Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Oh Repeditive Yet Ever Changing Future ❯ Repeditive Change ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
(A/N) Umm, in regards to what, umm, well, umm, happened in the last chapter, umm...Oh, to h*ll with it! Some of you are going to hate me for what happens in this chapter! All I ask is that before you storm off, is that you READ THE (A/N) AT THE END. PLEASE!

Disclaimer: a) I don't own Escaflowne, and probably never will.
@b) I don't make any money off of this.

*I do however own certain characters and places. All of which should be blatantly obvious.*


By Neko Bell

Edited by Medatsu

Chapter 3: Repetitive Change

In the darkness of late evening a cold wind blows over the empire of Fukkyu. On the high balcony of the central tower of the Castle man prepares to alter fate once again. A large twisted metal machine with the appearance of a giant spider crossed with a giant funnel stands in the light of Mystic Moon. Several of the Madoushi are busy making adjustments to the perverse contraption.

"I'm surprised you were able to prepare for this so quickly, Haraguroi." Comes the suspicious voice of the Queen.

"I had the slaves finish the preparations in a hurry, as we all felt tonight would be the best for the transference to occur."

"And why is that exactly?"

"The fact that the Mystic Moon sent that girl tonight shows that it's power is at the ready to be harnessed for the transference of things from the Moon's depths."

"Are you certain this will work?"

"With out a doubt."

"For your sake it had better."

"Yes. Bring out the shell!" Haraguroi commands.

With that a dog man comes from the Castle wheeling a stretcher with a body resting upon it. The body is then moved onto a cold metal table beneath the machine. The dog man leaves as two of the Madoushi strap the body down. Once finished they lower the Machine so that the funnel like opening is place directly over the body' s heart.

"Highness" Haraguroi bows to her and she ascends the stars to stand atop the Machine. There she removes her black pendant and places it into the small apparatus above the funnel. She then places her right hand palm down over it. Through the sheer force of her will the pendant comes to life with power of its own. The black light firing and crackling in anticipation. Moving back down the stairs she nods her consent to Haraguroi.

"Commence the transfer." Haraguroi commands.

"Commencing transfer." The Madoushi at the controls replies. He then shifts several levers, and the low grinding noise of gears in motion is heard as the small dome like covering the funnel is opened. The light of the Mystic Moon is captured by the metal monstrosity and focused into the black pendant, where it's energy builds. Once the funnel is if full of the glowing light it is fired downwards into the soulless body. The light grapples hold of the body and forces it's way in. The body's face contorts into an expression of pain as its soul is forced back into confinement. As quickly as it began it is over as the last of the powerful light enters the body, the no longer empty body going slack against the restraints. The dome atop the contraption closes and the process is complete.

"It is finished." Haraguroi states.

The Empress then ascends the Machine once again retrieving her pendant. Climbing down to the stone floor she eyes the body being attended to by the Madoushi. "Did it work?" She inquires.

"We won't know for certain until he awakes, highness." Haraguroi replies.

"Very well. Inform me the moment he comes to." With that the Empress leaves the Madoushi to their business.

"Of course, once he's been dealt with that is." Haraguroi says under his breath.


Far to the east Ninshiki Castle stands in the cold night against the howling of the wind and rain. Within it's dimly lit halls we find Van. He is soaking wet from the rain out side, his black hair sticking to his face. His shift on guard duty hand finally ended and he could hardly wait to get to Hitomi's room. Even if she isn't awake he'd be content to watch her sleep while he waits. After all he'd survived four lonely years without her, he could stand to wait a few more hours. Walking through the halls of Ninshiki Castle he comes to the hall conjunction, going left will take him to Hitomi, and going right will lead him to his own chambers. He is sorely tempted to go left, but what if she's awake? He can't let her see him like this; he has to be presentable for her. Thus he reluctantly goes right to change and dry off.


In his room he finds the fire has been lit in his absence and the room is warm. Going over to the fire he peals off his soaking black shirt and hangs it over the back of one of the cozy chairs. He then goes across the room to the large doors leading to the washroom. Enter the room briefly he then emerges with a white towel around his shoulders and a smaller hand towel on his head which he is vigorously rubbing to remove the excess water from his hair. Reaching the chairs once again he bends over picking up his pack from the floor and sets it on the chair not being used as a clothes rack. Opening it he pulls out a long sleeved red tunic and a pair of black pants.

He stops drying his hair and looks at the red shirt. 'It's been a while since I've worn red.' He thinks, 'Not since she left.' With that a small smile crosses his face and he continues drying off.


He emerges from his room moving swiftly down the hall only one thing on his mind, 'Hitomi'. Reaching the doors to her chamber he stops to collect himself.


She stands by the window staring out into the rainy night. She is alone now; the strange people she'd met had gone off to get some answers out of someone named Kashikoi. Now she's left dreading meeting the man named Van, mostly because of who he thinks she is. Or rather who everyone seems to thinks she is. "This is so weird, not to mention confusing." She mutters to herself.


He takes a deep breath and pushes on the door. Stepping into the room the first thing he notices is her standing by the window. 'Gods there she is.' He feels his heart leap into his throat as the butterflies in his stomach speed up their flight. Looking at her he sees everything that's changed; Her hair is longer and flows elegantly about her, she's taller, nearly as tall as he is, and she seems more in control of her body.


Hearing the door open her heart leaps as her nerves clench. 'What if that's him, the man the cat called Van.' She stands stock still for a moment not sure what to do, unsure how to handle this. She then swallows her fear and turns slowly to face the unknown person.


She begins to turn around, his heart leaps again. 'Gods she is graceful.' First her hips rotate then her torso followed by her head. His anticipation builds as he takes her form in, her sock covered feet, her slim legs, her slender hips, her flat stomach, curved chest, straight and narrow shoulders, to the soft and creamy skin of her face and those beautiful eyes......His heart stops 'Who is this?' Those eyes are not the eyes of his dreams; they are not the bright emerald green that captured his heart. Those eyes are blue.


She watches him trail his eyes up her body, 'This is not going to be good.' Once their eyes connect she sees the shock in his eyes and the deep disappointment that they hold, and she feels as if she's broken his heart. The only thought that comes to her mind is 'I'm sorry.'

The two of them stand there for several minutes saying nothing, unaware of the voices coming from the next room. Then the library door opens and a bickering entourage comes in shattering the silence.

Both turn their attention to the group, standing in the doorway. Millerna, Allen, Merle, and Kashikoi are all talking at once until they notice the two other occupants of the room staring straight at them.

"Bark!" The Husky rushes past the four sets of legs and jumps into the awaiting arms of the girl.

"Yujin!" She's is on her knees hugging the large dog, which is whining happily, and licking her face. "Thank heaven something's familiar in this place."

Van is still looking at the girl in shocked silence. "Lord Van?" Merle ventures.

"What's going on here?" Everyone's eyes turn to Van. "Who are you?"

With that the girl stands up, "I'm Sai, Sai Hashimoto."


Not long after wards the group of six find themselves in the library adjacent to Sai's room. They are all seated around the largest round table in the room. Sai sits facing Kashikoi with the Husky Yujin lying by her feet. To her left is Millerna, then Allen, Van and Merle. Kashikoi stands before them awaiting their response to the information he has given them.

"*Sigh* I don't understand how you can think I'm some kind of god. I'm just a teenager, not some savior."

"You may think of yourself that way, but the powers of the Heavens show us who truly are." Kashikoi replies.

"How exactly can you be sure I am you say I am."

"This library in which you sit is the oldest on Gaea. It holds all the knowledge of ancients. I have spent my life here learning of the past and the future. In one particular tome the ancient Goddess of Mercy is spoken of. It says that once long ago she became human to help ease the suffering of this world, but being mortal she eventual fell fate to mortal laws and died of old age. However, upon the hour of her passing it was prophesied that she would return to this world once again. I have spent my life awaiting your arrival, knowing the exact moment you would descend. There is no doubt in my mind as to who you are." He bows to her.

"This makes no sense to me. I don't see how it's even possible for me to be here. I should be in the place you call the Mystic Moon not here." The confusion is evident on her face.

"I understand you are tired and upset. This hard for you to accept when you have no memory of you self and your purpose. But please try to understand that you are here for a reason. I know you have many questions but unfortunately I am unable to give them to you. That is why I feel it is best for us to leave here tomorrow and travel to Yogen Temple to the North, where the prophecy of your return is kept. There you may perhaps find your answers."

The room is filled with silence once again, broken by Van's questioning heart "Your right it doesn't make any sense. You told me she was Hitomi."

"No, I did not. I told you what was and what is, are different things. Your assumption based upon her appearance has little to do with the person that she is." Kashikoi replies.

"Then explain to me how in the span of one night did her eyes change from green to blue." Van demands.

"I can explain that. I saw it happen." Merle speaks up.

(Flash Back)

"Umm, excuse me? I donft mean to be rude, but who are you people?h

"It's us." The cat says. The girl only continues to stare at the trio. "Come on stop playing around Hitomi you know me, it's Merle."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but my name isn't Hitomi. It's Sai."

"But how is that possible?" The older woman asked. "I thought Hitomi was the only one who could travel from the Mystic Moon."

"I guess not." The man said with uncertainty.

"Oh come on! You have to be Hitomi! The pendant, the sand coloured hair, that nose, those green eyes! There's no question!"

"Green eyes..." she said slowly, "Oh no! My contacts! I'm still wearing them, no wonder my eyes hurt so much." She looked surprised and a little scared. "I had a back pack, didn't I? It's big and gray."

The man looks at the older woman. "I believe the servants placed it in your room..."the older woman nodded confirming this. With that the girl named Sai rushed through the large oak doors back into her room.

"How did she just do that? Those doors weigh a tone." The older woman asked in amazement.

They all looked surprised for a moment then followed Sai into her room. They watched as she pulled out a small bag from her pack. She placed it on the table and removed a white bottle and a small container from the bag. Opening the container she squirted some liquid from the bottle into it. After a moment she spread her eyelids and pulled something away from her eye. After placing it in the container she repeated the process with the other eye. Blinking wildly and rubbing her eyes she then proceeded to put the bottle and container away.

"That's better." She said walking over to the stunned trio, who are even more in shock now that her eyes were no longer green, but blue.

(End of Flash Back)

"Then what exactly happened to Hitomi Kenzakie?"

"Kenzakie?" Everyone one looks at Sai. "One minute." She quickly gets up from her chair and rushes back to her room. A moment later she reenters the library, a black leather bound book in her hands. She sets the book down on the table and opens it pulling out a worn photograph. "Is this her?" She hands the picture to Van.

"Hitomi." The photo is of girl that looks exactly like Sai only with shorter hair and green eyes. He looks up from the photo to Sai. "You know her?"

Sai nods with a look of sadness and uncertainty in her eyes. "She's my Grandmother."

(A/N) OK, now before any of you set off to crucify me, I would like to state to you my reasons for not making this a Van x Hitomi fic:

1. That kind of fic has been done many times, so all of the best ideas for it have been taken. And I am completely and utterly against plagiarism!

2. I have had the pleasure of reading some rather good VxH fics, which have given me a sense of closure on the issue. I also firmly believe that if it ainft broke, donft fic it. (Yes, I know it's a lame joke.)

3. The idea for this fic sprang up when I read (on the Net somewhere) that supposedly Gaea is the future earth. This added to my curiosity about why two generations of the Kenzakie family had ended up on Gaea formed the idea. The story then evolved from there. It was not initially a romance-oriented story; it simply turned into one.

I sincerely apologize for leading you on. But you may be pleased to know that later on Hitomi will be making an appearance in this fic. (Opps, Ifve said too much!)

Also contrary to what I said earlier I do actually have an idea for a VxH fic, but I only came up with it like five minutes after I finished writing this chapter. Seriously! And I will eventually write it, but not till after I finish this fic. As this one's already suffering while I split my time with a Trigun fic.

Any way, if you can find it hearts to forgive me please keep on Reading & Reviewing. PLEASE!

Japanese Word List (In order of appearance.)

Yujin - means 'comrade' or 'friend' (This shouldn't need explaining.)

Sai (pronounced like 'sigh') - means 'again' (I'll explain this later.)

Yogen - means 'prophecy' (This should kind of be obvious.)