Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Eyes ❯ One ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Mystic Eyes
Part: 1 / ?
Series: Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Author: Chibi_Koji_no_da
Pairing: Allen x Gaddes
Rating: NC-17
Warning: AU, OOC, some fluff, some bad language.
Disclaimer: Tenkuu no Escaflowne doesn't belong to me - if it did, well Hitomi would have been dragon fodder and Folken would still be in Fanelia ... and the other bishie boys, well they would all have a nice big house together with no girls....hmmm ^_^

Mystic Eyes.

Gaddes stared at the Mystic Moon, he was mesmerized by the white swirls that flitted across it's face, for some absurd reason he was reminded of Allen and the way his hair would catch in the wind and sway enticingly in front of deep crystal blue eyes that always seemed to pierce him, right to his very soul. Shaking his head he tried to clear the image, but he knew from experience that it was futile - his commander, his boss - but not his Allen was the centre of everything he did.

The only problem Gaddes could see that prevented the revelation of his feelings was the fact that Allen Schezar was a charming debonair ladies man who was so obviously straight even the blind mole man would be able to see it. With a depressed sigh he lay back on the hard dry dirt and continued watching the stars travel in their celestial dance across the sky NOT thinking of Allen.

A long haired figure stood in the shadows watching the sergeant gaze into the sky. He sighed quietly behind his hand. Despite his reputation Allen Schezar wasn't a womaniser. He strongly believed that it was his duty as a knight to protect them - he smiled ruefully at his thoughts and how they mirrored what he had told Hitomi when she had first arrived in his fortress. Women were vulnerable and they reminded him of his failure to protect his sister, who was now locked in the guise of a sadistic mad man.

He had fallen in love with a woman only once and that ended in the conception of the new Duke of Fried. Princess Marlene had loved him in return but their love was never allowed to be. A scowl settled on his normally gentle features as he thought about the third Princess of Asturia. Millerna Aston had for years tagged after him and tried to lay claim to him, but once she found out about Chid of Fried she denounced him as a womaniser and so did Hitomi. It really soured him on women and only succeeded in strengthening his second fancy with forbidden feelings - the ones he harboured for his dark, strong second in command - Sergeant Gaddes.

They stayed like that, one watching the other whilst the other thought about the one watching until the night started to recede. Allen slunk back into the shadows and went back to his room to change into a fresh uniform. Likewise Gaddes left the courtyard and made his way down to the barracks to change and wake the men for their morning drills.

Allen watched Gaddes putting the men through their morning exercise. Despite the war with Zaibach being over, he would not allow the men to grow complacent - it still made him uneasy thinking about all the destruction that had occurred during the Zaibach war. Leaning on the railing he let his head rest in his arms, and under the warmth of the morning sun allowed himself to relax and slip into a pleasant slumber.

* * *

"Reeden, what's the matter with you?" Gaddes yelled at the man, "That's the fourth time you've ruined the drill - pay attention!"

"Sorry Gaddes," he replied distractedly, and Gaddes turned in the direction their lookout had been staring.

Any other harsh words died before they were spoken as his mouth suddenly went dry. Reeden's attention had been caught by the angel sleeping so peacefully on the balcony. It was a rare sight indeed, to see their Commander looking so relaxed and at peace, it was no wonder the man was staring.

Not wanting to wake Allen, Gaddes dismissed the training early and headed up to the conference room to prepare the paperwork for the day ahead, he would wake Allen once it was all done - by that time the cook would have breakfast ready for them all.

He had just finished when he heard the door opening. Looking round he saw an enduringly cute, almost childlike Allen rubbing his eyes, "Gaddes," the sleepy murmur threatened his control and he moved behind the desk, away from the temptation.

"What time is it Gaddes - I must have fallen asleep; has breakfast been served yet?"

"No Commander, breakfast will be any time now," he smiled and sat down, grateful for the cover the table gave him, "I thought I would get this mornin's work ready whilst I waited - I just finished."

Allen moved forward and inspected the papers laid neatly on the table. Looking up at Gaddes through the curtain of his hair, he smiled softly at his second, taking the moment to absorb as much information as he could to replay in his mind later in the day.

Gaddes found it difficult to breath with his commander smiling at him - a beautiful almost shy smile just for him. He clasped his hands together on the table for fear that his fingers might act of their own accord and caress the smooth face and silky hair in front of him. He was also once more very thankful for the table that hid the growing problem in his lap.

"I am sorry that I left all this work for you to do - I meant to do them this morning, but it was nice to sit in the sun and relax for once," Allen ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke, catching the end of the golden strands, he twiddled it about his fingers, not noticing the intent almost pained gaze he was receiving from Gaddes.

The bell in the dining hall tolled, indicating that breakfast was ready, Allen was unprepared for Gaddes to suddenly leave for his seat and bolt out of the door.

Left alone for a moment, with a bemused smile on his face, he picked up the few papers that had fallen in from the table when Gaddes dashed past and laid them down. Flicking his hair back once more, he followed in Gaddes's wake and headed for breakfast with the rest of his men.

* * *

The small hall was already filling up with men desperately seeking their breakfast. After the fortress had been destroyed, Dryden the acting King of Asturia had sent many skilled workers to rebuild it, then he had given Allen command of more troops, wanting to make sure that the Asturian borders were never as vulnerable again. So now, instead of the seven men who survived the first attack and had manned what remained of the Fort, he had over seventy under his command.

Reaching the top table, he was greeted by six of those seven men.

"Where's Sergeant Gaddes?" he asked politely, the other man had left for breakfast before him, surely he should have got there first.

Katz looked up from his bowl and spoke in his soft almost quiet voice, "I saw him on my way down - he said he had to go get something from his quarters."

"Ah I see - thank you Katz." Allen sat down, satisfied that Gaddes's lack of presence had been accounted for.

* * *

Slamming the door shut, Gaddes hastily bolted it and flopped onto his bed. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he unlaced the front of his trews and pulled himself free.

"Such a tease," he muttered under his breath as his hand started to move up and down the straining column of flesh, "Such a fuckin' beautiful, oblivious, gorgeous, maddening tease!"

His hand moved faster as more images of his beautiful golden haired Commander filled his mind. Sweat started to bead on his brow, and his hand grew clammy as he strained toward release, still more images filling his mind.

Wary that their might still be stragglers not yet gone to breakfast, he turned and muffled his moans into his pillow. Finally he climaxed with a hoarse whisper of his beloved's name.

Sitting up he looked in disgust at his hand and the rapidly cooling mess that was staining it. With no cloth to hand, he moved to the small basket in the corner of the room, and taking out a soiled shirt he wiped his hand and his cock clean on it.

Satisfied that he was clean, he tucked himself back in and straightened his clothes. Aware that the room now smelt musky he clamoured back over to the bed and opened the window out.

The cool breeze was pleasant on his face, and it was tinged with the scent of the waterfall. Part of the reason he had chosen the room at the back of the fortress was that he was near the waterfall and the cool shade of the trees surrounding the cliff; and in an emergency he could leave quickly and clamber down into the hidden cave to get Allen's Scherezade ready, and prep the Crusade.

The rumbling of his stomach made him remember breakfast. Checking himself over once more to make sure that he was decent, he headed out of his room and down to the hall.

By the time he had arrived, food was scarce and most men were on their second's. He felt slightly upset when he saw that what remained of the food was little more than scraps, he was really hungry.

"Gaddes," he heard Allen call his name, and felt his smile return full force when he saw that Allen had saved him a large plate of food. Moving swiftly over he thanked him and dug in.

* * *

Allen watched as Gaddes dug into his food with a zest, it had almost been comical to see the look on Gaddes's face when he realised that he had been too late to get any of the decent food.

As Gaddes reached past him for the salt, he caught a whiff of something slightly salty that wasn't any of the food they were eating; it was a familiar smell, but slightly different and he couldn't quite place it. Watching Gaddes playfully banter with Ort he smiled.

As he chewed on his toast, he realised what the scent was and nearly choked. Gaddes hadn't been going to his room to get something - he had gone to his room to get something off!

A blush suffused his pale skin, and he was glad for his long hair as he lowered his head to hide the blush. Calling on years of discipline, he willed his body not to react.

Once he was sure that he had the flush contained, and he looked his normal cool in control self he excused himself and headed for his own chambers.

The thought kept playing in his mind, why had Gaddes run off and had to relieve himself after talking with him?
Mentally chastising himself for allowing a small glimmer of hope to be born, he veered off from his rooms and headed back to the conference hall - work would take his mind away from Gaddes.

* * *

Reaching the hall, he found a message from King Van of Fanelia waiting for him on the desk. With a smile he opened it, Van had hated Allen when they first met, and he hadn't been too keen on the arrogant teenager either. But after fighting together and dealing with so many things, like the betrayal of Hitomi's heart, they had emerged as good friends.

Dear Allen,
I hope this letter finds you well.
As you well know it is only a short time away from White, 12th moon
and my sixteenth birthday,
I was hoping that you and Gaddes would be able to join me in Fanelia.
My councillors have insisted that we hold a celebration
and I would much love to see you both again.
However, please be aware that as a matter of politics
I have had to invite Princess Millerna,
who has informed me that Dryden will not be able to attend
- I will understand if you wish to stay away,
I would if given the choice.
My advisors have also been pressuring me to take a wife and sire an heir,
but I feel that I am far too young to be a husband and a father
- in my opinion I am too young to be a King.
I hope that you will attend, a response one way or the other would be much appreciated,
by White 6th moon at the latest
so we have time to prepare you quarters should you attend.
I sincerely hope to see you.
Van Fanel

Van had certainly changed during the war, having to fight in the Escaflowne and experience war and the sufferings of his people first hand had made him a better leader than his father. Gone now was the arrogance and the demands, Van had been one of the few people positively affected by the war.

Deciding that he would certainly be attending, Millerna or not, he made a mental note to ask Gaddes - he couldn't be sure if the other man would go or not, Gaddes and Millerna hated each other with a passion.

When he had asked Millerna about it, she had claimed Gaddes was too bold and disrespectful for a man in his position. In turn, when he had approached Gaddes he had dismissed her as a wilful little girl who was basically nothing more than a spoiled brat.

Picking up a pen, he sketched a brief reply for himself and left space for what ever answer and comments Gaddes felt he might add.

Reaching for the neat piles of paper, he started the paper work and resolved that his thoughts would stay away from his dark, rugged, handsome Second in Command.

* * * * * *

The morning flew by, and soon Gaddes found himself out in the courtyard once more, giving the soldiers their orders for the remainder of the day.

A small group of the soldiers were to be despatched to aid the Cat-people who lived on the Asturian/Fanelian border. They had reported bandits and slavers in the area, looking for members of their tribe with rare coloured pelts.

Allen had been disgusted by this news, and had made it his top priority to get some of his men down their to help the poor creatures out. Gaddes suspected that it came from his liking of Van's devoted cat-girl Meruru.

Orders were dispatched and he wandered aimlessly, until he found himself outside the conference hall once more. With a shrug he pushed the doors open and stepped inside.

The rays of light from the midday sun were streaming in through the high windows, and they picked out the lighter blond strands in Allen's hair making it shimmer and give him a halo of light, stepping forward automatically he reached the table and looked down at his commander.

"Gaddes," Allen managed to get out, before Gaddes in a state almost like a trance reached down and took his face in his hands, "Gaddes?" asked his mouth open in shock.

Gaddes didn't reply, his eyes slid shut and leaning forward he claimed Allen's lips in a possessive kiss. Finally the need for air drew them apart, and Gaddes felt a strange horror building in his chest as he looked down at Allen's swollen mouth, glimmering with the remnants of his kiss, he had no idea why he had just done that and he stepped away.