Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ My name is Jade ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ch. 1 ~ My name is Jade Arnethium.


I felt the dry heat of fire. The trees around me burned. I ran, trying to find Elisabeth... My younger sister.
"Isa." I panted. "ISA! Where are you?!" I fell, tripping over a tattered gown. A gown that had once been white, but was now blood soaked and covered in dirt. "No..." my head lay facing towards where the city had been. It was gone... all gone. My home, my family, It was all gone. Our country didn't have a king.
I could hear her. I could hear Isa, my sweet Isa she was crying... She was afraid.
"Elisabeth... Elisabeth I'm coming." I muttered, struggling to get to my feet. "Isa, don't be afraid, I'm hear." My foot caught in a root and I was sent sprawling onto the ground. I closed my eyes listening to the sound of the trees crumbling around me. I knew Isa wasn't there. She couldn't be.


I gasped, and in all my panic I hit the wall.
"Jade get dressed." There was a soft tapping on my bedroom door.
I rolled over looking at the wretched door. I flung the cotton sheet onto the floor, and got to my feet.
'How could my family do this to me?' I thought forgetting about my dream. I treaded lightly to my dresser. I picked up a mirror. "Your not ready to be a bride...Not yet anyway." I whispered to the girl staring back at me.
"Jade?" the door opened a crack. My Sisters head peaked around the corner. "How are ye doin?"
I smiled. "Do you really want to know?" I laughed wearily. She sat on the edge of my bed. I lowered myself next to her.
"Mama and Brother just don't understand." She said resting her head on my shoulder.
"I know. But they're doing what they think is best... For us all." I replied. I felt her shed a warm tear against my neck. "Don't cry for me little one." I whispered wrapping my arm round her. "Lord Xavior will take good care of me."
"But sis-"
"Shhh..." I hushed her, tucking back the brown hair that had fallen in her face. "I'm going to need a happy flower girl aren't I? Stop your crying. And go prepare to leave for the temple."
She nodded then got up and left.

To the Temple

Red curls fell around my face. What had they done to me? They'd sold me to a man, so they could survive... What was it Petter had said to me? 'Survival of the fittest dear sister.' The carriage hit a rock, I watched the curls bounce around, jasmine ran through my hair, keeping the strands from falling out of place. My dress fit me perfectly. Designed by the best tailors on Gaia.
Today was supposed to be a glorious day. I was marrying a Prince. I would be Queen of Raudin. But I didn't want to set foot anywhere near that temple. My heart was screaming at my mind telling it to turn around. To go back to the little shack I called home. But I knew I couldn't, Isa's future depended on me. If I didn't wed Xavior my family wouldn't have enough money to survive. They'd have to sell their land, leaving them homeless, and eventually they'd either be enslaved, murdered, or they would starve to death. I couldn't let that happen to Isa. I wouldn't let that happen.
The carriage came to a halt. "M'lady." My escort opened the door slowly. I took his hand and stepped out of the Carriage.
We were at the temple. It stood tall, the gray stone looking as though nothing could hurt it. The pillars cast a shadow around me.
"Thank-you." I said. I followed him through the ancient stone doors.
'What am I doing?' I asked myself as I was led up a flight of stairs. 'You can't be queen of an entire country. Why had Xavior asked for my hand in marriage? Why couldn't it of been... Petter.' A small smile crossed my face as I pictured my brother in a wedding dress. 'Shame on you Jade.' I scolded my self, focusing my mind on the conversation taking place in the room at the top of the stairs.
"Mum? When's Jade gonna be ere?" I smiled at the sound of my sister's bad grammar.
"Presenting Lady Jada." Someone said as I entered the room.
"Her name is Jade!" Isa ran to me, reaching her arms towards out to hug me, but was stopped by Petter. He picked her up.
"You wouldn't want to get Lady Jada's dress dirty now would you."
"No..." she whispered quietly as he put her down.
I smiled sadly at Isa. In the afternoon light she looked like a angel. I bent down and kissed her forehead lightly. "Be strong." I whispered. She nodded.
"Always." She replied, smiling up at me.

It was there, in that little room with the one small window that I waited for Lord Xavior to arrive. Everyone was silent, except for the people assigned to keep up my appearance for the ceremony, and the other's who were involved with it somehow. My mother sat on a chair near the door, a royal guard standing next to her. She looked upon me with guilt.

"The Prince has arrived!" a voice yelled from behind the door. I knew that an advisor awaited me on the other side. I knew he would lead me down those steps. And the music would start to play, rose petals would float gracefully to the floor. And I would smile... Just like I had been told to do. I would do what needed to be done...
The door opened, and there was His majesties most trusted advisor Leium, stood there waiting for me.
"Follow me Jada. And make sure you follow your instructions." He said. His wrinkled face, squinting at me.
Jada. I would never get used to being called that. It was just a small change. But it was only the small things that mattered now.
My mother stood, stopping me before I left. "You'll be happy... Please remember Jada..." the name lingered in the air. "I only want the best for you... my Daughter."
"I am no daughter of yours." The words came with out warning. And the woman standing in front of my stared blankly at a 17-year-old girl, a girl that she had never known before.
"J-Jade?" she stuttered.
I shook my head, Petter gave me a cold glare. I looked at Isa. For a child of 4 years she was wise, and with the passing years, she would only grow much wiser, and much stronger. I could see myself in her young eyes. I could see a child, just wanting to be a child.
"I'm ready." turning back to the advisor, who was becoming more impatient by the second.
I listened to my footsteps, they were steady keeping pace with the people ahead of me and behind me. The orchestra had started to play. My heart was pounding. I waited with my maids. Isa walked up the red carpet, and so did 3 other relatives of the soon-to-be king. Then the music stopped. A single flute played.
I held my head high. Walking into the view of the people, Royals from all over Giai were there, as well as their generals, and their servants.
I took my time, savoring my freedom as long as I could. Lord Xavior watched me as I neared the Alter. His dark blue eyes chilled me. The people loved him, and supposedly he loved the people. He loved the attention anyway. That was the only reason he was marrying a 'peasant.' Good publicity.
I pasted a smile on my face that seemed believable. Isa smiled at me, I could tell she was both excited and sad. Her sister was to become royalty, it was the closest Isa had ever been to being a princess such as the ones in the story's I'd ready her before she went to bed.
Before I knew it I was standing face to face with Lord Xavior. He grinned at me. Probably anticipating the night ahead. I continued to smile, keeping up my shrade.
"This is a great day for all of Raudin!" yelled the priest to the huge crowd seated behind us. "Prince Xavior, son of Lord Triey is to become King!" yells of happiness exploded throughout the entire temple.
"Praise to the Gods of Giai, I bless this marriage. I bless you." Said the Priest looking at me with a warm understanding.
"Lord Xavior, heir to the kingdom of Raudin, do you take this woman to be your wife, to rule by your side, until death do you part?" asked the Priest.
"I do." Lord Xavior's eyes locked with mine.
"Do you Jada Arnethium, take this man to be your husband, to rule by his side, until death do you part?" he asked.
I stared back at Xavior. Not knowing what to say. There was no turning back now. What I said determined my entire future.
"DEATH TO RAUDIN!!!" a yell echoed throughout the temple. I was cut short, the temple shuttered. Then again... Dust fell from the ceiling. Everyone fell silent, waiting for an explanation to what was happening.
The doors to the temple flew open with a bang, there was mass panic, men came charging in, swords in hand. People ran around me, I looked back to where Lord Xavior had been standing, only to see him fleeing. I turned back to the screams, a hand grabbed me roughly by the shoulder.
"Ah!" I yelped, swinging my arm towards my attacker. He caught my fist. He threw me to the side, I knocked over a few people as I fell.
There was blood everywhere, I watched in horror as they slaughtered the guests.
"Aren't you gonna put up a fight woman?" asked the man who had attacked me.
"Where's Isa?" I asked myself. Getting myself up off the ground.
"Oh..." said the man.
'Isa?' I said silently, everyone around me was fighting to survive. But where was Isa? "ISA!?!?" I screamed running from the man, I weaved around the people, ducking from swords and jumping over the bodies that had fallen dead before me. I stopped. Petter lay over one of the pews, his eyes wide, blood dripped from his internal organs, which were exposed to plain view.
Covering my mouth, I began to run again, I felt a tug at the back of my dress, continuing to move forward I fell scraping the skin on the palms of my hands.
"Whore." Spat a voice, I rolled onto my back, looking up at a young man, he was only about my age, a few years older maybe. He grabbed the edge of my dress and hauled me back, I heard a rip as the material tore. I kicked trying to get away from him, but before I had a chance to get up, I felt weighed down.
I screamed at a body came down on top of me. I lay still, squeezing my eyes tightly shut. Then I realized that the person on top of me wasn't moving. I slowly opened my eyes.
"By the Gods!" I yelled staring at the dead woman lying on top of me. Her blood spilling onto my clothes.
The man laughed, kicking the woman off me. He grabbed my hair hauling me off the ground.
I heard part of the temple collapse, and a large cloud of dust then appeared, blinding me momentarily.
I coughed, stumbling over god knows what. Tears streamed over my cheeks.
"ISA!" I yelled.
"Shut up bitch. I was thrown into a corner. My head hitting on the wall with a loud crack. I sat there, unable to move, I touched my head, I felt warm blood.
"You know what, women are only good for one thing..." he said. Holding my arms above my head with one hand. He laughed. Unbuckling his pants with the other hand.
My legs were pined. I couldn't move, I was helpless. I closed my eyes, turning my head away. "Please no." I pleaded. He continued to laugh, and he didn't stop laughing. Not until he was finished.
"Damn virgin..." he muttered. "Got blood everywhere."
I lay there, waiting for him to kill me. Almost wishing he would kill me. But he just left without another word.
I opened my eyes and looked around me, death surrounded me. There were few people left alive. And even fewer left fighting. I stood up, my whole body ached. I had to find Isa.
"Isa..." she wasn't in the temple. I staggered through the whole in the side of the temple, into the garden.
"Isa!!" men were fighting all around me, Raudins army must have been alerted. "ISA?" I yelled beginning to run. I could hear her... She was frightened.
"ISA?! Where are you?!" I screamed running into the trees. They glowed a bright orange, smoke billowed from the branches, I coughed shielding my eyes from the flame. I tripped, falling to my knees then my upper body fell forward. My chin hit the ground making me bite my tongue.

Authors Note: So... Do you all like it? I wanted to write something different that what I usually write. I'm not quiet sure I actually did... Tell me what you think!!! How bout this, when I get 4 reviews I'll post another chapter! THX!!!

Yours Truly... Phoenix