Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Memories ❯ You have a choice to make... ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch.2 ~ You have a choice to make...


None of this was right. It was as if the moment had frozen, and I just stood there, staring... not in fear or wonder... maybe
it was both. What I felt was in describable. But I stood there looking at the huge space of land, which was now occupied by soldiers.
On my right... Were the soldiers in black... On my left... were the soldiers dressed in white. A classic scenario really...
Black VS. White, Right VS. Left, Good VS. Evil. And yet there I stood, between the two. The barrier between... Life...and...Death.


My head felt like it was being crushed by a bolder. I could hear voices. They seemed close. I tried to open my eyes, but
as soon as I saw light, they closed. It felt like someone had thrown sand in my face.
"Ugh..." I groaned, my hand flinching.
"She's waking up."
"Isa..." I opened my eyes again. This time it wasn't as painful. I had remembered everything that had happened
previously. "Isa... I have to fine Isa..." I said trying to sit up.
"Calm down miss. Your in no condition to -"
"I have to find Isa..." I said ignoring the voice. I tried to get up, and was stopped by a pair of hands which had pushed me
back down. "LET GO OF ME!" I yelled, struggling to get up.
Everything was blurry but I could just make out the long blond hair of the person holding me down. With a swing of my
arm, my hand grasped it tightly and pulled.
"Ah!" they yelped.
I felt the hair come loose, and whoever was holding onto me let go. I rolled onto the floor.
"Restrain her!" they yelled. I blinked a few times. Everything came into focus. I felt the tears stinging my eyes.
"No..." I whispered. I was in a tent... I was in the first aid tent. "Where's Isa?" I didn't even know that I was lifted, and put
back on my cot. My mind was in another place. Searching for Isa.
I slept for the rest of the day. I had tried on countless accounts to escape and find Isa. But was stopped. Either by guards,
that had been posted out side of the tent, or my muscles just wouldn't cooperate, I was stiff and soar all over. So I slept a blissful
dreamless sleep, or so I thought.


I ran with the others, unable to make out their faces, there was a trust there that I didn't understand. I didn't know these
people. Yet I felt as though they were there not to harm me, but to help me. As if they were family.
"Hurry!" yelled the one in front. The one, leading us through the mess of firery buildings, that were collapsing around us. J
So we sped up. I ran as fast and as hard as I could. I could hear something behind me. Not daring to look back for fear of
what I might see. My curiosity was still there, so I tried to listen closer. And the more I listened, the more the noise died down... until
it was a mere whisper of the wind.
"What." I came to an abrupt stop. "Where did they go?"
Every one had disappeared. I stood facing where we were running. "It's a dead end." I said staring at the wall in front of
me. The noise behind me started getting louder. I closed my eyes, telling myself to wake up. That it was just a dream... That I would
wake up, and Isa would be there watching me from the foot of my bed. Laughing because I was talking in my sleep again...
But it didn't disappear. And everything was starting to seem, less and less like a dream... It was becoming more real to
me by the second...Keeping my eyes closed, I slowly turned around, taking it one tiny step at a time. I drew in a deep breath. The
noise now seemed like an unnatural scream, high pitched and deafening. I opened my eyes.
Everything silenced. In front of me stood a girl. Not much older than myself. Her smile made me sick to my stomach. Her
red hair hung in a braid over her shoulder.
"Who are you?" I asked. Taking a step back. She seemed so familiar.
She continued to smile. Nodding her head once to the sky.
I looked up. The sky was a mix of colours, mostly black and orange. Lighting flashed striking the ground between us.

You have a choice to make...Jade...

Her voice sent a chill through me. I trembled slightly. "Who are you?"

You have a destiny to fulfill...
You cannot win...
You cannot lose...
You cannot be saved...
You cannot be lost...
You have a world to save...
You will be strong...
You will learn the meaning of wise...
You will make the choice...Jade...

"Who are you?" I backed into the wall.

You will make the choice...


A/N: Yea, I know... This chapter is kinda short, not to mention that almost nothing happens... But this chapter is probably one of the
most important. Due to the dream's she has... What do you all think they mean??? I wouldn't mind hearing your interpretations...
How do you like this so far? Pretty good... Horrible... Not bad? Tell me what you think... I think I'm starting to get better at posting
fic's on time (For anyone who reads my other fics) ^-^ Thanks to all who reviewed! I appreciate it!