Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ On a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

On a Wing and a Prayer
By Sailor Centauri

Disclaimer: I don't own Van, Hitomi, or any of the other Escaflowne characters. I also don't own the Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, or Hilde S. They belong to the creators of Gundam Wing (another kick ass Anime), but I do own Katia and the events in this story.

Authors Notes: This is the sequel to "An Angel Returns". You should read that first so that you know how Hitomi is suddenly in Gaea again. Van and Hitomi are the main characters, but so is my original character, Katia. THIS IS NOT A CROSSOVER FIC!! I am however going to use the names, looks, and some other characteristics of the three above metioned GW characters (You'll understand later in the story)

Please review and tell me what you all think! Arigatou!

Chapter 1

"Hitomi…I still can hardly believe that you're here." Van said as he flew them through the air towards Fanelia. Hitomi snuggled up closer against his chest and closed her eyes, revelling in the sensation of having his strong, protective arms around her again.

"I can hardly believe it either Van," she said as she looked up into his eyes. "You have no idea how many times I've dreamt of this moment since I left you and Gaea all those years ago."

"Oh, I think I can imagine how many times you've dreamt of it." he said with a smile as he kissed her lightly on the forehead. "Probably as many as I did."

Hitomi smiled and snuggled into his chest again. Thankful that she was finally with her angel again.

She gasped as Fanelia came slowly into view. She could hardly believe it; Van and the remaining Fanelian people had managed to rebuild the entire kingdom, and more! Fanelia's borders no longer just went to the edge of the mountain valley it was nestled in. The outskirts now spread out of the valley, to the sides of the mountain, and out into the field.

Van flew a scenic route towards the palace, wanting Hitomi to see as much of the city as possible.

The palace had been rebuilt on the same hilltop as where the old palace had once stood, and as they flew over the courtyard Hitomi couldn't help but smile. It looked exactly the same as it had before old Fanelia had been destroyed. She had watched Van be crowned king in that courtyard.

Van landed on the balcony of his bedroom and led Hitomi inside. She inhaled sharply at the size and splendor of the room. The walls were an emerald green color, almost the same shade as Hitomi's eyes. A desk littered with papers stood near the balcony doors, and an overly large bed stood on the other side of the room. She caught sight of his royal sword resting against the wall near the bed.

Hitomi walked over to the bed and marvelled at the blanket spread across it. In the center of it was the crest of Fanelia. She ran her fingers along its edge, loving the way the material felt against her fingers. She sat down on the bed and closed her eyes, allowing Van's scent and long buried memories to assail her senses from all sides.

She opened her eyes after a few moments and caught sight of a fireplace on the far side of the room. A fire was lit in the grate, despite the fact that it was a warm day outside. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she caught sight of the portrait hanging over the fireplace.

Hitomi slowly got up and walked over to the fireplace, a flood of memories coming back to her as she took a closer look at the portrait.

It had been painted shortly before she had left to go back home; she and Van were standing in the center with their arms around each other. Allen and his sister Celena were beside Van, while Millerna and Dryden were beside Hitomi. Merle was sitting in front of Hitomi and Van, while Escaflowne knelt down behind them.

Van came up behind Hitomi and wrapped his arms around her waist. Hitomi smiled at the welcome intrusion on her memories and turned to face him. His wings had disappeared back into his shoulders and he was now wearing his trademark red sleeveless shirt. She cupped his cheek in her hand and lightly caressed it as she took a closer look at him.

He was taller and had filled up considerably, no longer the lanky teenage boy she remembered. He had become even more handsome than she had dared allow herself to remember, and his eyes…she felt as if she could drown in their depths. But it wasn't just his looks that had changed. The harsh edge that he had always tried to portray and maintain during the Destiny War was now completely gone. He was allowing the kind, warm, gentleness that he had buried and hidden from all but her and Merle shine through.

Van also looked more closely at Hitomi, wanting to memorize everything about her in case this all turned out to be some sweet fantasy that his mind had concocted in order to torture him for ever being stupid enough to let her go.

Her hair was longer; it now went down well passed her shoulders. She was taller, but still pretty thin. His heart began to pound and his breath quicken as his eyes wandered down her body. The gentle curves of her chest and hips; the creamy complexion of her skin; the fact that her shirt was rather low cut and only had two small stripes of fabric holding it to her body; he committed it all to memory.

"Hitomi…" he whispered huskily. He wanted her to know how he felt about her, he NEEDED her to know. But Hitomi put a finger on his lips to stop him from speaking and pulled herself closer to him, closing her eyes. He closed his eyes and met her half way. Their lips met and the sensation it caused sent chills through their bodies.

Although slightly awkward at first, neither could contain the flood of emotions that poured through them. And as the seconds ticked by, Van grew bolder and deepened the kiss. Stoking the fires of desire that raged within Hitomi and himself. He ran his tongue along her bottom lip, begging for entrance to her mouth. Hitomi moaned and parted her lips slightly, along him the entrance he desired.

The world around them stopped spinning and melted away, leaving the two reunited lovers alone with the intoxicating heat of their passion. Hitomi ran her figures through Van's hair and pressed her body into his, subconsciously noting how perfectly they molded together.

Van allowed his hands to explore her body, but did his best to stay away from any private areas. He feared that she would think it too much too soon; but his heart ached to go further. To make Hitomi his, and allow her to make him hers.

Hitomi wanted nothing more then to make her way over to the bed with Van and consummate their relationship after so many long years. She wanted to show him how much she loved him; how much she needed and desired him; how much she had missed him. She ached to know if he felt the same way. And if this kiss was any indication, he most certainly did.

They were so wrapped up in each other and their overwhelming passion that they didn't hear the bounding footsteps coming down the hall towards the room. The door flew open with a bang that caused Hitomi to shout in surprise and break the kiss. Van and Hitomi hastily tried to straighten their rumpled shirts and ran their fingers through their now messy hair, hoping that whoever it was hadn't seen very much. Both were gasping for breathe and blushing profusely.

"Lord Van! Lord Van!" Merle cried as she bounded into the room and gave Van a big hug, totally oblivious to what she had just walked in on. Van flicked his eyes over at Hitomi and grinned at the somewhat annoyed expression on her face. Hitomi couldn't help but grin back.

Merle released Van from her hug and was just about to speak when she laid eyes on Hitomi. Her eyes grew wide for a moment in apparent recognition, but it passed quickly and was replaced by a look of intense suspicion. Hitomi fought hard not to burst out laughing as Merle slowly advanced, surveying every inch of her.

"You smell like Hitomi," she said as she circled around her. "But you don't look like her." She now stood eye to eye with Hitomi and stared at her intensely, but Hitomi merely smiled.

"It's good to see you too Merle. I missed you." Merle's expression quickly changed from suspicion to pure joy as she realized that it really WAS Hitomi and grabbed her into a tight hug.

"I missed you too Hitomi! It just wasn't the same around here without you." Merle cried as tears of happiness slid down her cheeks. Hitomi laughed heartily and returned Merle's hug with the same amount of intensity. She pulled away after a moment and looked the cat-girl over. Actually cat-woman was more accurate; Merle had grown up. She no longer wore the short yellow dress that Hitomi remembered. In its place she wore a long, deep purple dress. Her hair was much longer; reaching the small of her back, and it was now a light red instead of pink. She reminded Hitomi a little of Naria, the cat-woman who had tried to abduct her during the Destiny War.

Van stood back and smiled happily as he watched the two most important women in his life begin to catch up on old times. But after a few moments Merle turned to him in all seriousness.

"Lord Van, I don't think that Hitomi is the only person who's arrived on Gaea today."

Van's eyes widened. "What do you mean Merle?" Hitomi moved up beside Van, a surprised and slightly fearful look on her face.

"The guards at the gates reported seeing TWO of the mystical pillars of light, one to the north and one to the south. I just knew that one had to be Hitomi, but I don't know who came in the other one."

Van turned to Hitomi, an astonished look on his face. "Was there anyone with you when the blue pillar took you?"

Hitomi thought for a moment before slowly shaking her head. "Not as far as I know. I was living with a friend that I met in my last year of high school, but she was out at a party. And Amano and Yukari live in England now." Her forehead creased in concentration as she tried to think about who this new arrival from Earth could possibly be. "I honestly have no idea who it could be."

Van thought about this news for a moment before smiling at her and taking her in his arms. He looked over at Merle. "I'm sure that the identity of the person will be revealed to us in time. The blue pillar does not bring anyone to Gaea without a reason."

* * *

Deep within a forest to the south of Fanelia, someone was lying face down on the ground with blood staining the grass around them.