Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Mystic Eyes ❯ Two. ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Mystic Eyes
Part: Two
Series: Tenkuu no Escaflowne
Author: Chibi Koji no da
Pairing: Allen x Gaddes
Warning: AU, OOC, some mild angst

Disclaimer: Not mine, never been mine, wish it was!

Mystic Eyes - Part Two.
End of Part One…
Gaddes didn't reply, his eyes slid shut and leaning forward he claimed Allen's lips in a possessive kiss. Finally the need for air drew them apart, and Gaddes felt a strange horror building in his chest as he looked down at Allen's swollen mouth, glimmering with the remnants of his kiss, he had no idea why he had just done that and he stepped away.
* * * *** * *
Allen couldn't believe what had just happened, it seemed that Gaddes couldn't either. They stood frozen in place for a moment, and then Gaddes scratched the back of his head and laughed somewhat guiltily.

"Sorry about that Commander, Teo bet me that I wouldn't do it, and well I know it was stupid, but I wanted to prove him wrong," the smile on his face hurt as he lied, but Gaddes couldn't even contemplate telling Allen the truth, it was bad enough that he had lost control and kissed the man like that.

The bemused, happy smile on Allen's face vanished, and was replaced by coldness. It hurt him to the very core, that Gaddes would accept a bet like that, and then go ahead and do it. For a split second it had seemed as if his dreams had come true, but once more he had not only been cruelly denied, but punched in the gut for good measure too.

"I see," anger started to build within him, of all people, Gaddes knew how sensitive he was about people getting close to him. Standing he pointed to the desk, "There is a letter from Van there." Looking up, he made the mistake of looking at Gaddes's face, and the annoying half smile that still played about his mouth. Before he could stop himself, he drew back his fist and let a solid punch knock the smile from Gaddes's face, and the second in command from his feet.

Moving away, before he could apologize or do something equally stupid, Allen picked up the pile of papers he had been working on, and headed to his chambers, away from the stunned looking man on the floor.

Gaddes couldn't believe it, he found himself staring at the door the Commander had left through, he had not expected Allen to hit him, and so hard either. His jaw ached and he could taste blood in his mouth. Pulling himself up from the floor, he moved to the small cabinet and opened the draw, looking for the small hand mirror he knew was inside. Finding it, he examined his face. The left side of his face was puffy and a bruise was rapidly darkening the corner of his lips, one of which had split, which explained the blood in his mouth, and he was a little grateful that it wasn't due to a tooth falling loose.

Sitting at the desk, he put his head in his hands and sighed. Any possibility of Allen liking him as more than a friend had been blown out of the water by that stunt, and as he thought about his actions, he ruefully concluded, that Allen had gone easy on him; that he deserved so much more for messing with Allen's feelings like that. The crew, and members of the castle, saw Allen as the invincible Knight, someone who was not affected by weakness or worries. But, Gaddes knew better
Allen had confided in him before, had spilt all his secrets and bared his soul. It had been at that time that Gaddes's feelings for the delightful blond, had deepened from lust to love; Allen had a soul as beautiful and fragile as his appearance, but necessity had forced him to hide behind a stern façade. It was not widely known that Allen had once been nothing more than a common bandit, living in the forests on the border, and merely surviving from the pickings of others. Had it not been for the Fanelian Samurai Balgus, Allen would have probably died, or still lived the pitiful life of a bandit.

The paper under his arm caught his attention as he shifted it, and picking it up he read Van's invitation to the castle. After the first few lines, he was sure that he would attend, but when he saw Millerna-Hime's name, he paused and groaned. How he despised that woman; Allen had no idea what a little bitch the Asturian Princess was. She had approached him, and demanded details of Allen's personal life, stating that as Second in command, he must be privy to them; when he refused, she had a temper tantrum, and had threatened to get him removed from his position.

He had ignored her, secure in the knowledge that Dryden liked him; and if Millerna-Hime wanted him removed, she would have to explain to him why - he doubted that Millerna-Hime would tell her husband that she was still trying to seduce the Heavenly Knight after having taken vows of monogamy. He had been correct, and remained secure in his position.

Millerna-Hime's attitude to Allen changed after that, and she grew spiteful, whispering words to Hitomi and inciting her to believe that Allen, noble, kind Allen was nothing more than a lecherous womaniser. If he thought he could have gotten away with it, Gaddes would have told her exactly what he thought of her, but there was only so far Dryden was willing to go before he would be forced to step in to defend his wife's honour, and so he kept his comments to himself.

Picking up the quill, he dipped it in ink and sketched a quick apology; even for Van, he would not willingly spend time with the Hime. Letting the ink dry, Gaddes moved over to the door and looked out into the hallway. Soon it would be the lunch hour, and he would have to either attend and explain why his face was bruised to the men, or go down to the kitchens and get some food and bring it back to the room.

Deciding on the later, he walked at a fast pace down to the kitchens, keeping his head down to hide the bruising on the side of his face. The cook wasn't surprised to see him, frequently he and Allen would be too busy to eat with the other men, and always accepted Gaddes's appearance by the door with no questions. Today was no exception, and the busy serving wench didn't notice the marks on his face, for which he was glad - that would have spread it around the castle faster than his appearance at lunch. Thanking her, he hurried back to the study, and decided to finish the few bits of work that Allen had left behind.

Allen was laying on his bed, contemplating going to the dinning hall, or skipping lunch altogether. He felt lonely as he stared out of his window and looked out across the forest. He hadn't realised how close he had let Gaddes get to him, and it hurt to be betrayed so thoughtlessly; it seemed that Gaddes didn't even realise he had upset him, and probably just thought he was angry about being the subject of a bet.

Yes, he was angry that Gaddes had been betting over him and such an intimate action, but it was more the overwhelming sense of betrayal that had left him feeling sick, and unwilling to do the forms for the day; he just wanted to lounge in bed and pretend that the day had never happened, or had only just started.

He was glad that the day's drills had been done, his room was above the office that over looked the training yard, and it would have made things so much worse if he had been forced to listen to Gaddes's voice all afternoon. He would easily be able to avoid the darker man all day, and the evening's patrols wouldn't be a problem seeing as they headed one group each. Slightly more satisfied, he sat up and looked about the sparten quarters of his room.

On his dresser stood a small frame that contained a strange picture, Hitomi had called a photograph. She had found an odd looking device in her bag that she called a camera. The picture showed Gaddes, Van, Hitomi, Meruru and himself smiling together in front of the Crusade; normally he liked this picture, in it, Gaddes had slung his arm about his shoulders and leant heavily on him, smiling over his shoulder, their cheeks nearly touching. But today he didn't feel like looking at it, so standing, he moved across the room and lay it face down. With a sigh he looked out of the window and immediately wished he hadn't
Sitting on the balcony directly below him, with a plate of food, was Gaddes. It looked as if he were doing the remains of the work that had been in the office, and somewhat spitefully he thought the other man was welcome to it. Even despite his anger, he couldn't help taking a moment to admire what he could see of the other man. The urge to call down and apologise was growing, but he knew he mustn't, his actions had been justified, and for this situation to be resolved, Gaddes would have to come to him.

Seeing as Gaddes was outside with his lunch, he decided that he would go down to the hall and eat with the men, thinking that perhaps their chatter and gossip would remove his mind from the mornings unpleasentness. Having decided, he left the room and headed down to the hall. As he passed the office, he looked in and grabbed Van's letter; it didn't surprise him to see Gaddes's response, but a small smirking voice within couldn't help commenting that perhaps he would have gone had he not been struck to the floor by his commander.

That voice made him feel sick, and he did an about turn and headed back to his room to pack; he would leave for Fanelia early to help Van with his preperations and get away from the situation he now found himself in.

"Commander." He had just reached his door when he heard Gaddes call to him. Turning slowly, he felt his stomach turn again at what he had done to Gaddes's face. Steeling himself, he looked his second in the eye and raised an eyebrow.

"The messenger from Fanelia is here to take back the response, I noticed it wasn't in the office." Gaddes reported dutifully, keeping his eyes trained on the floor, not wanting to see the anger that would undoubtably still mar the bishonen's face.

"Good - I have decided that I will journey to Fanelia early. Inform the men of this and chose someone you deem trustworthy to head the patrols whilst I am gone." Allen noticed Gaddes avoiding looking at him, and was sure that by leaving early and putting space between them for awhile, things would get back to normal faster.

"I'll get Ort to do it; all the men know him." Gaddes felt so ashamed of himself, he had upset Allen so much that he was leaving for awhile, "I'll get to it right now Commander." He turned and left, sure that the death knell was sounding for their friendship.
Allen watched the man leave, a niggling feeling telling him that things were never going to be the same.