Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ On a Wing and a Prayer ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 2

A soft moan rang through the clearing in the forest as Katia Tsukino began to come to.

<Where am I?> she thought as she slowly began to pull herself up off the ground. She sat up against a rock and looked around. Absolutely nothing looked familiar to her. She felt something wet running down her face and put her hand up to her forehead. She hissed in pain and quickly pulled her hand away. It was soaked in blood.

<Great…I must have fallen and hit my head on this rock.> her brow creased in confusion, she had no memory of falling. The last thing that she remembered was going back to the apartment that she was sharing with her high school friend/would-be sister, Hitomi Kanzaki. She had gone to a party, but had decided to return early in order to spend some time with her friend, who had been moping more than usual lately.

She remembered entering the courtyard that led to the apartment and seeing Hitomi standing by the fountain. She had begun to walk towards her when a blue pillar of light had enveloped Hitomi, pulling her up into the air. Katia had run as fast as she could to try to grab onto Hitomi and pull her back, but as soon as she stepped into the light, she had felt her feet leave the ground. She had watched in astonishment and fear as the courtyard, the apartment, and then the entire city of Tokyo disappeared as she and Hitomi rose higher and higher into the sky. Her memory was blank after that.

She shook her head in an attempt to clear it, though it only really resulted in her head throbbing even more. Grasping her head in her hands, she tried to calm herself down. That was when she realized that Hitomi was no where near her. She frantically looked around, but there was no sign of Hitomi anywhere.

<Please let her be alright.> she thought as she rose unsteadily to her feet. A wave of dizziness overtook her and she placed a hand on the rock to steady herself.

A new sound reached her ears just as the world around her stopped spinning; twigs snapping and leaves crunching. Someone was coming. Katia's mind filled with irrational thoughts as she looked around and darted quickly behind a thick tree. She slowly poked her head around the trunk just in time to see two people enter the clearing. One was a girl with short, platinum blond hair and the other was a man with long blond hair.

"I could have sworn that I saw the mystical pillar of light around here." She heard the man say.

"I saw it too brother, as well as someone descending in it." The girl looked around the clearing and Katia quickly hid her head, praying that she hadn't been seen. "But I'm not sure if we went in the right direction. It may have been…" but the girl stopped mid-sentence and looked closely at something on the ground. Katia slowly looked out of her hiding spot again and saw them standing by the rock she had awoken by.

"What is it?" the man asked as he bent down beside her. Katia couldn't hear what was said while they knelt on the ground as they were suddenly whispering. But when the two figures got up and drew swords, her breath caught in her throat and she choked down a scream.

"Whoever you are, come out now and show yourself." The man said loudly.

Katia pulled her head back quickly as the man began walking around the clearing. <What should I do?> she thought hurriedly. <Should I show myself to them?> the man was moving closer to her hiding place. <I guess I don't have a choice.> she took a deep breath, attempting to slow her pounding heart and calm her racing mind.

"I'm coming out." She called as she put her hands up and stepped out into the clearing. The man and the woman both put their swords away at the sight of her.

The man smiled and took a step towards her. "I am Allen Schezer, Knight of Asturia." He said as he bowed to her. Then he indicated to the woman behind him. "And this is my sister Celena." Celena also bowed and walked up besides her brother. "What is your name miss?" Katia lowered her arms, but before she could answer, the world around her began to spin again and she passed out.

Allen rushed forward and caught her, slowly lowering her to the ground.

"We had better head back to the Crusade brother." Celena said as she knelt down beside Allen and took a closer look at Katia's head. "This cut on her forehead isn't bad, but it does require cleaning."

"You're right Celena." Allen said as he easily lifted Katia into his arms. "It is a good thing that Queen Millerna is with us. She will be able to help this girl until we arrive in Fanelia and can get a healer to look at her."

* * *

Katia slowly started to come to again.

<I hope this isn't going to become a habit.> she thought wearily as she opened her eyes and looked around at her surroundings. The first thing that she realized was that she was now lying in a comfortable bed and covered with a thick blanket. Though, much to her disappointment, it wasn't her own bed back in her and Hitomi's apartment. The next thing she noticed was that there was no more blood running down her face.

"So you're finally awake, huh?" asked a voice from beside her. Katia's eyes widened in surprise as she turned her head to find herself staring into the eyes of a very pretty, blond haired woman. The woman was dressed in a pale pink shirt with white lace around the collar and sleeves, and tight black pants. But even these ordinary clothes couldn't hide her beauty. Katia couldn't find the energy to respond and just continued staring at the woman.

The woman got up and gracefully walked to a table at the foot of the bed. She poured something from a pitcher into a glass and came back beside Katia.

"Here, drink this." She said as she held the glass out to her. Katia looked from the glass and back to the woman with a suspicious look. The woman smiled gently at her. "It's just water. I didn't poison it or anything." She said as she put the glass down and helped Katia sit up. Katia's head was hurting terribly; but she was thankful that, at the moment, the world wasn't spinning. She looked suspiciously at the cup that the woman handed her again, but her thirst and dry mouth got the better of her and she drank it down it one gulp.

"Thank you." She said with a slightly raspy voice as she handed the cup back to the woman. The woman smiled at her again and went to put the cup back on the table.

"So," the woman began. "What's your name?"

"Katia. Katia Tsukino. And you are?"

"I'm Millerna Aston, Queen of Asturia."

Katia's face paled considerably and she had the sudden urge to bow to Millerna; though she couldn't understand why, since she had never heard of Asturia before. She tried to stand up, but Millerna rushed forward and pushed her back down onto the bed.

"You should stay in bed Katia. I don't want that wound in your head to open up again. Although it's not deep and didn't require any stitches, it is in a place that bleeds a large amount. Your body may go into shock if you lose anymore blood, and I'm not sure if you would be able make it to Fanelia if that happened." Millerna said as she sat down on the edge of the bed.

Katia looked at Millerna with wide eyes. "Huh? What the heck is 'Fanelia'? And what is 'Asturia'? Actually, never mind that, what in the world is this place…" but Katia's eyes had traveled to the window besides her bed. And what she saw there shocked her beyond all reason. "Earth…the moon…WHAT THE HELL?! Why can I see the Earth and the moon?!"

Before Millerna could stop her, Katia had leapt out of bed and ran to the window.

<This isn't possible…this has to be a dream.> She looked at Millerna with pleading eyes. "Where am I?" Millerna got up and slowly started to walk towards Katia.

"You are on the planet Gaea. A world that is hidden from the Earth, as you call it." Katia's eyes filled with tears as she looked back at the Earth. Then she looked back at Millerna and appeared to be about to faint. But as soon as Millerna got close to her, she pushed her onto the bed and ran as fast as she could out of the room.

"NO!" Millerna shouted as she quickly pulled herself up and ran after Katia. "Wait Katia! Come back! Let me explain!" But Katia didn't stop, turn around, slow down, or even acknowledge the she had heard Millerna. She just kept on running. Millerna ran over to one of the speakers that was connected with the bridge.

"Allen, Gaddess, Celena, anyone! The girl has taken off and is heading for the hanger bay!"

Celena's slightly panicked voice responded almost instantly. "Allen and Gaddes are on their way Majesty. They will meet you there."

* * *

Katia just kept on running as fast as she could. She had absolutely no idea where she was going; all she knew was that she had to escape. Had to get away from this place.

<This is crazy! These people are all crazy! They must have kidnapped Hitomi and me and drugged us. Yeah, that's probably it.>

She had reached what looked like a hanger bay. In one corner stood what looked like a giant Mech. Katia stopped and stared at it in awe for a moment before she heard footsteps coming up behind her. She turned and saw Allen, Millerna, and a man she didn't know run into the hanger bay and rush towards her.

She turned around and ran towards hanger bay doors, which began to open as she drew near.

"No! Katia wait!" Millerna shouted.

Katia stared at the lush green forests below her and could make out mountains fading into the distance.

She sensed someone approaching her from behind. "Take one more step and I'll jump! Do you hear me?! Stay away!"

The footsteps immediately stopped. "It's okay miss, I'm not going to hurt you. Just please, step away from the ledge." Katia recognized Allen's voice. Tears began to well up in her eyes and fall down her cheeks as her gaze traveled back to the Earth.

"What is this place? A world where the Earth and the moon hang in the sky, but can't be seen from Earth." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Yes, this is Gaea. And I know that this is all a huge shock for you, but if you'll just let us explain, I'm sure we can help you." His voice was pleading and there was an unmistakable note of fear in it.

Katia turned around to face him. Her face was unreadable, but tears were still streaming down her face. "Is this all a dream, or is it real?" But before Allen had the chance to answer, a humourless smile spread across her face as she folded her arms across her chest. "Guess I'll find out." And she leaned backwards, letting herself fall out of the hanger.

"NO!!" Millerna screamed as she rushed forward to where Allen was standing. Allen turned quickly around and held Millerna back, not wanting her to watch Katia's rapidly descending form. The expression on his face quickly changed from one of shock to one of grim determination as he let go of Millerna and sprinted towards his Melef, Scherazade, which was docked in the corner of the hanger. But Gaddess stepped in front of him and bared his way.

"Commander, you can't!"

"Get out of the way Gaddess! If I don't catch her, she'll die!" Allen shouted as he tried to push him out of the way, but Gaddess wouldn't budge.

"She'll die even if you catch her with Scherazade. Only she will be taking you with her. Scherazade can't fly Commander! You'll both die as soon as you hit the ground!"

Allen's resolve fell and he nodded his head. As much as he hated to admit it, Gaddess was right, the fall would not only kill the girl, Millerna had called her Katia, but it would kill him as well.

Millerna's knees gave out and she fell to the floor, silent sobs raking her body.

<She must have been so frightened!> she thought to herself as she let her tears flow down her cheeks. <I should have tried to explain things to her sooner.> her sobs doubled in intensity and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut, trying in vain to slow the flow of her tears.

She didn't react as Allen sat beside her and gathered her into his arms, holding her tightly as she continued to let out her grief. No tears fell down his cheeks nor did any sobs shake his body. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his queen tighter. For once in his life, Allen Schezer was completely speechless and helpless. And it was not a feeling he liked in the least.

* * *

Katia felt exhilarated as she continued free falling. The wind rushing passed her face and blowing her hair back is like nothing she has ever felt before. She rolled over in the air and opened her eyes, watching the ground rush towards her.

<I wonder why I feel so calm? If this place is real, I've just committed suicide by jumping out of that hanger. Yet I couldn't care less.>

She was almost level with the treetops when a sharp pain coursed through her shoulders and down her back. She squeezed her eyes shut, screaming in pain. But just as suddenly as it came, the pain disappeared. Katia cautiously opened her eyes, not really knowing what to expect. However, what she found was the last thing she would have ever expected. She was no longer level with the treetops; in fact she had gained altitude!

<How in the…> She looked behind her and went numb in disbelief. Two pure white feather wings had sprouted from her shoulders and were now carrying her back up towards the airship.

<Wings?! I have wings?! How can this be?!> She cautiously tried flapping her wings, realizing that she could actually fly, not just glide on the air currents.

<This is unbelievable…> She flapped her wings again, the action coming surprisingly easy to her, and made her way back up towards the airship that she had jumped from moments ago.

The heels of her boots make a soft noise as she touches down on the exact spot she'd jumped from. Allen, hearing the click of her boots, looks up at her. His breath catches in his throat at what he sees. Millerna whirls around to see what he is looking at and nearly faints.

Katia, her face completely emotionless and pale, looks down at Allen and Millerna.

"I think I'm ready to hear your explanations now."