to his fellow and delight
No less in truth than life. My first false speaking
was this upon myself.
Dilandau *doubtfully*: What are you? Some kinda angel?
Folken: Well, actually-
Van (shouting from offstage): Let's NOT go there!
Dilandau *eyes alight*: Oooooo...blackmail...*evil cackle*
**Folken flexes his crima arm. Dilandau's cackle dies abruptly. Folken calmly continues, saying that King Edward of England has provided Folken with ten thousand men to invade Scotland**
Feye: COOL! That's how many troops Saruman of Isengard sent against Helm's Deep!
Hitomi: Frodo Fanatic.
Feye: And proud of it.
**Dalet enters the stage, obviously having joined Folken's cause**
Dilandau: See who comes here.
Folken: My countryman, yet I know him not.
Dilandau: Stands Scotland where it did?
Dalet: Alas, poor country,
Almost afraid to know itself.
Folken: What's the newest grief?
Dalet: That of an hour's age doth hiss the speaker
Each minute teems a new one.
Dilandau: How goes my wife?
Dalet: Why, well.
Merle *hissing*: LIAR!
Feye: Merle, chill. He's obviously afraid to tell him. It -is- Dilly, after all.
Dalet: They were at peace when I did leave 'em.
Merle: Yeah, no kidding.
Chesta: Feye?
Feye: Uh huh?
Chesta: Can we have some hot dogs?
Feye *staring*: Hot dogs.
**Chesta nods**
Feye: Why is it that you guys always get hungry during the last stage of the act?
**The Esca cast blinks innocently**
Feye: The microwave is still broken.
Hitomi: No problem. I have Dilandau's back up flamethrower.
**Feye closes her eyes in long-suffering 'why me?'**
Feye: I'm looking the other way. The fire department number is in that phone book over there.
Hitomi: ALL RIGHT!
**Dalet has shown that he is very upset over something. Dilandau demands to know wat is wrong**
Dilandau: If it be mine,
Keep it not from me. Quickly let me have it.
Dalet: Your castle is surprised, your wife and babes
Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner
Were on the quarry of these murdered deer
To add the death of you.
Folken: Merciful heaven!
**Feye notices Dilandau looking quite happy, rather than tragically shocked**
Feye: Dilanda! Think -Jajuka-!
**Dilly's eyes mist over**
Folken: That was -low- Feye.
Feye: I know. I'll make it up to him. I promise.
Dilandau *sniffling*: You'd better!
All my pretty ones?
Did you say 'all'? O hell-kite! All?
What, all my pretty chickens and their dam
At one fell swoop?
Folken *handing Dilandau a sword*: Dispute it like a man.
**The air is filled with the crackling tension of impending vengeance**
Feye *eyes narrowed, whispering*: Go get 'im, Dilandau-sama.
Dilandau: I shall do so,
But I must feel it as a man.
I cannot but remember such things were
That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on
And would not take their part? Sinful Allen Schezar,
They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am,
Not for their own demerits, but for mine,
Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now.
Folken: Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief
Convert to anger. Blunt not the heart; engrage it.
Dilandau *eyes merciless*: Bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself.
Within my sword's length set him. I f he 'scape,
Heaven forgive him too.
Folken: The night is long that never finds the day.
**They exit, ending Act Four. Dilandau thunders backstage, ready to kill Feye Morgan, but stops, mesmerized, at the ten-foot tall bonfire flaming in the center of the backstage room**
Dilandau *stunned*: Who?
Hitomi *proudly*: ME!
Dilandau: Will you marry me?
Feye: And afterwards, we're taking you to a nice little island with lots of deadwood and Van carvings. Enjoy.
Now, my lovely readers, don't forget to review!! I still have Fred the attack rubber chicken in my writer's desk, and he's thirsting for blood. *Smiles sweetly* I love you guys!!!
Ok, Onward!!
Allen Schezar...Macbeth (the tragic hero with ambition to become king)
Princess Millerna...Lady Macbeth (his at-first ruthless, ambitious wife)
Dilandau Albatou...Macduff (a Scottish noble who is very loyal to his king)
Princess Eires...Lady Macduff (his wife)
Isaac Dornkirk...King Duncan (the king of Scotland, who seems to have lost his touch to rule...)
Van Fanel...Donalbain (the king's younger son)
Folken...Malcom (the king's eldest son)
Gaddess...Banquo (Macbeth's best friend, and a soldier)
Prince Chid...Fleance (Banquo's son)
Hitomi Kanzaki & Co...the witches (The Three Fates, who have a knack for eerie predictions)
Merle...the gentlewoman (just...a gentlewoman with a short part)
Chesta...Lennox (This guy and the next four down are random Scottish nobles, also called thanes)
Gui mel...Angus
Zaibach Army...Malcom's Army
Feye: Weeeee're baaack! Ok, cast, are you ready?
Dilandau: My tummy hurts.
Merle: Serves you right for eating that popcorn.
Dilandau: I guess it was a *little* overcooked...
Van: A LITTLE?!?!?
Feye: Now, now, children...
Hitomi: We aren't children!
Feye: I -am- older than you.
Allen *swaggering*: -I- happen to be older than you.
**Feye fixes him with her evil eye**
Feye: You have the mentality of a three-year-old, Allen. Shut up.
**Allen bursts into tears**
Feye: See? Aaannnyyways...we need to start the play. Go on, Hitomi!
**Hitomi & Co. walk onstage to begin scene one**
Hitomi: Thrice the brindled cat hath mewed.
Pendant: Thrice, and once the hedge-pig whined.
Tarot: Harpier cries "'Tis time! 'Tis time!"
Hitomi: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poisoned entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Sweltered venom sleeping got
Boil thou first 'I th' charmed pot.
Hitomi & Co.: Double, double, toil and trouble;
Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
**They continue to add bizare things to theur stew of witchcraft, chanting the refrain once in a while. Merle enters as Hecate once the spell is completed, and she congratulates them on their work**
Merle: And now about the cauldron sing
Like elves and faeries in a ring
Enchanting all that you put in.
**Merle exits**
Pendant: By the pricking of my thumbs
Something wicked this way comes.
Feye (offstage): I LOVE those lines SO much! *drools*
**Allen enters the stage**
Allen [to the Pendant]: B-but you don't have thumbs!
**Hitomi restrains her pendant from prematurely killing Allen**
Allen: How, now, you secret, black, and midnight hags?
Hitomi: Never mind. Pendant? Have at 'im.
**Allen shrieks as Hitomi's pendant tries to stuff itself down Allen's throat**
Feye: Hitomi & Co., just think of Act Five...sweet, sweet revenge. Kill him now and you won't get to Act Five.
Pendant: But then WE get to kill him!
**The pendant, grudgingly, returns to its place. Allen begs them to prophecy for him. Hitomi & Co. conjour up some visions for Allen**
First Spirit: Allen! Allen! Allen! Beware Dilandau!
Beward the Thane of Fife! Dismiss me. Enough.
Allen: Who wouldn't fear that insane pyro-boy...I mean...
Dilandau: HA! I KNEW IT! FLUFFY-BUNNY-BOY ISN'T FEARLESS!!!! Of course, anyone with sense would fear me.
Feye: -I- don't fear you, Dilly-kins! *smiles sweetly* But, then, I'm not sane.
Dilandau: ...
Second Spirit: Allen! Allen! Allen!
Allen: Had I three ears, I'd hear thee.
Migel: Yeah, spirit! Allen doesn't have three ears! He has three eyes! **Migel laughs at Allen. Allen sniffles**
Second Spirit: be bloody, bold, and resolute. Laugh to scorn
the power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Allen Schezar.
Allen: Then live, Dilandau; what need I fear of thee?
But yet I'll make assurance double sure
And take a bond of fate. Thou shall not live.
Dilandau: Allen's pretty stupid, isn't he?
**Hitomi nods vigorously**
Third Spirit: Allen shall never be vanquished be until
Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill
Shall come against him.
Allen: HA! Trees can't walk! Nyah nyah! *sticks his tongue out at Dilandau, who is standing rather smug offstage*
Folken (offstage): There are Ents in this play?
Feye: Uh, no. Ents are tree-HERDERS, not trees, by the way.
Folken: Oh. Darn.
Hitomi: I ain't doin;' any more predictions for you, pal.
Allen: I will be satisfied. Deny me this,
And an eternal curse fall on you! Let me know!
Allen *cowering*: Um...
**Eight kings are shown in a vision, all descendants of Gaddess, which is what Allen had feared**
Allen: What, is this so?
Hitomi: MUUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! BEAM ME UP, SCOTTIE!!! **A beam of light shoots down and picks up Hitomi, depositing her offstage**
Feye: 'Beam me up, Scottie'?
**Hitomi shrugs**
Allen: Eh? Where's they go?
**Enter Chesta**
Chesta: What's your Grace's will?
Allen: Saw you the Weird Sisters?
**Allen rants**
Merle: Allen's going craaaazyyyyy!
Dilandau: 'Going'?
Chesta: Dilandau is fled to England.
Allen: The castle of Dilandau I will surprise,
Seize upon Fife, give to th' edge o' th' sword
His wife, his bairns, and all unfortunate souls
That trace him in his line.
Dilandau: Ohhhhh! I'm soooooo scared! HEY ALLEN!
**Allen turns, annoyed, towards the noise offstage, only to get hit in the face by a pair of airborne hot pink bunny slippers**
Allen: Hey! Thanks! I forgot these! **Allen sticks them on his ears**
All: O.O
** Allen dignifiedly exits the stage. Eires, her Son, and Dalet enter**
Dilandau: I love this part.
Feye: *raised eyebrow*
Eires: What had he done to make him fly the land?
Dalet: Patience.
He loves us not;
He wants the natural touch; for the poor wren
(the most diminuative of birds) will fight,
her young ones in her nest, against the owl.
**Dalet tries to comfort Eires, fails miserably, and leaves**
Eires: Son, your father's dead.
And what will you do now? How will you live?
Son: Was my father a traitor, mother?
**Eires continues to rant until a messenger comes to tell them they are under attack. Murderers enter, kill the Son, and follow a screeching Eires offstage**
Eires: ACK! HELP! HELP! **The murderers are apparently so involved in the play that they don't realize that the scene has ended...**
Dilandau: GO GET 'ER DRAGONSLAYERS! Oops...I mean...
**Feye rips the masks off the murderers, and glares down at Migel and Viole. She twists their ears and boots them into opposite corners**
Feye: Alright, Dilly. Scene Three, you go down to England to meet with Folken, who tests your loyalty.
**Dilandau and Folken enter the stage**
Folken: What you have spoke, it may be so, perchance.
This tyrant, whose sole name blisters out tongues,
was once thought honest. You have loved him well.
Feye: Dilandau...
Dilandau: I am not treacherous.
Folken: But Allen is.
But I will crave your pardon.
That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.
Van (offstage): WHA-? Dilandau's a DRACONIAN?!?
Feye: No, he didn't mean-
Van: Or does he mean Allen? Naw, Allen's too stupid...
Dilandau (who overheard): NOT BY YOUR STANDARDS, VAN!!!
Merle: Ouch. Are you going to take that, Van?
Van: C'MON DILANDAU! LETS- **Van breaks off as he sees Feye standing in his path sharpening two very large butcher knives**
Van: Uh...
Dilandau: HA! Not only does he LOOK like a chicken, he ACTS like one!!!
Van: Shut up, baka.
**Dilandau snickers**
Van: At least -I- don't look like a girl! Oh wait, you ARE a GIRL!!! HAHAHAHAHA- **Van's laugh is cut short as Hitomi and Feye simultaneously punch Van's lights out**
Hitomi: Chauvanistic pig.
Feye: Here, here! On with the play, Dilly.
**A very red, fuming Dilandau tries to recollect his lines**
Dilandau: I have lost my hopes.
Folken: Why did you abandon your wife and children if you're as virtuous as you say?
Folken: Be not offended.
I speak not as in absolute fear of you.
When I shall tread upon the tyrant's head
Or wear it on my sword, yet my poor country
Shall have more vices than it had before
By him that shall succeed,
Dilandau: What should he be?
Folken: Me. **Folken proceeds to describe all his faults, and how terrible a king he would make, in order to make Dilandau show that he does not care for the wellbeing of Scotland. Dilandau hold with Folken as king. Then...**
Folken: Your wives, your daughters,
Your matrons, and you maids could not fill up
the cistern of my lust and my desire.
All: O.O
Millerna: Allen! Save me!!!!
Allen: You can have 'er. **Allen returns to adjusting his hair and hot pink bunny slippers/earmuffs**
Feye: Dilandau, remember Allen and Prince Chid.
**Dilandau turns green**
Dilandau: So, Folkie, when can you start? **They go back and forth some more**
Hitomi (offstage): This is so like a soap opera.
Merle: No kidding.
Hitomi: By the way, did you see the last episode of 'Hearts in New Zealand'?
Merle: Oh YEAH! What a tearjerker!
Feye *who looks slightly sick*: I can't believe you two.
Hitomi and Merle: What?
Feye: *sigh*
**Folken rambles on**
Dilandau: O Scotland! Scotland!
Folken: If such a one be fit to govern, speak!
I am as I have spoken.
Dilandau: Fit to govern?
No, not to live! -O nation miserable,
Fare thee well.
These evils thou repent'st upon thyself
Hath banished me from Scitland-O my breast,
Thy hope ends here!
**Folken, now convinced that Dilly has Scotland's best interests at heart, reassures him that he is actually virtuous, and his speeches were but tests**
Folken: I am yet unknown to woman, never was foresworn,
Scarecely have coveted what was mine own,
At no time broke my faith, would not betray
The devil to his fellow and delight
No less in truth than life. My first false speaking
was this upon myself.
Dilandau *doubtfully*: What are you? Some kinda angel?
Folken: Well, actually-
Van (shouting from offstage): Let's NOT go there!
Dilandau *eyes alight*: Oooooo...blackmail...*evil cackle*
**Folken flexes his crima arm. Dilandau's cackle dies abruptly. Folken calmly continues, saying that King Edward of England has provided Folken with ten thousand men to invade Scotland**
Feye: COOL! That's how many troops Saruman of Isengard sent against Helm's Deep!
Hitomi: Frodo Fanatic.
Feye: And proud of it.
**Dalet enters the stage, obviously having joined Folken's cause**
Dilandau: See who comes here.
Folken: My countryman, yet I know him not.
Dilandau: Stands Scotland where it did?
Dalet: Alas, poor country,
Almost afraid to know itself.
Folken: What's the newest grief?
Dalet: That of an hour's age doth hiss the speaker
Each minute teems a new one.
Dilandau: How goes my wife?
Dalet: Why, well.
Merle *hissing*: LIAR!
Feye: Merle, chill. He's obviously afraid to tell him. It -is- Dilly, after all.
Dalet: They were at peace when I did leave 'em.
Merle: Yeah, no kidding.
Chesta: Feye?
Feye: Uh huh?
Chesta: Can we have some hot dogs?
Feye *staring*: Hot dogs.
**Chesta nods**
Feye: Why is it that you guys always get hungry during the last stage of the act?
**The Esca cast blinks innocently**
Feye: The microwave is still broken.
Hitomi: No problem. I have Dilandau's back up flamethrower.
**Feye closes her eyes in long-suffering 'why me?'**
Feye: I'm looking the other way. The fire department number is in that phone book over there.
Hitomi: ALL RIGHT!
**Dalet has shown that he is very upset over something. Dilandau demands to know wat is wrong**
Dilandau: If it be mine,
Keep it not from me. Quickly let me have it.
Dalet: Your castle is surprised, your wife and babes
Savagely slaughtered. To relate the manner
Were on the quarry of these murdered deer
To add the death of you.
Folken: Merciful heaven!
**Feye notices Dilandau looking quite happy, rather than tragically shocked**
Feye: Dilanda! Think -Jajuka-!
**Dilly's eyes mist over**
Folken: That was -low- Feye.
Feye: I know. I'll make it up to him. I promise.
Dilandau *sniffling*: You'd better!
All my pretty ones?
Did you say 'all'? O hell-kite! All?
What, all my pretty chickens and their dam
At one fell swoop?
Folken *handing Dilandau a sword*: Dispute it like a man.
**The air is filled with the crackling tension of impending vengeance**
Feye *eyes narrowed, whispering*: Go get 'im, Dilandau-sama.
Dilandau: I shall do so,
But I must feel it as a man.
I cannot but remember such things were
That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on
And would not take their part? Sinful Allen Schezar,
They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am,
Not for their own demerits, but for mine,
Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now.
Folken: Be this the whetstone of your sword. Let grief
Convert to anger. Blunt not the heart; engrage it.
Dilandau *eyes merciless*: Bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself.
Within my sword's length set him. I f he 'scape,
Heaven forgive him too.
Folken: The night is long that never finds the day.
**They exit, ending Act Four. Dilandau thunders backstage, ready to kill Feye Morgan, but stops, mesmerized, at the ten-foot tall bonfire flaming in the center of the backstage room**
Dilandau *stunned*: Who?
Hitomi *proudly*: ME!
Dilandau: Will you marry me?
Feye: And afterwards, we're taking you to a nice little island with lots of deadwood and Van carvings. Enjoy.
Now, my lovely readers, don't forget to review!! I still have Fred the attack rubber chicken in my writer's desk, and he's thirsting for blood. *Smiles sweetly* I love you guys!!!