Vision Of Escaflowne Fan Fiction ❯ The Mysteries of Love ❯ Melancholy ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
"I feel as though the world has crashed down around me...I desire your soft hands wrapped
around my frail body...I can't understand why I left so soon...I had just found my own feelings...You mean everything to me and I just...left... My heart beats for you, but with every beat comes a sharp unbearable torture...Everyday I wish I could just see you once more... I feel like my life isn't worth living when your not here... I love you with such abundance... My mind is packed with all the memories...You'll never disappear...Just like I promised...I can't forget you, I won't...Do you still remember me? Last time we talked was a year ago... It's been so long...why won't you answer me? What I am supposed to do with myself? I cry every moment I'm alone... Seeing images of you in my head just makes it even more painful...At night, warm clear drops fall from my mirthless green eyes...So why won't you speak to me? Before I floated away in that heavenly light, you said we could see each other anytime we wanted as long as we thought of each other...Please think of me...I need to see you again...Please Van, just let me know your still my friend."

Hitomi is standing on a beautiful white sandy beach. Everything surrounding her is peaceful. A cool breeze swims through the air blowing through the teary woman's long chestnut hair. The sun not yet risen from that distant point where the soaring sky meets the roaring seas. Hitomi keeps her eyes on that one spot, waiting. Waiting for the magical warmth of the sun to give the Earth back it's life. The sky painted with pinks, yellows and reds while the empyrean clouds float in midair. The clear breathtaking water is just above her ankles and her feet had long ago molded down into the balmy wet sand. She hasn't once missed the sunrise. It was the only time she had to herself. Time to conceive her thoughts for the day. Her face looks older than it used too. Her straight hair well grown down her back. Seventeen is her age. Almost two whole years had gone by since that cruel day of departure. She's no longer wearing her usual school-wear but a short beige t-shirt and blue jeans, rolled up to the knees.

Without any notice the sun suddenly peeks out over the outlying ocean. Gazing courteously at the lonely woman making her tear stained cheeks light up. A small but satisfying smile appears on her face as her eyes close and she takes in a deep passionate breath. Her heart is filled with warmth as the sun gives her one moment of bliss.

Thirty minutes pass and Hitomi watches the sun soar across the sky. She's on vacation with Yukari. They had rented a small cabin right by the sea for the summer.

"Hitomi! There you are! What are you doing out here all alone?" Hitomi doesn't reply. She just keeps staring at the horizon. Her red haired best friend had found out about Van last year. Hitomi spilled out everything in one breath. Yukari didn't know what to think. It was an extraordinary story. At first Yukari thought of it as a ludicrous joke, but soon became to realize the whole thing was in fact true.

"Your thinking about Van again aren't you?! It's been two years Hitomi! You have to get over him. When Amano broke up with me I got over him real fast. I was so mad!" Her eyes become cross and she kicks the sand into the water.

"Damn Amano...Anyway's Hitomi! Your supposed be on vacation! Maybe a swim will cheer you up." Hitomi just shakes her head from side to side. The stubborn red head attempts the idea again but stops when a single tear falls down the brown haired girls cheek.

"Two years Yukari. Two years tomorrow and I haven't heard from him since last year! What if something happened? I don't have my pendant. I can't tell is he's still alive or not!" The two older teens embrace in a friendly hug.

"I'm sure he's just fine. If something had happened, Allen or Merle would have tried to tell you right? Now can you please just attempt to have a good time? I say we go for a good, long boat ride with that cute guy next door!" Hitomi just giggles as the two brake their hug. She quickly wipes the tears from her eyes and smiles.

"Ok Yukari, you win. Lets go, but I'm going to beat you there!" They sprint off to the cabin next to theirs. Hitomi decides to make her friend happy. She had already damaged most of their summer.


"No no no! She's all wrong for Lord Van. Do you really think he wants to marry a snobbish little brat that only cares about money?" A tall cat women screams with her nails out at a short stubby man. Her cute skin tight yellow outfit doesn't match the attitude she always puts on. Her frizzy pink hair has grown well past her mid back. Very beautiful to any cat-man who laid eyes on her.

"That's rather harsh don't you think Lady Merle? I mean, Princess Ilaina isn't so bad. I'm sure King Van will appreciate her beauty and talent." Merle had had it. She knew all those princesses out there weren't right for her 'brother'. Only one person could complete him.

"Talent in what? BEING A SELFISH BABBLING IDIOT?" With that the fat man ran off terrified. Everyone knew better than to upset Merle. Her tail went down to it's normal place and her hair was now somewhat less frizzy. Van had gotten tired of saying "no" a dozen times, so Merle took over for him.

"Thanks Merle. How many is that now?" The black haired man laughed in a amusement while coming out from behind a corner. Between the two of them there must have been over 50 princesses.

Merle just put her hands to her hips while tapping her foot and wagging her tail too and fro.

"Van this isn't a laughing matter. Your going to have to pick someone soon. Fanelia does need a Queen!"

"I have already chosen. You know that Merle." He had now whipped the clever smirk off his face. He could never smile when it came to Hitomi. She wasn't there with him so what was the point?

"You want to marry the girl but your to scared to go get her! She loves you remember! She told you while you were fighting Allen. I don't see why you can't just swoop down there and get her. It's actually very simple you see!" She starts making little drawings in the air with her hands. Showing her king how easy it is to fly from one place to the next. She laughs at her joke but chokes when Van grabs her hands from they're mocking position.

"Merle that was two years ago! She can't still love me! Especially since I haven't been talking to her. Besides it's a lot easier 'drawn' then done. I never told her I loved her back. I would feel awkward if I still love her and she doesn't feel the same way!"

"Well how will you know if you never go ask?"

"I won't know. That's all. I'll just continue turning down princesses for the rest of my loveless boring life." He crosses his arms and smiles at his remark.

"Oh go jump off the balcony!" She storms off and adds one last comment before turning the corner. "I'll never understand men!" Leaving Van alone in the creepy long hallway.

"Two years tomorrow Merle. You can't possibly know what I'm going through." The truth was, Van would give anything to see his beloved again. He would die for Hitomi but he wouldn't be able to stand rejection. He wouldn't be able to hear that one single word from her gentle heart. He would rather be eaten by a dragon. Might as well, that's what the pain of the word 'no,' would feel like.


Later on that evening, Hitomi sits in a cozy little room with her two friends; Yukari and 'the cute guy next door,' Jordan. They're sitting at little wooden table which is covered in playing cards. The room is dimly lit but bright enough to see everything in it. A couple of shelves rest against the walls, full of different books. Jordan is staying with his parents on the lake. He had invited Hitomi and Yukari in because his father and mother had gone out dancing until dawn. Yukari is and had been flirting with the Australian, brown haired boy with bright blue eyes ever since the boat ride, but he had his eyes on Hitomi.

For the third time that night the dazed girl had her mind on other things than the topic of conversation.

"So Jordan. Where are you from? I mean Jordan isn't exactly a Japanese name." Yukari gave him a small wink. She hasn't had a male 'companion' since Amano. She wasn't telling the exact truth about getting over him so fast.

"Well actually, I was born in Australia! You should go there someday. It's actually quite amazing. We have a lot of Roo's down there." Yukari looks puzzled. She has no idea what a Roo is. Jordan notices her muddled face and quickly answeres her question before she can pose it.

"A Roo is what we call Kangaroos where I come from. I only moved here a year ago so I haven't quite lost the abbreviations yet." She quickly gives him a grin and shakes her head.

"Oh no! Don't worry about it! I think it's kind of cute! Don't you think Hitomi?" Her green eyes still fixed on absolutely nothing. She didn't hear her best friends question until she felt a sharp pain go through her leg.

"Ow! Yukari! That hurt! I-I mean, yeah your form A-A.....Oh gosh! I'm sorry. I must have been daydreaming again. Bad habit." Yukari gives her a frustrated look. If eyes could speak they'd say... "Hitomi! Don't mess this one up on me!" But instead of saying what would be an obvious give away of her feelings, she said...

"Australia Hitomi. He's from Australia." Hitomi goes wide eyed all of sudden like she had just been awakened from a deep sleep.

"Your from Asturia? I've been there! It's such a beautiful country. Have you ever been to Fanelia? Or wait, how did you get to Asturia anyway?" He just looks at her with his jaw almost reaching the ground.

"This girl is insane! I wonder why I like her so much...." He thought to himself. Hitomi was just sitting there waiting for answers to pop out of his mouth while the conversation replayed in her mind. No one spoke for about a minute. Jordan still sitting there in shock, Yukari scolding Hitomi in her mind while Hitomi was scolding herself for being so stupid.

"Nice job Hitomi! Make a new friend then scare him off with your crazy dreams. Why do I always do this. Pretty soon Yukari's going to leave me! She's heard enough about all this." She couldn't bring herself to anything out loud. Yukari finally broke the deadly silence.

"Well, Hitomi and I must be going off now. Wayyyyy past our bedtime! We'll see you tomorrow Jordan. Bye!" She quickly said while pulling Hitomi out of the tiny little cottage. She pulls her all the way inside they're tiny little cottage.

"Yukari let me go! Ow! Stop Yukari!" The stubborn red head finally stops yanking Hitomi.

"I really like him Hitomi! You ruined it! Now he thinks we're just some crazy teenagers going around the world talking about places that don't exist!" Tears start to form in Hitomi's pink tired eyes.

"Hitomi! I didn't mean it like that! I know Asturia and Fanelia exist. It's just, well, sometimes I wish you'd just stop talking about it!" Hitomi picks up some shorts and storms in her room. She comes back out a few moments later wearing the shorts and heads for the door.

"Where are you going Hitomi? It's almost ten o'clock!"

"I'm going for a run!" She answeres in an aggravated raspy voice. Yukari decides to just let it be. Hitomi always goes for a run when she's feeling down. After coming back form Gaea, she hadn't given up track. She still loved it just as much as before. Actually she strived more and worked harder. She had many times beaten the thirteen seconds she had so long ago tried to surpass.


"What a day...building, building and more building. Oh well, Fanelia is finally almost finished. I just wish she was here to see it with me." Van takes a long sigh before speaking again.

"What am I doing? I can't keep going like this! I'm going to rot with depression. I just have to accept she's not coming back. Sure she loved me....She could still love me...I should talk to her. I need to ask her if she does." He grabs the pendant that's strung around his neck and closes his eyes tight.

"No. I can't. Well, I should get some sleep. I'll try again tomorrow."


It's now around one o'clock. The night is chilly but Hitomi didn't care. She just kept running. Her face red from exhaustion and her chest starting to burn from the long distance she had been running. She finally stopped to catch her breath. All around her were trees. Tall trees, fat trees, abridged trees and scraggy trees. It somehow looks familiar but it couldn't be. This was her first time at the lake. She just shrugged it off and decided that lots of forest look alike.

"I should get back it's getting late. I'll walk, I've had enough weariness for the day." She didn't notice the two moons looking down on her from above.