Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ Only A Matter Of Time ❯ Chappi 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hitomi: pats pure hope's back: there, there it's ok maybe one day
Pure hope: Hopefully XD
Tears of a king
Van sat there clutching Merle's hand as the disease took away her life. She was coughing madly her skin shaking as her body jolted forward with each cough. The skin that use to be vibrant and healthy hung off her bony face.
This was it.
She was going to leave him in a matter of seconds and never return. Tears slid down Van's face
Van whipped them roughly away. He was a king he needed to be strong for Merle and for Fanalia and for his people. But it was just so damn hard.
Another tear falls
Merle was always there for him
Another tear falls
Merle was his best friend
Another tear falls
Merle was the last of his family
The Fanalian king sniffled (must stop self from screaming KAWAII! Whoops there it goes). Merle lifted her heavy eye lids
“P-please don't cry Van I will be o-ok” Merle said in a horse whisper as she held on for dear life
“How can you say that you're dying Merle?” Van said a bit too loud
“No Van I will see you in what ever is beyond this life” Merle said tears welling in her eyes
“Merle I-im so sorry” Van said as he hugged Merle
“G-good bye V-Van” Merle said as she was taken by a powerful wave of pain and went limp in Van's arms her organs and blood and tissue all disappearing only leaving a skeleton with skin that sinked into the gaps between the bones.
“G-good bye Merle” Van said and whispered “Out of time”
A girl no wait a woman well 2 and an 18 year old boy ran down the streets of New York to the New York Palace Hotel receiving glares from passersby.
“It's Time” ran thru Hitomi's mind as they entered the apartment/hotel
“Mamoru close the blinds” Hitomi said as she ran into her room as Mamoru closed the blinds and Yukari cleared the sitting area.
Hitomi immerged from her room in white priestess robes with red trimming. Hitomi took out a piece of chalk and drew a strange magical symbol in the floor and sat down on her legs in a meditating stance and a blue, green, red, and white balls of pure energy floated around her.
To Hitomi the walls around her broke away and she was left floating in pure white and she started to disappear.
Van sat there tears fully streaming down his face drooping on the mattress next to a pile of dust that use to be a one Merle Fanel. In the corner of his eye he saw sparkles in the dark corner of the room (o.O). Suddenly they made the silhouette of a woman. `Wait a minute that's not any woman that's'
“H-Hitomi?” Van whispered in a horse voice but was given no reply only silence as Hitomi walked to the foot of the bed and raised her hand to her chest.
“Power of the stars these are the in proper killings being taken forth I demand rebirth of these victims before I take matters into my own hands” Hitomi said her mystic voice bouncing off the walls but nothing happened.
“Alright then” Hitomi said with a smile on her face
“Hitomi what are you talking about?” Van said as a crystal in the shape of a heart appeared in Hitomi's hands and she raised it above her head
“I call above the powers of the Universe help me fix this in justice” Hitomi whispered and a HUGE power erupted from Hitomi's hands and spread across Gaea surrounding the soon to be and current dead and raising them all in the air including Merle's dust (Heh, Heh) and brought them back to life. Reversing the whole process. Now a fully healthy Merle lay in the bed looking around in shock.
“What happened?!?” Merle shouted
“Don't worry miss kitty cat you where just brought back to life” Hitomi smirked her voice dripping with amusement. Merle looked up to see Hitomi standing there looking like a goddess.
“HITOMI” Merle shouted and jumped at her to hug her but fell rite thru her
“What the-.” Merle said as she rubbed her head which she landed on.
“Im sorry Merle im only an illusion” Hitomi said as she passed her hand thru the bed post and looked at Van and smiled sweetly
“Hello Van” Hitomi said softly
“H-hello Hitomi” Van stuttered a tiny bit and blushed making Hitomi's smile widen `Im happy Yukari isn't here or she would be shouting kawaii Heh' Hitomi though sweat dropping and snapped out of it to see Merle and Van looking at her with concern making her laugh nervously.
“Anyway im sorry but I have to go this is taking a lot of power out of me” Hitomi said stepping back
“NO!!!” Merle and Van shouted at the same time making Van blush madly and Merle turn red with anger
“You CAN'T leave you can't leave lord Van AGAIN Hitomi” Merle said stared at her meanly which made Hitomi smirk secretly.
“Don't worry you will see me for real soon enough” Hitomi said and started to disappear
“Don't worry Van you will soon” Hitomi said locking gazes with his until she went completely.
“I will keep you to the Kanzaki” Merle shouted at thin air
“Hitomi” Van whispered as he looked at the same place Hitomi was just in and also where his insane cat sister was shouting at `wait a minute'
“MERLE YOUR ALIVE” Van shouted and hugged the air out of Merle
“Lord….Van….Cant…..Breath” Merle said
Hitomi's eyes flung open and the 4 balls of light disappeared and Hitomi's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she fainted.
“Oh no HITOMI WAKE UP” Yukari shouted shaking Hitomi
“She's stopped breathing” Mamoru said with pure fright in his voice
Pure hope: Ok that's it now here is a little math for you
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